Hello everyone~ ^w^

So, as promised, here is a new fic with Ciel being a neko~

This story is now written without those stupid "-" marks between the sentences. Sorry for them again in the previous fics! Hope you will enjoy~

Disclaimer: I don't own Kuroshitsuji or any of its characters!

He was running down the streets with all his remaining power. His legs almost became numb from the constant run, the limbs already shaking from tiredness, screaming for some rest. The hard raindrops from the storm didn't help his situation either. His body was soaked and he would have given anything for a warm towel. But he knew he couldn't stop now. The voices had already stopped, but he knew that they would be able to find him if he wasn't careful. He had to get as far as possible. He has already lost where he was running from or to where, he just ran where his legs took him to. It was already late at night so just a few people were walking through the streets, but he tried to avoid all possible contacts. When his eyes suddenly stopped at a lonely dark alley, he immediately ran into it, letting the darkness hide his dark blue fur. He noticed a small brown box in the end of the alley, immediately using it as a shelter. The box was wet from the rain, but at least it hasn't collapsed yet, so it was able to help him for some time. He curled up into a small ball, trying to keep the remaining warmth in his body. His nose wrinkled when it caught something stinky. He slowly raised his head to examine the deep cut on his leg. To his fortune, it has already stopped bleeding, but it hurt like hell and was swollen pretty badly as he didn't take care of it and instead ran for hours in the dirt. He slowly licked the wound, wincing from the strong wave of pain rushing through his body. At least he was safe now. There was nobody and he would be able to have some rest for some hours in the small shelter. With the thought in his mind, he put his head on his arms, using them as a pillow and let his eyes close. He almost immediately lost consciousness.

Sebastian Michaelis, a famous model in the city of London, aged 25. Thanks to his young age, he was pretty well-known and liked between the teenagers and the younger adults as well. It didn't matter which newspaper you took, he was almost in all of them, mainly on the covers. His short, raven hair falling to his cheeks like a frame; his strong muscled arms and chest which caused all the girls to melt. But the most attractive were his eyes. Those mesmerizing red irises, like a demon's. One look was enough to fall in love and do everything he wanted. However, this was one of the reasons why he was unhappy. Every girl he tried to date with turned out to be just with him because of his money or fame, not himself. He wanted to find true love. There was one time when he started to date with his model partner, Claude Faustus, but in the end he got to know about the male's true behaviour, so they almost immediately broke up. Of course their relationship was a secret, so it didn't shock the media or caused their fame to decline. They continued their lives as if nothing had happened. To Sebastian's misfortune, Claude still sometimes tried to gain him back, but Sebastian's answer was always the same.

However, there was one thing nobody knew. The secret between his charming body, how he was able to gain the attention almost all the people, both males and females. The secret, which could easily be proved with his eyes.

He was not a normal human. No, actually, he wasn't even a human. He was a demon.

Not an ordinary demon. He was one of the seven princes of Hell. However, after over 500 years of just staying in Hell with his father trying to convince him to marry his annoying fiancée, he got bored. He wanted something new, something which made his mind forget everything about his former life. With the idea, he easily decided to travel to the human world, saying that he wanted to gain a precious soul, so he would be away for a while because of the quest.

It has been 10 years since then, but he still wasn't able to find what he came for. Of course he was almost immediately noticed because of his features, so he became a famous model soon. Thanks to his demonic power, he pretended to be a child then, so people thought that he started to work as a model at the age of 15.

During the 10 years, he was able to consume several precious souls of course, but as he did them without making a contract, his father didn't know about them, so he was able to stay in the human world. He felt much better there without the constant ordering of his father. He felt free.

His partner, Claude Faustus was another demon, but he wasn't a prince. He was just the main advisor of Sebastian. Claude had been going after him during the last 10 years to help him hide from his fiancée.

So here he was, 10 years later after a late meeting during the night. He didn't understand why it was needed to make an interview at 9pm. He had to take part in 3 shootings and 2 interviews during the day already. He just wanted to go home and rest. As a demon, of course he didn't need sleep, but he had to pretend that he was a normal human.

As he was a model, he had enough money to have an expensive car, but he didn't want the media to find out where he lived, so he just bought a flat in a normal apartment with two rooms, a hall, a kitchen and a bathroom. He was happy that there was a storm outside as he was able to get home without any girls stopping him, begging for autographs.

He was waiting at the red light, humming a music which was on the radio when something blue caught his attention. The strong shine of the moon glinted on the thing, showing that it was something little and dark blue with 4 legs. Sebastian didn't know why, but felt curious about the thing. There aren't much times when you see something blue running on the streets. He was curious what the thing was.

He started to follow the thing, which form was still blurry in the strong storm. When it suddenly turned and ran into an alley, Sebastian searched for a parking lot. When he was finally able to find one after about 10 minutes of search, he stopped the car and took out his umbrella. He put his warm jacket on and got out of the car before locking it. He started to go to the direction of the alley, one of his hands in his pocket all the time, where his knife was hidden. Of course he had demonic powers, but sometimes he had to play the weak victim if he knew that the criminal had to stay alive. And as a demon, he liked to play with the conceited attackers. He slowly approached the alley, hiding at the wall next to it, peeking in slowly in case the thing attacked him. When he saw no sign of danger, he started to wall into the alley. It was dark and there was no light there, but he didn't need them thanks to his demonic eyes. He could see the things as clearly as during daytime. His eyes glanced around the street, searching for the thing, but just found scattered tins, remaining of bottles, cigarettes and a huge bin.

'Maybe my senses tricked me this time...'

He thought with a sigh, but as he was about the turn around, his sensitive ears caught some whimpering noise, like if someone was crying. He slowly approached the bin from where the noise came from and froze when he found the source. There was a box next to the bin with something little dark blue curled up in it. He could see two spiky things at one end of the ball and when he leaned closer he froze when he realised what the thing was.

'A... cat?!'

Sebastian Michaelis had always been a huge fan of cats, one of his weak points. He used to have a cat, but it died about one month ago and Sebastian still didn't want to buy a new one. He noticed that the head of the small cat was moving from side to side, his legs shaking like if it was dreaming something bad and trying to run away. However, Sebastian froze when he noticed why the cat was giving out those whimpering sounds.

There was a huge purplish swollen part of one of the cat's back legs with a deep cut mark at the middle with dry blood covering it.

When Sebastian kneeled down he was now able to see and hear the cat's sharp and unsteady breathing. He was sure that he had to help the animal or it would be too late.

He dropped his umbrella to the ground and slowly raised his hands and put one arm under the cat's head and the other under its stomach, lifting it slowly. His eyes widened when he heard a groan-like voice before the cat slowly started to open its eyes. However, the voice wasn't the thing which scared Sebastian. Instead of two same eyes, one of the feline's eyes was dull blue, with hardly any life in it; but the other was... purple with a strange symbol in it.

'What the...?'

However, he didn't have much time to think as when the cat realised that it was being pulled out of its shelter, it immediately started to struggle in the man's arms, clawing and hissing with all his power.

The actions just caused Sebastian to hold the cat closer to his body, putting it under his jacket to prevent it from the rain. The cat's fur was soaked and the man was sure that it needed to be dried in a short time.

"Don't worry little one, I don't want to hurt you. I just want to take you to a safe place from the storm." he whispered in order not to scare the cat more and started to pat its head.

The cat felt that his eyes were still heavy and the warmth flowing from the man's body made him feel calm. It felt that the man didn't want to hurt him. It curled up into the jacket to gain more warmth, causing a soft smile appearing on Sebastian's face. He knew that the cat wouldn't fight anymore. By the time they arrived at his car the cat was already asleep, so he carefully put it on the passenger's seat beside him and covered it with his jacket to give it warmth beside the car's heating.

When they arrived at his apartment, he was happy that everyone had a reserved place to park, so he didn't have to worry about finding a place again; let alone it was in the building. He stopped the car, got out of it and went to the other side to take the cat out, of course being careful not to wake it, the jacket wrapped around its body.

He just got to the elevator and pressed the button to his floor when...


A woman's voice yelled and Sebastian immediately pushed a button to prevent the elevator's doors from closing.

A woman, dressed in all red: a long red jacket with a red hat, even with short red hair stepped into the elevator with a bright smile.

"Ah, thanks darling."

"You are welcome, Madame Red." Sebastian replied with the same expression.

Angelina Durless, also known as Madame Red – the source of the name is obvious – was Sebastian's neighbour since the man had moved there. She was a kind woman, always willing to help the others in help, not a surprise that she worked for the local hospital as a nurse.

"How are you doing Sebastian?" Madame Red asked with the smile still on her face.

"Ah, thanks well. Another late shift?" Sebastian asked.

"Yeah, yeah... that's the only thing I don't like, when they just suddenly ask me to work until this late..." the woman replied with a sigh. "But at least I was able to help young children today too." she added with the soft smile returning to her face.

"That's good to hear. Oh, yes, Madame, I have a request for you..."

"Hm? What would it be darling? You know you can always rely on me!"

"I'll tell you when we are in." Sebastian replied when the elevator clicked as it arrived.

The raven haired man gave the jacket to the woman. "Please be careful with it." he asked.

Madame Red frowned as she took the jacket and noticed that it wasn't just the clothes and that it was slightly moving. She hasn't noticed it when they were going up, too lost in the conversation.

"What is it Sebastian...?"

"That's the thing I want help with..." the man replied as he opened his door and went in, holding the door for the woman to step in. "Please just put it down on the couch."

Madame Red did as she was told but gasped as she pulled the top of the jacket down, revealing the little cat's head, still sleeping in it.

"Sebastian this..."

Sebastian put two glasses of water on the table before he kneeled down beside the woman.

"I've found it in an alley in this state. I hoped you could examine and help it..." he admitted with a sigh as he now noticed that the cat had a painful expression on its face.

"Actually I have a decree for humans, but I will do my best." Madame Red said as she put one hand on Sebastian's shoulder with a smile. "But I will need some things."

Sebastian nodded as he ran into the bathroom and returned with a first aid kit. "Here."

"Thank you." and with that, Madame Red started her work.

After about an hour, they were finally ready. Sebastian was glad that the cat had been sleeping all the time as they also had to wash its dirty body - which was soaked - with warm water. The demon was sure that it would have been worse than living in hell if the cat had been awake. When they were ready, they were able to see the cat's wound more properly. Madame Red told Sebastian that the leg wasn't broken, but it was sprained badly, maybe because from using it for hours before. The wound was though a little bit infected from the dirt, but Madame Red fortunately always had medicine in her bag in case something like this happened, so they could take care of it. When she was ready, she carefully bandaged the limb and declared their job ready.

"Please inform me when he is awake. I want to check whether the cause of his state influenced his mind."

"He...?" Sebastian looked at she with a frown, the cat sleeping now soundlessly in his lap as he was patting its head.

"Yes, it is a boy. Isn't he cute now that he is clean?" Madame Red asked with beaming eyes.

"Oh, I see. And yes, he is one of the cutest cats I've ever seen." Sebastian added.

"But it's strange. I've never seen a cat with dark blue fur before..." the woman continued with a frown on her face now.

"Well... I think this just makes him more attractive." the man replied with a soft smile as he caressed one of the back of the cat's ears.

"Well, maybe. You have always loved cats Sebastian and took good care of yours." Madame Red added, her lips curling up as well.

"Many people think that cats are just stupid animals which just stay with you for the food, but it's not true. Cats are loyal and friendly animals as well. Although they can't speak, they can always express what they think and want."

"So Sebastian, what will you do now? Will you keep him?" Angelina asked, patting the back of the cat. She knew that the man's previous cat has died recently and that the man still needed time so she wasn't sure what he would do now.

"He is in a really bad state and when I first saw him, he was running from somewhere. I think he needs a safe place to stay with a person who loves and takes care of him." Sebastian started as he ran his hand through the cat's back "I hope he will like me."

"Why wouldn't he Sebastian?!" the woman asked with a surprised expression "You are Sebastian Michaelis! Every cat on the streets and shops wants to be your pet! Remember the time when you went to choose your own cat?" she continued with a wink, causing the man to chuckle.

"Yeah... The cats had to be closed into the cages as they all wanted to escape with me."

"See! I'm sure he would be no exception!"


"So, does he have a name already?" Madame Red asked with a curious expression.

Sebastian nodded as his hands stopped on the back "Ciel."

Madame Red smiled "You have always loved French Sebastian, but giving the honour to name the cat from the language. You really are attracted to him already."

"His fur is blue as the sky and when he opens his eyes, you will be able to see those royal blue eyes as well..." Sebastian replied, the smile never leaving his face. Madame Red was right. He knew that he won't be able to know why the cat had been hiding and running, but he was sure that he would give it a safe place to live in.

After Madame Red left, Sebastian put Ciel on his bed on the pillows. After, he went to put his stuffs away and put his nightshirt and pants on. When he was ready with everything, he carefully lifted the cat to climb into his bed and after he put the blanket around his body, he put the cat on his lap on the top of the fabric, one of his hands on its back.

"Good night, Ciel." he said with a smile before falling back into the pillows and letting his mind sleep. This was one of the days when he felt that he needed the luxury of it.

Ciel felt something hot hitting his eyes so he slowly opened them to realise that it was already in the morning and that the rays of the sun was going inside. He raised one of his legs to wipe his eyes with his paw. When his mind finally woke up, he was able to realise that he was in a totally new place. Instead of the cold and wet storm, he felt something soft under him and something warm on his back. He stretched his legs, but winced when he felt a wave of pain going through his back right leg. When he raised his head, he noticed that the warmth on his back was thanks to a hand on his body.

'Wait, what...?' he thought as his mind registered his surroundings. He was in a room, lying on someone's body, which was covered by a blanket, with a hand on his back. However, he didn't remember how he got here. The last thing he remembered was running away from the people who made his life into hell. How did he end up in a bedroom? He was lastly in a box, hiding from the storm outside. His leg was bandaged as well, which he was sure had been the work of the person who brought him here.

However, he froze when he felt the body under him moving and his ears caught a groan as the person under him started to wake up. Ciel immediately stood up with a fearful mew and jumped down from the bed and hid under it. His leg hurt from the movement, but he couldn't risk being caught again. Not after the things that he had been through.

"Ciel...?" he heard someone calling. The voice was soft, but serious, making him forget the things for some seconds. The man's – he now realised that it was a man – voice didn't sound scary, the opposite, it made him calm down.

'No, it's just a trick! I can't let him get near me!' he decided.

"Ciel, where are you?" the man asked as he started to go around the room.

Sebastian knew that there might be something like this, so he closed the door and the window the previous night, so the cat couldn't escape. "Ciel, come out, wherever you are, I won't hurt you!"

Ciel now realised that the man was talking to him. He didn't know how the man knew his name as he made sure to get rid of his collar with the ear tag before he escaped. He woke up from his thoughts when he noticed two red irises looking right into his direction.

"There you are!" Sebastian exclaimed as he finally found the cat. Ciel pressed his body against the wall, trying to avoid being reached, his eyes wide from fear. Yes, those eyes. The left one wasn't as dull as yesterday now, it was finally gaining its colour back, making it shine like the ocean when the rays of sun hit it. And the right one, oh that purple one with that strange white glowing circle, star and letters in it. As a demon, Sebastian knew pretty well the pentagram, but was curious how something like that got into the cat's eye. He stretched his arm towards the animal, but just got a hiss and a bite as an answer when the hand got too close to the cat.

Sebastian winced at the touch, but as a demon, this pain meant nothing to him and the wound had healed by the time he pulled out his hand from under the bed.

"Well, looks like you don't want to be caught yet... I understand, don't worry. You can come out when you feel like that." he said with a soft smile before he got up and went out of the room. He left the door opened if the cat decided to get out from its shelter.

'What... he don't want to... force me... to go to him...?' Ciel thought with wide eyes. He thought that the man wanted to grab him and take him back to the place he finally had been able to escape from. But no, he let him be the way he wanted. Ciel was curious who this man was, but was sure that he wouldn't get too close to him yet. There was just one time he trusted someone, and he ended up being tricked and caught at the end. He knew he couldn't trust someone by their actions no matter how attractive they might be. He had to wait some time to make sure the man wasn't dangerous. The growling of his stomach made him finish his thinking, especially when he sniffed into the air and felt the smells which made his mouth water. He wanted food NOW.

Sebastian was making breakfast in the kitchen, hoping that Ciel would also come out because of the smell. Madame Red said that Ciel was too skinny; they could even feel his ribs, so he needed to eat a lot. The man was sure that the cat would be hungry, so he put some of his ham and fish into another plate and put it on the floor, and a bowl of milk beside it. When he heard the whimpering mew coming closer, he smirked. He knew that Ciel has finally come out of his shelter because of the smells. He sat down at the table to start his breakfast and waited for the cat to arrive and eat as well. When the mewing was the strongest he was happy to see Ciel at the door with hungry eyes.

"Your food is there if you are hungry." Sebastian said with a smile as he gestured to the plates on the floor.

However, Ciel remained where he was, not moving an inch. After Sebastian was ready with his food, he had enough. He stood up and started to approach the cat to bring it to the food, but when Ciel noticed it, he immediately ran away with a fearful mew.

Sebastian sighed as an answer. He suspected that Ciel would run, but he still had a small hope that he would eat if Sebastian ate at the table during the time. He hoped that if he left the kitchen Ciel would go and eat something. He didn't want to disturb him, as he by now realised that the cat wanted to be alone, so he went to the living room and sat down on the couch and started to watch TV.

When Ciel made sure that Sebastian wasn't looking at him, he slowly got out from under the desk in the room and ran into the kitchen. When he reached the plate of food, his mouth watered and he immediately launched onto it. The ham and the fish melting in his mouth, satisfying his empty stomach was so delicious. A happy mew left his mouth and he started to purr without him noticing.

Sebastian smirked on the couch. He didn't watch the TV anymore, but the cat instead. When Ciel started to eat happily, a wave of relief and warmth rushed through his body. Judging from the past, of course he didn't want to get up and pat him that he did something good. He just waited patiently until the cat was ready. When both of the plates were empty, Sebastian got up, hoping that he would be able to get closer to the cat now. However, as soon as Ciel noticed the closing figure, he jumped and ran out of the kitchen, under the couch.

When Sebastian crouched down to examine him, he saw that Ciel was shaking and his eyes were wide with fear again. The demon got up with a sigh and ran a hand through his hair.

"Looks like it will be harder than I've thought..."

He sat back on the couch again, taking the muted function down from the TV. His mind however didn't listen to it. He was thinking of ways how he could reach that Ciel trusted him. All the cats that saw Sebastian had immediately "fallen in love" with him, wanting him as his master. He didn't know why Ciel was acting this way, but he was sure that he would change it.

He decided there that he would make Ciel trust and like him.

So this is the first chapter, hope you like it~ ^w^

Please favourite/follow and if you are even that kind review O^O! If I get at least 10 reviews, there will be an update every week, so the second chapter will be up next Sunday~ ;)

Until then, bye bye chu~