"…. It's a very groovy mutation. Mutation took us…"

I rolled my eyes and looked at Raven, who threw me the same bored expression I had.

Charles was using his usual mutation monologue on some girl at the bar, Amy, if that's what her name was.

I honestly never understood how this geeky monologue was doing the trick for Charles. However I would never come to know of that. I looked up and said a silent thank you to the Almighty above me for not putting me in that position.

Well, Raven had her theories though.

She believed it all had to do with the 'Xavier Charm', as she liked to put it and laid out its two postulates;

blue eyes: The way it bounced along the monologue made it hard for anyone to focus on what he was saying, not to mention the blue tinge of his eyes made every girl a sucker for him.

smile: The way he smiled made it hard for anyone to recollect the amount of times he said the word "Mutation."

Yes, these were probably the reasons why Charles was able to pick up girls.

However, I was in no mood to be squeezing in the back seat of a cab with three other people and glanced at Raven. It was her turn.

She got up and sent me a devious smirk, and that was all I needed.

"Huh, guess I have to buy my own drink." She said, striding up towards Charles and Amy but left a bit of a gap so I could see what was happening.

"I'm sorry. One cola." He signaled towards the bartender.

"Charles here was just telling me that I'm like one of the first sea creatures that grew legs."

Pfft. Was that all she interpreted from his mutation speech? His choice in women was seriously dropping by the day.

"Tiny bit sexier."

Oh please Charles, I would rather stick pins in my eyes.

"I'm sorry, this is my sister Raven."

The look Raven gave Charles made me want to hand her over an Oscar. I had to admit, she had skills.

"Hi, Amy." She put on a fake smile and shook her hand.

"And what are you studying?"


I had to say that line worked every time. Amy shifted uncomfortably on her seat and turned to Charles. Raven turned back and I saw a golden tinge in one of her eyes. Yes, Raven was wrapping up her act.

"Look at her eye." Amy saw with fascination and as Charles noticed, looking completely unimpressed, which was probably what had made him look so comical. I burst out laughing from my seat, earning weird stares from people around me that I didn't really care for. This was totally worth it.

"Right, Raven, get your coat please." Charles threw some cash on the counter and walked over to me. "You too Katherine."

I got up, with my coat on one hand and literally ran behind Raven and Charles, who had already walked out.

"Don't talk to me. You did that on purpose." He said angrily.

"I did not." Raven defended herself. "Why would I do it on purpose? You know I can't control it sometimes, if I'm stressed or I'm tired."

"And you," he turned to face me as I tried to bite away a laugh. "This was all your idea, wasn't it?"

I raised my hands in the air, taking a step back. "In my defense, I really wanted to have a comfortable ride back home."

"Not to mention we wanted to sleep." Raven added. "Which would be impossible with all those sounds coming from your room."

"Have I ever mentioned how disturbing it is Charles?" I said, glancing at my older brother.

"God, if I hadn't loved the two of you, you both would pay." Charles looked at us sternly, as if he was trying to warn us. Well, he was doing a pretty bad job at that.

"No, we won't." Raven slipped her hand around his.

"Because you love us." I smirked and held his other hand.

"You two are going to be the death of me." He grinned as the three of us walked on.

This was my family. Charles and I were fraternal twins, having only inherited our father's chestnut brown hair in common. Besides that, we were different. While he had pale skin and blue eyes, I had an olive tan skin and brown eyes (courtesy to my father). Although we both had that same wild child attitude that had probably toned down a bit (Raven refuses to believe that). Raven, on the other hand, was our adopted sister who we loved no less. And there was one thing we all shared in common. We were all mutants.

And in our anonymity lies our safety.

A/N: Hey there peeps! I promise this won't be long, just wanted to say thank you for reading. It's my very first X-men story and I don't follow the comics much, so sorry for any inconsistencies. I hope you all liked it. Let me know if you want me to continue.

Signing off,
