Disclaimer: Obviously, I don't own the characters…
A/N: I wrote this a while ago and only just found it again, so I'm sorry if there are any mistakes (if there are, please tell me and I'll fix it). Enjoy…
Dick knows he'd do anything he could to protect each and every one of them.
First Jason – his replacement – the cutest little shit of a Robin and his first little brother. Dick knows he's got to be there for Jason because sometimes it seems that not even Jason's there for Jason.
And he knows he's failed him once.
Then there's Tim – quiet little baby Timmy, so small and brittle, like a trembling leaf in the wind, but occasionally so hard, so mysterious - Little Timmy can lie to even the Batman, and Dick sometimes wonders what lies Tim keeps from him.
Next came Cassandra – the first little sister – quiet, careful, deadly Cassandra. Cassandra, who watches you and can see more than anyone else, Cassandra, who's faced so much and sometimes, you think, knows so little.
Lastly there's Damian. Little assassin Damian, who tries so hard to be older than he is, tries so hard to live up to the cowl, the legend – tries so hard to be like the Batman. But Dick can see the cracks in that mask sometimes, even when Damian tries his hardest, because he's his little brother, and Dick knows him.
He knows them all.
Or at least, he thinks he does. He hopes he does. He hopes he knows them well enough that he can be there, see them, stop them, help them, love them in their times of greatest need. He hopes he can be a father, brother, friend, confidante, or whatever else they need.
And sure, it takes everything he's got, plus everything he hasn't got and thinks he should have, but they make it, somehow.
Sometimes it's like he's the glue keeping them all together, the only thing holding the world up.
But, for all their ragtag arguments and petty rivalries, the scruffy flock of birds and bats are his family – brothers, sisters, and best of friends.
So he'll keep them together. He'll keep them through the bleeding and the broken hearts and the feuds. He'll keep them together like the glue on these torn scraps of paper, stopping them blowing away in the wind.
And he won't ask for a reward. Sure, he wishes he could hug them, hold them close and love them, but sometimes even Dick Grayson knows that's too much, that that's the reward his broken siblings can't grant him.
But it's worth it, when it works out – it's worth the pain and the heartache, because when they band together – when they stand next to each other like they should, like they were born to do – they're unstoppable.
They're family.
And for Dick Grayson, that's enough.