Hey Guys.
The most inactive author on here. Over the past few months I have seen quite a few people still reading and favouriting my stories from YEARS & YEARS ago. It fills me with so much pride and happiness.
I have not given up on writing all together, but it has been many years since I have written fan fiction. It will always be a passion of mine to imagine that my favourite IPs could benefit from my own personal twist. I regret to inform you that I will not be continuing the two stories that I was writing 5-6 years ago. I have adapted and grown slightly as a writer and I feel that the tonal shift may be too much and the story will likely implode.
I have not written all this just to annoy you however. I am hoping to refine and perfect my own IP before I write it and send it out into the world and in order to develop and practise my writing and story structure etc, I want to release a few stories based on some of my favourite IPs.
I will, in effect, "replace" my GOT and TWD fan fictions. What I want from you guys (beyond just patience and feedback) would be suggestions for two other IPs that I could attempt a story in. My main two thoughts at the moment are Harry Potter and Star Wars but if you guys would rather read something else (and I know enough about it or I have enough time to watch/read it) then I am happy to give the people what they want.
I would like to do fringe stories rather than the main plot of the IP. (For example covering Sirius' time at Hogwarts, rather than following Harry all over again). But again, I am a people pleaser and I am only too happy to adjust the stories we know and love so well if it is what everyone wants.
I thank you all for your support, especially since I have been inactive for half a decade.
Please send me private messages with your suggestions.