This is my version of a naive!Harry who doesn't understand that families, even Uncles and Aunts, don't keep their nephews in cupboards and let their own son have two bedrooms to himself. I see him as a happy child, no matter what the Dursleys do to him. He just thinks that's how all families work and he's just glad he has a family.
(There may be more of these naive harrys running around soon so...)
I don't own HP.
The underside of the stairs had a spider on them. He was making a web, a home of his own. Using the light that shone through the slits of the grate on the door, Harry watched him work hard. He worked hard too, but not to make a home, he already had one. No, Harry worked hard to keep his home nice and pretty. That's what Aunt Petunia told him. And no one likes to live in an ugly, bad home so he did all his work the best he could, just like the spider.
Suddenly the grate was slammed shut and Harry had no more light to see the spider, but he kept watching, trying to see if he could hear the spider. He wasn't allowed to be noisy when doing his work and the spider didn't make any noise either, so they were the same that way too.
Harry heard the telly playing in the living room across from his cupboard. His family was watching the evening news like always after finishing their dinner. Harry had been exceptionally proud of this dinner. He hadn't burnt a single thing at all! And he'd mash, real mash, not the stuff from the box. It took a little longer, but it was well worth it in the end. He'd smiled and told himself how good a job he'd done and then patted himself on the back when his Aunt Petunia was turned away from him.
The tiny light under the door turned off and some dust fell onto his face as someone went up or down the stairs. Maybe his family was going to sleep? He should too. He didn't want to be tired for tomorrow. Aunt Petunia said he was doing garden work so he'd better rest up so he wasn't whining later. Harry thought it was funny of her to say because he never whined. (Dudley did, but Harry would never say that out loud.)
Yawning to make himself tired, Harry stretched as best he could and searched for the least lump part of his cot and pillow. He fell asleep with a smile on his face and thoughts of the spider making a giant castle with his silver web while his stomach growled.