"Yes, finally!" the Doctor exclaimed as he examined himself in the mirror.
After brushing his now fox red hair into a style he found suitable, he raced over to his wardrobe and grabbed the spiked cleats he'd been saving for just this occasion...
The Doctor sighed, already bored with the proceedings he'd been blackmailed into attending. The war had not been going well and this was the third investiture of the Lord President of Gallifrey since it had started. This time however, it wasn't any ordinary and soon to be dead Time Lord being given office, it was Rassilon himself returned from the dead.
There was an air of excitement amongst the other attendees, but having been forced to involuntarily face the Game of Rassilon four times and seeing what a dick the guy was in person during that incident with Borusa after getting some idea of it during that one incident with Omega who'd tried to kill him because of something Rassilon had done, he was feeling less than charitable towards the new President at the moment. The President who just happened to have founded the society that had mistreated him several times, forcing him to regenerate when he wasn't ready, exiling him, putting him on trial on trumped up charges...
There was an echoing thud as the staff hit the floor with no objections to Rassilon possessing the Key of Rassilon being made.
"By custom, with wisdom, and for honor I shall strike three times..." the Time Lord who was officiating the ceremony started.
It was at that point, the point when a last objection to Rassilon's investiture could be made, that someone wearing a hodgepodge of clothes from Earth ran through, knocked Rassilon over and kicked him in the balls repeatedly.
Grinning, the red haired man gave him a thumbs up and the handsign he'd recently thought up so he'd recognize his future selves if he ever ran into them so there wouldn't be another one of those incidents where he mistook himself for a fan and wasted precious time that could be spent doing more productive things like saving the universe. Before the shocked guards could do anything, the man ran off back the way he came.
Moments later the distinctive sound of his TARDIS could be heard and several shame-faced guards walked back into the ceremonial chamber.
Though he knew he should've been shocked by his actions, he found that he couldn't wait to be a ginger.