*WARNING! CORNINESS, LANGUAGE AND TYPOS! DON'T LIKE THEN DON'T READ* Hullo there! So this is a series of drabbles surrounding the life of Sadie and Carter after the end of the series. Each chapter/drabble is a different prank. Think of the Youtube series PrankvsPrank… it's a bit like that. I don't know when updates will be and I don't know how long the story is. I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. Reviews will always and forever be loved! Thanks! -BBH

Sadie: The Kissing Game

What the hell was my brother doing making out with Zia instead of training or reading a stupid book?

This is my brother. MY BROTHER! I'm the one who sneaks kisses from people when backs are turned. He's supposed to be the idiot that's too naïve to do anything, even if he has a girlfriend.

And Zia. This is my friend-ish person Zia, who spends half of her time in Egypt and half of her time trying to be a 'normal' girl (and failing) with my brother. Relationships don't bother me, but Carter does. We were born like that. It's part of the package.

I am his sister, though, and that meant I couldn't allow that to happen.

I wasn't going to keep watching him suck face. Time to take action.

This was the best part.

I ran into my room and looked under my bed, where I kept everything I could to annoy my brother. What could I use? There wasn't any way I could get them to break apart long enough to make them eat something other than the other persons spit. I could do something to hurt them, or I could always cast a spell. Or set Freak out on them, but then again, Freak was Carter's pet. He didn't like me that much.

But no, I had an idea.

I grabbed the firecrackers and a lighter, because I didn't trust myself to not set the building on fire.

When I returned, they were in their same position. I made a face and tiptoed quietly to the wall. Their eyes were closed and their lips were smacking so loud that they clearly didn't hear me, and if they did, they didn't care.

Annoying Carter was like water. I couldn't live without it.

I set the firecrackers along the wall and trailed them along so that they went around the corner. They wouldn't see me from there. I flicked the lighter and set it against the string. After that I stood back and prepared to hear my brother piss himself.

BANG! BANG! BANG! They went off like gunshots. Carter screamed like a little girl and I looked around the corner to see Zia on the ground, eyes wide, and Carter doing a little kids potty dance. Zia blinked like she couldn't believe what Carter had done. He was going to be in trouble with her.

Carter looked like he had died a little. He was slouched against the wall.

I laughed.


My cover was blown, but hey, who else would've done that?