* comes out from her safe cocoon *

Okay, so hi everyone! I know that everyone might hate me at this moment, but I would like to confer this message as a way to explain why I have not given any sign of life or updated in 2 years.

First of all, I am truly sorry about that. I am still really touched by the fact that I am getting reviews even today from you, asking me to update or to just express how much you love the story.

To be honest with you, I did not want to end the story at all and was sorry to hear that people thought that. Okay, I know, not writing for this long is basically considered having left the story… and AGAIN I am really sorry.

So basically the reasons: When I started writing the story, I was still a free high-school student, who found shelter from her bullied life by writing this fanfiction. I was sooooo happy to see so many of you were interested and that I got several positive feedbacks, which just made me continue and update quicker. However, I graduated and started university. So basically, I am originally from Hungary and decided that despite being just 19, I wanted to study in the UK, where the science education and future was much more promising. So I did move and started a new life here. However, it was not easy. I was (and still am) basically alone. I need to study soooo much in uni and as I do not have the chance for a bursary (as I'm from the EU, not the UK), I need to work beside it as well. If you don't understand it, just imagine having to wake up at 6:30 every day for school as I can only afford a cheaper accommodation 40 minutes away from uni, going through 3 hour long lectures, going home, getting some sleep and then study for HOURS. Sometimes I even needed to stay up until 1 or 2 am to finish. Aaaand then, came the weekends (if not even the weekdays) when I was working non-stop from mornings to evenings. Sometimes even 12 hours, so I only arrived home at 12 pm… and had uni starting the next day. So yeah, life was quite hard for me. BUT! I could not be any happier. I could go on for hours with these, but I just wanted you to see how hard it was for me to get over these 2 years. Now, I was able to settle down though and am feeling more confident. So yay~
Before you ask, yes, I had breaks and summer, etc, but I was soooo happy to finally be able to be with my friends and family that those months basically just flew by…

I hope this made you understand my reasons and that you will be less angry, if you were.

But, back to the original topic, I am not sure what the fate of the story is going to be. During these times, I have forgotten most of my ideas for it to be honest… I still have a half-finished chapter, which I am going to upload for you guys if I get enough replies and see that people did read this message first as a way of saying thanks for you. After that, I am still not sure either. Seeing all those reviews, favourites and follows just made me want to continue again, but I am not sure if I can continue to write it the way I originally did. At the worst case though, if someone would like so, I would be happy to give the idea and story to someone who would be willing to take it up and finish it. I would give them all the ideas I remember and would tell them how I planned the ending.

Hope I was able to get at least a bit of your forgiveness and I cannot emphasise enough how grateful enough I am for all of you lovely readers~ 3