AU to Sandy's death scene.

The Nightmares surrounded Sandy, moving in on him as he attacked them with his sand whips. The other Guardians, and Jacklyn, were fighting Pitch's monsters to get to their friend, Jacklyn was the closest to him. She dodged two oncoming Nightmares and stopped just in time to see Pitch pull his arm back, a arrow forming in his hands. Pitch then let it go, aiming it at Sandy.

Jacklyn yelled out "NO!" She flew to Sandy, calling on the winds to make her fly faster in an effort to save her friend. She moved in front of Sandy, the arrow striking her chest, giving an angry glare at Pitch as the black sand consumed her, starting from her chest and spreading up her neck and down to her feet.

She wasn't going to let fear stop her, even as Pitch's nightmares manifested into a humongous wave of stampeding horses that tackled her and Sandy. Not several seconds after the two were attacked, a tremor was sent through the air. The nightmares were blasted apart by ice.

Jacklyn, who stood on a dream cloud with Sandy, growled and unleashed the full fury of snow onto the nightmares, a shockwave comprised entirely out of blue streaks that resembled lightning ripped through the nightmares and struck Pitch square in the chest. The nightmare king was thrown back as the black sand and ice fell to the street below like it was glass.

Sandy was starstruck. Never before had he seen such power. Tooth flew up to Jacklyn, taking her dream staff and wrapping an arm around her shoulder, and the winter spirit held her for support on the dream cloud. Exhaustion was taking over, it was clear to them as North's sleigh pulled up alongside the dream cloud.

"Come, we take her to pole." North said, wondering if Jacklyn was going to be okay.

Tooth, with the help of Sandy, put Jacklyn on the sleigh. The teen blindly reached out, seeking comfort as the nightmares took hold, her hand barely touching the back of Bunnymund's paw.

Green eyes, full of suspicion that this was a joke, looked into icy blue eyes, empty of mischief and filled to the brim with fear. The rabbit's instincts towards the spirit would have been to ignore her, but seeing the tears that formed in those wide eyes that were haunted by a past she couldn't remember and years of being the one everyone -including himself- rejected was too much for the Pooka.

The rabbit, forgetting the fact that they were still airborne, lay parallel to Jacklyn, looking her straight in the eye, and began to gently stroke her hair. Sandy was using his dream sand to combat Pitch's nightmare sand but Jacklyn seemed to not want to dream or fear at all, so she hid her face in the rabbit's chest as a last resort for it all to stop.

"It'll be okay Fr- Jacklyn," The rabbit said, trying to help the winter spirit calm down.

He stroked her hair again, ignoring the chill that was quickly taking over his body. He heard Tooth gasp, he looked out of the corner of his eye to see Sandy put a hand over his mouth before fainting. He asked them, with his eyes, what was going on.

"It's Jacklyn! Bunny, look!" Tooth said, ignoring how high her voice was.

The rabbit look at Jacklyn, expecting to see her crying. He saw that her snow white hair was slowly turning brown and her skin was beginning to darken. The rabbit looked up at MiM, his green eyes full of curiosity as to why he was doing this to one of them. Was he trying to- no. He wouldn't. And yet he was.

Bunny turned to his fellow Guardians, the two that were facing him, and said

"Manny's taking away Jacklyn's powers.." He looked down at the snow spirit that was turning mortal before him. Lost.

What are we going to do? The Guardians all thought at once.