Sorry about spelling mistakes :/ I wrote this on my iPad so blame autocorrect
I glanced around me frantically. What do I do now!? I couldn't hear anything from the other side of the door. Okay, what does that tell me? Sound proof. Must be a steel door then. I'll surely have fun if I attempt to break it down.
I ran down the corridor, trying every door I passed, though there weren't the many. Okay... Let's try yelling for help. It usually works in the movies. But this wasn't a movie so I was totally screwed. First thing before I start hyperventilating, I've got to think. What would Sherlock do if he was here? He'd break down a door, being much stronger than I am. He might pick the lock on the doors? Would he call for help? No, he wouldn't rely on anyone, so I'm temporarily crossing out calling for help. But I could pick a lock. I stuffed my hand into every pocket in my jeans till I fished out a few bobby pins. I ran to the door where I came through and sighed in despair as I realized there was no lock to be picked. I glanced to the next door, finding the same thing.
Turns out, this military facility doesn't like locks. So here I sat in the corner of the corridor, holding my phone as I called Sherlock for the billionth time. Why wouldn't he pick up!? Just as I tried calling John, the lights in the corridor flickered. I called Sherlock 3 more times until he picked up.
"Rachel? Where are you? John said you disappeared, which is highly improbably, but none the less, we've been looking for you" Sherlock immediately said.
"You wouldn't be looking for me if you'd picked up your phone! I've called you about a hundred times! John as well!" I exclaimed, frustration finally making an appearance.
"I don't have any missed calls. Are you certain? No, don't answer that. Just tell me where you are" Sherlock said. How could he not have any missed calls? I heard some yelling on Sherlock's side of the call.
"In the lab where John and I were, there's a door, I went through it and now I'm locked in" I explained.
"We'll you're an idiot for opening that door" Sherlock stated flatly.
"I love you too" I replied and hung up. I moved away from the door in case Sherlock decided to burst into the corridor, throwing open the door in the process. He tends to do that.
The lights kept flickering as I waited for Sherlock and John to come to my rescue. It was getting really scary now. Major Barrymore should have someone look at those lights. I stared at the flickering lights and jumped out of my skin when the door was opened with a bang. I admit I let out a shriek that sounded a lot like what John had done when I scared him in the lab.
"Rachel, are you alright? Are you hurt?" Sherlock asked, running into the room, closely followed by John, who seemed a bit pale.
"Yes, I'm fine. I'm okay. I was just getting a bit frightened by being here alone for more than hour" I explained.
"How did you open the door?" I asked suddenly.
"Let's just say Sherlock should be thankful he doesn't have a dislocated shoulder or cracked ribs" John told me. I looked at Sherlock who said nothing and walked out of the corridor, into the lab.
"Come on. We need to hurry. Henry's completely lost it" John told me, ushering me out of the hallway.
"What's happened?" I inquired as we followed Sherlock to the exit.
"Henry attacked his therapist, Louise, and now he's run off to the moor with a gun. Sherlock believes he's going to end his suffering" John explained.
"We'll then we really do need to hurry. Did you call Lestrade? We might need his help" I said.
"We called him, he's going to meet us at the moor" John said as we reached the car. Sherlock was already there, tapping the steering wheel impatiently. I nodded to John and quickly got into the car. Sherlock didn't wait for John to close the door before speeding off towards Dewer's Hollow.
While we drove towards the Hollow, Sherlock filled me in on what I'd missed while I'd "locked myself in like an idiot"(Sherlock's words). Apparently, there was no real hound. H.O.U.N.D was an acronym for an american group that had been testing chemicals on human beings. Dr. Frankland was part of this group. More proof to Frankland's connection to this group was the fact he'd spent some time in America, considering he gave us his cellphone number when we first explored Baskerville. Now, all we had to do was stop Henry from committing suicide and confront Frankland about driving Henry to insanity.
"Henry is manic at the moment, as well as armed, so here" Sherlock said as he parked the car near some rockes. He handed me a gun before grabbing his torch and bolting out of the car. I looked at John for him to give me some smart arse instructions on how to use a gun, but he followed Sherlock just as quickly. Well I didn't want to get lost again, so I followed them, clutching the gun. As we ran towards the Hollow, we caught up with Lestrade, who had brought his own weapon. I caught sight of Henry crouching down in the middle of the dark Hollow and began panicking.
"No, Henry, no! No!" I practically yelled as I ran past Sherlock and John, stumbling down the slope before reaching Henry.
"Get back. Get - get away from me!" He cried, scrambling away from me.
"Easy, Henry. Easy. Just relax" John said softly, putting his torch away and approaching my hysterical friend.
"I know what I am. I know what I tried to do!" Henry shouted, tears streaming down his cheeks. God, I couldn't see him like this. He was such a happy kid, no matter what happened, with his parents' deaths and all. I subliminally grabbed Sherlock's hand. It physically hurt me to see Henry like this.
"Just put the gun down. It's okay" John attempted to coax the gun out of Henry's hand, but the latter stepped away and began being hysterical again.
"No! No, I know what I am!" He exclaimed.
"Yes, I'm sure you do, Henry. It's all been explained to you, hasn't it - explained very carefully" Sherlock said. He spoke in the same voice he'd used with me when I had my emotional breakdown after Moriarty had kidnapped me. Soft and reaussuring.
"What?" Henry asked, looking genuinely confused.
"Someone needed to keep you quiet; needed to keep you as a child to reassert the dream that you'd both clung on to, because you had started to remember" Sherlock exlained, letting go of my hand and slowly stepping closer to Henry. I watched with amazement as Sherlock managed to explain everything to Henry and get the gun out of his hand.
"Sherlock..." I said suddenly.
"What?" He inquired.
"Uh" Was all I managed as I shone my torch on whatever was on top of the slope where we came from. Everyone was dumbfounded. But that was impossible. Henry began screaming again and John immediately aimed his gun at whatever that beast was.
"Greg, are you seeing this?" I asked him, my voice shaking as I attempted to aim the gun Sherlock had given me at the hound which was growling and advancing on us.
"Right. He is not drugged, Sherlock, so what's that? What is it?!" John exclaimed when Greg didn't answer.
"Drugged? Okay what did I miss while I was gone? Did you drug John!?" I asked Sherlock.
"Not now Rachel!" Sherlock screwed his eyes shut as if not believing that the bloody hound was actually there.
"All right! It's still here. But it's just a dog. Henry! It's nothing more than an ordinary dog!" Sherlock told Henry who was wailing.
"It doesn't look like a bloody ordinary dog!" I hissed at Sherlock.
"Thank you Rachel. None of us noticed the demon hound that's about to tear John's limbs apart" Sherlock said sarcastically. The beast howled angrily.
"Oh my god" I muttered, aiming the gun at the hound with my shaking hands.
"Christ!" I heard Greg exclaim as it came closer. I frantically scrambled back, tripping over some roots and ending up on the damp ground. That's when I decided to be smart and realize how close the hound was to me. You never know how you'll react when you're in this type of situation. I now know that the next time I'm attacked by a demon hound, I'll be paralyzed with fear, just as I am now. It was about 10ft away from me now. I shrieked and attempted to crawl away, but I was rooted to the spot.
"The fog!" Sherlock suddenly yelled. That's very helpful, thanks love, I can totally avoid getting eaten with the mist that was currently around us.
"It's the fog! The drug: it's in the fog! Aerosol dispersal - that's what it said in those records. Project HOUND - it's the fog! A chemical minefield!" Sherlock explained.
"But whatever that thing is, is still here so for God's sake just shoot it!" I yelled as it was nearly 5ft away from me. Call it cowardice, but wait till you get into a situation like this. I felt arms around me just as 3 bullets for fired at the beast. Someone was shielding me from the shots that's resonated through the forest. Suddenly, everything stilled.
"It's alright. It's dead. Your okay" a deep voice mumbled in my ear. I opened my eyes, which I had shut very tightly, and saw Sherlock crouched near me, arms around me. I nodded and tried to calm my rapid heart rate. Everything was quiet besides the ragged breathing from 6 people. Hold on, whose joined us? I looked over Sherlock's shoulder to find Frankland. Henry must have noticed his presence as well because he pounced on the older man, yelling obscenities and trying to strangle him.
"Twenty years! Twenty years of my life making no sense! Why didn't you just kill me?!" Immediately, Greg, John and John ran to get Henry off Frankland.
"Because dead men get listened to. He needed to do more than kill you. He had to discredit every word you ever said about your father, and he had the means right at his feet - a chemical minefield, pressure pads in the ground dosing you up every time that you came back here" Sherlock explained, gesturing to the Hollow, which was swirling with mist.
"Murder weapon and scene of the crime all at once" the detective added. Then he proceeded to be the rude and ignorant dick he usually is, which is when John and I tell him he's being a rude and ignorant dick and he usually continues.
While Henry was stating his father was right after all, I stood up and brushed off the dirt from my jeans only to be pushed back to the ground when Frankland ran past me. The rest of our little gang ran after him. 6 years of track and football better come in handy now. I stood back up and raced after them. I managed to catch up with the boys and outrun John and Lestrade. The whole I wondered how the hell an old man can ran quicker than Sherlock Holmes. It's quite intriguing.
"Rachel!" John yelled as I neared Sherlock and Frankland. His tone was alarming, Sherlock must have sensed it as well because he slowed down. Why would he? Why didn't he want to catch Frankland anymore? My questions were never answered because as soon as I stopped running all together, I stumbled back from a blast a hundred yards away. An explosion ripped the air, but I'm not sure that's the only thing that was ripped. Frankland had ran into a minefield.
"I think I just burned more calories than Frankland" I said with a weak smile. Greg and John laughed and sherlock actually managed to crack a smile.
To be honest, I don't even know how I woke up in the hotel room, because last I remember we were heading back to the Land Rover after Frankland's untimely death. It hadn't affected as much as it had to Henry, but I was still a bit saddened by the event.
Unlike yesterday morning, I woke up to an empty bed. Sherlock and John must have already gone to breakfast than. If they were at breakfast, I might as well take as much time as I want in getting dressed. So I commence the slow shower, which lead to slowly getting dressed in my regular jeans, some band shirt, my army jacket and combat boots. I left my hair down because I was really too lazy to put it in a ponytail or braid it. I packed the few clothes I'd brought with me into my small suitcase and left the room in search of my 2 partner's in crime.
The steel door slowly creaked open. The man squinted his bright blue eyes at the sudden light in the usually dark room. He couldn't recognize the face, but it seemed familiar. As his eyes adjusted to the lights and focused on the face, he realized it was a very familiar man. A man who was responsible for why he he's been chained to a metal chair for 2 years (with few hour breaks for walking every week of course, he wasn't a monster). The same man who hasn't talked to him since he was chained to the metal chair. So why was he here now? What did he want?
"Welcome back to the land of the living, Arthur" said the Irish voice of the man standing at the door.
The End.
So this is not the end! Well it is the end of this story, but I've started the next one, which will be called Saving Mr. Holmes. The sequel to this story will hopefully be published on the days of Febuary 26-28. Hope you guys enjoyed this story and will read the next one! Thank you for all the reviews and comments and reads and it was all so fantastic. I've got so much planned for Rachel and Sherlock and all the other characters! Hope to see you guys soon :D