Naruto: Apples and Cinnamon

Chapter 4: A Nightmare in Ponyville

The orange hue of the sky reflected in her light magenta eyes. The sight was beautiful to her, it was also the moment that her eyelids became heavy, and she knew it was almost time for her sister to raise the moon. She needed her beauty sleep.

The stars were beginning to become visible, but as she continued to stare, she noticed something strange. The stars weren't natural. There was magic in the air, faint, but there. They were appearing in the sky faster than she ever saw before.

She thought it was strange. Like the sky was painting a mural. She knew many creatures in the world that could pull such a thing, so it was possible. From her position, she could see all of Ponyville. She could practically feel the happiness radiating from her subjects. But it seemed like the stars could also feel it. They moved, unnaturally. Six stars shone brightly. Together, they formed a larger star.

Then it happened.

All six shot off. She was prepared to defend her subjects when she saw one headed towards Ponyville. Her horn glowed as she prepared to erect a shield. She felt something from the star. A type of calmness, and no sign of malice.

"Discord," she whispered. She couldn't explain it, but that name just popped out. There was no malice from Discord either, and there was the other thing...

His statue was missing. Not a sign it was even there. Well, there was a sign. Somepony took the remaining chunks of stone and made a strange statue. It looked like some type of wolf or fox. But, sensing no malice or hatred, she decided there was no use worrying anypony.

Smoke and dust flew up as the object struck somewhere in the Everfree forest.


She ran as if Nightmare Moon was on her flank. Her small wings flapped, but she still couldn't fly. Not even with fear coursing through her veins, could she fly. At this rate, she wouldn't be surprised if a cutie mark appeared. Would it be a skull? A chicken? With her heartbeat beating loudly in her ears, she was forced to ditch those thoughts in favor of the present.

Scootaloo leapt over a fallen tree. Like she would fall for that one twice. The darkness that surrounded her was as thick as a fog. She could barely see her own hoof, let alone anything else. But in that darkness, crimson eyes glowed. She passed it off as her wild and vivid imagination playing tricks on her. But, then how could she explain the hollow laugh?

Her coat turned white. The two red eyes soon became six. Then, hooves were heard. Pounding and pounding on the ground. She knew that whatever it was, was gaining on her. How many were they? Eight?



Her pale coat was stained with grass and splashes of mud. Breaking from the thick foliage, she noticed that she was near the edge of the Everfree forest. No sign of her friends, anywhere. Or anypony else. The growl that came next sent a shiver down her spine. Like many foals in Ponyville, she was told stories of what lurks in the forest. Although, perhaps Rainbow Dash exaggerated some stuff. Right?

Please don't eat me! Please don't eat me!, became her mantra. And like anypony would do in her position. She high tailed it out of there! But as she ran, she made the mistake of closing her eyes, and failed to see another fallen tree trunk.

She gasped. Her face splashed down into a puddle of mud. She hoped it was mud. The sound of hooves slowed. She was afraid to even turn that way, but she did. And what she saw made her freeze. The figure was cloaked in shadows. It had several tails that swayed back and forth in a hypnotic fashion.

And as the creature launched at her, the world began to swirl.

"Poke. Poke." She recognized that voice... Apple Bloom. "Pokity poke.'

And as she came back to the waking world, she found herself in the CMC clubhouse.

"Hey, Naruto, what was that present Zecora gave you?" Sweetie Belle asked. Looking around, Scootaloo took notice that Naruto was on his back, looking up at the ceiling. Ever since his birthday, Apple Bloom had a tendency to drag him to their clubhouse. She didn't know why. If she had to guess, it was to either annoy him... or save him from her sister.

"That? S-e-c-r-e-t." Naruto laughed. In reality, Zecora gave him a set of recipes. Including a recipe for a stink bomb that would even make the Princesses faint.

Sweetie Belle only huffed in response. Scootaloo held in a laugh. It seemed like Naruto liked to get under everypony's skin. Apple Bloom was still next to her, gently prodding her with her hoof. Wide smile on her face.

"How long was I out?" she managed to ask.

"Ten minutes," Apple Bloom replied. " screamed my name."

She turned away with a slight blush. The dream felt more real than any that she had before. Even more real than the one she had where she and Rainbow Dash entered a flying competition. She was so close to winning, only for somepony to poke her awake.

"So," she tried to change the subject, before they could ask about her dream. "It's almost Nightmare Night. What are you guys going as? I might go as Darth Saber!"

The girls laughed at that. Apple Bloom placed her hooves on Scootaloo's head as she threw her answer out there. "A Ninja! No, Samurai! A Ninjamurai!" Naruto smiled at that. Maybe he should regale her with some more tales. "What about you, Naruto? Something scary?"

A Timber Wolf? A werepony?" Scootaloo said. As the girls kept throwing out several suggestions, they got closer and closer to him.

"Something handsome?" Sweetie Belle quickly waved her hooves when that slipped out.

"Maybe Princess Celestia? Oooh, dress as Pinkie!" he had no idea why Apple Bloom said that. Did she see him use Sexy Jutsu? Or did Zecora say something?

"Definitely something perverted." Scootaloo said. Her lips curved into a grin.

He raised a brow at that. It wasn't actually far from the truth. "My old teacher."

"Who was he?" Apple Bloom asked. Naruto mentioned several teachers before, but he never actually went into detail about them, not even when he was telling one of his stories.

"Somepony perverted," he replied. He smiled at their looks, which widened as Scootaloo laughed loudly.

"I knew it!"


Dreams. They are a way to convey our deepest feelings while we sleep. From love, to fear, to eating all the sweets and candy in the world! No, the universe!

"I don't understand it. How can you get a toothache from a dream?" Twilight said in disbelief. Using her magic, she hovered a book on dreams in front of her.

"I'm not sure," Pinkie said. "It started with Naruto inviting me to his place, which was actually the Princesses castle, only orange. Then he offered me some Cake. Pumpkin with a hint of apple and some cinnamon. Next thing I know, I ate thirty of them!"

Pumpkin-apple cake? She wrinkled her nose, wonder what that would taste like. Similar to my dream. A book on magic. I've never seen it before, and inside was detailed. Once she woke up, she looked all over her library for it. But there was no sign of it. And that wasn't the only book she read. Maybe Princess Celestia knows.

She made a mental note to send a message to her. The book was called Doorway. What did that mean? She hadn't the foggiest idea. Inside was a mess, but it contained details on stuff she never knew about. There was a spell that could make a gravity field appear around the user. But the main spell that was in there, was something about a doorway to other worlds.

Unlike most dreams, every detail was still fresh in her mind. From the smell of flowers wafting in from the open window, to her coughing from blowing the dust off an old book. Perhaps the book was a memory of something she read as a foal and her subconscious was just now bringing it up.

Could this be what happened with Applejack? The reason why she was so exhausted? Well, she had an idea about that though, which involved a certain stallion. It was Nightmare Night, and Princess Luna would be arriving soon. Luna's duty involved guarding dreams. She thought it might be her doing, but she doubted Luna had any involvement. Her mind drifted back to the other book she read in her dream.

Gypsy Nina?

No, Gutsy Ninja. And the strange thing was that the main character was named Naruto. The book didn't have anything to do with magic, but she felt drawn to it. There was no pony. Instead, it was filled with strange creatures.

"Hello? Equestria to Twilight!" Pinkie exclaimed. Her hoof moved rapidly before Twilight's eyes.

"Huh? Oh, Pinkie," she returned the book to its place on the bookshelf. "It's probably nothing."

"Come on!" Pinkie yelled, heading for the door. "Let's see what Naruto and Applejack are up too."

"Aren't they preparing for the festivities tonight?"


When Pinkie and Twilight walked into her domain, Applejack smiled. She was actually just about to wake Naruto, then go finishing up an Apple Bobbing stand they set up. Naruto also decided to set up his own stand, not that she had any idea what it was. The stallion was up early, with his clones, helping out. But in order to stay awake into the night, he took a nap while his clones kept on working.

Speaking of Naruto, she was starting to feel a lot better around him. She was wrong about him. He wasn't the ruffian she thought he was. Well, she did still have urges to tie him to a tree and leave him there. Kinda like that dream she had last night. Naruto was tied to a tree with sap poured all over his fur, making him sticky. Then she took a lick...

Her eyes widened when memories of the dream flooded her mind. Luckily, she was saved by Pinkie.

"Another nightmare? Or, something else?" Okay, maybe saved wasn't the right word. And what was up with that wink?

"Worse," she whispered, but was careful not to reveal her blush. And upon looking at Pinkie, she gulped. Pinkie licked a caramel apple. Oh, Celestia...

"Say, where's Naruto? Wasn't he suppose to be helping you?" Twilight asked. There was no sign of him anywhere, and Ponyville wasn't on fire. That was a good sign, right?

"In the barn," she answered, with a nod in the direction of said barn.

"Why there?" Twilight asked, but not expecting the answer she received.

"He likes it. He refused to stay at any other vacant room. Not even Rarity's place." She honestly felt, how to put it, weird when Rarity offered. She released a sigh of relief when Naruto politely turned her down. When asked why, he told Rarity that it just didn't feel like... home. But A.J. knew the truth, he was afraid one day, he would wake up wearing a dress.

"Maybe if Cheerilee offered," Twilight joked, but the blush on Applejack's face confirmed her original suspicions. She may not be experienced in that department, which was Rarity's, but with all the books she read, she had a good grasp on it.

It was actually midday, and the sun was blazing overhead. They wondered why Naruto would be asleep at this time. He was usually up and about, and annoying everypony. But with everypony preparing for the festivities, Twilight guessed he was up all morning helping, or maybe he was up all night with excitement.

As they continued to talk, the conversation drifted into Pinkie asking if she and Naruto had a sleepover, much to Applejack's embarrassment. It was an innocent question, but A.J. and Twilight took it a different way. She was confused at the blush A.J. sported.

Once they reached the barn, strange voices were heard. And the door was cracked, so somepony could be in there. Or maybe Naruto summoned his clones like usual.

"He was alone a few minutes ago," Applejack said, then slowly turned to Twilight. "N-not like I was in there, or anything!"

"If only Rarity were here," Twilight teased. She didn't know why she did it, but it felt fun.

"Huh? Sleepover!" Pinkie sprung into action. She bounced a few times, then was about to launch through the cracked door.

"Whoa, there!" Applejack was quick to grab Pinkie and yanked her backwards. "Ever hear of privacy?

Despite her saying that, the three leaned closer to the door. But what they heard next sent chills down their spines and blushes grew.

"Oh, yeah. So... good! D-don't stop..." Naruto moaned. Applejack's eye twitched. "S-slow down... I'm not even sure it'll fit." Twilight gulped, while A.J. blushed. Pinkie meanwhile, had a thoughtful expression attached to her face. "More..."

After what seemed like five minutes, a beat red Applejack had enough. She exploded through the barn door, both hooves spread wide on each door. "Naruto!" She froze when she saw who he was with.

"...ramen," Naruto drooled, then rolled over in his sleep. "Tastes so good." One eye slowly blinked open, which took in the three figures. "Um... yo?


Fluttershy was in a panic. No, not just a panic. An intense fear that burned more brightly than the sun! It was Nightmare Night, and she just knew that Twilight would come and drag her away from the warmth of her home. She couldn't have that! That was worse than... than...

...the monsters that might show up asking for a treat. Or else they might give her a trick instead!

She was borderline hyperventilating now. Breathing in, breathing out, in, out. Her pet bunny, Angel, stared at her, as if he was watching some drama on TV. All he needed was some popcorn.

"Oh, my," she mumbled. She was running around her place on a mission. To find a good costume for Nightmare Night. She never really dressed up before. In a costume, that is. What would be good to wear? But what if Luna showed up? What if she was left alone with Luna? Or worse, Naruto? Those thoughts and more plagued her, until she went back to hyperventilating.

Angel continued to watch. Overthinking, Angel didn't have to say it, it was written all over his face. She was very in-tuned to all of her animal friends, especially Angel. He was a special case. It wasn't accurate all the time, but it was close.

"You're right," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. And when she met Angel's eyes, she saw it. Cute ears, fluffy tail. The answer was right in front of her the entire time.


Applejack looked slightly relieved. They had managed to drag Naruto out of his makeshift bed of hay, and were now walking through town. Naruto tried to avoid eye contact with Applejack. He didn't want to say anything, but in his dream, it was actually the country mare that was serving him ramen. It was kinda strange, normally it was Sakura Haruno that plagued his dreams. Something pink.

He took a look at Pinkie, who was walking a few feet ahead of him. He caught himself staring, then quickly distracted himself by looking at the scenery around him. Everypony was chattering happily and working together to set up stalls, games and other activities. He chuckled when he caught sight of Mayor Mare in a witches outfit, shouting out orders. He hadn't had too much contact with her, but she does give him a kind smile every now and then.

His mind flashed to his village, Konoha. Seeing everyone, everypony, working together, he couldn't help but wonder about his old home. His mind flipped through pictures of his old friends, then they stopped on Discord. He didn't know why.

"I also brought you a little something," he told the young stallion slash ninja. Discord bounded around on the wall, looking like a 2D painting. "You'd have to wait a few days though. It'll be a delight."

It's been days, and yet, no present.

Naruto sighed. "I hope it's a way home. Not that I don't like it here," he watched the girls clean up the place. "I love it. But I-" He didn't know what he felt. It was as if he was torn in two.

"Only Celestia could send you back, probably. No one really knows for sure." Discord told him, but something deep in his gut told him there was something else behind those yellow eyes. "There are many worlds out there. Maybe you were brought here for a special reason. What that reason is, who knows?"

Reason, Naruto thought. He even asked Zecora about finding a way home, but she didn't have the answers.

"So, I may not be able to go home?" he asked her.

"For a way home, do not fret. Something turning up is a strong bet." was her reply. But to him, it sounded more like, "Don't be sad. Just go with the flow."

"Naruto, what in Celestia's name is that?" Coming back to the present, he saw what surprised her. Right next to the apple bobbing stand, stood another. Several paper objects stood, scattered all over a blue background. Each object had a bullseye on them. Near the logo which said, Nagareboshi, was a strange looking star.

Naruto suddenly appeared before the girls, a sheepish expression flashed across his face before a grin grew.

"I present to you, a Ninja Simulation!" He smiled, extending both arms in a presenting way. He had more than enough material left over from the apple stand, including some paint that just happened to be laying nearby. The apple bobbing stand was pretty much just a large bucket of water with a few apples floating in it. He just now took notice that the stand had a lopsided banner, and hoped that A.J. wouldn't spot it.

"How does this work exactly? What's the objective?" Twilight asked, spotting the five wooden star-like objects.

"That's easy!" He had to hold his tongue for a brief second, he was about to explain the concept of apple bobbing. He had that in his world, and no one could ever best Chouji at it. He plucked one of the objects from the stand. It felt strange holding it in his hoof, but for some unknown reason, he could actually grab things.

Was physics even the same in this world?

He did put a lot of thought into that question, but decided to throw it out the window. Pinkie defied gravity every single day. With a smile, he threw the object. And smiled in satisfaction as it clipped one of the targets, hit the wooden beam in the back, then landed on the ground near his hoof. It wasn't perfect, and he reminded himself that he needed to practice other stuff than chakra related ones.

Using her magic, Twilight lifted the fallen star. "What does Na... gare... boshi mean?" He smiled as she tried to pronounce it.

"Shooting star," he said with a beaming smile.

I should've guessed, Twilight thought to herself. With a smile, she threw the star with all her might. With magic residue trailing behind it, it actually did look like a shooting star. Her smile widened as it ripped through the target and struck blue background, where it stayed.

"Wow. Actually pretty... meritorious." Twilight said.

The word, quite literally, flew over Naruto's head. Turning to Applejack, she answered his unspoken question with a lopsided smile, which actually matched the one on the stand.

"She means neat," she answered. She decided to play the game, and quickly picked up one of the stars. Nearby, Twilight looked on. She knew that look on A.J.'s face. A look that meant she had already won the game.


Her walk was with purpose. Every step was elegant. She wasn't proud, nor arrogant. Well, perhaps a little, she thought. Who wouldn't when you have a day named after you?

The ponies didn't look at her with fear anymore, but her sensitive ears did catch a few telling those usual stories. How she came out of the darkness to feed on their fear. That was a new one, and technically, not a real stretch from the truth. She didn't feed on fear, no, she fought it. When a pony, or any other creature, a certain dragon and rabbit included, had a bad dream, she helped conquer them.

But lately, she felt something strange over Ponyville. She couldn't quite put her hoof on it.

"Fill up her belly with a treat or two. So she won't return to come eat you." Princess Luna smiled as she heard the last bit of Zecora's tale of Nightmare Moon. The foals were piled around the zebra, each wore a different disguise. She even saw one in a Nightmare Moon costume.

That caused her to frown a little. But she understood the need to dress in a scary costume. She froze in place when an idea came to her. It was demented, well, demented by her standards. She silently made her way behind the foals. Zecora saw her, but continued to answer the questions they threw at her. Some ranged from 'Where is she now?' to 'Does she have a stallion-friend?'

That made Luna nearly trip over herself, but she kept her composure. Her sister, Celestia, even asked that in the most teasing voice she had ever heard. The look in her eyes when she asked that had a tint of evil in them. Or it could've been her imagination.

Once she got into position behind the one called Apple Bloom, who was dressed in a black outfit, she smiled to herself. Then, in her perfect Royal Canterlot Voice, she whispered a simple little word.


It wasn't loud, nor was it quiet. She smiled as everything froze mid question. Then, the foals screamed and completely vanished from sight. All that was left was pieces of their costumes, and a trail of dust.

Zecora only smiled. She knew why she did that. Even she thought of doing that more than on a few occasions. It seemed like her friend was infecting the populace.

Luna walked away, beaming with mischief. She shared a smile with Zecora before continuing on with her stroll. Perhaps there was another group of foals that needed a good scaring.


Just like he told the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Naruto was dressed like his old mentor. His headband covered his left eye, a mask covering the lower half of his face, and a bored and lazy expression on his face. In his jacket pocket was an orange book. It appeared to be painted in, or stitched on, but upon closer inspection, it's real.

Despite growing closer to everypony, he still felt out of place. Not like he doesn't belong, but more like intruding.

All of his new friends were gathered around him, each in a costume. The Cutie Mark Crusaders were absent. He saw them running away like they had just seen a ghost. He didn't ask. He was kinda upset he didn't get a chance to scare them. He had it all planned out. He would sneak up behind them. Getting closer, and closer, then, he would whisper 'boo' into their ears.

"Argh!" Pinkie growled. In her hoof was a sword, which she pressed against Naruto's flank. Instead of stabbing him, the sword bent. She wore a pirate hat, complete with a skull, pony or something else, he didn't know. Like him, she also had something covering her left eye. An eyepatch.

She looked fierce with that sword, and strangely cute with that wacky smirk. She was like the opposite of Applejack, who was wrapped head to hoof in bandages. She was either a nurse, a wounded soldier, or a mummy. He was leaning to the latter. She looked oddly cute in the costume, and very fierce with that smirk. When he first saw her, she wore an uncomfortable and nervous expression, but with everypony now gathered around, he saw that she was her usual self.

"Walk the plank! Argh!" Pinkie poked again. He knew a bruise would be forming soon.

Cute, he thought, meeting A.J.'s eyes. His mind flashed back to their little pie fight.


He figured Pinkie was probably upset she wasn't really involved with it. He made a mental note to throw a pie at her face the next chance he got.

Rainbow Dash was dressed like a Wonderbolt. She did a few poses and aerial maneuvers when she first arrived. He didn't know much about the Wonderbolts, but from Dash's exclamations and admiration of them, he was curious to see them in action.

Rarity on the other hoof was in a simple costume. A light purple dress that shone in the moonlight. She was some type of Princess, he thought with a shrug. Could be her own design, something new. At least he wasn't the model for that one.

Twilight's costume came as a surprise. He expected her to be dressed as a magician or even a Princess. Instead, she resembled the covers of that Daring Do book. He didn't realize Twilight was a fan. The helmet was slightly different than in the book though. It looked more regal, almost like a crown.

Holding in a laugh, he examined the small dragon. Or should he say, Dragpire. He shook his head, that didn't sound right. Drag-Fire? Count Dragonshire? Indeed, the small dragon was dressed like a vampire. Well, he had the fake fangs in his mouth and a cloak on at least. He figured Spike would be dressed like a Royal Guard. Royal Guard Spike. He did have that dopey look glued to his face when he looked to Rarity.

"I still say he'd look better with sparkles," Rarity said.

"Come on, Rarity. Real vampires don't sparkle." Rainbow argued. He would say he agreed with her, but he didn't want Rarity to force him to model again. He liked talking to her, but sometimes she got a tad carried away with her designs.

A Princess and her non-sparkling vampire dragon. Would make a nice book, if he'd say so himself.

And then there was a certain shy little pony. She was still slightly nervous around him, so much so, he was starting to have deja vu. Her costume was a tad too... simple.

Ears? He had thought when she first arrived. She seemed kinda scared and nervous, like something was about to eat her. Two bunny ears flopped down on her head. The light pink color of them almost matched her mane.

He smiled, it was also kinda cute. If Sakura, or worse, Ino were in Ponyville, he could only imagine all the glomping and screams of 'So cute!'

Music suddenly erupted throughout town, nearly scaring him to death. But a smile graced his face, despite his rapidly beating heart. Means the festivities had just began. From what he heard, the music was actually being handled by a DJ from Canterlot. He had no idea what a DJ was, but thankfully, he had Pinkie Pie to explain it, after a few more pokes.

"They are the key to a peeerfeeect par—tay! Once you hear the beat, you can't help but to shake it!"

Shake it? He thought, but then, saw her moving her flank back and forth. He even felt his own hoof hit the ground with each beat.

Vinyl Scratch, also known as DJ Pon-3. He hadn't really met her, but he was hoping too. Pebbles on the road vibrated from the bass. He was never a big music guy, but back in his world, music wasn't like that. Taking another glance to Pinkie, he saw her prancing towards where the music originated from.

He wanted to do like her. To make friends with everybody, everypony. A smile lit up his face when he saw people trying out his Nagareboshi game. He was about to show them how a true professional threw, when a bandaged suddenly wrapped around his head, and yanked.

"Come on!" Applejack said with a smile. Naruto shook the bandage from his body and decided to join her. His game could wait a few. The music got louder and louder. His ears were sensitive to it, but he managed to fight it.

"I don't know about this," Naruto mumbled. He didn't even get a chance to go door to door for candy. He never really danced before. No one really showed him. The perverted teacher didn't count. Sakura once tried, but he accidentally touched a tad too low, and well, it didn't end good.

He flinched at the memory. And now, he was in a new body, that he still hasn't broken in yet. And there was something else, something felt off. He couldn't describe it, but it felt like a genjutsu. The thought was wiped from his mind when Applejack began to dance to the beat. Nearby, Pinkie Pie had her party canon, and firing confetti in the air.

His thoughts came to a halt when he felt his mask being lowered, followed by a pair of lips crashing into his.


Luna yawned, which was very unlike her. She never yawned! And where were her favorite ponies? She hadn't seen them since she arrived. And that wasn't all, Ponyville had a different atmosphere around it. Like walls closing in on her.

Something is off, her thoughts trailed. Rainbow hair entered her vision. It was weird, Rainbow Dash wasn't flying or pranking, but walking. She stopped in her steps, letting the Rainbow maned Pegasus walk by her. She was dressed in a Wonderbolt costume, so, was it really that off?

Hearing music, she turned towards the dance floor. Most of the ponies she knew were there. Including Naruto. She knew him, and was sort of friends with him. She didn't realize he finally decided to enter Ponyville. Then she saw Applejack lean forward, and lock lips with him. It was kind of funny, with him wide eyed and shocked. It looked like he fainted, upright, with his eyes opened.

Her eyes narrowed when she felt it. It was like a constant pulse. She recognized it. Magic. It was like a tidal wave. Once she knew what it was, she felt resistance in her limbs. She could hardly move.

Her horn glowed. She knew what she had to do. And with a grunt, she lifted up a hoof. The magic coating her horn glowed even more brightly, almost blinding. Then with some struggle, she slammed her hoof down.

A Shockwave of magic shot out. Her vision was enveloped in a white light.


Naruto shot up from his makeshift bed of hay. He was covered in sweat. And he knew he probably smelled bad, very bad. He licked his lips, and grew a face. It tasted like apples. He gulped, and slowly looked next to him. If he saw blonde hair, apples or even pink, he was prepared to freak out.

He didn't know whether to feel sad or relieved. There was nothing but a pile of hay there.

"Naruto," Applejack yelled, entering the barn. "You awake yet? I need help with my costume." He blushed, if only slightly, when he met her eyes. The bandages on her costume were loose, and dragging the ground. At least it would look authentic that way.

A mummy with a country accent. He found that cute. He immediately had to shake away the oncoming blush before A.J. saw.

"Rarity is busy with Spike at the moment. And I can't find Big Mac or Apple Bloom."

It wasn't deja vu, but it felt close.

"I also brought you a little something. You'd have to wait a few days though. It'll be a delight." He remembered Discord telling him. A late birthday present.

Discord is such a bastard, he thought, shaking his head. He got up, and decided to help his friend with her costume. Grabbing the nearest bandage with his mouth, he wondered how the whole night would play out. And what was Discord's role?


Not sure if I mentioned it before, but because I'm a huge Utada Hikaru fan, the title of the story was inspired by her song, Apple and Cinnamon. But Apples seemed to fit better. I meant to post several chapters for Halloween and Christmas, but things got in the way. From writing an original novel to several new MLP stories. Also, I'm hoping to post a Persona story soon, and have Naruto paired with someone surprising.

I actually deleted several scenes. When Scootaloo was running through the forest, it was originally Naruto chasing her instead of a dream. But it just seemed a too cruel. Also, Nagareboshi was the name of my original Naruto sci-fi mech story I once wrote.

Next Arc: Action, adventure, romance! Rainbow Dash takes center stage! A female from the Shinobi world makes her debut... as Dash's future love interest!