It was a boring winter morning, in the conference room of the Cloudsdale national weather center. All the Pegasi of Equestria are called here every year for a meeting about the major storms and natural disasters for the upcoming year. Some are excited... while others... are like the blue Pegasus sleeping in the corner, with not a care in the world.

"Rainbow dash... Rainbow dash..." A small orange Pegasus pony was whispering to Rainbow while softly nudging her. Her attempts to wake the her have seemed to fail. "Pss... Rainbow...wake up." Rainbow reached her hoof up and brushed her face, then proceeded to turn over onto her side and continue her sleep.

"Well well well! What do we have here?" said a stern deep voice. The orange pony looked to see a heavy built class instructor trotting up towards her and Rainbow. "Sleeping during the meeting are we?" He looked down at Rainbow in disgust, then turned to the pony next to her. "And just why haven't you woken her up?" he asked.

"Sir... I tried sir.. but..."

"I don't want to hear any buts!" he shouted at the orange pony, and watched as she sunk down towards the floor in fear from the overpowering barrage of his voice. "Rainbow Dash!" He shouted, "some ponies actually came here to review what we are doing this year! Now wake up!"

Rainbow sighed and slowly opened her eyes. Staring at the instructor who stood before her. He was large, had a dark gray body, a short black tail, and his mane had been completely shaved off. "Is there something on my face or something? Why are you staring at me?" she asked looking directly into his eyes.

"I should just kick you out of here for sleeping during half of the lecture, but sadly the commander would be furious if I did. We already don't have enough wing-power to create the hurricane for Fillydelphia this summer, and losing another Pegasus would only hurt us even more."

Rainbow stood up into an aggressive stance. "I don't see what the fuss is all about." She said. "I mean look..." she pulled a crumpled up piece of paper from underneath her body and showed it to the instructor. "You handed these out at the beginning of the lecture, and everything we need to know is in here. AND! I already have it memorized, so just WHY do I need to stay awake to listen to a lecture about something I already know?"

At this time, Rainbow was furious that she was being questioned, more so at the fact she had to attend this boring meeting in the first place.

"Well miss smarty hooves, if you know all this already then why did you even bother staying?"

Rainbow formed her lips into a large smirk and said, "Because if I stay I get free lunch." Most of the ponies in the lecture gasped and turned to face Rainbow Dash.

"OUT!" The instructor yelled while pointing towards the door. Rainbow took this as her opportunity and galloped out of the room, forcing herself to hold back her laughter until she was out of the instructors sight.

"And just what are all of you ponies looking at? Eyes forward, we're continuing!" He shouted.

The orange pony looked over towards the window and caught a glimpse of Rainbow flying up by it. "Stupid..." She whispered.

"Freedom!" Rainbow shouted as she flew up fifty feet above the building and landed on a cloud. She looked down below to the building she was just in a few moments ago, recounting the episode that had just transpired. "Seriously, what a jerk."

A few hours passed, and it was now high noon. Rainbow was still lounging around on her cloud, pondering what she should do with herself for the day. "Gee, that free food is really starting to sound good right about now... but getting kicked out like that was SO worth not getting any." she chuckled. Once again she found herself staring down towards the ground, and noticed an orange pony flying up towards her.

"Hey... you're that pony from the meeting." Rainbow stated.

"Yeah, and you're the one who got kicked out! Seriously... I got in trouble for you sleeping, that was SO NOT COOL!" she shouted.

Rainbow turned over on her side so she was facing the pony. "Meh, it's not really a big deal. It's the same thing every year, such a bore."

"Yeah well..." She started, sadness was showing in her eyes. "It's my first and all so..."

"Ah a rookie. Look kid I know why you're here now, you want an autograph from the great Rainbow Dash. I can't blame you.. I AM the only one to ever pull off a sonic rainboom and all."

The pony rolled her eyes in disbelief. "Actually," She sat a tray down in front of Rainbow. "I came here to bring you some lunch, since you didn't get any after getting kicked out and all."

"You really got that for me?" Rainbow asked, eying the food hungrily.

"Yeah I did. I'll eat it if you don't want it."

Rainbow shook her head violently. "No, I'll eat it thanks." She stared at the tray, not knowing where to begin. She picked up the hay sandwich and noticed the pony who had brought her the food, was just starting at the cloud she sat on. Rainbow put the sandwich back down and asked, "Did you... not get any for yourself?"

She shook her head and replied. "No."

Rainbow took the sandwich of the tray and pulled it into two pieces, and broke the apple in half and handed her half of the food. "Here... I can't watch you not eat."

The pony took the food graciously and smiled. "By the way, the name's Shooting Star... but everyone just calls me Star."

Rainbow noticed her cutie mark was in the shape of a star with two pink wings attacked to the sides of it. "So Star, where are you from?" She asked between bites.

"Oh me?" Star replied, putting her food down to stare out towards the horizon. "I'm from Manehatten."

"That's cool... I've never been there, but I have a friend who moved there temporarily" Rainbow said, remembering the story Applejack told her once about when she left the farm in search of something better.

"Yeah... it's ok I guess." Star commented, staring down towards the cloud the two of them were sitting on. A tear was forming in her eye.

Rainbow finished her apple and sat the tray down next to her. "Do you... not like it there?" she asked.

"No, not really," Star said. "I'm moving next month. I can't wait to get away from that city of nonsense... you know... the city isn't as great as they say it is; the ponies are all snobby, and there's always a lot of crime."

Rainbow looked away momentarily, nodding in agreement to what Star had said. She looked around her seeing the ponies all out enjoying their lunches, performing little tricks, and just laughing amongst one another, She looked back at Star and asked, "Well when you leave Manehatten... where are you moving to?"

Star pulled a map out of her side bag, and pointed to a small dot towards the bottom left hand corner.

"Hey that's Ponyville!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"You know of it?"

"Know of it? I live there!" Rainbow replied.

"Really? What's it like? Tell me everything in detail!"

Rainbow told her all about Ponyville. The shops, the ponies, all the fun festivities that are held, and her friends... "You know Rainbow..." Star stood up and stretched her legs out. "I'm really excited to be moving there now. Thanks!"

Rainbow stood up and shook her the crumbs of food off of her, all while eying her new friend. "Thanks for what?" She asked.

Star licked her lips and said, "for confirming my beliefs about that town. My parents... they don't want me to move there, they say it's too backwater for a city mare like myself... but... I'm going to prove them wrong! Besides... once I tell them about you... I'm sure they may change their thoughts, but if not..."

"Then you are still moving anyway." Rainbow interrupted, and Star only nodded. "You gotta do what you gotta do Star. I ran away from home when I was 14 and man do I not regret it one bit."

Star stared at her, blinking her eyes quickly... "Ran away?"

"Yeah... you know? I just... left one night without saying a thing."

"Really?" Star asked, looking down at the ground. She had never thought about running away before, and could not comprehend any reason to do so. She had a wonderful family, a good education, and lots of friends. "Why did you run away?"

Rainbow looked at her once more. "Hey I'll tell you all about that another time. Don't we have weather control training in a few minutes?"

"No, we have about another hour or so." Star said, as she gazed at the sun to check it's position. "It looks like it's about 2pm."

"Geez, the time sure is flying today" Rainbow said. She stretched her wings out as they had become a bit sore from all the sitting.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Star asked.

Rainbow stared at Star, mouth wide open. Perplexed as to why she would ask such a question. "Well... no," she said.

"Oh, that's too bad," Star replied. "Are you interested in anypony?"

Rainbow looked down. Unsure as to why she was asking these questions. Truth is, she had never talked about her love life before, or her crushes. "This stays between you and me. Cause you know... if you told anyone, i'd deny it."

Star giggled at Rainbow's statement, then nodded.

"Applejack would be my number one best friend, but idk if you could consider her a... interest?"

"I see." Star said. "What's she like?"

"Well." Rainbow said. "She's strong, stubborn, and competitive... she helps run her family farm. She's the most honest pony you will ever meet, and the most dependable one at that... one time she saved Ponyville from this stampede of cows. Applejack... really is something else." Star glanced the slight blush on Rainbows cheeks and just smiled softly at her.

The afternoon seemed to fly by. Rainbow and Star sat and talked for another hour before leaving to go to weather control training. Rainbow watched as Star completed all her tasks almost as quickly as she herself had, then proceeded to watch a majority of the other ponies fail these simple tasks.

"Oh my gosh!" Star said excitedly, taking a seat next to Rainbow on the ground. "That was a LOT of fun! Did you see the other ponies? They couldn't even manage a lightning storm, let alone a miniature tornado."

Rainbow did a back flip of pure happiness. "I know right?!" She exclaimed. "They should just make us the captains of our home teams."

"Dang straight Rainbow!" Star agreed, while laughing with her new friend.

The two of them looked out onto the horizon, seeing the sun just starting to approach the horizon. "You know... I enjoyed hanging out with you today Rainbow," Star said.

"Yeah, it's kind of a bummer we have to leave in a few." Rainbow replied sadly.

"It's no biggie really Rainbow." Star said, standing up to stare at the horizon. "I'll be moving in a month, and when I do I want to hang out again! And I want to meet this Applejack. She sounds fun to hang around with... and if she is your best friend then she just has to be."

"Definitely!" Rainbow said with a smile. Looking at he horizon, at the long trip back home. "Well..."

"I guess it's time to go?" Star asked.

Rainbow nodded.

Star turned to face Rainbow. "See you in a month?"

Rainbow nodded, and held her hoof up. Star returned the hoof pump and the two of them shared a final laugh. Rainbow floated up a few feet into the air, looking down at Star. "See you in a month!" And with that she took off south, heading full speed for Ponyville.

Star watched as Rainbow flew. Right before disappearing into the horizon, she saw Rainbows Dash's famous Sonic Rainboom. "Showoff." She giggled, and took flight, heading home to Manehatten to tell her parents all about her new friend.


For Rainbow Dash, the flight back to Ponyville was long. By the time she had arrived the sun had gone, and now in it's place the moon was out in all it's glory. She slowed her pace taking in the nighttime scenery. She was rarely awake after dark, so seeing all the buildings with the soft glow of firefly lamps glowing was a fairly different sight for her to see.

"What should I do?" Rainbow asked herself.

A few moments later, Rainbow spotted Twilight and Applejack down below eating at a small outdoors cafe. "Hey guys!" she shouted, flying down and landing next to them.

"Well howdy there sugarcube!"

"Hi Rainbow"

"Care if I join in?" Rainbow asked.

"Not at all, please sit down." Twilight replied.

Rainbow took a seat, and looked at the drink menu which sat on the table in front of her.

"So how was your meeting today Rainbow? You look plum tuckered out." Applejack stated. Seeing the dark bags that had formed under Rainbows eyes.

"Yeah Rainbow," Twilight spoke. "You look exhausted."

"Yeah well, it was a long flight to there and back." Rainbow replied. Noticing that a waiter was approaching the table. He was a dark brown unicorn stallion, with a black and brown stripped mane, and a braided tail.

"Hello miss, is there anything I can get for you? A drink perhaps? Something to eat?" He said.

"Yeah, I guess." Rainbow said, looking at the menu. "I'll take... a glass of peach cider, and a hay sandwich."

"Very well, I will return shortly."

Rainbow watched as he trotted off into the cafe. A few moments passed and he returned with a tray floating above his head carrying Rainbow's meal. "Please enjoy."

The three ponies sat and talked for what seemed to be a few hours. Rainbow told them both about the meeting, getting yelled at by the instructor, and the orange pony; Shooting Star.

"So she's moving here Rainbow? Next month?" Twilight asked.

"Hic, yeah... that's what she said." Rainbow replied.

"Well, with the way you described her there sugarcube, she sounds like a might fine lass to hang around with." Applejack said, taking a sip of her cider.

Rainbow nodded, finishing up her 7th cup of cider.

"Sugarcube, ah think you should hold off of that there cider for the rest of ternight. Ya know what I mean?" Applejack said, looking at her 'obviously' drunk friend, as she rocked back and forth in her chair.

"Huh? Why? This stuff is great!" Rainbow replied to Applejack. "Hey waiter! Can I get another gla!" She shouted, tripping over her chair and falling to the ground below. The only thing she saw was pure black.

Rainbow stood up and looked around. She was in a meadow, with nothing in sight for as far as she could see. "Where am I?" she said out loud. Looking around, she realized that she was directly underneath Cloudsdale. "How did I get here?" she asked. She walked in a small circle, fear overcoming her for the first time in years. "Was I kidnapped? I gotta get out of here and like NOW!" She stretched her wings and in a quick sweeping motion she took off but immediately plummeted back to the ground. She tried a second, and a third time, but to no avail. "Why can't I fly?"

In the distance she saw a lone tree and decided to head for that for now. "Strange," she thought to herself, looking around at the scenery. She was certain that it was night time just a few short moments ago. As she walked, she took the time to stare up into the grand city of Cloudsdale. She saw multiple Pegasus Mail-mares flying to and from the city. "I wonder what Dad is up to?"

Her question was soon answered, as she slowly approached the distant apple tree, an indigo colored stallion came into view. He had a short rainbow colored mane and tail, and was sitting on the ground, in front of what must have been a grave marker. Rainbow walked over and sat beside him.

"Dad..." she whispered.

"Why?" He said. "Why did this happen? Why didn't I stop you all those years ago?"

"Dad what's wrong?

"I let you go, thinking you would be safe, and that you would find your way... but now, it's my fault you are here and not in Cloudsdale where you belong!" He sobbed quietly for a few moments, allowing a few tears to slip and fall onto the earth by his hooves. "Your wishes... that you be buried here... at both your homes"

"Dad talk to me!" She said, standing up next to him. "You're not making any sense... tell me what's wrong!" Rainbow shouted, her dad seeming to not even acknowledge her presence. "Dad... is this Mom's grave?" She asked, while her father continued to sob.

"My Mom..." Rainbow whispered. She thought back, trying to picture what she looked like, but remembering what her Dad told her years ago. "That's right, Mom left dad after I was born. She didn't want the responsibility of raising me." She looked at her father, as he sat there alone and defenseless in his own little world. "Dad, come on, lets go home." She said to him, again not reacting to the sound of her voice.

"Lightning Storm! You listen to me right NOW!" Rainbow shouted at the stallion, and took a swing at him with her hoof, only for it to pass straight through him with no resistance. "What the hay?!" She shouted, once again placing her hoof by her fathers back, and pressing forward, only to see it pass through him as if he weren't even there.

Sweat built on her forehead, slowly running down the side of her face. Fear had completely taken it's grip on the young Pegasus. She did the only thing she could do... she ran.

Rainbow ran as fast as she could. She didn't know where she was going, but she knew she had to get away from that place. She had been running for what seemed like an hour, she took the moment to gather her thoughts while galloping along. "What.. the hay... happened?" She asked herself between breaths, picturing her Dad sitting there, and her hoof passing through him. Panting, and out of breath, she felt her body getting heavier with each and every step she took. The next thing Rainbow knew is she was on the top of a cliff, overlooking Ponyville. She collapsed, panting furiously.

"Why Rainbow?"

Rainbow turned to see her father facing her. "Dad! What are you doing here!" she shouted.

"Why did you leave me?" he said in a monotonous tone.

"He can't hear you Rainbow." said a soft voice.

Rainbow looked to her side and felt an immeasurable pain to her left flank, and the next thing she knew is she was rolling towards the cliffs edge. As she started to go over, she grabbed the edge and flapped her wings violently, but she could not muster up enough strength to even begin to lift herself.

A pony slowly descended from the sky and landed in front of Rainbow. Rainbow could not make out any details to this pony, as she was covered completely in a black robe.

"Who are you?!" Rainbow shouted.

The shrouded pony took a few steps towards Rainbow, who was holding on with everything she had to prevent herself from falling to ground below. "Me?" The pony said in a delicate voice. "I'm someone from the past. Someone you hurt... someone you abandoned"

"I never abandoned anyone!" Rainbow shouted.

"Did you not?! Little miss loyalty isn't quite as loyal as her beloved Princess Celestia thinks she is."

"My... beloved? What the HAY, are you babbling about?!"

"Now your father won't have to burden himself with the thoughts of where you are, or how you are doing. Your mother... well she never cared for you anyway, and oh... my... gosh, how could I forget your big brother!"

"My... big brother? I don't have a big brother you freak!" Rainbow shouted.

"Well, if you really want to believe that then be my guest, because..." The shrouded pony kicked her hoof into Rainbows front legs, causing her to tumble off the side of the cliff. "Because... in a few moments, you won't have anything at all!" She shouted at Rainbow, laughing as she watched her flap her wings in an ill attempt to fly.

"Come on!" Rainbow shouted, flapping her wings furiously. "Fly, fly, fly, fly, fly!" Rainbow watched the ground grow ever closer, knowing she couldn't do anything... she simply closed her eyes.


A soft steady beeping filled the silence of the morning. Rainbow slowly opened her eyes, looking around to see herself laying in a strange bed, in a strange room. A light blue sheet surrounded her, suspended from the ceiling, blocking her view from whatever laid outside this small area. The only thing Rainbow saw, was a strange machine with a few wires and pads sticking onto her chest, and a plastic tube running into the back of her hoof.

"Good Morning Rainbow Dash." Said a soft voice from behind the curtain. A few seconds later, in walked a doctor. "My name is Dr. Whooves, and I am the doctor in charge of your well being for the time being." Dr. Whooves was a rather large pony, not as large as Big. Mac, but pretty close. His hide was a soft brown, while his slicked back mane was a dark brown. He wore a white and green necktie, and his cutie mark depicted an hour glass.

"Doctor? Why am I at the hospital?" Rainbow asked.

"Do you not remember what happened to you last night?" Dr. Whooves asked.

Rainbow thought back to her dream, and images floated through her mind.

Her Dad

The Grave



Rainbow gulped, and softly shook her head, and Dr. Whooves just nodded his head.

"Mhmm. Well... miss Dash, it appears that last night you apparently drank a lot of alcohol, and didn't have much luck when you tried to stand as you fell and hit your head pretty good. It's nothing serious, but you sustained a bit of blood loss, and fractured your left wing."

"How... how long will I be here for Dr.?" Rainbow asked unenthusiastically.

The doctor removed the blanket from Rainbow and slowly removed the heart monitor pads one at a time. Following with the removal of the IV. Rainbow winced a little as the tube was removed from her leg and the area bandaged up.

"You are being discharged this morning. One of your friends has already arrived to help you home."

"Really?" She questioned, remembering her last stay in the hospital... "well it wasn't too bad, I found my love of reading" she thought to herself.

The doctor wheeled over a wheel chair, and helped Rainbow move from the bed into the chair. Once Rainbow was comfortably seated, he began wheeling her out into the waiting room where Applejack was waiting patiently for her.

"Told ya you shouldn't have drank all that cider." She pouted.

"Yeah, well good morning to you too AJ." Rainbow retorted.

The two ponies stared at each other for seconds before erupting in a fit of laughter.

"Well shucks I can't stay mad at you for too long." Applejack said, stifling her laughter. "Good Morning Sugar-cube."

Dr. Whooves placed a packet of paper into Rainbows lap and handed her a quill and ink. "Here you go miss Dash. This is your aftercare information packet, and here on the back is your discharge papers. I just need you to read it and sign your name at the bottom, then you can be on your way."

Rainbow skimmed lightly over the documents and quickly signed her name. She did not want to spend any more time at the hospital, and was ready to get outdoors where she belonged.

Rainbow got out of the wheel chair, and went to the door to leave with Applejack.

"Remember... stay off of that wing for at least a week miss Dash." Dr. Whooves spoke. Rainbow just gave a slight wave of her hoof to show she acknowledged him, and proceeded out into the cool winter day.

During the walk, Rainbow and Applejack had engaged in small chit chat about the prior days events, except for what Rainbow dreamed. Applejack, being a keen observer of Rainbow, noticed that she had been avoiding something in her story, and was determined to get it out of her.

"So sugar-cube, I can't help but think you are hiding a part of the story from me. I mean, you said that when you were unconscious, you had a dream... but won't tell me what happened in it." Applejack stated.

"Yeah, and it's like I told you, I don't REMEMBER what happened in the dream." Rainbow retorted.

"Then why are y'all being so darn tooting defensive about it?" Applejack asked.

Rainbow picked up her pace a little, but just enough to get a bodies length ahead of Applejack. "I am NOT being defensive about ANYTHING! And I am not going to talk about it!" She yelled.

"Talk about what sugar-cube?"

"The dream..." Rainbow spoke as a tear escaped her eye, and slowly ran down her cheek. Applejack didn't miss this, and was immediately apologetic for pushing the matter.

Rainbow stopped walking, and sat on the ground. Applejack followed suit and placed her hoof around her friend. "Ah'm sorry Rainbow, ah really am. Ah shouldn't have pressured you like this... and now yer cryin and I don't want you cryin."

"I'm not crying." She said. She said this so quietly, that Applejack just barely made out what she had said.

Applejack continued to hold her friend close, and rub her back softly to comfort the young mare. "Hey let's get back to the farm. I've got you a room set up, and ah'm sure you'd love a nap." She spoke. Rainbow looked at her and nodded.

To Rainbow, it seemed as if the walk to Sweet Apple Acres never happened. After crying her eyes out, the next thing she knew was laying in bed, in the guest room at Applejack's home. It was a small room, with a single bed, a small chair, and a closet which was full from being used for storage.

The pain had not left Rainbow. She kept reminiscing about the dream. She had never known her mother, but always thought about her. Who she was, what she possibly looked like. Rainbow did not want to think of her as dead. But what her father said in the dream was exactly the same as he told her so many years ago, back when she was just a young filly.

Rainbow turned over, pulling the sheets up to her neck she drifted off to sleep...

Her dreams brought her to a distant memory... many years ago, on the morning before her first day of junior speedster flight school.


The young Rainbow Dash turned to see Lightning Storm, her father, walking into the kitchen, holding a newspaper in his mouth. "Morning Daddy!" She said between bites of her breakfast, with a smile.

He walked by Rainbow, and ruffled her mane as he walked by. "Good morning sweetheart. Are you ready?" he said, while taking a seat at the table.

"Totally!" She spoke enthusiastically.

"That's my girl!"

She finished her breakfast and let her head droop as she faded into thought. A few moments passed before she returned to reality. "Daddy?"

Lightning took his eyes out of the paper to look at his daughter. "What's wrong sweetie?" He spoke.

Rainbow looked away from him, she didn't want to bring this up again, but felt as if she had to. "Do you think mommy will come and see me on my first day at school?"

Lightning looked back down into his paper, turning the page and continuing the story he had been reading before. "Rainbow remember this. Your mom... wasn't cut out to be your mom. She was lazy, self centered, and selfish. You may be too young to understand this, but one day you will. No one is perfect, everyone makes mistakes. You Mom, made a mistake when she asked me to provide her with a foal, as she was not cut out to be a mother. But don't get this wrong Rainbow... YOU are not a mistake, and that's why the day you were born, I divorced your mother, and took custody of you."

She looked up at her father. "Your right daddy, I don't know what that means, but I know I love you, and I love mommy too..."

"I love you too Dashie." Lightning said.

Rainbow woke with tears in her eyes. "I know what you meant now daddy." She spoke through short sobs, clenching the blanket in between her teeth. She continued to lay there, attempting to muffle sounds of her crying into her pillow. She felt a warm touch around her neck and saw Applejack sitting there holding her.

"AJ?" she sobbed.

"Shh. Ah'm not gonna ask if yer OK, cause yer not." She leaned her head against Rainbow's.

"I... had another dream."

"Do you want to talk about it?" AJ asked.

She nodded and sat up in the bed. She told AJ about her dreams. About seeing her father on that hill, about being pushed off that mountain and not being able to fly, She did not mention the dream she just had, as she did not want to upset AJ with the things her father had said.

"Sugar-cube..." AJ said. "It was only a dream. You shouldn't let it bother you like this, it's not healthy. I know it's scary, and I know it can feel real. But you know in your heart that the dream was just that... a dream, and that's all it will ever be."

"Thanks." Rainbow said. She didn't know what she was thinking, but she softly nuzzled Applejack before getting up out of the bed."

"Leaving already?" Applejack said through giggles.

"I need to go for a walk and clear my head." Rainbow responded.

Applejack nodded, letting go of her friend. "Don't stay out too late. I'll ring the dinner bell outside before we eat so you can join us."

Rainbow nodded, and left the room. She headed out into the apple fields, walking down the main walkway. There was no snow, despite it being winter. There was no leaves in the trees, the grass was brown. Rainbow hated winter, everything just seemed so lifeless, very unfitting for a pony as lively as she was.

Minutes passed and she reached the area she had originally wanted to go to. She sat down on the embankment of the stream that ran just beyond the boundaries of Sweet Apple Acres. The river had frozen over earlier on in the winter. Rainbow peeked past the ice and could see a few fish swimming around underneath the ice, although they seemed to swim a tad bit slowly.

Laying there, Rainbow stared into the sky, longing for the feeling of the cool air through her mane while zipping throughout all of Equestria. She looked at her bandaged wing, and was reminded with a dull throbbing pain shooting through it. "Darn you wings, you're so weak and feeble compared to the rest of my body." She whispered, while curling up into herself, and a lone tear slipping down her face.

An hour later, dusk had begun to arrive, and Rainbow heard the distinct sound of the bell ringing, signaling that it was time to head back, and she did just that. She was greeted at the door by a waiting Applejack who showed her into the kitchen to an awaiting Apple family, consisting of Big Mac, Granny Smith, and Applebloom.

"Hey Rainbow Dash!" Applebloom said, "Sorry about your wing, but I'm glad you're staying with us! We are gonna have SOOOOO much fun!"

"Eeyup" Big Mac responded, and Granny Smith nodded, while slowly rocking back and forth.

"Ah hope you have an appetite for apples sugar-cube!" AJ said while taking her seat.

"Course... I'm starving! What's for dinner?" Rainbow asked.

"AJ took the lid off the serving dish. "Apples."

"Peculiar" Rainbow responded.

"Come again partner?" AJ spoke. "Them books are making you talk all fancy." Everyone let off a few laughs before focusing on dinner. Rainbow looked at the serving dish. It contained a large salad with chunks of apples and radishes, apple-strudels, tarts, and an apple pie for dessert.

Dinner had come and gone in what seemed like a blink of an eye and the Apple family had retired to the living room for the remainder of the evening. Granny smith sat in her rocking chair knitting away, while Applebloom and her older sister were engaged in small talk about the days events, and Big McIntosh was skimming through the farmers almanac. Rainbow, on the other hand was sitting outdoors, under a bare apple tree, staring up into the winter night.

Rainbow watched a few shooting stars make their way across the night sky, disappearing almost as fast as they had come. Applejack had come over unnoticed and draped a small blanket over Rainbow, who in turn, glanced slowly over at her. "Thanks," Rainbow said, as Applejack took a seat next to her.

"Ya know sugar-cube, if yer gonna come out here, ya should at least have brought something with ya to keep warm."

"Yeah yeah," Rainbow said, continuing her star-gazing.

"Ah never seen this side of ya before sugar." AJ said, while joining in on the star-gazing. "Ah had no idea you were interested in this kind of stuff."

Rainbow blinked, she was quite surprised of herself as well. "I didn't know either, and I'm not sure if I really am or not. It's just... I came out here to do some thinking and happened to start looking up here, ya know... maybe try and find some answers."

"Rainbow, ah don't know if this will help you find your answer or not." Applejack spoke. Rainbow took her eyes out of the clouds, and focused her attention on her friend next to her. "Ah know you don't have any memories of yer mom, heck I don't have many of my parents either. They both passed away when I was 5."

Rainbow leaned her head onto her friends neck and closed her eyes. "I'm sorry AJ, I never knew. Somehow I had a guess of what happened, but I didn't know how to ask."

AJ shook her head and looked at her friend. "Don't worry about it. What ah'm trying to say and all is that... I know that wherever yer mom is, that she loves you very much."

"Yeah right." Rainbow thought to herself, remembering what her father had said.

"When ah lost my parents Rainbow... I was pretty hurt, but Big McIntosh told me something that really made a lot of sense to me. He said... the past is just that... the past... you can't change what happened, but you will always have good memories to pull from it. Instead of thinking about the things that made you sad, you should focus on the things that made you smile."

"Yeah you're right AJ," Rainbow said, pulling her head away to look her at her friend. "I shouldn't let this bother me. It's so UNCOOL!"

AJ laughed at her. She stood up and glanced at the house, then turned back to face her friend. "How about we go inside and get on off ta bed? I gotta help Granny Smith and Big McIntosh in the morning."

"Hmm?" Rainbow whispered.

"Well they are leaving at dawn, headin up ta Fillydelphia to pick up some supplies for this here plantin season comin up."

"Your not going with them?" Rainbow asked.

"Nah, I'd rather not. Ah don't like them cities. Plus someone needs ta keep ya company while yer here." She replied.

"Ah I'll be up doing sonic rainbooms tomorrow so go. Don't let me hold you back." Rainbow said to her, as they began their walk back.

"No sugar-cube, you're staying off that wing for at least a week."

"What?!" Rainbow yelled. "Why a week?!"

"Because that's what your aftercare packet says. You know, the doctors always right and all."

Rainbow shrugged. "Fine fine, we'll do it your way."

"Glad ta hear it sugar-cube, now lets go on and get to bed. Ah gotta get up early and all, and you need your rest."

"I'm NOT sick AJ, I just have a sprained wing." Rainbow argued.

Applejack laughed it off.

"Hey what's funny? This isn't a laughing matter!" Rainbow said.

AJ continued to walk, further and further away from Rainbow, who stood there pouting.

"Hey! Are you listening AJ?" Rainbow yelled.

"Eenope!" Applejack yelled back, in her best Bic McIntosh impression.

Rainbow chuckled and followed after her.

The two of them headed into the house, and headed off to bed. Rainbow, sat at the edge of her bed, and stared at the apple fields, deep in thought. "This... really isn't good." She thought to herself. "I need to get healed and leave asap. I don't want to end up hurting our friendship." After a few more moments of solitary thinking, Rainbow pulled herself under the covers and drifted off to sleep.

In the other bedroom, AJ was hanging her stetson on the post next to her bed having thoughts about the day. "Rainbow, why are you acting all defenseless lately?" She thought to herself. "It can't be because ya wing is injured... and it can't be because of those dreams, it's SO unlike ya.

As she laid in her bed, Applejack watched the clock on her wall. One hour passed, then came two. She tossed and turned, but she just could not seem to make herself comfortable. She got out of bed, and opened her door. "Maybe ah just need a glass of water or something." She said to herself. She trotted along out of her room, walking softly as to not wake up her sleeping family members. She stopped herself just outside of Rainbows room. Not realizing what she was doing, she opened the door to see her friend laying in her bed.

She watched, as Rainbow softly whimpered in her sleep. She walked over and placed a hoof on her head, and gently rubbed her. "Rainbow?" She whispered. She watched as her friend became still, and slowly opened her eyes. "You OK?"

Rainbow shook her head. "I'm... fine..."

"You're not fine stupid..." AJ whispered, she slowly pushed herself into the bed beside her friend.

"AJ... no... this is wrong." Rainbow said, pushing herself to the far end of the bed up against the wall.

"What's wrong about this?" AJ asked, looking Rainbow straight in the eyes.

"This... you... being... in bed... with me." Rainbow said slowly through muffled pants.

"Maybe..." AJ said. "But... I finally figured out what was wrong with you Rainbow."

"I told you... nothing is wrong... I'm fine!" Rainbow retorted.

AJ shook her head. "You're not fine... You're just... lonely."

Rainbow didn't reply. She knew what she said was true.

"OK then, if it's so wrong... I'll stay here, only until you fall asleep... then I'll leave. Deal?" Applejack bartered.

"Sure." Rainbow replied.

It only took a matter of minutes before the young Pegasus drifted off into sleep. Once her breathing became soft and steady, AJ began to pull herself out of the bed, but was stopped when her friends legs wrapped around her body.

"Rainbow?" She whispered. But she didn't get a reply.

"Stupid..." She thought. "You really are lonely after all."

Applejack watched her friend for a few moments before shutting her own eyes. This time, the restlessness left her, and she finally fell asleep, in the arms of her best friend.


Morning came quickly at the Apple house. The smell of the morning dew, and the sounds of the birds and the crickets were part of a normal days routine for the Apple family. But today, instead of getting to work, they were busy packing up their luggage to head on out to Fillydelphia for the weekend to pick up some seeds and fertilizer for the upcoming growing season.

Big Mac had finished his breakfast and noticed that they were one pony short... two if you counted Rainbow Dash. Big Mac saw Applebloom packing her shampoos and a few blankets into one suitcase, while Granny Smith was making sure she had all her knitting supplies packed away.

As he was putting a few books into his own suitcase, Big Mac called over to Granny Smith who was now sitting in her rocking chair, taking the pressure off her old knees while she waited to leave. "Granny... have you seen Applejack this morning?"

Granny Smith shook her head, and Big Mac knew to take it as a no. "What about you Applebloom?" He asked his young sister.

"Nope! Sure haven't!" she said. "But I'll go look for her if you want me to."

Big Mac shook his head. "Eenope, don't worry about it Applebloom. I'll go up and get her... she's probably still sleeping."

Big Mac walked up the stairs, not taking any particular care to make sure not to wake up Rainbow, as he forgot she was even still here. He knocked softly on Applejack's bedroom door, and after not receiving a reply, he pushed it open gently to see that she was no where to be found. He noticed that her stetson was still hung up, and that she never leaves the house without it. "Maybe the bathroom?" He asked himself. He shut the door and proceeded to walk down the hallway, He stopped just outside the guest room where Rainbow was sleeping, just now noticing that the door was wide open. He peeked inside and was flabbergasted as he saw his sister sleeping in the arms of her best friend. "This won't continue." He whispered to himself as he walked out of the room.

"Did ya find her?" Granny Smith called to Big Mac as he was walking down the stairs into the living room.

"Yeah shes... sleeping." He said. "Probably won't be up for awhile."

"Well she probably needs the sleep. Probably stayed up too late... oh well, we'll leave her a note on the table then." Big Mac nodded to his grandmother as she said this. He didn't like this, the idea of his sister possibly being a filly fooler. He would make sure it doesn't continue.

Two more hours passed before Applejack had started to show any signs of life. She opened her eyes and looked around at her strange surroundings, then she fixated on Rainbow's muzzle which was only inches away from her's. She closed her eyes and listened to the soft rhythmic breathing emanating from Rainbow's sleeping body, and just listening to it she felt more tranquil than she ever had before in her life. She knew she wouldn't be able to stay here much longer, she needed to use the bathroom, and she needed to help pack...

"Pack?" She asked herself. "Oh crap! I have to help pack!" She whispered to herself. "Rainbow.. pss Rainbow!"

Rainbow didn't budge, and when Applejack attempted to leave the confinement of Rainbow's arms, she was met with amazing strength, as she was unable to move them off of her body. "Rainbow... I'm sorry I don't wanna wake you!" She pleaded through whispers.

Rainbow heard her this time, and gently stirred, releasing her grasp on her friend. Applejack took this chance to leave the bed before she was held back again.

She yawned as she walked down the stairs into an unusually quiet living room. She looked all around but did not see a trace of any of her family members. "Mac? Applebloom?! Grandma?" She called out into the empty house, but did not get a reply. She walked into the kitchen and saw a small piece of parchment on the table, she picked it up and read it softly.


Didn't wanna wake you and your friend up. Don't worry about us, we managed fine. I decided that we were gonna head up to Manehatten after Fillydelphia for a small vacation. I'm sure you won't mind, but we wanted to let you know we'll be gone for a about a week now.

Big Mac.

P.S I need to speak to you when we return.

She sat the letter back down onto the kitchen table and grabbed an apple out of the basket which rested upon the same table. Finishing it in 3 bites, she walked sleepily back up to the room where Rainbow was sleeping. A slight blush came over her cheeks as she crawled back under the covers, to be met with gentle arms.

"I was wondering if you were gonna come back." A sleepy Rainbow said, grinning slightly at her surprised friend.

"Yeah well, you looked so peaceful laying there ah couldn't help myself." Applejack replied, being careful not to look into Rainbow's eyes, as somehow maybe not looking at her will help hide the fact that she was blushing madly.

"Oh?" Rainbow cooed. Moving her head slowly closer to Applejack's, to the point that their muzzles were now touching.

Applejack was now gazing into her pink eyes. "Rainbow?" she whispered, as Rainbow slowly leaned forward and gave her a little kiss. Not realizing what she had just done.

A couple seconds went by, and the reality of what just happened came to light for Rainbow, as she quickly pulled away from her friend. "Sorry AJ..." she hastily said. "I don't know what.."

Before Rainbow could react, Applejack was on top of her, locking her lips around Rainbow's. This completely surprised Rainbow, who in return closed her eyes and pushed harder against Applejack's lips. A few brief moments passed before AJ had to pull away for air gasping.

Rainbow gazed into AJ's eyes as she slowly regained her composure, pulling herself firmly into Rainbow's body. Rainbow winced a bit as Applejack unknowingly brushed her hoof across her bad wing.

"Sorry Rainbow..." AJ whispered, but Rainbow only shook her head and pulled AJ tighter into her embrace.

"I was scared yesterday..." Rainbow stated.

Applejack looked up into her pink eyes. "Of what?"

"I was scared... that if... I showed you my feelings it would tear our friendship apart." Rainbow said, slowly rubbing AJ's back as she spoke.

"Awe shucks sugar-cube. Ain't nothing like that gonna ever tear us apart." AJ said softly. Returning the embrace.

Rainbow held her close, as she looked out the window. She saw flocks of birds flying by, which meant that spring was closing in. She closed her eyes, and a took a deep breath as she rested her head on top of AJ's. "What... do we do from here?"

"Hmm?" AJ hummed.

"Well... you and I..." Rainbow said.

AJ lifted her head a little, causing Rainbow to pull hers away. "Let's not worry about that right now Rainbow. Let's just enjoy the moment." She said, as she closed her eyes, and pressed her muzzle up against Rainbow's once more.

They laid in that bed for the remainder of the day, only leaving it when it had become time to eat dinner.

The following week was full of new surprises, feelings, and learning experiences for the two ponies. They had spent their days playing outdoors, running through the fields, and sleeping under recently budding apple trees. Rainbow had moved from the guest room into AJ's room on the second night, when she realized that the guest bed was just a tiny bit too small for two ponies to share while AJ's could comfortably hold 3, "not like that would ever happen" Rainbow thought to herself.

It was on the 8th day that Rainbow went back to the hospital and learned that her wing had fully healed and that she could use it again in moderation. She was both happy and sad as this meant it was time to leave the house where she had spent the last week and head back up into her cloud house, which by now, would need some serious cleaning.

Back at Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack was doing some spring cleaning in the kitchen when she heard a sound at the door and turned to see her family had returned from the trip. "Hey y'all, how was the trip?" AJ called out to them from the kitchen.

Applebloom came barreling into the kitchen and latched onto her big sisters leg, which almost caused the young mare to topple over on top of her. "Oh sis, I missed you a LOT!"

Applejack brushed her young sisters mane and gave her a small hug. "I missed you too Applebloom. Now I really need to go help unpack."

"No no you don't need ta help with anything." Big Mac said, as he walked into the kitchen. "AJ, did you get the letter I left you?"

Applejack thought for a second, almost forgetting the letter ever existed, but quickly remembered it, and remembered what it had said at the end...

P.S I need to speak to you when we return.

"Oh yeah big bro, what did you need to talk about?" Applejack said, swallowing what saliva existed in her mouth out of pure nervousness, she had a feeling she knew what it was about.

"Upstairs... in private." He replied.

The two of them walked upstairs into Applejack's room. Big Mac shut the door, while Applejack took a seat on her bed. She looked at Big Mac who looked down, almost disappointed.

"What are ya tryin to do sis?" He blurted out.

"Come again?" She replied, unsure as to what he was asking.

"What are ya doin in bed with Rainbow? Are ya tryin to get yerself confused or somethin?"

Applejack looked at the floor. She knew it was gonna be something like this. She knew all along that her brother might not approve of her relationship with Rainbow if he were to figure it out. "Ah'm not confused about anything big brother."

Big Mac walked closer to her and took a seat on the bed next to her. "AJ... you're a mare... she's a mare..."

"And I love her very much!" She shouted, eyes wide open.

Big Mac shook his head, while brushing his mane aside. "Think about Applebloom... what will she think if she found out yer a filly fooler? How would that affect her?"

"Ah think she wouldn't mind it one bit as long as her big sis is happy." AJ said, eyes to the floor.

"Well ah don't think it's natural sis... nothing good can ever come from a relationship like that. You can't have children... you wouldn't have a future with that... I just want you to be happy, ah don't think you should see her anymore..."

Tears streamed down Applejack's face as she sat on her bed. "At least... we'd be happy..." she said to him, and she ran out the door, down the stairs, and ran out the door. Little did she know that Granny Smith had overheard the entire conversation that had just taken place.

A minute later Big Mac walked down into the living room, with his head hung low. "Ah think you were too hard on her there Mac." Granny said, as she rocked back and forth in her rocking chair.

"Maybe... but I can't sit back and watch her make a mistake..." He replied.

"Ah would think... the only mistake she could make... would be being unhappy to please others." Granny said, looking out the window from her rocking chair, seeing her granddaughter disappearing onto the horizon of the farm.

"Ah don't know what you mean by that grandma."

"One day when you're in love mac, you will understand." Granny said, as she slowly closed her eyes for her afternoon nap.

Away from Sweet Apple Acres, Rainbow was up high in the cloud house doing some cleaning. She spent the next few hours dusting furniture, doing laundry, and repairing the cloud walls that Tank had devoured in Rainbow's absence.

Cleaning her fridge was the biggest challenge of all for Rainbow, as all of her food had spoiled. As soon as she opened it, she was overcome with the smell of rotting food, and it seemed that her ice cream had melted all over the freezer. Her ears folded back and she almost began to cry as she started the task of cleaning the horrible mess.

"I should have asked Twilight to fly up here and help herself to my food while I was gone." Rainbow said to herself while throwing the rag she used in the trash, not wanting to attempt to clean that. Rainbow looked around and once she was satisfied with the cleanliness of her house, she proceeded to her bedroom, where she grabbed a bathrobe. "I guess... I'll take a bath... " She said, noticing the sweat that had matted her blue coat.

As Rainbow was soaking away in the tub, she heard the odd sound of knocking at her front door. After the first knock she waited, and once again another knock was heard. "Be there in a second!" Rainbow shouted from the tub. She quickly got out of the tub. After shaking the water off her coat, she pulled the purple bathrobe over her and tied the draw string on it. Upon arriving at her door, she opened it to see Twilight hovering just in front of it.

"Hey Rainbow" Twilight said.

"Uh, hi Twilight... come on in." Rainbow replied.

A few moments later Rainbow was bringing two cups of tea over to the kitchen table where Twilight was sitting waiting for her.

"So..." Twilight said, taking a sip of her tea. "How's your wing?"

"It's fine I guess." Rainbow replied.

"That's good. I was worried after you fell. I wanted to come and see you in the hospital, but the Princess summoned me back to Canterlot on the day you were admitted. And I just now got back."

"It's ok." Rainbow said, taking a sip of her tea, looking out the window, just barely seeing Sweet Apple Acres on the horizon.

"You're... quiet Rainbow... is something the matter?" Twilight asked Rainbow, who only lifted an eyebrow at her friend.

"Um... nothings... wrong I don't think. I'm just... it's nothing."

"Hmm?" Twilight hummed.

"I'm sad that I had to leave AJ's house this morning, but I'm also happy that I was able to come home too."

"I heard from Rarity that she had seen Applejack's family in Fillydelphia. She was there for a few days, and stopped by Canterlot to see me on her way back. Did you go with them?" Twilight asked.

Rainbow sat her tea cup down, shaking her head. "No... Applejack and I stayed at her house."

Twilight batted her eyelashes at hearing this, her friends... staying together in a house... alone? "So... what did you guys do?"

Rainbow told Twilight about everything that happened during her stay with Applejack. From napping under the trees, to the stories they told each other at night, and also... her first kiss... to which Rainbow blushed as she remembered the details of the event.

"This isn't good." Twilight said with a stutter. "Are you serious Rainbow? You can't be in a relationship with AJ! You're both mare's! It could never work! Think about what everypony in Ponyville would say! You're just confused right? You've never had a colt-friend before, so maybe you were just curious? And maybe the same for her?"

"I'm NOT Confused!" Rainbow shouted.

"Yes you ARE!" Twilight shouted in return. "Two mare's cannot form a romantic relationship together! It's unnatural!"

"Says WHO?!" Rainbow yelled at her, throwing her hooves up in the air and shaking her head. "Why would I CARE what ANYPONY thought about me?! Since when do I care what others think? Who says it's unnatural? And why aren't you happy for us Twilight? Aren't friends there for each other?"

Twilight hung her head low and stared at the floor. She was ashamed at herself for doubting her friend. "No Rainbow... you're right."

"I am?" Rainbow asked.

Twilight looked back up at her friend and nodded, tears streaming from her eyes. "If you're happy, then I should be happy too right? And you're right... you shouldn't care about what others think... if you're truly in love... then... you should be with her... no matter what anypony says."

Rainbow walked over and gave her friend a hug. "Thanks Twi" she whispered to her.

The hours passed as Rainbow and Twilight spent the afternoon talking about the new books that each of them had currently read, and about the new Daring Do book which would be in Ponyville next week. "Daring Do and The Half Blood Unicorn." They said in unison as reading the excerpt in the Ponyville newspaper.

"Already a number one hit in Fillydelphia!" Screamed Rainbow.

"I knew that Unicorn would turn traitor to the Princess!" Shouted Twilight.

They looked at each other and erupted in laughter.

"I should get going Rainbow." Twilight said, seeing that it was dark outside now.

"Ohmygosh, time flew by sooooooo fast today Twi." Rainbow said, walking her friend to the door. "Thanks for coming to visit me."

"No problem Rainbow, I really wanted to check up on you after your fall." Twilight said.

"Goodnight." They said in unison, and once again shared a small giggle.

That night, Rainbow tossed and turned in her bed, unable to fall asleep. Her mind kept drifting away to the thoughts of her mare-friend, how she must be all warm and cozy in her bed. Was she sound asleep? Or was she full of restlessness just as Rainbow was. These thoughts plagued Rainbows mind as she kept watching out the window from the warm, soft confines of her bed.

Another hour passed and she got out of bed. "OK this is getting ridiculous." She said. Walking to her front door. "OK..." she said, and she left, taking off beginning her flight towards her mare-friend.

She was crying... Applejack was in her bed, bundled up, softly sobbing... unable to fall asleep. Her mind kept drifting back to the prior weeks events, but every time, her thoughts were interrupted by the lecture that Big Mac had given her earlier this day. She looked over to her window as she heard a soft tapping noise on the glass, and there was Rainbow floating softly outside the window, tapping on it, with a huge grin on her face.

"Rainbow.. go away." AJ said to her friend through sobs.

"Hey... why are you crying?" Rainbow said softly, worry filling her voice.

"Please just... this won't ever work out... please..." AJ cried.

Rainbow gently pulled the window open, and starting to push herself through it.

"Rainbow no... leave please... forget about last week..."

Rainbow backed away from the window, her ears drooping low. "OK..." she whispered... tears dripping from her eyes. "Why?" She thought to herself.

AJ watched as her mare-friend started to slowly fly away, but she couldn't hold herself back. "Don't go!" She called out to Rainbow through tears.

Rainbow stopped in midair, turning around to see AJ standing by her window, pleading for her to return, in which she did. Rainbow slowly flew back, and entered the window, and was immediately embraced before she could get her feet planted onto the floor of the bedroom.

"Ah'm sorry Rainbow... ah really am." She said, while holding her mare-friend tightly.

"What's wrong AJ? Why do you say we won't work out."

"Ah don't know if we will... Big Mac was rather upset to find out that ah'm a filly fooler... ah don't want my family ta disown meh."

"We ain't gonna disown ya deary..." Said a week and feeble voice.

AJ and Rainbow turned in surprise to see old Granny Smith slowly walking into the bedroom.

"But... Granny... Ah'm a..." Granny stopped her, softly putting her hoof to the side of AJ's face.

"Hush Applejack... ah love ya... ah'll always love ya... and if ya want yerself a mare-friend instead of a colt-friend, why then ah couldn't be more happy for ya." Granny said softly, wiping the tears from her granddaughter's eyes. "And ah couldn't be more happy that yeh chose Rainbow to be yer mare-friend, she and you are so alike."

"But..." AJ said through sobs. "Big Mac... he doesn't approve... he never will."

"Shush..." her grandmother said. "Ah had a talk with yer brother earlier... and even if he won't approve... he'll never disown ya Applejack... ye know our family ain't like that."

Rainbow pulled away from AJ, so that Granny Smith could give her granddaughter a hug. "Now ah best be getting on off ta bed now..." Granny broke away from the hug to face Rainbow. "Feel free ta spend the night anytime ya want there Rainbow."

Rainbow nodded, and thanked her, as she walked out of the room to go to bed.

"Ya... wanna spend the night Rainbow?" AJ said nervously.

Rainbow softly pushed her muzzle against her mare-friend, who simple closed her eyes and pushed back harder.

"I'll take that as a yes." Rainbow whispered.

The two of them slept soundly that night. There was no restlessness, no bad dreams, and no more tears were shed that night. AJ slept soundly knowing that her grandmother supported her sexual preference, and Rainbow slept well, just by having her mare-friend in her hooves.