Korra's POV

As soon as we arrived at the South Pole, we split up. My dad, Naga, and I were to find the spirit portals and stop Vaatu once and for all. I still hadn't been able to enter the Avatar State but I was able to go to the Spirit World which linked me to Wan, the first Avatar, and he told me where and how to lock the chaotic spirit away. My uncle had been training me on how to defeat evil spirits and return them to the Spirit World which was what he had done when the dark entity had occupied my body. It was freezing here and it was only a couple of hours before my dad decided to call it a day and we found shelter in a cave.

We made sure it was safe before setting up camp but I was freezing. Despite the clothes that I was wearing I was cold, but that didn't seem to bother my dad, who cooked up some soup and some tea to keep us warm. He noticed my shaking and sat next to me, pulling me close to him, his arms wrapping around me as he covered us up both. I shivered, nuzzling my head against his shoulder as I started to warm back up. I sighed, feeling my body relax and my eyes droop.

"Are you okay, Korra?" he asked.

I nodded. "Just a little cold." I looked up at him. "Dad, do you really think I can do this?"

He kissed the top of my head, nodding. "Of course. You are the only one that can stop Hiroshi Sato." My dad lifted my chin. "Why do you ask?"

I sighed. "I'm scared I won't be good enough."

"Korra, you are good enough," he answered. "You will win, and you will do great things after this." He smiled. "No more negative talk. I know I trained you better than that." It was said with a light teasing tone, and I was reminded of simpler times. Could that really had only been a few months ago... or maybe a year... It felt like forever ago, another lifetime.

I smiled at him, letting out a yawn, causing him to chuckle. "Sleep, my little one. You're going to need your rest."

I nodded my head and closed my eyes. But my eyes had only closed for seemingly minutes before opening again and I sat up, hearing a voice call my name. I looked at my dad, seeing that he was fast asleep against Naga. I didn't want them to be in danger... I pulled the parka over my head and made my way out of the cave, noticing the snow storm had passed. That was quick.

I heard the voice again and started to follow it till I reached a clearing, a column of light disappearing into the clouds above. It was the Spirit Portal. The voice called again, sounding more enticing with each whisper and I felt this familiar tug pull me forward. My limbs moved without my permission and I went through the Portal to find Hiroshi Sato waiting for me.

"I knew you'd come."

Iroh's POV

After weeks of preparation we were finally going to make our assault on Hiroshi Sato. Korra had been working on going into the Avatar State, and I knew it was only a matter of time before she'd use her power to end this war. The rest of us had made a fort in case he decided to attack, which I knew was inevitable. Asami was not happy about being separated from the Avatar, but since they were still walking on egg shells around each other she had to stay put. The brunette didn't need any distractions.

Lin and I were making battle preparations when a grenade went off close to our tent and we scrambled outside to see what the hell was happening, greeted by the sight of a platoon heading our way. I immediately ordered everyone to get ready and told our snipers, the Equalists Korra had recruited, to take aim. Once they were in range I ordered the attack.

They didn't stand a chance.

They all went down and everyone cheered. I did a roll call and smiled when we had no casualties. Asami, Bolin and Mako came over to me, making sure everything was fine and I assured them it was. Lin and I were going back to the tent when we got another alert. I grabbed the binoculars, eyes widening when I noticed an enitre army coming towards us. But they weren't soldiers. They were some sort of mutants, an beside them were Spirits. Dark Spirits. I took a deep breath, informing my troops what we were up against.

We wouldn't be surviving this.

"Ladies, gentlemen," I began. "The army that is coming is not one we can defeat." My soldiers shared looks with each other, and I could see the fear. "But we will still fight until our last breath. Korra, the Avatar, will be reaching Hiroshi Sato soon and she will turn the tide in this war, but she cannot do this alone." I took a deep breath. "We must fight for our freedom, for our families, for our loved ones," I continued. "We must fight for what we believe in. Now, who's with me?"

All the soldiers took a step forward, saluting me and I nodded my head, ordering them to get ready. Asami grabbed my arm and I could see the fear, the worry in her eyes. I needed to get her out of here, for she was the ace I kept up my sleeve.

"You need to find Korra. Make sure she kills Hiroshi Sato. It's the only way this can end."

"But what about you?" she whispered.

I smiled, giving her a kiss. "I can hold my own here," I assured, looking at Mako. "You and Bolin need to go with her. Korra is our only hope."

He nodded his head, taking my girlfriend away and I sighed before joining my troops, making a flame appear in my palm as the mutant army grew closer. Spirits have mercy on us.

Asami's POV

During my stay at the rebel camp, I had heard stories about the Spirit World. Some described it as a scary place, others, the most beautiful thing imaginable. But being there was something completely different. After Iroh told me to leave, the Bending brother's and I searched for the Spirit portal to join Korra. We had all planed to go inside but when Spirits began to attack they asked me to go while they held them back. We hadn't heard anything from them and I couldn't help but worry. If my fa - that monster captured her…she was as good as dead.

This is why I was relieved when I found her leaning against a large tree, hands tied behind her back, head down. I looked around and when I saw there wasn't anyone around I quickly went over to her, took out my knife from my belt and cut the ropes.

"It's going to be all right," I said when she looked up.

Once I untied her, she surprised me by swinging me into the tree. I looked at her wide eyed. What in the hell - then I saw it. I saw the same darkness in her eyes I had seen when she snapped at me, weeks ago. He was in possession of her. I heard a chuckle and looked up to see the thing I once called father looking over at us with amusement.

I glared at him before turning my attention to my sister again. "Korra, it's me," I said. "It's Asami."

"She can't hear you," he said, standing next to her. "She's…under my control for now." The monster stopped there to look at me. "Kill her."

I quickly stood up when I saw her approach me. I shook my head, this wasn't happening. This couldn't happen.


My sister swung at me, barely missing my head and I knew that as much as I hated the thought, I'd have to fight her. At least till she snapped out of the trance. She tried punching me again and I ducked once more, upper cutting her torso, making her topple back slightly before she landed a kick to my side, throwing me off balance and onto the ground.

I let out a grunt upon impact and rolled away just as her fist slammed on the ground next to my head. I wrapped my legs around her neck, slamming her onto the ground with me before standing up. She shook her head as she stood, touching the corner of her mouth where blood dripped down her chin and onto the ground

"It's me," I repeated, trying in vain to reason with her. "Stop."

Korra let out a scream as she tackled me, punching my face two, three, four times before tossing me like a rag doll against the tree where I'd found her. My vision blurred and spots danced before my eyes. I could feel blood drip from a laceration above my eye. She drew her knife as she straddled me, trying to keep me still as I struggled to throw her off.

This was it. Korra was going to kill me. My little sister was going to slit my throat.

Monster... That was it!

"Korra, stop, please," I pleaded as she raised the knife.

"Finish her," the man said.

I really hoped this worked. I grabbed her hand that was holding the knife against my neck, bringing her closer to me, her face inches from mine. I saw a flicker of emotion in her eyes and I tried to remain calm as she pressed the blade against my throat. She began to look away but with my free hand I forced her to look at me.

"It's okay," I soothed when her breathing became more labored, her jaw set. "It's okay."

She looked away again and I felt the knife dig into my skin. I gently turned her head once more so that her eyes met mine.

"Korra," I repeated, swallowing what fear I could. "It's me. It's okay. It's just me. You're safe."

She blinked before the pressure against my neck ceased and she stood, dropping the knife, looking at her shaking hands. Her eyes were blue again when she finally looked at me.


I let out a sigh of relief and she held her hand out, helping me stand. I gave her a quick hug before turning to face the man that had almost caused my death. His jaw was clenched, and I knew he couldn't believe I had gotten Korra to snap out of her trance. I stepped in front of her protectively when he approached us, stopping with chuckle.

"Enough games," a booming voice said before his mouth opened and out emerged the dark Spirit that haunted my dreams.


The middle of his body began to glow and Korra grabbed my arm, pulling me out of the way before a beam of light was released, leaving a smoking hole where we'd just been standing, causing my eyes to widen. My little sister took my hand again, throwing various attacks at her nemesis before she looked over at me.

"You need to go."

I shook my head. "I won't leave you."

"I'm too vulnerable with you here."

"We can take him down. Together."

She sighed. Moving us out of the way of a violet beam of energy once again before turning to face me.

"I'm sorry, 'Sami," she whispered before punching forward, air pushing away and back through the portal.

That was the last thing I remember before everything went dark.

Korra's POV

As soon as Asami was in the clear, Spirit Vines erupted from the ground and wrapped themselves around my ankles and wrists, forcing me to kneel on the ground as Hiroshi approached me, a wicked gleam in his eyes. I glared at him, trying to fight off my restraints but the more I tried the tighter they held me and I waited until he was close enough before opening my mouth, fire erupting and causing him to step back. I wouldn't go down without a fight. I was going to beat Vaatu if it was the last thing I did. Hiroshi raised a hand and a vine shot up, wrapping itself around my neck and I felt my throat constrict, unable to breathe as his grip tightened. I wasn't who he wanted to talk to. He wanted Raava. When she didn't emerge he let out a growl of frustration, the vine disappearing causing me to take deep breaths.

"I've waited ten thousand years for this battle, Raava," the dark Spirit began. "Show yourself!"

"After you!" I shot back.

He hid within Hiroshi's body which I knew I was temporary. If he stayed in there too long then his vessel would die. Or so Raava had informed me. The dark entity chuckled and Hiroshi opened his mouth, a black and red figure emerging causing him to collapse onto the ground. My eyes widened slightly when I saw the size of the Spirit. This would not be an easy battle.

"Now, your turn," he answered before a beam of purple light began to form in the middle of his chest and firing it straight at me.

I let out a grunt of pain as I rolled a few feet away, feeling my skin burn in my torso. I breathed deeply as I managed to get on my hand and knees, seeing my shirt burned from the ray of energy. I tried to get up only to feel several darts prick my skin and just seconds later a current made my body seize. I whimpered and when it finally ended I tried crawling over to the Spirit Portal only to be tossed away by dark tentacles and into a tree, causing me to grunt. Everything went blurry for a second but I could see Hiroshi approach me holding a gun in front of him.

I closed my eyes, apologizing to Raava before the shot rang out except it never hit me. My eyes opened to see my dad fighting with Hiroshi and I looked up to see a bullet hole just above my head. He had stopped him.

"Get up, Korra!" he yelled.

I used the tree for support and did just that, limping over to the dark Spirit in front of me before I got into a stance. It was time to end this.

Asami's POV

I let out a groan as I started to come to, Bolin's concerned face being the sight that greeted me. Quickly I sat up and looked around. Where was Korra? He last thing I remembered was telling her I would help her fight and then... I huffed. Of course. And then she had kicked me out of the portal. I stood up, walking past the elder brother, intending to go back in only to be blocked by an invisible force. What the hell?

"We've tried everything. We can't go through," Mako informed me, staring at the portal with a critical eye.

"How long have I been out?" I asked. How long had Korra been in there alone?

"We found you about fifteen minutes ago," Bolin replied. "But we're not sure how long before that."

"What's going on in there? What happened?" Mako questioned. "Why aren't you with Korra?"

"Because she kicked me out," I growled impatiently, pounding on the beam of light, connecting with an invisible barrier. "Dammit, let me in!"

"The battle is looking bad, Asami. Korra needs to win this and fast."

"Raava!" I finally cried out. "Why won't you let me in? Korra needs me! She needs our help!"

The portal brightened and I along with the Bending brothers had to raise our arms to shield our eyes from the bright light. A ethereal voice pouring from the portal, one that I had heard only once, when Korra and I had been sucked into that apocalyptic nightmare. "This is Korra's battle," she answered. "It is her destiny to defeat Vaatu."

"You told me to protect Korra," I replied, desperate. "Why are you stopping me now?"

"I know you care for Korra and want to help," the Spirit answered, her voice gentle. "But ultimately this battle is hers. However, I can give you a choice."

"I'll do anything," I answered. I would. I need to know my sister was safe, that she was okay. I would do anything to protect her.

"There are two paths laid out before you and your friends, Asami," Raava said. "You can wait here until the battle is over and allow Korra to embrace her destiny, or you can enter the Spirit World and risk the future of the material world."

I felt my chest tighten at this. "Why would helping her risk the world?" I questioned. "We have fought with her against my father before."

"By doing that you risked her life," the Spirit answered sharply. "She was too weak then and she was almost killed. You, on the other hand, have accepted that the man that Vaatu uses as his vessel is no longer your father, making you strong. Korra has not reached that point yet and it is why you have to choose."

"You want me to just walk away?"

"Asami, your destiny has been written," Raava began. "It is on another path, another task at a later time. But Korra has to fight Vaatu alone, even though a time will come when I may not be able to help her, she will overcome this. She is the light in the dark."

"She's the only family I have left. I have to protect her."

"Sometimes the greatest sacrifice a person can make is to give up what they hold most dear," the Spirit said. "Her father has already done so, it is now your turn. Let her fulfill her destiny."

I clenched my jaw before letting out a sigh and falling to my knees. Korra had to do this alone, and it killed me.

Amon's POV

I panted as I took cover under a barrage of bullets. Hiroshi Sato was a dead man. I had woken up earlier to find my daughter missing and immediately had Naga track her. The animal had led me to what looked to be a portal and I had stepped inside, finding the teen under the industrialist's control. Not long after the Sato heiress had come through and I had watched as they fought. I wanted to intervene but something told me that I needed to stay out of that fight. Moments later, just when it seemed Korra would take her best friend's life, she snapped out of her trance.

The evil Spirit, Vaatu, as my brother had called it, made an appearance and he along with his host began to attack Korra. I had stayed put, waiting for the proper moment to attack and when it finally presented itself I went head to head with Hiroshi as my daughter did the same with the chaotic Spirit. There was a loud booming sound and I heard her yell before rolling a couple of feet away from me and my jaw clenched. This wasn't looking good.

I watched as she stood, lifting up chunks of rock to throw at Vaatu. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths. I still had the element of surprise. Hiroshi didn't know I could Bend. I waited for him to cease fire before grabbing water from a nearby stream and flinging icicles at him. His eyes went wide and he was forced to take cover as I formed a water ring around me.

"That's why you protected that little abomination!" he shouted. "Because she's just like you!"

"Korra isn't like me," I answered. "That's why I protect her."

"You traitor! I dedicated my life to you!"

Hiroshi came out of hiding and I used a water whip to take the weapon away before crushing it in ice. The industrialist gulped nervously as I approached him, letting the water splash to the ground. He tried to run but I held out my hand, using the technique my father had taught me to Bloodbend him. I turned him around, watching as his eyes almost popped out of his sockets as I tightened my hold around his neck. In one swift movement of my arms his neck twisted and I let his body fall to the ground.

Korra's POV

I watched from the corner of my eye as Hiroshi's body fell. He was gone, my dad had killed him. The battle between Vaatu and it was not going so well for me though I was giving him a hell of a fight. My muscles ached and I already had a few scrapes and burns caused by being tossed around and the evil Spirit's energy beam. He launched his tentacles towards me but I spat fire and effectively caused him to retract them. My father joined my side, letting a ring of water surrounding him before we both attacked.

I slammed my fist on the ground before raising the chunks of earth and using my Airbending to put more force behind the projectiles. The Spirit let out a roar before one of its tentacles swiped at my dad, knocking him against the large tree. I threw blasts of fire at Vaatu as I made my way towards Amon. I knelt down next to him, pressing my ear against his chest, listening for his heartbeat and letting out a sigh of relief. He was okay, just knocked out. Vaatu wrapped his tentacle around my midsection, lifting me up and slamming me down onto the ground. I groaned as I managed to get to my knees, feeling the bruises form.

"Give up, child."

I shook my head as I managed to stand, an arm wrapping around my torso, blood filling my mouth before I spat it out. "Never."

Vaatu chuckled before the beam of energy hit me full force. I whimpered in pain, seeing the portal entrance. Slowly I crawled towards it but was once again tossed away and I could feel myself slipping. I was losing. I couldn't beat him. He was too strong. But something, someone, wouldn't let me quit. A familiar presence urged me to stand and somehow I managed.

"Your struggle is futile," the evil Spirit said. "But if you will not come out, Raava. Then I'll come in."

Vaatu came towards me, catching me off guard and giving me no opportunity to move. He went through me and I yelled in pain as I fell to my knees, and my back lit up, the shadow of the glow a bright red as I fell onto my side, twisting in pain as I felt the dark presence invade my body and mind.

"You are a fool," he spat. "And I will see to it that you lose everything you hold dear." A shooting pain throughout my body made me whimper as I writhed. I could feel him delving into my mind and I saw flashes of Asami, Katara, Mako, Amon and Tarrlok. He was threatening them.

My back was killing me, the tattoo burning my skin in an effort to fight off Vaatu's possession. It hurt like hell.

"You are weak. Your compassion will be your downfall. Once I rid them from this world, you will crumble. But I will not let you go, you will know what it is to be imprisoned."

I screamed in agony and my back arched. He was digging up and showing me every moment I had ever been in pain or afraid, making it vivid. It was like living those moments over again, all at once.

'Korra,' a soft, ethereal voice said and I managed to open my eyes, looking up to a face I had never seen before. Their voice though…it sounded familiar. 'Fight it. Don't let him consume you. You have people who are counting on you, who love you. Fight for them.'

"No," Vaatu countered. "There will be no one left once I win. The era of Raava will end and my reign will begin. I will flood the streets with the blood of everyone you care for. Then, and only then, will you be allowed to die."

The fire spread throughout my body. I was losing. Every memory he took from me and twisted was making the pain worse… and I just wanted it to go away. Too many deaths had caused because of me… No more needed to perish.

'Don't give up,' the soothing voice urged. 'Vaatu is only as strong as you let him be. Your parents and your father want you to keep fighting. I can help.'

"H – how?" I managed.

'Look inside your heart, little one. You will find your answers there.'

My hand dug into the dirt and my eyes shut tightly. And then I saw it. I saw everything. I could see every good memory, every good feeling I'd ever had. My dad holding me in his arms, Tarrlok taking me to the nearby villages, Asami and I laughing and her holding me while the world crumbled. Katara helping me… and then there was Mako, who had shown me that some scars can fade and that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

"You're wrong," I said, speaking the chaotic spirit. "I'm not weak, you are. Darkness didn't win ten thousand years ago and I sure as hell won't let you win now," I added, struggling to my feet.

"You insignificant little-"

"Get. Out." I could feel a power surging through my body as a light surrounded me, driving the darkness from my soul. I fell back to the floor, feeling more exhausted than I ever had before. "Raava… help me…"

'We will finish this together,' she answered and I felt the surge of power envelop me, the tattoo on my back glowing at full force.

My eyes glowed white and I thrust my hand forward, a whip of water wrapping around Vaatu. He tried fighting my hold but I continued to send more and more whips of water until he was immobilized. When I was training with my uncle to access the Avatar State, he had taught me how to lay evil Spirits to rest. I captured Vaatu in a capsule of water before moving my arms around, a yellow glow filling the sphere. The Spirit slowly ceased its struggling, the light consuming him completely until he evaporated into nothing.

I let out a sigh of relief, slowly exiting the Avatat State. My knees buckled and I fell onto the ground, exhaustion overcoming me.

Asami's POV

I let out a sigh as I ran my hand through Korra's hair. It had been four days since she had defeated Vaatu and she still hadn't woken up. Tarrlok's friend, Raiyo, had walked out of the portal with her in his arms and I had immediately ran to him, demanding to know what had happened. He said he had been knocked out and when he came to Korra was unconscious. Naga trotted over to us, letting out a whine when she noticed the Waterbender's state. I asked the beast to lie down before I climbed on and Raiyo gave me the brunette to hold as we made our way back to camp.

The rebels cheered when they spotted us and Iroh ran over to me, telling me how the Spirits had disappeared when all hope had seemed lost before she spotted Korra. There had been deaths, and he kicked himself for that but the only thing we could do was give them a proper burial. He had a healer take a look at Korra, to at least stabilize her so we could get her to Katara. It was only a day later that the elder was able to work on the teen, noting how bruised up she was from getting tossed around. Now mostly all her cuts were gone though some bruises were still visible but she still hadn't woken up. I tapped he hand again only to get the same results. No response.

"You have to wake up," I whispered as I took her hand between mine. "I don't know what I'd do if you didn't." I bit my lip as a tear slipped to freedom. "Please, Korra. You can't leave me..."

I felt my body shake as I sobbed. Korra was the only family I had left. If I lost her...I wouldn't be too far behind.

"Who said I was going to leave you?" a tired voice asked.

I looked up to my little sister giving me a small smile and I lost all composure. I sat on the bed and hugged her tightly as she returned the embrace, her hand fisted the material of my shirt. She was okay! Korra chuckled and I pulled back to look at her, smiling. She sat up against the pillows as we talked and I grasped her hand.

"Hey," she rasped.

"Hey," I chuckled.

"I'm sorry."

"Me too."

She laid her head on my shoulder, still exhausted. "I love you, sis."

I smiled. "I love you too."

Mako's POV

I knocked on the door before stepping inside, finding Asami, as usual, by Korra's side. The heiress hadn't left since she'd woken up, only doing so when the younger teen fell asleep. I had allowed her family to see her first, knowing they had been worried about her condition before I decided to check up on her. Tarrlok and his friend had also spent a fair amount of time with her as well.

Both girls smiled at me and the heiress excused herself, saying she had promised to meet Iroh. Korra let out a sigh when her surrogate sister left and I chuckled, sitting on the bed. I studied her for a moment, noticing how her skin wasn't as bruised as it had been when we'd first seen her after the battle. She had looked so frail then, almost like when Hiroshi drove a hook through her shoulder. I brushed a strand of hair away from her face, watching as her cheeks flushed pink. I smirked, caressing her cheek as she leaned into the touch.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, pulling my hand away.

"Tired," she admitted with a small laugh. "Katara said I still need a couple more days of bed rest. For once, I agree."

I chuckled. "We were worried about you. I was worried about you."

Korra'a lips twitched at that. "Were you?"

"I hated that you wouldn't get to tell you," I admitted.

Her brow furrowed. "Tell me what?"

I lifted her chin, leaning in. "This," I answered before giving her a kiss.

She eagerly returned the gesture, cupping my cheek to deepen it before her hand settled on my neck. We pulled away, slightly out of breath before she kissed me again and I chuckled. Guess I wasn't the only one that was eager.

"You're amazing," I breathed when we pulled away.

"You're not to bad yourself," Korra teased in response.

I sat on the bed and she intertwined her fingers with mine, telling me about what would happen now that the war was over. Benders and Nonbenders were still separated, but she said she already knew what she needed to do. The majority of the community wanted the nations to make a comeback and seeing as the villages matched their respective nation, she admitted it was the best course of action but she also wanted something to unite both sides. I told her we'd all help her in whatever she needed.

I knew this wasn't the time for a relationship, but at least we both knew were we stood and that was enough. For now.

Korra's POV

I took a deep breath as I practiced what I was going to say again. It had been one year since my battle with Vaatu, since Benders and Nonbenders had become integrated. For four days I'd slept, resting after being tossed around by the chaotic Spirit, followed by a week of bed rest. Asami was by my side, taking care of me and helping me with whatever I needed and I loved it. I loved that I had my sister back.

She wasn't the only one that was looking after me though. Mako had come by to see me after I woke up and to say that he surprised me was putting it lightly. The Firebender had kissed me and as much as I enjoyed it I made sure he understood that I couldn't be in a relationship. At least not then.

"Feeling nervous?"

I looked up to see my dad, giving him a small smile as I took a deep breath. "How did you do it?" I asked. "How did you get in front of the podium and talk like you did?"

"Practice," he replied, placing a hand on my shoulder. I sighed and nodded. "But there was something that helped me."

My dad reached inside his jacket, handing me a small locket. I opened it, smiling when I saw a picture of my baby self and him. I was laying down in his arms, looking up at him as he smiled and did the same. I looked over to the other side, my brow furrowing as I recognized the image. It was a painting of my biological parents and I, similar to the one I had found at my old home. I looked up at him and he smiled.

"I figured you could use a reminder that you belong to both worlds," my dad began. "And that your parents and I love you very much. We're very proud."

I hugged him tightly at that and he returned the embrace, kissing the top of my head. "I love you, Daddy," I whispered.

"I love you too, little one."

I smirked and he gave a respectful bow before turning to leave just as Asami came looking for me. She slung her arm around my shoulders, leading me towards the curtain.

"Are you ready?" she asked.

I nodded my head, preparing myself before I went through the curtain, barely managing to keep my nerves under control when I saw the masses of people lined up to hear what I had to say. For the last year I had helped with the building of towns and cities to replace the villages, gave them a better way of life. But while that happened I had my own project going on. I had asked a group of architects of both Benders and Nonbenders to help me start construction on the symbol of unification for both groups by Yue Bay, where my dad used to take me.

"Thank you all for coming here today," I began over the microphone. "I know many of you traveled across what will soon be called, once again, the Earth Kingdom and the others that crossed oceans to hear what I have to say."

I looked down at the first row, seeing everyone that I had trained under, bumped heads with, and grew close to. Katara smiled at me and I returned the gesture.

"As you know, my father, Amon, and Hiroshi Sato split up Nonbenders and Benders in order to create balance. A dream that was only shared by one of these men and eventually got out of hand." I looked towards my uncle and father. "I share the dream of equality, but not at the cost of innocent lives, never at the cost of innocent lives. I am Amon's daughter, but I am also the Avatar."

My dad smiled at me and I could feel myself relax a little. I took out the locket he gave me, glancing at the pictures before looking at the crowd once more.

"I called you all here today to show you that the dream of equality is now a reality," I began. "You are standing in the heart of what will be Republic City, a place that was built by both Benders and Nonbenders for you all to live in. There will be no more discrimination. We are one people, and we will live as such."

Asami and Iroh shared a look at this, holding hands. Mako smiled and nodded his head. Murmurs spread through the crowd.

"We are entering a new age. An era where Benders and Nonbenders live and work side by side," I finished. "Welcome home."

And we are finally done with this. Phew. Been a long ride. Hope you all enjoyed. And I look forward to your response to our upcoming stories.

Reviews are what make the world go round.

We out! Peace!