Chapter 14
'I know I should have told Pepper, or somebody about the nightmares. It's just you know. I thought I didn't need to. If I had it probably would have ended differently. You know not losing my mind and threatening to jump off my building. I wouldn't be talking to a therapist. I wouldn't have the press.'
Tony gestured in front of him.
'I wouldn't have the press following me around all the time, it's been what. Two months now and still they follow me around asking 'why did I do it?' or 'Are you going to me Iron Man anymore,' or stuff like 'You're not stable to be Iron Man anymore' Not stable well ok… I have to admit I did throw myself off a building but I had reasons. I got didn't get up on day and decided. Oh you know what I'll just take a drive off my building and see what happens when I hit the ground. So I came here to tell you why I did it.
I did it because well… you know why by now any. But let me put it in short for you. Like I had said. I couldn't deal with it. The nightmares, the panic attacks, the endless nights not sleeping and just in my lab working my head off. Or getting drunk… Well I don't regret alcohol but yeah you know where am coming from.
I couldn't deal with the nightmares of … my father Howard. Non off you know this but I didn't really have… what you would call a great childhood.'
Tony sighed.
'It just all built up inside me and even though I told myself I wasn't going to break and then I finally did. Even after I threw myself off the building and Spangles caught me. Sorry… his name is Steve not spangles.
Tony looked over to Steve and smiled when he saw Steve chuckled.
Anyway… Even after that whole thing I still believe that I was fine until I realised I wasn't, which was two weeks later.
I mean everyone put the hope on me to save the New York from that missile last year and save the world from a full on alien invasion. It would have been cool to grab hold of one of them aliens and get a proper look but they didn't let me. Shame right. I really did want to get hold of them and look at them. The texture of their skin and everything. Anyway am going off point.
You came here to listen to my story and well now you have it.
All of it. The side of me no one really knew. Not really even myself. I kept it that locked up, even I began to ignore it, which was pretty bad since it came to that.
So, for the pasted two months I've been going to a therapist. Which I hate but am going anyway… well because Pepper is forcing my to. And Brucie… And Spangles. Well all of them are really. If I miss one… One little one. They all come running down to my lab and ask me why I didn't go… Normal it's because I don't want to go, but I tell them it's because I'm too busy with working on something or I fell asleep. The falling asleep reason is something they never believe since I don't just go to sleep… I just stay up all the time… which is bad for me, apparently. Well that's what why all say.'
Tony said pointing the Avengers and Pepper who sat on a row of chairs against the side wall. To Tony's left. Tony looked and shuffled him feet. He looked back up and sighed again. He felt like he was doing a lot of sighing today. Anyway… he shook his head and began again.
'SOOOOOO…. I did it. I'm here now talking to you. I've told you my story well, most of it anyway. I guess you already know most of my story anyway without me telling you.
I guess I finally decided to do this yesterday. I need to change my life around again. Like after I change for Pepper and stopped being a Playboy. I mean I still say it. Genius, billionaire, ex-playboy, philanthropist doesn't really sound the same.
So yeah that was my story, well my story up to here. You got all that wrote it all down. Yeah, I thought you would. You wouldn't stop scribbling on your little note pad while I was talking to you or getting another bloddly recorder out because I talk to dam much right,'
Tony looked around him. Camera's pointing at him as he talked.
'Anyway… erm… thanks for listening to story. I know you are all going to have a great ay rise now that I have told you everything. So, go get publishing,' Tony said. He stepped back from the speaking podium. He sighed and ruffled his hand through his hair. He looked at the press as their camera's started to flash. He blinked and shook his head. He stepped down. He walked over to the Avengers and Pepper. The press where shouting questions.
'Stark, over her!'
'What about Iron Man,' One of the reporters shouted. He turned around and looked at them. They died down. He sighed.
'I'm Iron Man and no-one, no-one can ever take that every from me. Because guess what… I am Iron Man,' Tony said and walked out of the room. The Avengers and Pepper followed after him. Tony pulled his glasses back on his eyes, as a couple of tears threated to roll down his check. He walked to the car and got in. Pepper in the passenger's seat and Steve and Bruce in the back. He drove off and handed back to the Tower. He sighed and drove fast back to the tower. He wanted…needed a drink.
'Hey Bruce can I have my scotch back now?' Tony asked and looked at Bruce through the rear-view mirror. Bruce chuckled.
'I never hid it,' Bruce said. Tony frowned.
'What you taking about man?' Tony asked. He looked at Bruce in confusion.
'I never hid it. I took your scotch and put it in your lab fridge. You never saw it.' Bruce smiled. 'You must have known somewhere in your mind that you didn't need it and never registered the scotch, that was there in plain sight,' Bruce said.
'Uh,' Tony said and looked back at the road. He didn't need it. It was there in plain sight but he didn't go for it. Why? He always needed his alcohol. Maybe he didn't really needed it, he just drank because he could. Tony sighed and his thoughts drifted back to the press conference. He said asked Pepper to arrange one and he asked her to be there. She said she would come for support. What Tony didn't know was that Pepper had asked the Avengers to come too. He had walked into the room full of the press and saw them all sat on the chairs next to the wall. He smiled at them. He mentally thank Pepper for it. Sadly…
Tony knew that even after all of this…
Tony knew he would break. Tony always at the end will break and fall. He would then pick himself back up again and move on with his life. With the help from his friends this time Tony could move on faster and hopefully never go back to that place again.
Tony would break…
Hiya guys, well that's it. i have loved writing this story i'm am gunna miss it. Love you all, if you liked this story then please check out my other one i'm working on at the moment, it's called Pains of Family, see if you like it. I love you all so much and thank you all for the reviews and follows, GOODBYE! xx