You may have your revenge

A/N: English language is in cursive, the vikings language isn't, just to make it a little easier for all of us.



"Look what I found!"

The vikings all turned to Rollo who came walking into the square with a furiously kicking girl over his shoulder.

"A real fighter this one." He laughed as he harshly dropped the girl to the ground, her hands tied together behind her back rendering her unable to soften her landing. "If no one has anything to say of it she will come back with me."

They had all expected her to run as soon as she touched the ground but to their surprise she didn't, she simply got up on her knees and shook the mop of red hair out of her face, bravely looking up at the men around her.


Ragnar looked into the girl's blue eyes and was amused to see not fear but a fire burning strong.

He knelt down in front of the girl and despite her tough exterior he noticed her flinch as he reached out to touch a lock of her short hair.

"You are too young to have hair this short." He mused as he twirled it between his fingers. "Why is it short?" He asked her in her own language, thankful he had gotten the priest to teach it to him.

"They cut it." The girl hissed through gritted teeth, looking at him as if she wanted nothing but to rip his eyes out.


The girl simply looked at him in defiance, seemingly bored with talking to him but Rollo, who was not as patient as his brother, grabbed a firm hold of her hair and pulled her head back towards him.

"Answer him!" He growled as a small whimper of pain escaped the girl's lips and even though she didn't understand the words, she understood the message.

"As punishment." She spoke in a clear voice, making the tears in her eyes seem like a vision.

"Punishment for what?" Why he was so interested, Ragnar did not know, but chalk it up to good old fashioned curiosity.

"I tried to kill a boy. They cut my hair and threw me in a dungeon as punishment."

"You tried to kill a boy?"

"I would have succeeded too if I had only planned it a little better." The girl chuckled which, considering her current position, took them all by surprise.

"So you know how to fight?"

"Give me a sword and I'll show you." She tilted her head slightly, a wicked smile playing on her lips.

"What is she saying?" Leif asked, annoyed by the conversation going on in a language that he did not understand.

"She wants me to give her a sword." Ragnar smiled as he spoke, enjoying the laughter that erupted at his words.

"So give her one!" Floki said, a mischievous grin on his face. "Let us see if she can actually use it."


Ragnar stood up, drawing out his own sword as Rollo pulled the girl to her feet and loosened the rope around her wrists, handing her his sword.

The girl weighed the big piece of metal in her hand for a second, never taking her eyes of her opponent as she did.

One of the men reached her a shield but she did not accept it.

"Take it, you will need it." Ragnar said, gripping his own shield in his left hand.

"I do not fight with shields, you strike or you duck. That is how I've learned to fight." The red haired girl spoke, slicing the sword through the air twice, trying to get comfortable with its size and weight.

"Very well then." Ragnar reached his own shield to his wife who took it. "No shields it is."


The girl noticed how the vikings closed a large circle around them, cutting off any way for the fight to be hindered.

She took a step to her left, the viking mimicking her movement. Another step and he followed suit.

Quick as a weasel and with a smile on her face she struck, catching the man off guard and managed to tear the tip of her sword into his side. She could see how blood escaped through the ripped fabric of his tunic but it was not much, barely a scratch.


Ragnar stumbled back, clearly surprised by the girl's speed and bravery and he realized that he couldn't lose focus on her for even a moment or he would get hurt.

He charged at his young opponent who spun out of reach before his sword could do any damage. Giving the girl no time to think he struck again, this time the tip of his sword cut through the skin on her cheek and a good amount of blood flowed down her face as she jumped back, her backside hitting a big man behind her but who, thankfully, didn't push her forward but let her be.


The viking once again charged at her but this time she more than ready for him, and as she ducked under his sword she jabbed him with her own but the unfamiliar weight of the weapon caused her aim to be off, only leaving another cut across his side. This time drawing more blood than before.


Realizing he was tired of playing games with a child Ragnar put all of his power behind the next swing, knocking the weapon out of her hands before bringing the tip of his sword to her slender neck.

She did not fall to her knees, like he had expected her to. She did not beg for her life, she simply stood there, looking straight into his bright blue eyes, awaiting her death with no signs of sadness.


"Who taught you to fight like that?" Ragnar asked as he regarded the girl.

"I've learned from experience." She spoke, her voice clear of any signs of fear.

"Answer me one question before I let you die. Why did you try to kill the boy?" Again, that curiosity!

The girl lifted her head proudly, knowing that these words would be her last.

"He raped me. I wanted my revenge, is all."

Ragnar felt his eyes drift to his wife, it was not long ago that she had killed Knut for trying to rape her and he had been proud of her for it. Now this young girl stood in front of him, not much older than his own daughter, bleeding and waiting for him to kill her without her getting her revenge.


"Who is he?" He asked, making the girl furrow her brows in confusion. "The boy who raped you, what is his name?"

She raised a slender hand and pointed behind the crowd of vikings still gathered around them.

"His name is Gavin, and he is right there."


Looking to see where and what she had pointed at the vikings all turned to the small group of young men still alive from the raid.

A tall blonde boy, no more than 18 years old, stared back at them and spit at the sight of the red haired girl.


Ragnar looked between them and he could see the hate brewing in the girl's eyes and without a second thought he picked up the sword he had knocked from her hands and handed it to her.

The girl stared at him, not understanding what he expected her to do but when he nodded at the boy something came alive in her.


It was as if the war god Tyr himself had settled behind her eyes, the fire in them burned so strongly Ragnar could feel the heat from where he stood and had she been his daughter he would have been proud for the way she strode up to the boy.

She cut his ties and threw him to the ground with a strength that very few girls possessed. She walked up to the blonde boy with a smile on her face and as she drove the sword into his side she gave out a laugh, so wild and crazy she could have easily been mistaken for a viking.

Next was the boy's left arm, then the right one. Then his left leg, then his right leg.

And it was first when the boy's voice shattered from his pained screams that she plunged the metal into his heart, twisting it as she enjoyed seeing the last bit of life escape his eyes.


Stepping away from the body she wiped the sword clean on her breeches before handing it back to Rollo as if it was made out of the purest gold.

"Thank... you." She spoke slowly, her tongue finding it difficult to pronounce the few words in the foreign language that her mother had once taught her.


Turning to the blue eyed leader the girl dropped to her knees in front of him, her head held high and her eyes full of pride.

She had gotten what she wanted, now she could die without any regrets.





A/N: My first Vikings-fic! I'm not sure whether this is the end of the story. What do you think? Let me know if you want it to continue or if you simply liked it the way it was. The demand keeps me going ^^