Hollow Souls

Chapter One- Home Sweet Home

Pain. Intense agony coursing through his very being. That was all he felt. The Hogyouku's raw power tore apart is essence giving him a new shape and form as if he was a child's plaything.

White and blue reitsu enveloped him until his inner Hollow exploded from deep inside of him, merging his shinigami powers with his Hollow form. After one last moment of brutal agony surging through him, Ichigo's consciousness returned to him as the reitsu died down. His Hollow mask cracked down the middle and crumbled away leaving only two crimson stripes cutting across the left side of his face down to his jaw.

Ichigo took a deep breath staring down at the hole in his chest where his heart used to be. I'm an Arrancar!

Ichigo's amber Hollow eyes returned to their natural milk chocolate complexion and he squinted through the settling dust at the shady outlines of a group of figures only a few paces away from him.

Ichigo took a step forward shakily, almost falling to his knees. "Absolutely perfect," said Aizen gazing at Ichigo in awe.

Ichigo narrowed his eyes in his direction, a stream of images from the night before flooding through him. His gaze drifted around the room, darting from Arrancar to Arrancar, arranged in a straight lin behind Gin and Tousen. His eyes fell upon the blue-haired Arrancar that had played a key role in his kidnapping from Karakura the night before. His eyes swept down the line to match the empty stare of the raven-haired Arrancar with the twin green tears tattooed on his face.

Ichigo returned his gaze to Aizen, his temper flaring, "You bastard!" he roared, "What have you done to me?"

"Know your place," snapped Tousen, unsheathing his zanpaktou and slashed for Ichigo's forearm. Ichigo raised his palm in an effort to catch the blade and felt it glance off his palm in a shower of sparks sending Tousen staggering away from him.

"Such a strong hierro," commented Gin with his characteristic foxlike smile.

"I told you he was perfect," said Aizen, glancing over his shoulder at Gin.

Ichigo took another step forward a red Cero crackling to life on his fingertips, "ANSWER ME!" he roared furiously.

The smile slid off Aizen's face and he vanished in a blur, rematerializing beside Ichigo and snatched an iron hold on Ichigo's wrist redirecting the Cero into the ceiling. Chunks of shattered stone rained down on their heads for a moment, and then stopped altogether.

Aizen brought his fist up into Ichigo's gut sending him flying across the room to slam into the wall. Ichigo gasped in agony, "You need to learn to behave my dear Kurosaki, you could end up hurting those closest to you," he sneered.

Ichigo's eyes widened in realization, "A-Alright, I'll do what you want as long as you don't harm my family or friends," he choked out.

"I knew you would come to your senses," said Aizen folding his hands together. Ichigo glowered at him darkly.

"Now let's introduce you to your new comrades shall we?" asked Aizen. The other Espada stared back at him coldly.

"Anyway, I'll give you some time to settle and get used to things around here," said Aizen, "Gin, would you kindly show him to his quarters," he ordered.

"My pleasure," crowed Gin, passing through the line of Espada, "Follow me, Kurosaki."

Ichigo shivered imperceptibly as he left the room feeling all ten pairs of eyes resting on his back at once.

This isn't going to be so easy to fit in with the other Arrancar after all.

"Especially if they figure it out," murmured Ichigo inaudibly.

"Figure out what?" asked Gin as they stalked through the empty corridors of Las Noches.

"N-Nothing," stammered Ichigo. Gin stopped in his tracks turning to face Ichigo, his soft blue eyes boring into his skull, "Nothing goes unnoticed within Las Noches by us. There are no secrets within these walls."

Ichigo tensed, frozen by both his words and the sudden appearance of his eyes opening.

Gin turned away and opened a normal looking door and Ichigo followed him inside a decently good-sized suite. "This will accommodate you for now," said Gin gesturing towards the bed, the loveseat and the small kitchenette in the corner of the sweet. He opened a door on his left revealing a small hall into a tiny bathroom.

Ichigo peeked inside the bathroom only seeing a toilet, a sink, and a mirror. Gin slid open a storage unit full of towels and other miscellaneous items. "You can store your possessions in here," said Gin, closing the unit.

"Uh, where's the shower?" asked Ichigo, his cheeks flushing a little.

A sly grin crept across Gin's face. He stalked out of the suite, gesturing for Ichigo to follow. Halfway, down the corridor, he came to a stop and pushed open a door holding it open for Ichigo. The sound of running water flooded his ears.

Gin gestured to the row of small shower pods along the left side of the room and the walked past the privacy wall and Ichigo peered around it spotting the very public showers taking up the majority of the room. A few Jacuzzi-sized tubs occupied the remainder of the space.

Ichigo lowered his gaze to the floor uncomfortably, his ears slightly red.

The three Arrancar silently washing themselves beneath the stream of hot water took note of Ichigo's obvious discomfort. "Don't be shy," said the purple-haired Arrancar with a wink. Gin led Ichigo back to his suite sensing his blatant discomfort and embarrassment.

Ichigo returned to his suite and Gin stopped in the doorway, "Yer' gay aren't ya?" he asked with a grin.

After a moment, Ichigo nodded in acknowledgement. "You'll fit in just fine with the others," reassured Gin, "Let's just say they like to…explore their sexualities."

With that, he turned and left closing the door behind him. Ichigo collapsed on the loveseat, glancing down at the small table in front of him, just noticing the sheathed zanpaktou resting on the shimmering wooden surface.

He ran his fingers down the ruby red scabbard and his eyes trailed down to the crimson-cloth wrapped hilt. "This must be Zangetsu's replacement," he mumbled to himself.

He got up and set the blade beside his bed, opening the storage unit to find a stack of neatly-folded towels.

"Might as well go get this over with," he sighed. He headed down the corridor and shoved open the door to the showers, immediately veering straight into one of the small shower pods.

Ichigo undressed and set his torn shinigami robes in one of the cubbies. He snatched up his towel off of a bench and ducked into the small shower are, only large enough for three to four people.

He turned the shower on waiting for the steady stream of water to heat up before stepping into it, letting it wash away all the worry and stress filling him to the brim at the moment.

Each tiny droplet was icy, liquid relief, helping him relax and he let out one long elated sigh of relief. Ichigo tensed feeling his reiatsu before he saw him. The other Arrancar ducked into the shower pod. Ichigo felt a pair of slender hands wrap around his waist and the warm chest of another male fit perfectly into his back like a perfect puzzle piece.

Ichigo craned his neck finding a warm pair of lips ready to greet his. He turned around pressing the other Arrancar against the wall. Ichigo slid his tongue between the other's lips vying for dominance inside of him.

Ichigo felt the other's hands wandering down lower and felt his hands cup on his as playfully. Ichigo finally broke the kiss, his tongue teasing the side of the other Arrancar's neck.

"Kurosaki Ichigo," he whispered into his ear.

"Hajime Satou," muttered the boy grinding his hips into Ichigo's, rubbing their hard members together. A low growl escaped Ichigo's lips and he took Hajime in for another passionate kiss. Hajime's hand slid down Ichigo's waist, his fingers curling around his all-to eager member.

Ichigo grunted as his hand began to stroke up and down slowly. Ichigo leaned against the pod's wall as Hajime kneeled in front of him his fingers hot to the touch as they slowly worked Ichigo into a hot mess.

Ichigo closed his eyes as Hajime's lips teased him before finally parting. Ichigo groaned out a low moan as Hajime took in more and more slowly. Ichigo panted his fist slamming into the wall.

Only one word able to escape his lips, "Fuck!" he groaned as Hajime took in his entire length, his lips kissing Ichigo's lower waist softly.

Hajime smirked up at Ichigo melting beneath his touch. With one last pump, Ichigo growled, "I'm coming!" and unloaded his warm seed all over the right side of Hajime's face.

Hajime ran his finger down his face and pressed a finger to his lips, tasting Ichigo, taking a moment to think. "Strawberries," he decided after a moment.

What?" asked Ichigo curiously.

"You taste like strawberries," repeated Hajime, running his fingers through his wet purple hair. Ichigo just laughed and cleaned himself off before turning to leave.

"You're going to fit in just fine around here Ichigo," laughed Hajime.

Ichigo nodded appreciatively and ducked out of the pod, toweling off and reaching for his tattered robes. He panicked as he felt them missing and instead pulled out a white vest similar to the uniforms the other Arrancar seemed to wear. He slipped into his zipping up the diagonal zipper across his chest and the collar stood up sort of like Aizen's, the white material stopping just below his chest to show off his abs, but draping further down his back to cover the Hollow hole.

He slipped into the pants styled like Grimmjow's except for the two red stripes coiling around the length of each pant leg. Ichigo left the damp towel on the bench and left the showers heading for his suite. Gin passed by in the hall and his sly grin revealed everything.

"Welcome to Las Noches," said Gin knowingly.

A/N: Well I thought that went rather well for the start to my first Bleach yaoi story. Over the course of many chapters I want to encompass a broad variety of pairings to satisfy all the different fan types. Do not freak out if someone tops in one pairing and then bottoms in the next. It's a win either way XD

Any who, please feel free to drop a review telling me what you thought of the first chapter. It's great to hear feedback from my readers. It really is the best part of writing fanfiction, knowing what your readers felt reading your work.

Anyway PM me with future pairings you might want to see later in the story and I will try to drop them in sometime. Or you can leave your ideas in your reviews it works either way.

Please don't get mad, that the first smutty scene was with an OC. It had to be done T-T

Enough with my rambling, I'm outta here.