Jane couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her school was hosting an exchange project. Girls and boys from all over the world would go to her school, act like they didn't know anything of the American culture and get all the attention. Not that Jane minded that, not at all, the annoying part of all of this was that she had been picked as a buddy. Which meant she had to show some guy or girl around the school, answer all of their annoying questions and be there whenever they needed her. Yes, that was really annoying. Now the worst part you wonder? Angela Rizzoli, her mother, had told the school board that whoever Jane was supposed to show around, was also welcome to stay at her place. So that not only meant that she was stuck with the foreigner at school, but also at home.
"Come on Jane, it's not gonna be that bad." Barry Frost, her best friend was trying to cheer her up. It wasn't working though. "Then you go volunteer in my place." A snort was heard, before Frost tried to cover that up with a cough. Jane rolled her eyes, biting her tongue to keep herself from saying something she'd regret later.
"You know I can't. The school picks the students and… well… I just can't." Jane glanced over at her friend, wondering how the boy was ever going to be detective material.
"Whatever, it's only for like what, a month?" Frost gave her a look. "More like 6 Jane." Jane groaned, her hopes of this being over fast gone.
"Since when do these programs last so freakin' long? Aren't they supposed to be one month, maybe two?" Frost just shrugged, not really caring. "I don't make the rules." Jane sighed, deciding he wasn't going to succeed in making her feel better.
"Whatever." She said, the word used often. "I'm just gonna go meet the immigrant outsider." Frost chuckled as he watched her walk off. "You know that's the same word right!" he called after her, getting the bird in response.
She mentioned this was annoying and bad right? Well that was an understatement. It hadn't been even five minutes of showing the new girl around and she was already tired of her. Her name… Maura Isles… didn't exactly peek her interest. The fact that she came from France interested her even less and the fact that she was apparently a walking encyclopedia made Jane want to walk into a wall… hard.
"I find the American culture very interesting. You seem to have a different vision on a lot of things." Jane glanced at her. "Yes, like how fun exchange programs are." Sarcasm dripped from every word. The girl beamed at her. "Oh! I didn't know you were as excited about this as me!" Did she already mention she wanted to bash her head in? The girl didn't know what sarcasm was.
Jane looked at her, looked at her smile and rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Bathrooms are here and the classrooms have a number. You can find the cafeteria by following the mass and… that's it. See ya around." Jane waved as she walked off, relieved she was finally able to get away. For a good ten seconds.
"Excusez-moi." Jane stopped, again biting her tongue. Turning around, she raised an eyebrow. "What?" She watched Maura recoil slightly, her eyes flashing something Jane couldn't quite catch, or care about. "I-I don't know where my locker is." Jane sighed taking the paper Maura handed her.
She checked the number once, twice and cursed under her breath. Of course it was next to hers. As if she couldn't have guessed that. Asking for her schedule, Jane noticed they had every single class together. Taking a deep breath, she looked back at the girl who was waiting patiently. "Follow me."
Jane thought that when they got home she would get some peace and quiet. Maura would have her own room and Jane would lock herself in hers. But when she walked into her room, she noticed a mattress on the ground. And suitcases next to it. "Ma!" Stomping downstairs, she was met with a disapproving look from Angela.
"Jane Rizzoli! How many times to I have to tell you not to scream." Jane rolled her eyes. "Why is her stuff in my room?" Angela was confused for a moment, before she got what her daughter was talking about. "Oh! You mean Maura's things? You're sharing a room."
"Yeah, I got that. Why? We have a spare room, she can stay there." Angela frowned at her. "I told you Jane, I'm using that room." Jane scoffed. "For what? That art thing you've got going? What is that, the third thing you wanted to give a go this month? Really Ma? I ain't sharing a room with her for 6 months!" Momma Rizzoli gave her another stern look.
"Well, you'll just have to deal then." And with that said, Angela turned around and walked off to the kitchen. Jane clenched her jaw, before stumping back upstairs, not aware Maura had heard every word. Tears slowly fell down her cheeks, her young mind wondering where in the world people would like her.
So this idea had been floating around in my head and I figured to just put it out there. Let me know what you think and if I should keep going!