I always wanted to write a high-school dramaich story, because my favorite Yaoi mangas are mostly based on romance between high-school boy's.

So, basically to make the reading easier I would like to note, that Ichigos hair is slightly longer than in the anime/manga. More, like when he confronted Aizen after the training with his father. Also, Grimmjow and Ichigo are the same high, because I still have no idea who will do whom in the story and making them the same height makes the relationship more diplomatic.

I also would like to note, that English isn't my first language so the story is bound to have mistakes. Truth be told I have mistakes in every language I know.

Anywho, I hope you will enjoy the first part of the story!

Yesh! And rated M for language. No sexy time for you, you little pervs.


The orange haired youth was rubbing the last traces of sleep from his eyes while yawning heavily. The beautiful, sunny day obviously contradicting his foul mood, which was caused by a growing disappointment in the universe that for some reason decided to hate him. It was still 7.30 in the morn, the sun was gradually warming up the air, green leaves swung in tact with the soft September breeze. Ichigo walked nonchalantly, dragging his one foot behind the other. It was for sure one of the most dreadful days he had had in a while. From this day onwards the orange haired youth enters a new school that educates the crème de la crème of the nation's society. The posh kids of Seirei High were raising their law and order not only in the school, but also in the whole city. Students who made Seirei their playground had no morals and no interest in people whom they deemed lover ranked then them, which in one word meant anyone who didn't have a high social standard, a fancy ass car, a hot supermodel girlfriend or any other shit that wasn't of Ichigos interest. Of course, most of the statements were merely deducted from gossip, which he frankly newer took to heart, but having bitter experience with some students of the named school made him realize that the stories circulating about the student body weren't as false as he thought. Being a self proclaimed superhero fighting for justice, he always managed to get himself in trouble by protecting the weak and innocent. Which one time got him into a situation where he decided that polishing a Seirei's richfucks face with a brick wall was a good idea. After that it took some time to shake off the fancy ass lawyers from his back. Anywho, now Ichigo was placed into a position that made him hurl from ''sheer happiness''. First of all, from now on he must see the Seriei asses from mon to friday and listen to their egocentric bullshit everyday. Secondly, he cannot lay a hand on them, being already sued once, sentence - being a night in shining armor. Thirdly, the fancy pansy uniform. Ichigo wasn't feeling the silk black blazer, that had a golden Seirei High symbol decorating an inch of his chest and of course the geylike white trousers. The trousers, just cramped his style.

''Karma? Why do you hate me?'' thought the youth while reaching the crossroad, from which the Gothic styled building of Seirei was clearly visible.

Ichigo was born into a family of commoners, raised by normal parents and going to a normal school with his normal friends. At first you would say that his life was relatively average, if you ignore some.. or maybe a couple.. em, hundred fights. Of course, who was he kidding, bullies and pricks were always on his back looking for a beating. His sharp tongue partly responsible for those. That is why, fitting into a so called high class society made him far from overjoyed. Despite being a prick magnet, Ichigo was a strong athlete, winning every tournament in sports while representing his school in variety of competitions.

Of course, it didn't take long to pique the scouts interest and Seirei being a school that has always excelled in academics and sports decides to add the orange haired boy to the student body. When he was given a proposition to grasp this opportunity, his father was on the verge of tears. After loosing their mother and partly their business, fortune seemed to have left the Kurosaki family. That's why Ichigo just couldn't decline this offer; he had barely seen his father so happy over something so trivial as switching schools. Alternatively, Ichigo knew that the new school would give him a huge advantage in the social ladder, which would give him all the prospects to make something from himself and make his families life easier.

''I'm feeling like a martyr,'' thought the orange head making himself even more depressed. There was another 10 minute walk left and he would be written off from the lower social standard from the moment he steps into the school, but this of course, didn't make him even an inch closer to feeling happy. He was almost dieing from self desperation, when hearing a small cry from an ally beside him.

''Please... No please, stop!''

Ichigo turned his head and saw something he wished he wouldn't have.

''Please, don't.. '' screamed a small boy, whose glasses were crushed by a foot twice the size of his head.

''Did you hear something Abirama?'' Said the big guy, who crushed the thin glass with the up most joy.

''Something squeaking over there?'' Answered the other.

''Hah.. '', laughed the bigger guy, raising the small figure by his shirt:'' So? What should we do about this?'' He asked with a smirk while pointing at his shoe. ''See? There's' dirt on it.''

''I-I-I'm..m..m sorry,'' cried the small figure while desperately clinging to the hand that raised him up by a meter.

''Sorry doesn't cut it. You see, clean shoes are part of a gentleman's uniform and you just stepped on them, without even an apology''.

''Aw, Nirgge you're so cute, pouting like a school girl and all,'' laughed Abirama, while resting his back on the fence.

''I know what... lick – it – clean,'' the smaller figure was thrown on the ground, while feeling a foot pressing against his scull:'' Come on sucker! I don't have the whole day. You need to stand up for your actions you lowly brat!''

''Ok, Nirgge lets go, we need to see the boss or else he will get both our asses..'' said Abirama, while moving away from the fence.

''No, that ass can fuck himself. You! Lick it cle...argh''

Abirama was shaken from his cool, seeing a knee overprinting his pals face.

Nirgge flew on his ass, hitting his head on the garbage bin behind him: ''what the fuck?''

Ichigo looked at the small whimpering figure that cried his eyes out on the ground.

''Go,'' said Ichigo dropping his bag and looking over to Abirama, who apparently didn't give a rat's ass about the small guy, who took his backpack and ran towards the street.

''You, bitch,'' said Nirgge, while standing up:'' do you know who I am, you fucker!?''

Ichigo looked at the thug questioningly: "a sadistic pedo?''.

''What did you say, bitch!?'' growled Nirgge, while punching the wall left from him ''I am the numero - Nirgge Parduoc of the Arrancar gang.''


''I am Nirgge!'' shouted the man aggressively, while throwing a punch towards Ichigo.

Abirama was shocked; a young high schooler was able to stop Nirgges punch, with one hand like it was nothing.

''Why you little...urgh'' were the last words that the bigger one was able to make, before falling on his back like a sack of potatoes.

''I couldn't read his moves,'' mumbled Abirama, while widening his eyes towards the orange haired boy.

''Shit! What the fu...fu...''

Ichigo looked at the stuttering Abirama trying to figure out if the other had an overflowing diarrhea disorder. Abrima notices the golden logo on the black upper body, which made him shake like a leaf. Ichigo has seen different reactions but this made him kind of creep out. The other bowed hid head:'' I apologize, for our rudeness young master, we didn't know you're from Seirei.''

After that Abirama placed Nirgge over his shoulder and ran toward the street like a little girl.

Ichigo scratched his nape, shocked by the reaction. He looked down on the blazer, overly disgusted that he was mistaken with the bitch ass rich boys of Seirei.

''Fuck, I'm gonna burn this shit...''

''It's nice that you could make it ,'' said the older man while leading Ichigo through the halls. ''I imagined that you would make it on time, considering you didn't attend the induction ceremony.'' The older, short man, despite a smile, seemed quite pissed that Ichigo disrespected the schools order.

''I got lost,'' said Ichigo, highlighting his sarcasm.

''Ha-ha, I suppose. So, we are almost there.''

Ichigo was overpowered by the size of the big white halls. Tt would have looked like a nuthouse if not for the big mosaic style windows. The smaller man stopped and opened the last door at the end of the hall.'' Hello class, please be seated. We have a new addition to our class, who is a scholarship student and was picked from hundreds of candidates to represent our school alumni in the future. , please do come in.''

Ichigo walked in, feeling uncomfortable, with every step he took. People were whispering, looking surprised or staring at him with admiration.

''.. orange hair?... his hot!... look at him.. lol, scholarship?''

Ichigo felt like a caged animal in a zoo, feeling the stares of the high-school brats analyzing him from head to toe.

''My name is Ichigo Kurosaki, I am 17 year old. I hope to get along with you all,'' said Ichigo with a straight face.

''Thank you Ichigo, please do take a seat. Now we will start with the lesson.''

Ichigo moved to an empty desk, ignoring the passing glances. Sitting down, after a walk that seemed like an eternity, gave him a small amount of joy.

''Pssst!'' Ichigo looked up trying to figure out from where the sound came from.

''Behind you.''

Ichigo turned his head, seeing a round D-cup staring at his face.

''My name is Orihime Inoue, nice to meet you Kurosaki-chan.''

''Chan? Ah, yeah..hi,'' said Ichigo straightening his gaze towards the face of the girl.

The girl had big innocent eyes and long ginger hair that sat softly on her white blazer. She seemed sweet, contradicting the image if the Seirei students Ichigo had met so far.

''Please take care of me,'' Ichigo managed to pull out a soft smile, considering this was his first casual conversation after entering the school.

''Look at that whore, we manage to get a hot guy in our class and she's already flirting,'' said some girl in the front row loud enough for the whole class to hear it.

Ichigo looked at the girl straight away looking over to Orihime, who was still smiling innocently.

''What's with her? Why doesn't she say anything?'' Thought the orange head averting his eyes to the window. Every time, he felt bitter or disgusted, the sky be it clear or grey made him forget it all.

''It's ok. Nothing will change,'' mumbled Ichigo while resting his head on his hand and looking out at the clear blue that seemed to calm him down little… by little.

The teacher wrote the topics on the board, clearly indifferent towards the class, from which more then half were minding their own business. ''Lucius Annaeus Seneca, a Roman philosopher …''

Ichigo rested his head on his hands, while listening to the lesson, trying to concentrate, while ignoring the murmur of the class.

''Si vis amari, ama - which means If you wish to be loved, love..what do you think Seneca wanted to convey with this message?''


The teacher was interrupted by a load sound from the door hitting the nearby wall.

''Hah! That he was a gay homo fag!''

''Mr. Jaegerjaquez, you're late,'' said the teacher, calmly, while ignoring the blue haired young mans comment on Latin literature.

''Hahaha.. Grimm overslept again!'' The class burst out into laughter.

''Hey, Yo! Grimm move your ass back here!'' shouted some kid from behind the class.

Ichigo has seen a lot of colorful people in his life, but that guy seemed to top most of them.

Blue hair styled by a thick layer of hair gel, eyeliner, two piercing in his left ear one in his eyebrow a punk ass t-shirt under his blazer and ripped jeans. ''Seems to be one of the honor students,'' mumbled Ichigo.

''That's Grimmjow-san,'' Orihime whispered from behind. ''He is the head sponsors Mr. Jaegerjaquez son,'' she continued.

'' Jaegerjaquez please take your seat!'' said the teacher slightly mad, because of the interruption.

''Yeah, yeah.. don't get your knickers in a wad, old man,'' said the blue haired youth walking towards the back of the class.

''Hei, Orihim..,'' Grimmjow stopped, while raising an eyebrow:'' who's that?''

''Emm.. This is Kurosaki-kun, a new classmate,'' said Orihime with an innocent smile.

Ichigo looked at Grimmjow, lowering his eyebrows seemingly displeased by the irritating figure.

''Hey Grimmjow!''

''Shut up!'' said the blue eyed young man, while continuing his walk towards the end of the class.

''Recess!'' shouted a girly boy while skipping happily towards the door.

''Now, class, please write down your home assignment,'' said the teacher, noticing that a one third of the class has already fled into the oblivion.

''Ku-Kurosaki-kun, if you like I can show you around the school?'' said the busty girl with a light blush on her cheeks.

Ichigo had no interest in befriending anyone at this stupid-ass school, but he felt a little bad for the girl, who seemed to be bullied, because of her feminine appearance. He drawed out a fake smile, that made the girl blush even harder.


''This is the music room; our orchestra is quite well known and has won tons of trophies in the state championships''.


''And this is the lab, we have our biology and chemistry lessons here. The sensei is very nice and everyone respects him,'' continued the red haired beauty.

''Next I can show you the cafeteria.. Or the gym? Where would you like to go first?'' The girl was happy and Ichigo noticed that despite the big smile, her eyes stayed lonely and empty.

''Do you like this school?'' Ichigo asked with a serious face interrupting the girl in her walk.

Orihime stopped facing Ichigo with her back. The girl clenched her fists, turning to the orange head with a forced smile.

The last lesson was finally over. Ichigo packed his stuff together and moved towards the exit, gradually reaching the school gate.

''Kurosaki-kun!'' He turned his head seeing the girl running towards him from the school: ''in which part of the city do you live in? Want to go home together?''

The orange head understood that the girl is lonely, but making the girl believe in a friendship they would never have, was also stupid.

''Orihime.. I...,'' he stopped looking into the big lonely brown eyes, understanding that he was in fact her last ray of hope in this godforsaken place.

''I.. I live at the northern district.''

''Yay, we can take the same train together!'' The girl smiled, and this time her smile was genuine.

The week after passed pretty quickly. Orihime was trying to make feel Kurosaki more at home. She showed him the school premises, gave him her notes from last year and even helped him to sign up for an athletics club. The support from a new made friend made Ichigo a little happy. There weren't many people who would sacrifice their time for an obvious outcast. The only thing was the gossip that grew more aggressive with every day. Ichigo gradually found out that Orihime made some bad choices in her day, which made her stand out as a girl without basic morals. The girl was targeted by bullies when she first started the school, because of her womanly figure and cute face. After, which in exchange for protection she gave her self to a guy, who held a high social standard in the school. The bullying stopped, but her self esteem lowered and the jealousy of the girls spread her out to be as the school whore. Orihime decided to tell him about it, basing it on the fact that she wouldn't like their friendship to start on lies, knowing that people will gradually start thinking that she and Ichigo are having sex. Ichigo on the other hand was quite indifferent to the gossip. Orihime was a nice girl, who seemed crumbling inside. Being there for her as a friend wasn't such a big deal anymore.

Monday, the club activities just ended and Ichigo decided to cool his head off under the water tap behind the club room. He was glad that he could still practice sports despite the obvious dislike for the school. He felt the water sliding from his nape to his back, making him feel at ease from the burning sensation caused by the annual Cooper Test.

''Hey! You!'' Ichigo raised his head to look back at the person addressing him as 'You'.

''Yea, you!'' A hand grabbed the front of his t-shirt pressing him against the bibcock. ''What's the big idea, fucking my girl? Hah?''

Ichigo looked at the man questioningly, having no idea about what the other was blabbering about.

''Don't give me that face, you punk! Orihime, that bitch is mine!''

Ichigo raised his eyebrow: ''what did you call her?''

''A bitch ass whore! What? Have a problem with that?'' roared the other:'' she's mi..''

The other was cut off with a foot in his groin, after which he felt the same foot banging against his face.

''Mah.. nose! You fucker!'' Shouted the other holding his hands on his face.. blood dripping slightly from between his fingers.

The orange head, calm as a brick wall, looked at the whining figure, holding in the urge to break and crush every body part of the other.

''Why you little fuck!'' The man raised his fist ready to attack, but was quickly lying on his stomach from a push to his back.

''What the fuck are you doing Yammy?''

The orange head noticed a familiar blue, which he soon remembered to be his classmate's hair.

''Grimmjow, wha ya hit me for, you ass?'' The one called Yammy tired to stand up, but was stopped by a heavy kick to his head that successfully sent him off to la-la land.

''You're not bad, you managed to break the guys' nose,'' complimented Grimmjow.

Ichigo looked at the other, blankly, took his towel and started wiping off the water from his face.

''Cat got your tongue or somethin'?''

Ichigo ignored the comment and started walking back to the field passing the blue eyed classmate. He stopped while feeling a hand pressing upon his chest.

''If you'll hurt her, I'll break your neck.''

The orange head was walking to school, remembering the incident from yesterday. ''That Grimmjow is no ordinary punk,'' thought Ichigo. ''That Yammy guy was out cold only with one kick...''

The orange head was shaken out of his thoughts by a loud: ''Kurosaki-kun!''

''Oh, hi, Orihime...''

''Kurosaki-kun are you ok? I heard that Yammy went after you yesterday,'' the girl cried out grabbing Ichigos hand, trembling. ''I was...hik.. so..hik.. worried. And I don't know you e-mail nor phone number to check if you were alright.'' Ichigo was a little shocked seeing the girl worrying over him. He placed his hand on her head, smiling:'' Baka! That guy was weak as a newborn.''

''I would have never known that you would date a guy so huge though,'' said the orange head, while walking with Orihime to school.

''Da..date? N..no.. I never da..dated him,'' the girl stuttered.

Ichigo shot a questioning glance towards Orihime: ''What's the bullshit about being his then?''

''I have no idea. Yammy is a close friend of the guy I dated..''


Orihme blushed into a crimson red: ''No, Grimm is just a classmate.''

''Just a classmate, hah? Friends won't normally react like that''. Ichigo thought, but decided to drop the issue, understanding that Orihime maybe a friend, but her past love life is a taboo issue.

''When I dated that guy, I told you about before – Ylfod. I was feeling happy, because he was a gallant and sweet gentleman, despite being a total playboy. He took care of me and no one dared to say or do anything to me. Last year before graduating, Ylford broke up with me and I was scared that the hell from last year will continue.''

Ichigo listened to her story, seeing that the girl was gradually calming down.

''Grimmjow, being Ylfords cousin found out that he broke up with me. So, he approached me after I locked myself in the girls toilet after being dumped by Ylford and volunteered to be a replacement for his cousin. Grimmjow was obviously disinterested in me as a woman. He never noticed or talked to me before that.''

Ichigo, seemingly displeased by the action, asked, a little aggressively: ''So you slept with him then?''

Knowing Orihime he never had thought that she would sink as low to take a ''replacement'' boyfriend as means of safety.

''No, he newer laid a finger on me...He even referred to me as ''woman'' up until just recently.''

Ichigo, looked at the girl, a question raising at the back of his head: ''Everyone's' afraid of him, because of his strength?''

''He is strong, very.. but that's' not all. The Jaegerjaquez family originated from a noble French family. Grimmjow-kun, is one of the descendents of the first noble. His father is also, one of the board members of Seirei High. Which means, if you cross Grimmjow-kun, there is the risk of being expelled from the school and being an outcast in the society for the rest of your life.''

''So the guy is not only an arrogant prick of a muscle head,'' thought Ichigo.

''But...,'' Orihime continued:'' despite his high self esteem, I still think that he is very sad on the inside. It is hard to be in a shadow of a well known, high ranking family that holds such a huge burden of expectations.''

Ichigo and Orhime entered the school grounds, noticing that others were averting glances and avoiding them more than usual. After entering the classroom, the students murmur quieted down and people shot different kind of glances towards Ichigo. Some of them loathing, some with adoration.

''Hei, Grimm, look. That's the guy that beat up Yammy. He even was taken away by an ambulance yesterday,'' said a short figure sitting next to Grimmjow.

''Oh.. you monster!'' Laughed Grimmjow.

Ichigo seemingly pissed dropped his bag and stepped towards Grimmjow, placing a hand on his desk.

''You asshole, you're the one who finished him off!''

The students started to whisper, surrounding the pair with confused glances.

''Oh, right.. but you broke his nose and I am pretty sure you will be the reason that the guy will never plant a seed in his life,'' Grimmjow smiled finding the situation to be quite amusing.

''Why, you!'' Ichigo shot a death glare at the blue haired punk.

''All right class settle down,'' the teacher came in shaking Ichigo out of his aggression.

''Kurosaki-san, is there a problem?'' Asked the teacher, noticing that Ichigo and Grimmjow had exchanged a load of killer glares.

Ichigo looked at Grimmjow for the last time and walked to his desk: ''No... sir.''

''You seem pleased with yourself'' said Luppi, while taking a bite from his sandwich.

''M?'' Grimmjow mumbled, why inhaling the smoke from the cigarette hanging from his finger tips.

''You never liked Yammy, so beating him up and pinning it all on the new guy was a fool proof plan. Who would have thought that the guy would react like that in front of everyone.'' The small girly boy continued, while poking a straw into his juice box.

''What are you sitting here for you shrimp?'' asked Grimmjow nonchalantly.

''Just because of basic curiosity.. God, this juice is good.. Everybody knew that Yammy had a sweet spot for those double D's. You would have whooped his ass sooner or later. Ok... thank you for the meal.'' Luppi stood up and started walking towards the exit of the rooftop:' 'You know? You cannot be her protector for the rest of your life. I understand that the Granz family has served Jaegerjaquez over several generations, but you cannot feel responsible for every thing that jackass does to save your fathers face.''

Grimmjow threw the cigarette bud, exhaling the last traces of smoke from his lungs. Ignorant, to the whole conversation.

At last, it was the long awaited evening. Ichigo just bought some stuff from the convenience store and decided to take a longer walk home to cool down before nighttime.

''Today was just totally messed up,'' he thought while walking back home.

''That blue eyed bastard and his smug face. Just pisses me off!''

Ichigo clenched his fist, mad at himself and even angrier about the whole situation. If, he had beaten up Yammy by himself, then there would be a strong possibility of expulsion. And that prick, Grimmjow, saved his ass by finishing that bastard off first.


Ichigo heard a crash in a park that he passed on his way home. ''No, no.. not my problem.. Go home Ichigo,'' the orange head thought suppressing his obvious curiosity.

''Fuck!'' Ichigo ran into the park, the voices and yells getting louder with every step he took, when reaching the destination he took cover behind a tree.

''What the..?'' The orange head notices eight guys, one of them he remembered to be that dick Yammy, only with a bandaged head a crooked nose, still reddish from the last beating. One of the guys was on the ground, clenching his stomach and suppressing his tears from the pain.

''It ... hurts...'' the guy whimpered, while coughing out pieces of blood.

Ichigo looked up at the person who most likely was the reason for the others pain and misery. Yet again noticing a familiar blue mess of hair.

''For a noble he seems to be getting in a whole lot of trouble,'' thought the orange head.

''You asshole humiliated me!'' Yammy shouted while pointing at Grimmjow. ''You and that bastards of a commoner. I'm gonna beat your ass, hang that orange haired freak by the balls and take slut Orihime by force if I have to!''

In an instant Grimmjow was attacked by several guys at once, dodging and even landing a punch on two guys, knocking them out cold.

''You were saying?'' Grimmjow smirked, while scrunching his fingers.

''What am I doing here,'' thought Ichigo:'' He obviously doesn't need my help.. like I would help him anyway..!?''

''Ugh! You bitch!'' Ichigo looked up to see that Grimmjow was hit by a baseball bat to the back of his head. A normal person would be dead or knocked unconscious, but not Grimmjow, he managed to turn around and land a knee into the attackers' stomach. His coordination being damaged, he didn't notice how another guy took out a pocket knife and ran towards him aiming at his side. It was too late to avoid the attack.

''Die bitch!'' Screamed the assaulter while being seconds away from piercing Grimmjows flesh.


Grimmjow eyes widened, the guy who almost killed him was knocked unconscious by a coke bottle.

''Oni-sans, doesn't seem like a fair fight,'' called out Ichigo walking towards Grimmjow, who swayed a little, with the flowing blood covering one of his eyes.

''Hahaha.. the dandelion is here. Good, now I don't need to look for ya,'' laughed Yammy, seemingly pleased by the appearance of the other.

Ichigo casually walked into the circle of the remaining five people standing back to back to the blood covered Grimmjow.

''You look like shit..'' whispered Ichigo:'' Will you manage the four weaklings? I will take care of the big guy.''

''Shut up,'' answered the other:'' I will kick all of their asses.''

Ichigo smirked and shot a death glare at the attackers. Yammy never saw what's coming. After the orange haired young man planted a low kick targeting the big guys marrowbones he shortly punched the guy to the chin, knocking him out cold.

Grimmjows eyes widened: ''His fast.''

The other guys, seeing this, stepped back and fled into the distance leaving the beaten comrades at the battlefield to rot in self pity.

Ichigo placed a hand on Grimmjows shoulder, looking worried about his injuries. The blue eyed noble slapped Ichigos hand away, displeased by his condition.

''Fuck off!''

Ichigo ignored Grimmjows insult and placed the others hand on his shoulders.

''Can you walk?''

''Shut up!''

Ichigo and Grimmjow took a taxi that drove them to well known expensive residential area a mile away from the city. Despite Ichigos proposal to go to the Hospital, Grimmjow insisted on driving him home.

Ichigo and Grimmjow didn't exchange a word during whole ride. After reaching their destination, Grimmjow took out a pile of cash out of his pocket, which was a lot more then the taxi fee and threw it to the driver like it was cheap ass confetti.

''For the cleaners,'' Grimmjow said pointing at the blood covered seat of the taxi.

''Thank you sir!'' answered the driver, picking up the money that fell under the drivers seat.

Ichigo opened the door and saw something magnificent, something that you can see on a photo in popular magazines or in Hollywood movies. The house.. no-no.. the villa, was huge. There were some guards in black suits walking in front of the main gate and couple were standing next the big cherry wood door.

''Welcome home young master!'' The guards said simultaneously bowing their heads in the process.

Ichigo walked behind Grimmjow, making sure that the other could manage to sway towards the entrance.

The blue haired young man opened the door, Ichigo following him into a magnificent neoclassical styled lobby.

The inside of the villa was even more posh then the outside. White marble floors, a fountain in the centre of two circular stairways and two Roman God statues on each side of the room.

Bringing up a question in Ichigo: ''What the hell? Are you Hefner or something?''

''Grimmi! Honey!'' A feminine voice shot from the second floor, Icigo looked up seeing a beautiful, blue haired lady running down the stairs. Ichigo blushed noticing that the young lady was wearing nothing more than a transparent white dressing gown, that looked beautifully together with her hip long hair, under which sexy white lingerie was clearly visible. Ichigo quickly conducted that the lady was somewhat related to Grimmjow.

''My baby!'' She cried while hugging Grimmjows neck.

''Mom! You're gonna get your clothes dirty!''

''Mom?!'' Ichigo eyes widened. After seeing the face of the lady, he managed to see the resemblance, she had the same sapphire colored eyes and some facial features were also similar to Grimmjows.

''Oh, whose that? A friend?'' The lady switched her attention to Ichigo. She walked towards him placing her hand on his forehead, pushing the orange bangs up.

''What a good looking boy you are,'' Missis Jaegerjaquez said, making the orange haired youth blush even more.

''What's going on?'' Ichigo heard a deep-voice from one of the stairways.

A tall, brawny man, with white hair and beard, who seemed to be in his fifties walked down the stairs wearing a vinous silk bathrobe.

''Honey! Our boy is injured, I think he needs stitches'' The lady said worryingly.

The man walked towards Grimmjow, looking displeased with the situation.


Grimmjow looked down, biting his lip. Ichigo didn't believe his eyes, his own flesh and blood slapped him ignoring Grimmjows weak condition.

''How dare you embarrass me?'' Growled the man. ''Go clean yourself up! You disgust me!''

''Yes Sir!'' Grimmjow said moving his feet in the second floor taking of the blood covered blazer in the process.

''Dear, don't treat him like that!'' The lady shot a glare at her husband.

The man looked at Ichigo and walked back to the stairway:'' Kursaki, come with me.''

Ichigo bowed his head to the mother and ran after the man, hearing a lot of angry foreign words that were directed towards Mr. Jaegerjaquez by his wife.

The man guided Ichigo to a room that looked a lot like a library slash office.

''You must excuse my wife and son,'' said the man seating himself into a black leather chair.

''Sir, how do you know who I am?'' asked the orange head.

''The school doesn't have so many scholarship students. I am one of the heads of the council, so I took part of the decision making for you admission,'' said the man pulling out a Cuban cigar from a small bamboo box.

''Oh? Thank you sir!''

''No need. My son - Grimmjow, is a troublesome kid. I hope you will manage to befriend him.''

''Ah? Yes... sir..''

''I remember your file,'' continued the man, while lighting the cigar, drawing the air with gentle puffs. ''You have an excellent athletics record,'' he continued.

''A-ha?'' Ichigo replied, not very sure where this conversation was getting at.

''My son, is very strong, physically. He has been in and out from different kinds of sports. Most of the Seires' competitions were won due to his effort. But, my son is changing.. Gradually he is turning into someone not worthy of being a Jaegerjaquez...''

Ichigo listened carefully, amazed how a father can say something so degrading about his own child.

''I was hoping that your appearance in his class can awake some traces of rivalry in him. Considering that you are as strong or maybe even stronger than him..''

''Sir, Mr. Jaegerjaquez.. I...,'' the orange hair boy was interrupted by a slight knock at the door. When the door opened he was slightly shocked.

It was Grimmjow, but he was totally different from like he is in school.

There were no piercings, no hair jail, no liner. His hair wet from the shower, wearing a white t-shirt and sweatpants. Grimmjow surely took the best futures from his parents. His height and strong build from his father and his face from his mother. When he was wearing all the stuff at school, Ichigo indeed noticed that he is in fact a pretty boy, but compared to his before image, he was surely, now, very handsome.

Grimmjow noticed the drilling gazes from Ichigo and shot a murder glare at him. Ichigo on the other hand turned away hiding his reddish blush behind his long orange bangs.

''Now, Grimmjow I – am – very – disappointed in you,'' said the father, his eyes resembling that of a killer.

''Sir!'' Ichigo shot out, shocking Grimmjow and his father.

''I beg you to forgive him. This whole situation was entirely my fault. The guys who started a fight were after me in the first place.''

Grimmjow eyes widened, someone dared to talk back to his father and lie because of him.

''Hmm.. in that case. I'm glad that my son showed some traces of nobility for chance. Ichigo, if you like you can stay the night in one of our guest rooms.'' made an offer that sounded more like an order.

''No thank you, I would take me leave.''

Grimmjow walked in front of Ichigo guiding him out of the villa.

''Why did you do that?'' Asked Grimmjow, clenching his fist from annoyance that an outsider saw such a weak side of him.

Ichigo looked at the back of the figure: ''Now we're even.''

Ichigo was pressed into the wall in a split second.

His fast!

''Are you a moron! I don't need your sympathy, you're not even on my level to decide on something like that!'' Grimmjow hissed, pushing his weight against Ichigos body.

The orange haired youth averted his eyes, not being able to look at the face of the guy whom he fought to be so mesmerizingly handsome just a couple of minutes ago.

Ichigo pushed the other slightly, so that he would move away from him.

''Go rest, idiot,'' Ichigo said in a calm voice, stepping down the stairs and out of the entrance.

A soft clicking of the door reached Grimmjows ears, that were slightly red from embarrassment.

''Fuck you!''

AN: I have no idea what I'm doing -.-