Post-Hogwarts. Just a fluffy femmeslash!

Fleur hummed to herself as she lay on the sofa, her head in Hermione's lap, one leg high in the air as she examined her feet.

"'Ermione?" Fleur inquired sweetly, stretching her arms above her head and tickling under Hermione's chin.

"What is it, Fleur?" Hermione asked, brushing Fleur's hand away and opening her eyes. She had been trying to doze, but Fleur kept distracting her. The way she stretched her long legs, and her skirt that was much too short. Not to mention her cream blouse that left little to the imagination.

Hermione and Fleur had grown to be good friends since the war, and spent most days with each other. They were currently lounging in the living room of The Burrow.

"Zank you for painteeng my nails, er, yesterday," she said, flashing a grin, and waving her foot in Hermione's face, "zey are perfect!" she cried, suddenly jumping up. She turned around and sat on her knees, her face inches from Hermione's.

Hermione had to look away when Fleur mentioned painting her nails. It had been torture. Hermione had harboured a crush on Fleur, ever since fourth year when they first met. Having Fleur's creamy legs in her lap, with her toes wriggling about distractedly had been absolute torture for her. T. O. R. T. U. R. E.

Fleur grinned as Hermione b owed her head. She had purposefully suggested that Hermione painted her nails for her. Fleur knew Hermione had a crush on her, and the secret was the fact that Fleur fancied Hermione as well.

Well, enough was enough, Fleur decided.

In one quick movement, she had twisted herself around and straddled Hermione's lap. Hermione flushed as red as a tomato before stuttering out,

"Wha-what a-are y-ou d-doing, Fleur?" she gasped, her eyes wide.

"Taking matters eento my own 'ands, 'Ermione," she smirked, before sweeping her hair to one side and crashing her lips into the younger witch's. Hermione was stunned and didn't react straight away, until Fleur's tongue slid along her lips, inquiring entrance. Hermione obliged and from here on, and their lips moulded together as one. Hermione's hands slid around Fleur's waist, as Fleur's got tangled in Hermione's hair.

Fleur pulled away and smiled, leaving Hermione's eyes glazed over. She slid off Hermione's lap and sat against the corner of the couch, before crossing her legs and picking up a book.

She left Hermione there for a while, gaping. Her mouth opening and closing like a goldfish.

It was quite a funny sight to see.

YAY! Fluffy one shot there for you! Just decided to change the characters around and write a random fic! I hope you enjoyed it :)