Well, there had been more interesting days on the Enterprise, Captain James T. Kirk thought, staring blankly at the viewscreen. So he could not be happier when Scotty called up. "What is it, Scotty?"
"I think somethin's transportin' aboard, Captain!" Jim looked immediately at Spock, who, while not looking at the captain, had stopped working and was listening intently to the conversation. "I've got somethin's signal!"
"Can you tell me anything about it?"
"I can get her on board, Captain. Otherwise she'll just be floatin' around in space."
Now Jim looked interested. "She?"
"I got her!"
Jim rolled his eyes. "Scotty, beam her aboard." He turned to Spock. "Ready to see who she is, Spock?" Without waiting for a reply, he flicked a switch on his chair. "Bones, meet me and Spock in the transporter room. Scotty got an unknown signal of a female and is gonna beam her aboard."
"Fine. Beam aboard some random stranger with probably a dozen different diseases dormant within them." Spock and Jim could almost see Bones rolling his eyes.
Jim, Spock, and Bones rushed into the transporter room. "I don' know where she came from, Captain, honest. I was runnin' a system check when her signal appeared." The three Starfleet officers all crowded around the collapsed young woman, Bones already scanning her. Scotty stood close by, running a hand down his face.
Bones looked at Jim and Spock. "Jim, these readings - she's only half Human."
"Well, what else is she then?" Jim looked down at the young woman.
Spock, a theory already in mind, moved her hair away from her face and ears. "It appears," he began, his theory confirmed. "She is half Vulcan."
The captain looked at his first officer. "What is she - your sister? I thought you were the only one."
"There are three possibilities, Captain. One, she is indeed my sibling that my parents never spoke to me about. That possibility is highly unlikely." Jim nodded, leaving Bones and Scotty kind of confused. "Two, she is a Vulcan-Human hybrid from the future, thrown into the past like my older self. Improbable, but not impossible." Spock paused before the third possibility as if reconsidering it.
"What's our third choice?"
The Vulcan opened his mouth and closed it again before speaking. "She is a female version of myself from an alternate universe."
The room fell deadly silent, all parties looking at Spock, who was still looking at their guest. Bones still had the tricorder over the young woman's body. It beeped, forcing him to look back down at the piece of equipment. "Sorry to break the mood," Bones said, looking back up. "But whoever she is, she needs to get to sickbay."
Jim nodded then paused. "Who's gonna carry her there? I mean, I would but I kind of don't wanna carry my first officer, if that's who she is," he added after receiving incredulous looks.
Spock gently shifted their guest so that she lay on her back before putting one arm under her knees and the other behind her back. Without any comment, (Jim and Bones were watching in stunned silence), he picked her up and left the transporter room. The three senior officers followed quickly, glancing at each other.
Sickbay was as pristine and clean as ever. Bones had Spock put their guest into a private area before beginning his tests. Jim had taken the spot next to the biobed, Spock standing at the foot. Scotty had gone back to the transporter room to figure out where she had come from. "Are there any other possibilities as to who she is?" Jim looked at Spock, searching his face for the telltale sign of any emotion. Spock shook his head, his eyes staying on the young woman. "Y'know, I understand why you said she could be a female you," the blonde said, looking back at her.
"I do not follow."
Jim shrugged. "She just kind of looks like you." Spock blinked at the blonde although his captain could not see it. "Well, I mean, if you were a girl." He mentally slapped himself. "Not that I've thought it before. I'm gonna shut up now."
Luckily for Jim, Bones reappeared from his office. "Jim was being an idiot again, wasn't he?" He didn't wait for a response from Spock to turn and glare at the captain. "Stop that! One of these days it's gonna rub off on him!" Jim held up his hands in defeat as Bones scanned over their guest again. "She should be awake in a couple of hours. There's nothing we can do 'til then, so you two should go back to work."
Spock shifted his weight from foot to foot briefly. "Doctor, I request that I remain here so that when the unknown female wakes I will be able to explain her situation to her." Bones nodded, understanding Spock's desire to be present when she woke up. He looked at Jim, who sat himself down in the chair beside their guest's biobed.
Bones sighed. "I'll be in my office if you two need anything."