I'm In Love with A Stripper


I can't tell you how much your reviews inspired me! Thank you guys a million times!

I have a feeling this chapter will show you my appreciation... ;)

Love S xox

Chapter 6 - A day late and a dollar short

She walked gracefully, swaying her hips sensually in time with the smooth music she had become so accustomed to, finally she reached her destination as the spot light shone bright on her glowing caramel body. The silver metal was cold beneath her touch and she dreaded wrapping her bare lags around it. The wolf whistles got louder as did the shouts of lecherous men showing offensive sexual desire. She hated this more than anyone would know. Dancing and giving herself so intimately to salacious and vulgar strangers became something Bonnie had to deal with everyday, at first she used to cry and make herself sick in the toilets to numb the pain but now it was a simple little concoction of fireball whiskey. Before she went out on stage or got into someone's car or bed she would forgo eating and slug down six shots of whiskey. One shot for each person she lost.

If you knew Bonnie back then you would have known that she was a bright and loving person, someone with compassion who always put others first and made sacrifices upon sacrifices for those she loved. She was innocent and viewed the world as being a loving, nurturing place but that all changed when the first plane hit on September 11th 2001. A nine year old Bonnie found herself clutching to her mothers lifeless body as debris fell all around her family, her dad pulled them to the corner street and ran back for her brother Jamie and sisters Emily and Lucy, her grams was no where to be found.

The family started the day as a normal upper middle class family would. Bonnie was woken up along with her older siblings for school by her grams who was visiting from Virginia where she moved after she quit working as a heart surgeon in the Manhattan hospital for special surgery. Bonnie's family were born and bred New Yorkers.

Bonnie's mother abbey was the best divorce attorney in TriBeCa and Bonnies father was a surgeon who met abbey through his mentor and now mother in law, Sheila Bennett. The Bennett's had four children, Lucy who was the oldest, Jamie who came two years later, Emily who came two years after Jamie and Bonnie, the youngest, two years after Emily. The children were so close and enjoyed each others company, she had a fantastic life growing up with her family, they had the big house that only the well off could afford in TriBeCa, they had love and support and attended the most prestigious prep school in New York, Bonnie had everything, until that day.

She heard commotion and screaming, she was afraid and bewildered, her dad had just pulled her siblings to the pavement she and her dead mother was on, rudy looked around, mildly disorientated, searching for Sheila, he spotted her among all of the chaos, under a large piece of concrete, her head split open, brain matter littering the surrounding pavement, rudy vomited aggressively & uncontrollably as Bonnie watched. She didn't dare let her hands lose their death grip on her mothers upper arm as she looked at her unconscious siblings next to her. She began to lose consciousness too.

Waking up in the hospital was one of the most daunting experiences Bonnie ever had, the small nine year old being told by social services that her mother, grams and siblings died upon impact while her father passed away two hours before she woke up due to Subdural Hematoma would remain with Bonnie forever, she didn't even know what those words really meant until she was placed in foster care, Bonnie had fourteen homes during the span of nine years and most of them were okay except for the last home, that's when things changed terribly.

Bonnie just turned 16 and she had moved into a new care home in west village, this wasn't just some ordinary care home, this was home to young adults and the foster mother, Mrs Lockwood was an evil bitch, surrounded by the self important fake upper classers, she had no real source of income other than 'lending' her girls to a power hungry pimp.

Elijah saw potential in Bonnie and knew that using her to boost his income would be well worth the wait, all he had to do was set up a scenario she couldn't escape from without his help. And then came that day.

Bonnie had always had pleasant encounters with Elijah whenever he came around to her foster home to see Mrs Lockwood, Mrs Lockwood and Elijah would talk and touch and do other things... Whilst Bonnie and the other seven kids went about their own things, then after he was done with Mrs Lockwood he'd always strike up a conversation with Bonnie about politics, space, quantum physics, anything he knew Bonnie was interested in.

Then one day Bonnie saw one of the foster kids getting beaten up in the ally and ran to get help from the nearest person she could find, Elijah who was sitting on the porch quickly aided Bonnie in rescuing the tear-away who looked to be bleeding from every orifice known to man. After that Elijah seemed like a respectable person to naive Bonnie, so much so that Bonnie would have said she trusted him.

Ben, the foster kid who got into the fight, was on probation, if he fucked up again he would be going straight to juvie no questions asked, Mrs Lockwood agreed to keep quiet about the fact that he was beaten up but one more incident meant he was as good as gone. Mrs Lockwood only promised this because Elijah had asked as part of his elaborate scheme to have Bonnie.

A few weeks later Ben couldn't live in the Lockwood home any longer and stole Mrs Lockwood's $10,000 fall back money she had in the bedroom safe, knowing that Ben would have been a fugitive, Bonnie took the wrap, she used her initiative and asked Elijah if she could borrow the money to replace Mrs Lockwood's before she found out. She thought Elijah would have been kind, allowing her ample time to pay it back, boy was she wrong.

After Bonnie appealed in court for independent student housing at 17 years old, that she was granted, things began to change, Elijah began to change, gone was the educated kind English gentleman instead a crude, horrible bully replaced him and as soon as Bonnie knew it she was his.

Bonnie dipped low and slid down the pole head first, the whistles became louder but her vision only fixed on one man in the room, to her surprise Damon was watching her, beautiful blue eyes glued to her. Hers glued to him in return. Swinging around the pole, Bonnie wrapped her legs and swivelled sensually, never breaking eye contact with the man she wanted to touch, feel, be with. But she knew she could never have that as long as she was indebted to Elijah. As long as he still owned her.

Damon watched as the beautifully entrancing girl sinfully moved, as if she knew exactly what he wanted, and he wanted her, never in his life had he wanted to know every inch of a woman's body more than right now. The dance ended and the spot light turned off, encasing the stage in pitch black darkness, in those moments he lost track of her, in those moments he felt his heart speed up, in those moments he feared he wouldn't see her again. But in those moments he knew he would do everything in his power to save her from this.

Because he needed to, not just for her but for himself too.

Adopting a light jog he slipped past security to back stage, his eyes scanning for the beautiful brunette, a few strippers looked his up and down with appreciative glances.

"Excuse me, do you know where I can find Bonnie?" Damon asked a small ginger in a bright Orange velour bikini.

She smirked. "Your looking for the little one hmm? Door to your right."

Damon nodded in appreciation as he moved his way to the door, knocking on it lightly before he heard her sweet voice. "Come in." She said in musically, as so he did.

He closed the door behind him and looked at her, she had changed out of the Stars and Stripes two piece and had on a baby pink high waisted mini skirt and tucked in a grey oversized tee. "You changed quick." Damon pointed out.

"Nature of the business." Bonnie threw back at him. Her throat dry, he looked more and more gorgeous every time she saw him, it wasn't fair to her. He adjusted his light blue shirt and shuffled around in his expensive navy suit.

"Your talent is changing clothes, mine is changing minds." He quipped, she was looking around the room awkwardly as if she didn't want him here. Well he didn't want her here.

She reached down for her big grey tote bag as he watched her every move, appreciating the way she stretched effortlessly. "What are you doing here? You can't just show up here whenever you want, it's my place of work Damon, I like to keep my two worlds separate." Snapping him out of his trance, her voice penetrated his ears.

He cleared his throat and put on his famous indifferent face. "Well I think you owe me an explanation, bonbon, you can't just leave after telling me to let Stefan know."

Bonnie looked up and crossed her arms over her chest. "Look Damon, I'm sorry I left so quickly, but I just needed some space that's all." Bonnie twirled her necklace around anxiously.

Damon didn't believe her. "You know it seems every time we hang out, you you always need some space isn't that funny? I don't believe you, bonbon."

Bonnie scoffed, she couldn't believe he saw through her lie, she was a fantastic liar! "I'm not lying, I just needed to clear my head, I think it was just too hot for me, must have gotten heat stroke." She pushed passed him to move to the door and he sighed, she was so hot and cold, such a mystery he needed to figure out.

"I'm sorry Damon but I'm leaving now, um..." Bonnie nodded to the door, she needed to get out of here because if Elijah saw her with Damon he would pressure her to get intimate with him and manipulate him, she couldn't do that Damon, she wouldn't admit it but she deeply cared for him and Elijah would force her to ruin him and she wouldn't ever do that to Damon.

Damon threw his head back and sarcastically laughed but moved to the door, invading Bonnies space, bending to level with her he looked her in the eye, in an intimate manner. "Always rushing off, but where are you going?" He smirked and looked so sexy she wanted to wrap her arms around him and kiss him into the middle of next week.

Matching his smirk she said, "The better question is who I'm going to." His eyebrows shot up into his hairline, he knew she was kidding around with him but her statement hit too close to home. Clearing is throat he opened the door and walked out, Bonnie stood and sighed, obviously that was the wrong thing to say but she didn't know how to deal with her feelings, hell she wasn't supposed to have any in this business especially not for Damon.

Following suit she trailed behind him, saying goodbye to all the girls in the makeup room and walked until she got into the car park, she gazed around, her eyes adjusting to the mid afternoon sun and there he was, sexy in all his smouldering glory, resting against the hood of his blue camaro, the same shade as his dress shirt he was wearing so well. She couldn't see his eyes as he was wearing his shades. She walked over to him slowly and apologised. "I'm sorry for what happened back there, I didn't think we had anything to hide... I guess I was wrong." And with that she turned around and walked in the direction of the bus stop. Damon. Who didn't move the entire time watched her walk away until she was out of sight, he got in his car and reflected on what she said, it was true, they always spoke their mind around each other, there was no censor, they were direct and that's what he respected about her, her direct response. He drove until he caught up with her, slowing down his camaro to walking pace he rolled down his window.

"Bonbon, get in the car." He spoke.

"So you can get offended by another thing I say? Hmm I think I'll pass." She kept walking, she knew that she shouldn't be getting so huffy with him, she knew he was trying to apologise and she also knew that he wasn't one to apologise.

"I've done a lot of thinking in those thirty seconds it took me to catch up to you and well, I'm sorry about that too, I guess I don't want to think about you with anyone else." He said softly she almost had to lip read to understand what he said.

She stopped walking and looked deep into his eyes, he meant it and she was unexpectedly very happy with his statement, she wanted him to feel that way but she didn't know why. "Tick tock, tick tock bonbon." Damon tapped his fingers along the steering wheel while Bonnie fought a battle within, should she or shouldn't she? The little white angle on her right shoulder kept telling her to make up an excuse and get the hell away from him but the little red devil told her that she should spend as much time with Damon as she could because whenever Elijah finds out she would be forced to do terrible crazy things.

Looking away from Damon she chuckled and got into the car, much to his triumph. "Lunch?" He asked with a smile that weakened her bones.

"Sure." She smiled back.

"Stefan is at mine now with his date, Lexi, they want to go for lunch too so I thought I could pick you up and we could get something from that little Italian place around the corner." His focus back on the road and hers back on him.

She was thankful he told her about Lexi being at lunch too because it gave her time to prepare as to how to approach this situation, if she said she knew her then that would open up questions on how and to be honest saying they were hookers weren't something Stefan needed to know. The best approach would be to pretend they didn't know each other.

After picking up the food they walked up the steps to Damon's brownstone apartment, stepping inside Stefan called from the second living room telling Bonnie and Damon that they were in there. Setting down the food in the kitchen Bonnie braced herself as she walked through the double doors to the second living room.

"Hey Bon, come meet Lexi." Stefan hugged his best friend and pulled her over to meet the beautiful blonde who was reading the synopsis of a book. Lexi looked up and smiled. "Omg Bonnie!" She jumped up gleefully and wrapped her arms around the little latte girl.

"Hi lexi, it's so great to meet you!" Bonnie intensified her gaze so that Lexi got the memo. The blond caught on and went with it, which Bonnie was so grateful for.

"You too!" Lexi smiled and Damon walked through and sat down on a plush sofa.

"Now that you two are acquainted, let's eat" Damon said as he undid a few buttons on his shirt and removed his navy suit jacket.

"Good idea, I'm so hungry." Stefan moved to the door and made his way to the sun room, sitting down at the table for four, he and Lexi dressed the table for lunch while Damon went out to get the two things he wanted to see most, Bonnie and his lunch.

Damon brought the plates out while Bonnie brought the wine, pouring each glass with Sauvignon blanc she went into the kitchen once more to see if there was anything else Damon needed a hand with.

"Is there anything else you need me to take out there?" She asked quietly, her gaze observing how handsome he looked in his navy suit, his broad shoulders and his pert little bum.

Turning around he brushed passed her. "Only your ass Bonnie, unless you have me do, In which case I'll be a willing participant." He wagged his eyebrows and smirked.

Bonnie scoffed, what else was she to do? This man made her weak and she didn't know what to do when it came to Damon.

Sassily walking she pushed passed him and looked back with one eyebrow raised, "well you coming or not?" She turned back around and sat at the table next to Lexi, Damon seated himself opposite Bonnie and kept her stare.

The lunch went well and they four of them glued well together a a group, making jokes and being free with each other suited their group dynamic well, thinking of each other as friends. Stefan and Lexi announced they had a few plans and needed to leave so Damon and Bonnie told them they would clean up.

"This double date was fun, thank you Damon and Bonnie, you two make a fantastic couple!" Lexi hugged them both.

Awkwardly looking at each other Bonnie and Damon stumbled over "ums and ahs."

"Oh we're not actually a couple..." Bonnie said shyly, looking at Damon who showed no emotion as always.

"Oh I just assumed... Anyway thank you both for a fantastic afternoon, we have to do it again sometime!" Lexi smiled as she and Stefan left.

Bonnie and Damon joked around whilst cleaning up, Damon washed and Bonnie dried. "Now that's what you call good team work!" Bonnie beamed gazing at the shiny plates and glasses they had just washed.

"Yep were the regular zack & Cody!" Damon said sarcastically.

"Well I was thinking more along the lines of shaggy and scooby doo but hey zack & Cody works fine too." Bonnie turned to face Damon, getting lost in each other again was almost too much to handle, the air was full of sexual desire and they knew what would happen if they stayed like this for too long.

Clearing her throat Bonnie grabbed her bag, "I think it's time for me to go, thank you for today Damon, I needed it." Reaching up she risked hugging him, knowing that they could get caught up in their connection and she wouldn't leave, she didn't know how she could if he touched his lips to hers. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she tiptoed, Damon hugged her tightly around the waist, not wanting to let her go. "Stay, we have that half bottle of wine left and I don't feel like drinking alone, please." He said into her hair, his cool breath on her neck sent shock waves down to her nerve endings.

She contemplated his question, should she just stay for a few more hours? It was just nearing 4pm and she didn't have anything on later so why not. "Okay, but only because I feel sorry for you." She winked and his heart stopped momentarily.

Laughing he grabbed the bottle and two glasses and guided Bonnie into the main living room, she dropped her bag down by the tv and joined Damon on the plum coloured sofa. Taking the glass he held out for her she nodded appreciatively, the two talked for hours, getting drunker with each sip, a giggling Bonnie asked Damon, "why did you come to the club this afternoon Damon?"

Damon watched as she giggled a little and smiled that suggestive smile, "I wanted to see you in action bonbon, by the way, you were everything I dreamed about." A drunk Damon let slip. Bonnie laughed, "oh so you dream about me?"

"I mean how could I not? You've been all I think about recently bonbon, day and night..." Moving closer to Bonnie who mirrored his move she rested her head on the back of the sofa, looking at Damon from her angled view she smiled brightly. "And what happens in these dreams of yours Damon?" She bit her lip as he watched, transfixed on her full lips. "Probably the same thing that happens in yours.." He smirked, even when he was drunk he was still an ass.

"Who said I dreamt about you?" Bonnie said, her face not even an inch away from his, he grabbed her waist and pulled her on top of him a sudden movement, so swift, so smooth, surprising Bonnie who yelped, her hands around his neck, his on her hips, their centres touched and they felt euphoric. "I know you dream about me." And with that he closed the space between them, their lips crashed down on one another's, both in a dual for dominance but being too equally matched they were both caught up in the connection to even notice, their tongues entwined around each other and Bonnie moaned when they connected in a way no one had ever connected with her before. Grinding up and down on his lap, Damon held on to her hips tightly moving her so that they felt every sexual spark, their chemistry was off the charts, Bonnie frantically removed the remaining buttons on Damon's shirt and pulled it wide open, putting her bare hands to his bare chest and both immediately feeling like only they mattered.

Still entangled in each other, Bonnies phone started to ring, loudly, snapping them out of their passionate session, Bonnie's cheeks lit up like Christmas. "Sorry I should get that." Releasing her hips, Damon watched her walk over to her bag and pick up the phone. "I'll just take this in the bathroom if that's all right?" She asked him and he nodded, she couldn't look at him, it was too temptin, seeing his blue shirt unbuttoned like that and his tousled Raven hair, he looked like the walking embodiment of sex.

The effects of the alcohol wearing of quickly as she saw the caller id, Bonnie bolted the bathroom door. "Hi Elijah." Bonnie said with as much fake enthusiasm as she could muster.

"I'm just calling to inform you that you no longer are on Stefan duty, I have someone else doing that particular job better than you ever could." Elijah bellowed, his tone laced with boredom and superiority.

Bonnie put two and two together, "Lexi..." She accidentally said out loud, hitting herself over the head she reprimanded herself, she had to save this, netting that slip was like letting the village idiot drive your Aston Martin off a cliff.

"Oh, so you are up to date with the salvatores then, well it seems I underestimated you, Bonnie, maybe I need to give you a new mission, I was initially going to have you help Lexi by befriending Stefan but obviously your skilled for much more responsibility. I want you to get involved with the older salvatores, Damon, your going to get him to trust you, open up to you and then you'll get me exactly what I need, do you understand?" His bored tone gone, Elijah perked up much to Bonnie's dismay, this was exactly what she didn't want to happen.

"I understand." Bonnie squeaked out, slumping against the wall.

"That's good, for you." Elijah said as he hung up.

Bonnie didn't know what to do, she sat on the toilet and contemplated her next move, looking at the time she gasped, what only felt like an hour turned into six, it was nearly 11pm and she needed time to think about what she had to do next.

Unbolting the bathroom door she slipped out back into the living room to find Damon buttoned up with a glass of water for her. She accepted the water and sipped it slowly. No one said a word until she reached for her bag.

"I should get going." Gazing temporarily at him, Damon seemed in different to the news.

"I'll get a taxi, and drop you back." He said as they moved to the front door, Bonnie never protested which Damon was glad about because he knew he wouldn't let her go back to that part of Harlem inebriated at this time of night alone.

Getting into the taxi, Bonnie shot of her address to the driver as Damon sat down on the left hand side of the back seat, Bonnie was on the right. The ride back to her apartment was mostly silent, both too embarrassed to say anything and too tired to make small talk.

They finally reached Bonnie's apartment block and Damon told the driver to keep the meter running and that he would just go and drop Bonnie at her door and be back down.

Walking up the stairs they remained silent still, feeling every level awkwardness had to offer, how could something so passionate be so incredibly awkward? Bonnie thought to herself. They reached her door. "This is me." She spoke softly, her hand shaking lightly, unable to get the key in the keyhole, Damon watched her, he felt so many emotions, she was so cute and seeing her struggle and needing his help only intensified his feelings for her. He covered her hand with his and sparks flew instantly, setting off fireworks within them, guiding her hand they managed to open her door, Damon rested against the threshold as Bonnie moved inside her apartment, holding the door she faced him. "I really appreciate this, thank you for looking out for me." She said innocently, not making eye contact.

Glancing around her apartment Damon felt sad for her, living like this, yes it was good that she had some independence but her apartment was pathetic, she deserved more. Bonnie held the door for support, she was so confused, how could feelings be so complicated?

Touching her chin, Damon pulled her to look at him, ice blue crashing with moss green they connected.

"I promise Bonnie, I'm going to save you."

He gently grazed his lips against hers, they both fought the urge to tear each other's clothes off. Damon pulled away and Bonnie opened her eyes a few seconds later, listening to his retreating footsteps.

This was a big chapter for bamon, and a big turning point in their relationship! Honestly I never thought about adding Bonnie's back story in so early on in the story but I think that there was just wayyyyy too much mystery that need answering so I guess now was as good a time as any.

Let's address a few things, so Lexi... Is she evil or isn't she? To be honest I'm not wanting to paint her as an antagonist although I'm leaning towards it for the sake of the story however I think I'll change my mind as she and Stefan are so cute together and he deserves some love!

And lastly bamon! I'm so in love with them, their first kiss! And he desperately wants to save her from the prostitution industry but he doesn't know half of it as yet, imagine if he found out about who Elijah really is, uh oh!

Thanks for reading and please let me know what you all think, loved the reviews last chapter, you guys are so sweet!

See you soon,

Love S xox