Disclaimer: I don't own yugioh in any forum and I don't earn any money from this.
Since this is the fist chapter I will tell you that I am doing the stories of the yugioh archetypes and other cards in the style of the Master Guide so don't exped a deep plot.
All underlined names are names of real Cards.
The Monarch Empire
In ancient times eight mighty beings descend onto the world. Composed of vast elemental power and all possessing wisdom that dwarfed any mortal they soon declared themselves the god kings of the world and began to form a holy empire.
Granmerg the Rock Monarch was the strongest of the monarchs who rules of the desert of the Red Dust in the south east of the empire. with fists of stone he smashed though his enemies traps and defenses. He won his desert kingdom by challenging the guardian god Exxod to combat. By using the Swordsof Concealing LightGranmerg was able to destroy Exxod and take over the desert.
Now in the Temple of the KingsGrnmerg commands all that he surveys. The temple is guarded by Guardian Statues and Moai Interceptor Cannons. In times of need he can call upona proper army of bothDust Knights andGogo Giants and Golems.
When Granmerg army is not enough he has several powerful generals to crush his enemies in todust. Gaia Plate the Earth Giant has overwhelming might that turn whole mountains into ruble, however he tires out quickly. Wit the ever loyal Gauntlet Launcher foe can quickly be dispatched any where on the battle field.
However there are those who will stop at nothing to bring down Granmerg and return the desert of Red Dust to a place of lifelessness. They call themselves the Djinn of Rituals. Monsters that follow a doomsday creed to summon Demise, King of Armageddon and Ruin, Queen of Oblivion. To add to Granmergfrustion he can't expand his kingdom beyond the desert and into the city of New Metro because of its protectors the city the E-Heroes.
Mobius the Frost Monarch ruled over the snow and ice of the far north, in the kingdom of Norgberg. Mobius could command snow and ice as a weapon to bury his foes traps and counter their magic. Much of his kingdom is based on the use of magic to build cities and fortress.
He is fitfully served by the order of Blizzard Warriors who are sworn to the defense of both Norbergs people and land. However most of Mobius power comes from his mages. The Ice Master controls the ice to imprison his foes, and his students the Cold Enchanters have learned to draw power from the frozen land itself. In times where the need of Monsrous power they call on theSnowdust Giant whose mere presents numbs the bones of invaders.
Mobius biggest support comes from his family. His wife the Ice Queen has might that rives his own. Their daughter the Blizzard Pricness is all ready a gifted in the use of Ice Magic and a powerful Warrior, too bad that she is utterly carefree and dose not like ruling or fighting.
Still his rule like all of the Monarch dose not go unchallenged The White Night Queen has declared herself to be the rightful ruler of the Frozen North. Severed by her Ice Barrier, which uses matchless teamwork to defeat there foes they wage constant war upon Mobius and his kingdom. And
Zaborg the Thunder Monarch:he rules the north east part of the empire called the kingdom of the Bevelle. Why even though he commands the heavens to rain fire down upon his enemies he is the weakest of the Monarch because of the heavy losses his army sustained in a war to take the Magic Citadel of Endymion. His victory was all but Assured until Endymion, the Master Magician unleashed the Mega Ton Magical Cannon and wiped out Zaborg entire army.
Since his defeat Zaborg has not given up. With his remaining genera by his side, the godlikeThe Creator, A creature of divine rebirth as Zaborg is a creature of divine destruction. The Creator s already working to rebuild Zaborg army. Zaborg has also realized that he will need great magical power for his next attack so he made The Grand Spellbook Tower in order to produce magical warriors to fight against Endymion.
Also Zaborg is unaware in the vast forests that that cover his kingdom lies the Insect Queen, who is both the mother and commander of the many bug monster that she sends out to make sure that Zaborg dose not build too close explore too deeply into own kingdom.
Raiza the Storm Monarch: he rule the north west piece of the empire, the Kingdom of the Ever Blowing is know to harness wind in order to throw his opponents around like dolls. Much of the kingdom is carved by valleys and mountains no one lives at the bottom of the land since of the Mist Wurmslive down in the depths. In order to live here the people have tamed birds to fly on, the people of this land call themselves the Gusto.
Like all of the Monarchs his domain is challenged. One of the reasons he cannot expand his kingdom is because of the many savages that live in the mountain. The Mist Valleys tribe, Blackwings and Harpie ladies. And most of all the powerful dragons that live in the mountains have prevented thing to cross them. In wondering how to deal with these threats he recalled the legend of the Dragon Master Knight. And with that the order of the Dragunity Knights was born. But then another thought accrued to Raiza, why have knights ride dragons instead of make dragons into knights themselves. Soon DragunityArmaLeyvaten was born, it combined both the power of a dragon and the honor and skill of a knight.
Thestalos the firestrom. it is said that fire runs though his veins instead of blood. His command over the flames can turn a foe to cinders form miles away. He rules the South west part of the empire know as the Kingdom of Flames. He has infused his power into the land and people to turn them into beings of fire know as the Laval. He is as passionate as fire and love to battle and seeks eternal war with the warrior kingdoms to the west.
Because of his army power to turn the fallen into power they made great gains. How ever once the X-saber, Gem-Knights, and the Noble Knights formed an alliance he was quickly driven back. Enraged he called on Kayenn, The Master Magma Blacksmith to give hi a new army to fight with. Tis new army was the Volcanic, its power came from the blast flame they shot from the Blaze Accelerator and to shoot balls of fire from far away. However the general of the army, Volcanic Doomfire, soon began to wonder with all my power why should I not be king? Also Thestalos other general, the Laval Judgment Lord, was not pleased that Thestalos had given up on his own army so quickly and stared have traitorous thoughts himself. Thestalos might find himself in a civil war soon.
Kuran the Light Monarch: Kuran is the high Monarch who sits above his brothers. Kurans power is that of light which both harmed his foes and helped them as well. Kuran controlled the heartland of the empire and was tasked not only to defend the empires land but its ideals as well.
Kurans army is composed of Absolute Crusaders who would give their lives to defect even the most powerful of enemies and the order of Gaia,Knights of White Nights. His most powerful warriors may be the formal enemies of his empire, many foes have turned upon there own home when they saw his radiance the truth of his empire. They call themselves the lightray:Lightray Sorcerer was once a mage in Endymion. Both LightrayGearfried and LightrayGrepher come form the Warrior Kingdoms. Even Lightray Diabolos was a demon dragon untilKurans give it redemption. One day Kurans saw just what constant warfare was doing to the world and ordered that his bother call a ceasefire to all there wars. Only time will tell what the others monarch will do.
Delg the Dark Monarch. His power of darkness no only hurts his foes bodies but their souls as well. He rules over the cursed lands in the south. If Kurans is all that is good in the empire,Delg is all that is bad in t power hungry and ruthless. He cheated his brother Caius in their dual by having it by the Imperial Iron Wall, he will not rest until all the lands of his bother and his enemies are his own. He has stared by building the Allies of Justice which he say are just to guard the empire, but is really a plot to overthrow Kuran.
Delg is severed by two orders of knights. The Blade Knights and the Gaia the Knights of the Polar Nights the two army control the battlefield with overwhelming power. If they are not enough Delg has the beastly Power Breakers as shock tropes. A notable member of the army Dark Blade has taken seen the power of the Dragunity Knights and has sworn to make it his own. Like all the Monarchs Delg is challenged in his kingdom. While it is true that in the cursed land to the south many fiends and monster run wild his most powerful enemy is Vampire Bram the Edelritter ruler of the Vampire Empire. Can even Delg defeat an immortal foe?
Lastly Caius the Shadow Monarch: the Monarch without a kingdom. In his dual with Delg he tried to summon his power over shadow and banish Delga to a realm of no return. But due to Delg treachery his powers failed and he was beaten and cased out. sworn to revenge on all the world he seeks power from beyond The Gates of Dark World.