A/N: Hello to everyone, here is my latest chapter. Enjoy and remember to please leave a comment.
While the trio of grandparents and grandchild were making their way to Uzu, one young Hyuuga was feeling like her heart was ripped out. After learning a valuable lesson about friendships and how there always are two sides to a story; said story was the reason for her unbearable heartache. The boy she liked wholeheartedly had left the village for his training trip for close to four years. The day after their horrible friends/'lovers' quarrel she was adamant to fix the situation and hopefully at the end of the day they would be a couple. Now two weeks had passed and the pain of the best 'friends' break up was just mounting. It just seemed fate wanted to teach her a lesson; one that Hinata would never ever forget. The lesson was loud and clear; Naruto and she were not meant to be. Admitting this, reluctantly, hurt the most. For so long she wanted to admit her feelings to her beloved only to be thwarted by little things always tripping her confessions. And let's not forget the hand all the Clan Leaders and some Jounin's played in creating 'that' damm Kyuubi law! She was not the only one to be upset that such law was created.
The shika-ino-cho trios were confused about the law but with learning its full intent (thanks to shikamaru and his sharp keen mind) the less they liked it, until they outright asked 'what were you guys thinking?' to their parents. The trio's parents were hard pressed to answer but Shikaku (shikamaru's dad) explained that things were done for the betterment of Naruto and the village. Since the other option was to leave Naruto alone and let him handle life as a 4 year old adult. Which was absurd but the young heirs were still upset that those were the only options. The young trio decided to feel shame that their fellow clan members and leaders abandoned a young child since those in power told them not to. This of course came as a hard slap of reality to the parents….never would they thought that their children would be ashamed of who they were but with the sins of the elder generations being out into the younger, how were they supposed to feel? The older shika-ino-cho trios were left alone with their thoughts and low lying heads full of shame for their past deeds.
This feeling of shame felt by the younger generation for their elders spread swiftly to Naruto's old friends. The one that had it worst was Maito Gai. You may be asking yourself, why would he have it so bad? He doesn't have any kids anyways? Wrong! He was the adopted father of Rock Lee now known as Maito Lee. (Later on through an accidental DNA test Gai found out Lee was his son from a one-time tryst Gai had when he was younger) When Lee had found out of the 'Kyuubi' law, at first he didn't understand it but after it was fully explained by his teammates he rushes to his father and demanded an answer from his father for supporting such law!
Gai was on a tight spot and he didn't have anyone to help bail him out. He sighed and bit the bullet.
"My dear youthful son" Gai tried to give a warm fatherly smile but was thwarted since Lee was having none of it.
Trying a different approach, Gai decided to be honest and start from the beginning. Explaining why it was needed and that other choice was most 'unyouthful' towards young Naruto.
Lee on hearing his father's excuse had enough of his 'unyouthful' ways and decided to tell him how much he had fallen.
"Father you have been a most youthful example to me since you became my sensei and then father. But to know how far you have fallen of your youthful ways, making your flames of youth diminish in my eyes to a point that I don't even recognize who you are anymore!" The tears springing from the son/father duo after Lee finished speaking were almost a trigger for their manly hug and activation of their now infamous "creepy genjutsu of doom!"
Seeing that his son resisted the urge to hug and activate their infamous genjutsu…..crushed Gai to levels unknown to those who didn't believe in the 'flames of youth'. Lee walked off to go train and find ways to prevent becoming as 'unyouthful' as his father.
Back to our young Hyuuga, she walked the streets with no set direction. Her steps slowly made their way to Naruto's apartment complex. Looking up and noticing the building, tears were trying to force their way out of her eyes.
All of the happy memories the two had in this apartment, the near kisses they almost shared, the sleepovers the two had, (unbeknownst to Hiashi, since the cover was of Hinata staying at her Sensei's home) the great dinners and breakfasts the two shared and finally…..the most recent memory of theirs…the friendship breakup. Hinata had reached the door to the apartment and as the last thought came to her mind she let her tears flow.
She was found a few hours later, in a distressed state by her parents once again. Hiashi felt a pang of guilt and sadness for his daughter going through this, while Hitomi tried her best to comfort her daughter. The Hyuuga parents quickly took their daughter home and settled her in her bed.
No matter how fast the ninja world forces the younger generations to mature, kids will be kids when things become hard. And as parents, Hiashi and Hitomi both needed to be there for their little girls' rough bump in life.
Hitomi was really hoping Naruto and Hinata would settle things smoothly and return to being best friends and to her daughter's wishes, becoming a couple. Now she was trying to find ways to distract or guide her daughter to productive paths instead of wallowing in depression for weeks to come. Two weeks was enough to start the healing process and now she needed the help of Kurenai to help Hinata slowly heal, and if she wanted move forward to a new love, and continue her training as a kunoichi.
Hiashi on the other hand was looking for ways to have a communication link to Master Jiraiya, since if he was able to do so, Hiashi would have a straight link to Naruto and he could communicate to Hinata in return and things would be solved! But alas things were never this easy and to make this work he needed to call in many favors he was owed by other clan leaders and from the Hokage himself. One way or another he was going to get this communication link to Naruto for his daughter. It was the least he could do to assuage the guilt of causing such pain to his daughter.
After a lot of arm wrenching of clan leaders (he was even able to do it to Shibi Aburame, who was more stoic and quiet than Hiashi. But some dirt of Shibi partaking on the latest Icha-Icha book and the open ended threat of said Aburame's wife discovering his secret pleasure) and blackmailing an old Kage about telling his daughter about his favorite book(s)
[He had the full collector's edition box set signed by the author himself. Said box had many attempts to be stolen by our one eyed, silver haired Jounin kakashi. Since that box set was worth 100X its worth in weight in gold and sentimental value]
Back to the story, Hiashi finally having one of Jiraiya-sama's toad summons wrote a long detailed letter to the Sannin about the events that transpired between his daughter and Naruto. Asking the Sannin if Naruto could communicate with Hinata, letting her fill in some blank areas and let them reconcile their friendship.
After a day Hiashi received a response saying that Naruto declined the offer and that he didn't want anything to do with someone who hates him and ended their friendship. But with a last minute slip of the mouth Jiraiya unknowingly mentioned their path to Uzu and they were going there to meet someone important.
This gave Hiashi to play a card that he hoped he never had to use.
In the years he knew Naruto, Hiashi was always reminded of his dead friend, Minato. After helping Hiashi obtain courage to admit his feelings for Hitomi the two men were best friends until the untimely death of Minato. Before he and his wife died though, Minato and Kushina agreed to an arranged marriage with their first born children. (If they were the opposite gender of course)
This was done so that the ties between Uzu and Konoha could be rebuilt during the Yondaime's time; recreating the strong bond the two villages had since its foundation with the Shodaime and Mito Uzumaki. Uzu and Konoha allies again, and their children were going to bring said union to fruition.
Hiashi was all for it, since the Hyuuga would be the catalyst to great change to Konoha and their clan would reap the benefits of having strong ties to not just one Kage but Two since Kushina was the daughter of the recent Uzukage.
Dusting his archives he looked for hours for that betrothal contract and after six hours Hiashi had found it. With his price in his hand he sent another message to jiraiya;
'I need to discuss something of importance with Naruto and his grandparents in Uzu. Could you please facilitate such talks?'
After sending the toad back to his summoner, all Hiashi could do now was wait and it would be quite a long wait.
Naruto and the Sannin
Naruto had spent two full weeks with his grandparents and he only had one word to describe it…..happy. He had only felt this must happiness with a special Hyuuga girl…..but this was still a very tender spot for him. His grandparents tried to ask about the Hyuuga girl but Naruto would not budge from his 'don't want to talk about it' stance and Jiraiya told Tsunade the little he knew from what happened that fateful day.
Once Jiraiya had received a message from Hiashi and was filled in on what truly happened, to say he was livid was an understatement.
Tsunade took it even harder and her fury was almost out of control. She decided to message her family and contacts about information and some questions to her family (promising unbelievable pain if they lied to her)
After talking it between themselves the grandparents came to the conclusion that it would be their grandson's choice to communicate with the little Hyuuga girl.
Unfurling the letters and organizing them for Naruto the Sannin grandparents approached Naruto.
"Naru-chan can you come here for a minute we need to have a talk with you" said Tsunade with a serious tone.
Naruto looked at his grandparents, seeing their serious gazes directed at him; he decided he couldn't get away from this as easily as he could if Konoha.
"Okay, so what do you want to speak to me about baa-chan/oji-san?" Naruto asked, figuring they could get this over with.
"Remember how you kept saying you didn't want to talk about what happened with the little Hyuuga girl? Well that issue has caught up with you" Jiraiya brandished the messages from Hiashi. "We both know exactly what happened and now you're going to talk about this; Uzu will have to wait until you do." Jiraiya did not want to have an argument so soon to having his grandson with him….but some situations were unavoidable.
Naruto frowned from his last statement. Sigh; well guess he will have to face this head on. "Okay sure. SO what do you want to know?"
Tsunade spoke first "We want to hear your side of the story. All of it!" making the last thing said clear so that Naruto did not try to lie to them.
Jiraiya added "yeah and don't skimp on any of the good stuff either!"
This of course resulted in Tsunade putting her hand on his shoulder and saying "dear not now. Naru-chan is hurting and we need to help him. We can corrupt him later." With a smile they agreed that later the pervert duo would bring their grandson to his inner super pervert.
With an odd look to his grandparents Naruto began with the story from beginning to end. He had to collect himself a few times since the wound was raw and picking at the forming scab hurt a lot more than the wound itself.
After listening to the whole tale the grandparents came up to Naruto and hugged him, patting his back and head.
"Oh Naru-chan, you found love so early in life and a small misunderstanding has brought you so much pain. I'm sorry we couldn't be there for you" even though Tsunade had said this, Jiraiya totally agreed with her. The pang of guilt and sadness of missing so much of their magomusuko's life (Boy grandchild) was overwhelming. But both vowed to the other that Naru-chan would never be alone in his life.
The love and support from his grandparents made Naruto feel so happy that it brought tears to his eyes, knowing that he had people who were HIS family and that they loved him.
After the emotional scene the 1 million ryo question was asked by the gambler herself" so what do you plan to do Naru-Chan? You know fully of what occurred and you know it was a misunderstanding on both sides of this problem." She knew that Naruto was apprehensive about communicating with Hinata and even more of trying to form a relationship. Tsunade saw the fear of being hurt again by a loved one again in her grandson's eyes.
"I don't know baa-chan, I….I…..I just don't know what to do." Naruto really don't know what to do but what Hinata, the girl he felt he almost loved, had utterly destroyed him and he didn't feel ready to see her anytime soon.
"Its okay grandson, you don't have to decide anything if you are not ready. You are still young and first love comes and goes, well except for your grandma and I now that was love at first sight" Jiraiya knew he put his foot in his mouth. Forgetting the down state his grandchild was at the moment.
To counter her husband's foolish remark Tsunade hugged her grandson again and told him "Naru-chan if later on your life you see Hinata again, you can give it a chance but at the moment try to move forward. Focus on your training your grandpa and I will put you through" Tsunade gave him a grin telling him that training with them will be no cake walk and to expect lots and lots suffering from it.
"Plus we still need to reach Uzu to see your mother's family! So love should be the last thing on your mind." Tsunade tried with her final statement to have Naruto move forward.
With a small smile to his grandparents he agreed with them and pushed forward with his young life towards Uzu.
Jiraiya wrote his last response to Hiashi and told him of Naruto's response to his request.
TIME SKIP 1 week after
Reaching the gates of Uzushiogakure was nothing but breathtaking for Naruto. He had never been to other hidden villages and this hidden village blew his old home away!
Uzushiogakure had massive 100 feet tall gates, 80 foot walls surrounding the entire village. Water surrounded the village on three sides with massive whirlpools safeguarding the village from a Sea attack.
The inside of the village was full of shops, homes, training grounds (at least the ones he could spot from his angle on street level) and at the end of the village on a small hill was a tower with the kanji for whirlpool on it.
Naruto knew that is where he would find his mother's family! Making him feel so giddy, anxious and causing his palms to sweat uncontrollably.
Seeing this, the grandparents put their hands on his should and said in unison" Naru-chan relax, they will love you just like we do".
This seemed to do it for Naruto. He took a few breaths calmed down and followed his grandparents to the tower.
A few murmurs of the villagers noticing the Sannin of Konoha in their village made them wonder if Konoha was ready to apologize for their betrayal to Uzu. While others murmured who that blonde mini-Yondaime was doing with them.
Those murmurs shocked the small family of three, since if Konoha could not piece that together after Naruto lived there for 14 years, how the hell did Uzu civilians piece this so fast?
That was a question that would bother the three to no ends but decided to keep going since the Uzukage might have answers for them and of course they would have answers for the Kage himself after the huge bomb they are going to drop on him.
Finally after reaching the tower and asking for permission to speak to the Uzukage, the small family walked into the office being greeted by a stern middle-aged looking man.
Uzumaki Masao was a man who would do anything for his family and village save sacrificing anyone of course. He has been Uzukage for over thirty years and was ready to hand over the mantle to a new leader once he had found such person worthy of being Uzukage. He had a small list but they lacked all the requirements he sought in a strong Kage.
He wanted his only daughter to have become the Uzukage after him but alas fate decided she would die early in her life. Taking with her to the afterlife her husband and child. Every time he thought about his daughter he felt bitter that Konoha took so much from his family and village just to turn their backs on them. But that was a thought for another day. He now had three visitors and one looked like a mini-Yondaime, which had raised his interest why such child was here.
Jiraiya spoke first "Uzukage-Sama it is great to see you after so many years. I thank you for having us in such a short notice." He bowed his head slightly showing respect to the Uzu leader.
Masao just waved off his pleasantry" Jiraiya do not start with formalities, you know how much I despise them. So I will get to the point, why have you come here after over a decade from our children's death?"
Now Masao was not one to be rude but he didn't like to beat around the bush. Being blunt and forward with everything he did was his motto and it sure as hell had worked for him for many years.
Jiraiya had a grin, thinking of ways to say this with maximum shock value.
Masao poured himself some water speaking again, "so, the reason is? And why do you have this mini-Yondaime with you?"
Jiraiya finally had the right words "Yeah isn't he a mini-Yondaime? Sure looks like my son no? Blond hair, blue eyes and spiky hair sure looks like his clone." Jiraiya was having fun with this, which was starting to irritate Masao.
"He is here because he is my grandson Naruto"
Masao was drinking his glass of water at a fast pace, when he heard what Jiraiya said it took a full 2 seconds before it clicked and he began choking on his water.
Tsunade rose up and patted his back hard (not super strength hard otherwise she would have caved his spine into his body.) helping Masao regain his breathing capabilities.
Masao after regaining his composure and some dignity after that embarrassing episode calmly asked "could you repeat you last statement Jiraiya. I seemed to have heard wrong or in my choking state missed something."
Jiraiya's grin couldn't be wider. "You didn't hear wrong, this mini-Yondaime as you put it, is my grandson."
Masao was slowly processing this. He looked at the young boy and saw that he looked just like Minato but that's all he could see. He arrived at the conclusion that this was Minato's son from a tryst he must have had with another woman. This infuriated Masao to no end!
"How dare you bring Minato's bastard child here! It's not enough for you Konoha Shinobi to betray us but to sink the dagger in you bring his bastard son to mock us!" Masao after every word he spoke his fury kept rising.
Tsunade rose up with fury in her eyes" don't you dare dishonor my son and grandson, you idiot!" she yelled at Masao's face.
"This is Minato-kun's and Kushi-chan's son! Our grandson" pointing to Jiraiya and herself. "And yours also Masao!"
The last four words knocked the wind out of him. Never would he have expected in his life of seeing his daughter or grandson in this life….but life always seems to shock you.
Masao asked how this came to be and 'why the hell wasn't he notified that his grandson was alive?'
Which the only answer both Sannin gave was 'Sarutobi Hiruzen'; which prompted the long story about the DNA test, Naruto's lonely young life and the shock they received of finding Minato's son alive.
Masao took all this new information and with great joy and sadness he accepted it. Sadness since his daughter could not raise her son and joy because after so long he would get the small piece that was part of Kushina. And he would not allow anyone to separate him from his family.
With one look at the three, he snapped his finger and 4 Uzu ANBU materialized out of thin air and kneeled. "Yes Uzukage-Sama, how can we serve you?" the ANBU with a piranha mask asked.
"I want you to bring my wife and two sons here quickly! Do not tell them what for, just tell them it has to do with family and it's an emergency" Masao ordered and his ANBU poof'ed out of existence.
Seeing how they had time to wait Masao did the thing he wanted to do but waited until he made his order. He rose and his massive six foot three frame rose up and walked to the front of his desk towards the trio. He reached them walked to his grandson asked him to get up.
Naruto unsure did as he was told and rose up.
Masao threw his arms around Naruto and hugged him tightly letting his suppressed tears fall out. He felt a small amount of closure after the tragic loss of his daughter. But her spirit would live on within his grandson and by Kami he will give up his life to make sure the little piece of Kushina that still lived would grow up to be a strong man.
Bursting through the door two men and a middle aged woman entered the office, seeing their father/husband, respectively, crying in the shoulder of a blond kid; this led to them having a very puzzled look in their faces.
The first son named Hiroshi was a tall man just like his father. But that is where all similarities went with those two. Hiroshi was a mama's boy and he was proud of it. Many would say he was babied too much but his mother would disagree since she loved all her children equally and babied them equally as well. But when things became serious he was the first to go in with a well thought-out solution. His brain and bravado backed up everything he said. Hiroshi was a peaceful giant but when pushed came to shove he would unleash his brute strength that was hereditary thanks to his father.
The second son Isamu was a hot tempered, rush into the fray of things kind of guy. He took no crap from anyone especially if it was aimed at his family. Babied by his mother but broken out of the habit by his older sister. (By teasing and beatings, Kushina was a mean teenage girl) Although he lets his anger out easily out, during serious times he could be just as calculating as his older brother Hiroshi. Isamu is as tall as his father and has the same strong body build as he does.
Lastly is the older woman in the group. Although she is in her late sixties as her husband, she looked like a regular middle aged woman. (Uzumaki genes do work wonders!)Her name is Asami; wife of the Uzukage, mother to Hiroshi, Kushina and Isamu. She, just like her family has the thick long red hair; what sets her apart is her strong and regal aura she gave off. Everyone knew her as Mito's twin (which was a nickname she hated since Mito was 20+ yrs older than her) but after one stern glare people stopped calling her that. She would be known as the 'red beautiful sunrise'. Why you may ask? The reason being was that after being called Mito's twin for so long she became fed up and would silently walk up to the person who said it and with a flash would break their noses causing the victim to raise their heads up and stare at the sun. (Coincidentally many of those incidents occurred during sunrises….some say she planned them but no one would ever know but Asami)
Hearing the loud noises of his sons and wife in the office he releases Naruto and walks to his wife and children. Clears his throat and asks them to take a seat.
"The reason I called you here is because I have been told of Kushi-chans legacy." Masao said in a normal toned voice, trying his best to regain his composure…again.
Hiroshi, Isamu and Asami eyes widened. The topic of Kushina was hurtful still. It was hard to talk about a deceased loved one, one that they all loved deeply as parent or sibling.
Masao continued, "this young man here Naruto…Uzumaki is our Kushi-chan's son. He has been alive and alone for 14 years."
Asami looked at Naruto with a scrutinizing eye…trying to see if the boy was lying. Then she saw the one thing that only her daughter used to do.
Naruto taking a look around the office seeing all the scrolls, paintings, and portraits of his family amazed him. While looking around he put his hands behind his head and tapped his fingers on his head taking in the great sight of his family. Unbeknownst to him, his family were all looking at him and were shocked to see him tapping his head.
Asami gasped and pointed at Naruto. Whispering..."Kushi…..chan used to do that when she was bored or very interested…."
Isamu and Hiroshi were entranced….it was like seeing their sister all over again. This brought tears to their eyes that a small piece of their beloved sister was alive and well.
Asami could not control her strong regal composure and broke down in sobs reaching for Naruto and enveloped him in a hug. Isamu and Hiroshi followed right after their mother.
Tsunade and Jiraiya were teary eyed. The scene of the Uzumaki family having a small amount of closure while rejoicing that a grandson was found from their Kushi-chan.
Naruto was overwhelmed by the love his family poured on him. To be loved, wanted and overall cared for…it was such a shocking feeling that it overwhelmed the once prior orphan of Konoha.
Just like Jiraiya, Tsunade and Masao, the story of Naruto was told once again; just like first two times, there was happiness sadness and of course extreme anger at a certain Konoha Kage.
After the Uzumaki family was fully introduced and old memories shared about Kushina's to Naruto, Masao asked his sons to take Naruto to the family's compound and rest up for tonight's banquet in honor of Kushina's long lost coming to Uzushiogakure; asking for Sannin and his wife to stay to discuss some' things'.
After the Hiroshi, Isamu and Naruto had left Masao began the conversation "learning that our grandchild was alive after being told for so long he was dead is the biggest insult next to their betrayal. Now I ask; what steps should we take against Konoha? I ask you Jiraiya and Tsunade since I know after this ordeal you are not loyal towards Konoha, correct?" to which their response was both of them murmuring curses to a village they gave so much to.
Asami spoke next "after such news I believe bringing the daimyos of Mizu and Hi No Kuni would be prudent. We need to make a point to Konoha that this was the last insult they will hurl at us. We will make them pay for everything and take them to the cleaners." She finished those words with such venom that was uncharacteristic for her.
Masao while staring oddly at his wife could not agree more. He nodded.
The Sannin as well agreed.
After all the topics were discussed and plans finalized they headed to the Uzumaki compound to where the party was being held this night.
Naruto had a blast with his uncles. They told him how much he reminded them of his mother and how much of a spunky firecracker she was at a young age. Naruto could only smile that he was so similar to his parents.
After a small tour of the village, Naruto asked his uncles if they could take him to a training area and see if they could teach some awesome jutsu!
To which Hiroshi and Isamu could only chuckle at the creepy similarities between mother and son. They nodded and brought him to a field where a teenage girl was practicing jutsu and her throwing skills.
Naruto was amazed at how the teenage girl was practicing. He only noticed such fluidity in attacking from another person…..but he didn't want to think about her now.
The teenage girl turned around, feeling someone staring at her she stopped and saw that it was Hiroshi and Isamu Sama! She gathered herself and greeted them "Greetings Isamu and Hiroshi Sama. To what do I owe the pleasure? "She bowed her head slightly showing respect.
Hiroshi just sighed "Tayuya-chan, how many times do we have to tell you to just be yourself when you're with us?" the girl just smiled sheepishly, forgetting easily since as a clan leaders daughter she was taught to be disciplined, regal and stoic at all time which clashed horribly with her personality of brashness and quick temper.
Isamu then said "anyways Tayuya-chan I would like to introduce someone important to us. This is Naruto Uzumaki; he is the son of our dear sister Kushina."
Tayuya was speechless. The woman she idolized as a strong role model had a son! And he was quite the looker even though he was a small shrimp. Oh she was going to have fun with him. She grinned evilly.
Isamu and Hiroshi frowned at the look Tayuya had and tried, keyword tried, to halt her motives fast
"Do not even think about causing harm to Naruto-chan or do you want your next training session to be twice as hard when your team meets in two days?" Hiroshi smirked at a blanching Tayuya.
Tayuya was petrified at the idea of making her team's training session twice as hard. She had barely gotten the hang of training under two times gravity seals….and this slave master wanted to make it twice as hard. Screw that! Her evil plan could wait another day. But that doesn't meant she still couldn't have some less harming fun with Naruto. She grinned evilly inside.
"Okay sensei I will do nothing to harm young shrimpy here" and pointed at an indignant Naruto.
"I am not a shrimp! I just haven't hit my growth spurt! You're lucky I'm new here or I'll teach you a lesson." Naruto said cockily.
Isamu and Hiroshi both surprised at Naruto's declaration thought about and decided to test him out. Put his money where his mouth is. Oh Naruto was going to cry after losing so much.
"Ok Naru-chan let's do it your way. A quick test to see your skills and to see the growth of my student here" Hiroshi said with finality.
Naruto knew he had put his foot in his mouth but pushed forward with the spar.
Isamu and Hiroshi walked to the side and with a quick "hajime" the spar began.
Within 2 seconds flat Tayuya had Naruto on his back with his left foot tied to his right hand. He had never been beaten this fast before, nor embarrassed!
With a large chunk of his pride gone he turned to his side and said "good spar" to Tayuya and looked at the ground again; to reflect on this embarrassment.
Tayuya on the other hand was hollering with laughter after so easily defeating Kushina's son! To add salt to the wound she said within laughs, "good fight shrimpy. I guess it's true what they say about blondes and being dumb." releasing another wave of mocking laughter.
Oh Naruto's day was going from bad to worst…..guess its true what they say 'don't write checks you ass cant cash.'
Hiroshi with a disappointed look but a stern face and a booming voice " okay Tayuya-chan since you like laughing at others for being weaker than you" To be told you're weak by your family, stung a lot for Naruto. "Starting tomorrow you and your team will be doing all your exercises with five teams gravity seals." And with one hard look that told her 'you will not wiggle out of this'.
"If you try to skip or lie about this Tayuya I will make things much worst…..do not test me!" Hiroshi was never one to anger this quickly but to insult and mock someone not trained in Uzumaki fighting styles was utterly wrong even if said mocked person was his nephew.
Tayuya stopped laughing and grew terrified. Now she had done it….sigh. Her dad was going to be pissed at her! She was told to stop such behavior since it was unbecoming of an heiress and of course since she just did it to the Uzukage's grandson…..oh crap!
She had totally forgotten to connect the dots to what Isamu and Hiroshi Sama's words….oh she was in sooooooo much trouble.
Tayuya looked down on the floor not wanting to make this worst nor embarrass her father and the clan further.
"Now that this is over with, tell your father that our family is having a banquet in honor of our nephew coming to Uzu. You are all invited so be there around eight, got it?" Isamu wasn't as upset as his brother but wanted to get this over with to show Naruto the rest of the village and compound before tonight's event. So with a quick flick of the wrist a kunai ripped through the ninja wire currently binding his nephew.
Tayuya nodded and scampered off to the Uzumaki compound, leaving the brothers and their nephew.
The brothers looked at Naruto still staring at the ground like it had something interesting to say. The brothers sighed and thought at the same time 'this is going to be a long night'.
Danzo's hidden underground bunker was in a frenzied state. The Senju/Uzumaki splice mutation experiments were going at full blast. Test subjects one through thirty had perished due to rejection of new cells and body shutting down. If test subjects could not show a positive result Hiruzen was going to cut the funding to this program and Danzo needed this to work for his own personal plan to work. With the help of Orochimaru's notes he pushed his scientists to make more radical tests and experiments to fully explore everything they could from the test subjects.
As this was occurring the subjects on two stasis tanks had broken free and were going on a killing spree freeing themselves from the constant prodding and after liberating some clothes from a locker room.
In a quick hand sign the two disappeared in a yellow, red and pink blur; leaving a whole wing of the bunker in bloody shambles.
No one would discover this wings state of destruction for few hours and when discovered a certain Kage will have a one eyed crippled head in a silver platter.