
I'm so sorry that I had to write this letter instead of telling you face to face. I was scared that if I faced you in person, I wouldn't be able to go through with it. I told you all about parallel universes and the dangers of the rift, right?

Something is coming, Alec, from the deepest, farthest reaches of the universe: the darkness, that's what I call it. The darkness is coming, Alec, and it will destroy everything. The only person in the universe who can stop it is the Doctor, my Doctor, sealed away in my old reality where I can never return. That's what he said.

That's where I'm going.

Torchwood has developed what I call the Dimensional Cannon. Using it, I will be able to break through the barriers between parallel worlds, which are becoming thinner every day. This is the greatest enemy the Doctor has ever faced, and he's going to need all the help he can get. I love him; I have to help him, or at least try.

I will find the Doctor and we will stop the darkness. I promise you.

Yeah, it's going to be dangerous, and I'm going to stand and look into the face of death, and I'm going to laugh. Because that's what he taught me to do, and so did you. You wanna know what else I know?

You don't just give up. You don't just let things happen. You make a stand. You say "no!" You have the guts to do what's right even when everyone else just runs away. I'm gonna do just that, and I'm probably gonna die. Don't worry about me, because I'm doing it for all of you. Everyone on Earth, especially the people of that little, boring, wonderful town called Broadchurch.

You are an amazing man, someone I am proud to call my friend. Be good to Ellie, because after all she's been through, she's going to need a good friend to help her. Have that cuppa with her, even if you only drink tea; take her out to lunch. Get that dog you've been talking about. Solve crimes, save lives, and never forget why you became a copper. It's when you forget that you start to doubt yourself, and please, never do that. Take care of yourself, don't give up on your daughter, and always fight the good fight.

One last thing, because I have one last favor to ask you. Have a good life on me, yeah? Do that for me, Detective Inspector Alec Hardy. Have a fantastic life.

It's been an honor and a privilege.

My name is Rose Tyler. Please remember me.


I'm uploading the last two chapters today. This has been an interesting story.

Hope you enjoy, please review and let me know. Since it's un-beta'd, please let me know if you see any errors.


EDIT: I'm currently writing the sequel, Saving Rose Tyler. Follow me and keep an eye out! I'm warming up to be even more diabolical next time around.