April Darling – Hehe, thanks. Hope you'll like this one too. :D

TheAlabasterPhoenyx – Wow. Thank you for making another review. I edited it. Hope it's less confusing now. lol Yeah, you did mentioned it before . Well, it's his show, it'd be a waste if we don't include him XD

Dark Magical Sorcres – It's a Moriarty/OC

To be honest, I don't know how many chapters this story will reach. I know I've said it was 10 but ideas kept popping in my head so hopefully I'll be able to finish this story.


The job has become more demanding than it should be as she also took Michael's part of the job and recruited a few accomplish to help her. It was easy to find people that would volunteer for the job she has set, with the money she was able to save from the previous jobs she had pulled together before and the right amount of cash to give, they didn't bother questioning who was the owner of the voice as long as they receive the promised money on the end of the contract. It was something that Evangelin found amusing with the people she usually dealt with, everything seemed to revolved around money.

"Tout est mis en? (Everything is set?)" She inquired, holding the voice changer device on her free hand as she spoke on her phone. Everything was already planned from picking out the right people up to the execution of the plan. Dark circles had formed under her eyes as proof that she did spent an ample amount of time to make sure that the possibility of it failing was less than five percent. Thankfully, make up was invented to make sure that she looked quite refreshed.

"Oui. (Yes.)" Replied the man on the other line.

"Avez-vous vérifié à nouveau? (Did you check it again?)" Since she's the one in charge of the plan and basically the one who knew the master plan was all about, there was no room for mistake. The others had to be left out in the dark for her plan to work.

"Qu'est-ce qu'il pense de nous? Stupide? (What does he think of us? Stupid?)" She heard a faint female voice on the phone only to be shushed by the one who was talking with her.

"Oui, monsieur. (Yes, sir.)" The man answered.

"Bon, ce soir, c'est la nuit. Bonne chance Bravo, Charlie, Delta et Echo. (Alright, tonight's the night. Good luck Bravo, Charlie, Delta and Echo.)" She told to the other line knowing that it was on speaker phone before she ended the call. Bravo, Charlie, Delta and Echo were obviously code name for them as she had to be very careful than she had been when executing a plan with Michael. The people she took do not have a slight idea that she's Fox, the one who stole the Mona Lisa.

For them, she was only known as Alpha, the one giving them all the money once they executed their job properly. The reason behind the code name she had chosen was none other than having a guilty pleasure in watching American movies that inquires them to use such code name. Even in a very serious situation she was facing, Evangelin could always find a way to enjoy things. She sipped her cup of coffee and looked at her laptop. There were several messages from clients all over the world, wanting Fox's services which she could not entertain at the moment. As much as she wanted to play another game with the world's only consulting detective, the job has to come first. You can wait can you, Dupin?

It was already Friday and as much as Evangelin wanted to focus on the job she had, she had to do several preparations for her role as Queen Marie Caroline. The people she hired were crucial in covering up some parts of the job that she wouldn't be able to do due to her career as an actress. There was a brief meeting set for that morning, something that she couldn't afford to miss even if she's only going to play a minor character as the play would be performed next week. Aside from the preparations, she had to spend some time with her colleagues as she had to balance her time living as the actress and the thief.


Having the main source of information of Fox in his side, it was only a matter of time before Fox can be thrown out of the game. It surprised Jim how no one managed to catch the thief when it only took him days to find the partners who shared the name Fox as it proved how brilliant he was. Knowing that catching the English thief, Moriarty decided to stay on his hotel where a laptop containing the live video of the home cameras of some businessman's birthday. Monnier was a wealthy businessman, there were several items that could cost a million, but there was nothing that could be in the same price as the stolen Mona Lisa. Initially, Fox have 3 targets and Moriarty couldn't figure out what could connect the three of them along with the painting stolen in the Louvre. Either way, Moriarty was ensuring that Fox would be caught and he could ask the question to her.

He had his phone with him to give his men instructions if necessary and if in any case the initial plan about getting Fox changed. Moriarty believed that his men were enough to get her and all he had to do was sit on his chair, watch how the event would turn out like watching a drama but oh it was much more fun than watching telly. Catching the famous thief would be easy.

As soon as the party began, Moriarty sat patiently on his chair, watching every guest on the screen as he searched for anyone that could pass as Fox. The chairs and tables were closed to one another to bring space for the dancing area in Monnier's chateau. There were several foods served beside the dancing area and it was Monnier's cake that was eye-catching as it have five layers. Boring, he thought as he watched the people around the party. Even if he wasn't there, he already had an idea what those people were talking about and it was really a good decision to stay in his hotel and try of thinking some solutions to some criminals' problem instead of being surrounded by the boring people.

Moriarty had already solved three problems that his clients were having and Fox was already starting to bore him as there was no unusual occurrence in the screen. One of the waiters tripped as he hit a chair clumsily and accidentally stained one of the guests' dress with wine. The female guest was fumed, looking at her ruined dress with horror.

"Merde! ( Shit!)" She exclaimed and immediately caught the attention of the other guest around her.

"Je suis tellement désolé, Madame. (I am so sorry, Ma'am.)" The waiter tried to wipe the wine off the dress, but the woman just shoved his hands away.

"Qu'est-ce qui t'a pris?! (What were you thinking?!)" She held the lower part of the dress that was stained and glared at the waiter who was looking pale.

Moriarty sent a text to his people to keep their eyes open and watched the screen carefully as he already had a hunch on what would happen next. Everything on the other side of the room seemed normal but It just can't be a coincidence, something has to happen next. The lights suddenly went out and Moriarty couldn't see a thing on his laptop. So that show had already begun. Moriarty had anticipated the situation, though what he wasn't sure of was, what would Fox steal from the old man?

"Rester calme, tout le monde. Je suis sûr que la puissance sera de retour sous peu. (Stay calm, everyone. I'm sure the power will return shortly.)"

The lights returned and Jim looked at his watch to see that it had only been four minutes. He had five people around the room neither of them seem to have found anything judging from their looks. Most of the guests were shocked while some remained poised after the short power cut off. He looked carefully at the screen and try to see if there were any changes.

No one entered Monnier's room. -1

No one went upstairs -2

There's no one outside –3

Clear, sir. – 4

No one around acts suspicious - 5

He read the texts from his people only to wonder what had occurred when the lights went out. He was very sure something important had happened when the lights went out. The woman who got her dress stained stormed off to the loo accompanied by other women probably to attempt fixing the damage on her dress while the waiter wipe the floor from the wine he had spilled earlier. It wouldn't be good to focus on them at the moment since it was quite clear to him that they were used to divert attention from what was really happening around the birthday party.

"Je suis désolé pour cela. S'il vous plaît continuer à profiter des aliments et des boissons. (I'm sorry for that. Please continue enjoying the foods and beverages.)" Mr. Monnier in his expensive dark Armani suit appeared with a smile, a façade that everything was under his control. Being the thief she was, Fox did gave the man a warning, but then again like many people before him, he chose to ignore the warning given to him.

Having years of experience around criminals, Jim knew that the incident with the woman and waiter was a diversion. It has to be. Looking back at the screen his sharp eyes took fell to the glass cabinet where Monnier and his family displayed their accomplishments. The odd thing was, the door of the glass cabinet was slightly opened. It only took a minute for Jim figure out what was wrong from the Monnier's display.

Golden trophy no more – Moriarty

He messaged his people immediately as he watched everyone on the screen carefully. So far, no one was running away from the event and neither from the guests act any different than they were before. No one around the area looked to be carrying something that big as it would attract someone's attention.

It turned out that Fox was after a golden trophy Monnier won decades ago. It was only 18 carats, which was nothing compared to the value of the things Fox had stolen before. Why steal it? It was possible that someone gave her enough payment to do such menial task but the Fox that Moriarty knew was different. Fox was also after a challenge that comes along with the job, but stealing from Monnier's was only child's play. Just for a bloody trophy? Fox could do better than that. Jim couldn't make anything out of Fox's current action.

One of Moriarty's men saw understood quickly what he meant. The golden trophy in the glass cabinet that was slightly opened was different. He excused himself as he whispered the news to Monnier.

"Ce qui s'est passé? (What happened?)" The smile on the man's face vanished as he headed towards the glass cabinet. Monnier's eyes widened and his jaw nearly fell to what greeted him. He opened the glass cabinet and took out the printed copy of the golden trophy that has been replaced. He turned the paper back to see something printed out.

"Better a witty fool than a foolish wit."

PS Happy 50th Birthday!

The Shakespeare quote was only there to confirm that it was Fox who made the job, it was a signature. Moriarty clicked his tongue, watching everyone in the room. Fox had been there and he might have underestimated her skills. After an hour of searching, Monnier and Moriarty's men failed to see where the golden trophy was. The waiter who had stained the woman's dress turned out to be a real one, not an accomplice of Fox.

Moriarty felt slightly agitated. He almost had Fox but the girl managed to get something without raising any suspicions. Fox still had another job to pull as Ted sent him the files that Fox asked him to send her. The next time Fox shows up, his men wouldn't be the only one present for her next scheme. Jim himself would be there to make sure that Fox would be caught. Daddy's had enough now.

What do you guys think? Reviews are highly appreciated as always. The next chapter would have more action and MoriartyxOC scene though I'm not sure when I would be able to post it.