Impossible Adventures Of The Impossible Girl

Journeys End

Clara Oswald arrived on the Dalek Crucible from the Doctors time stream. She realised that this time she had all of her memories from her previous adventures. Clara realised this meant that in this time zone she was about to face someone she'd met before. As Clara watched the scene unfolding in the vault of the Dalek Crucible. Davros had just electrocuted Donna providing the spark she needed to awaken the Time Lord part of her brain. Now she was going to wake up in a few moments and have the knowledge inside her head to be able to both disarm the Reality Bomb and neutralise an entire Dalek army. With a little help. That was why Clara was here. To provide Donna with the help she needed. After all she is a total screaming genius and something of an expert at hacking Dalek technology. The control panel was as easy to hack into as Clara had expected it to be. She glanced down into the vault and could see as Davros was monologging (again!) Donna was using the Dalek console at an incredible speed. Seeing Donna down there like that made Clara feel both sad and happy. Clara was watching Donna at her greatest saving thousands of universes and realities with ease. But Clara knew what was about to come next.

The Crucible rocked as the Doctors and Donna blew up the Dalek army. The Children Of Time turned the odds on the Daleks as the latest breed of Daleks created by Davros fell. Clara watched from her elevated view point and felt proud. She thought of her involvement in helping to get the heroes she saw to this point. She also wondered how she was going to help them in her future. The Doctors loaded their friends into the Tardis and Clara left her place of semi hiding. Clara could have returned to the time stream at that moment but there was one thing she needed to make sure of first. She needed to find Davros...

"So the Doctor left one of his precious Children Of Time behind. Now she has to face the flames of destruction for the last time on board the greatest Dalek ship ever." said a mocking voice from behind Clara. She turned and saw the creator of the Daleks. Davros.

"You know he doesn't know who I am yet. And you should also know by now that I will defend him till I die." said Clara. This was not the first time she'd faced Davros. The war on Skaro, the Movellan ship, the Tranquil Repose, the Dalek civil war, Coal Hill School. They'd met before. "But one thing before we both die. One thing I've wondered all the previous times we've met. What happened to you? I mean your face. Your eyes. What happened?"

"Are you showing me pity, Miss Oswald?" questioned Davros. If Clara didn't know him better she would say that he sounded surprised.

"Someone must have. Once upon a time." said Clara.

"Not for so many years. But I used to be like you, back then. Walking tall, so young and so proud. On a world at war with itself. My race, the Kaleds, in perpetual battle against the Thals. My very first memory; hiding underground, with the screams of battle above. The sound of death. The stench of waste. I saw the surface of the planet, only once..." said Davros. His voice trailed off thinking back to his life on Skaro. Back before the chair. Back when he had more limbs than just one arm. The sky of Skaro burned perpetually crimmson above a ruined world. The Thals and Kaleds tearing themselves apart and destroying their planet.

"And I swore, then. To end it. I pledged my life, to help my people, to ensure their survival. I studied the soldiers. Their frailty. Their pain. Their anger. I sought to find a way, to free them from the agonies of the flesh. And then I became a victim myself." said Davros. He remembered being a scientist examinging the wondeed Kaleds. Feeling useless to stop the destruction. Then the explossion. The explossion that had changed him. He should have died in it but he didn't. He survived.

"Perhaps it was necessary. To inspire me."

"Except you weren't helping the soldiers. You were experimenting on them. Changing them. Mutating them. You even experimented on your own family. You twisted the evolution of the Kaled race, until they became the Daleks. And because of that things are so much more easier." said Clara. The Dalek space ship contiued to explode around them. Clara picked up the gun that Mickey had used earlier and pointed it directly at Davros. "Goodbye Davros. I hope for the last time. I hope you go to Hell or somewhere even worse. And if you do come back. I'll be waiting."

Clara's adventures contiue in Tales Of The Impossible Girl.

I have a feeling the Davros scene in this instalment is going to be a bit controversial in some peoples eyes so I'd like to just say a few words about it.

The scene was based on a similar scene Russell T wrote in an earlier version of Journeys End. It was cut from the final version (budget, timing .ect) but I've always thought it was a really interesting scene. When I came to writing an instalment of Impossible Adventures for Journeys End my mind went back to this lost scene and I decided to give it a home.