kickinitlover11: Thanks and you are making me blush

CompleteFamilyAndLife12: Thanks for the support. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I just wanted to be alone. And thanks again, I'll remember that.

Guest: It's not your fault so you have nothing to sorry about. I know. It did get better and my parents are working it out to stay together. People say talking helps, I don't want to talk to anyone. I already promised not to quit writing a story so im keeping my promises.

Stinger5150: Ahaha. Well I finished the book a while back and I still remember some quotes in it so I decided to use a quote from the book. HEY BESTIE! Thanks! And me neither, I wanna see it too! I cant believe Gus has to die! I mean, WHY JOHN GREEN WHY?!

UnbreakableWarrior: Thanks! Well here's the chapter you're eager to read!

scurtui24: YEAH! I couldn't keep Kick apart any longer. Idk if I should or shouldn't make Austin die. But me being evil, I'll taught you guys. :D jk jk. I have a plan in mind so, you're going to have to wait. Thank you that you support my not made decision.

swagmasterlol: Thanks! I try! Ally's friends are safe, but the lady never said anything about injuries. Haha Julie mode XD John Green is an exceptional writer. I have Looking for Alaska and TFIOS. I cant wait! I handled it pretty well when...Gus...d-died...I was so sad! But I never cried. IK! I'm seeing the movie next week! I could handle it. Besides, you should see me when I'm excited.

Grace-1997: Thanks!


Kim's POV

Shawty's like a melody in my head that I-

I slap my hand over top of my alarm clock. Hold on, this isn't my alarm clock..

Wait! I remember I was downstairs on the couch...

I sit up and look at my surroundings: white walls with pictures and posters, purple blinds...

Hm, I must be in Grace's photo/guest room. But who brougt me here...

I get up from the bed and wander out to the hall. I sniff the air and smell...BACON!

My eyes fill with joy and a giant smile spreads across my face. I run downstairs and into the kitchen. I look over to the stove and see bacon in a pan. I run over to it, but then my reflexes come in because I'm feeling something is going to grab me. I force my elbow back and I hit something hard. That something groans. I turn around and see Jack with a pained expression,

"I'm so so sorry!" I exclaim and help him into a chair.

"It's fine," he groans as he catches his breath. "Why did you do that?"

My cheeks turn a light shade of red and I look away from him,

"I, um, got...curious?" I respond like its a question. Jack raises his eyebrows and smirks,

"Yeah. Sure. That's what happened." He says sarcastically

"I-It's true!" I exclaim defensively in a joking tone,

Jack laughs. He pulls me toward him and I end up sitting on his lap,

"Kimmy, I know that's A PART of what happened, but what happened in detail, but not extreme detail." He says softly in a caring voice as he plays with my hair.

I sigh knowing that he's a stubborn cow and won't give up.

"You're right I won't give up and I am not a stubborn cow." I look at him confused, "You were thinking aloud."

My mouth forms an 'O' shape, then I blush,

"I was wondering who brought me to Grace's picture room, and then I smelt bacon. know the rest..." I explain with my face being redder than before.

Jack stifles a laugh, but then calms down,

"Who do you think brought you to that room?" He asks smirking staring at me,

I think for a moment. Jerry left. I don't think the girls would...oh! Jack brought me! Aww, that's sweet of him. Ew, too girly moment...

I cover my face with my hands as my face become a tomato. Jack chuckles,

"I'm guessing that you know who and...KIMMY'S EMBARRASSED!" He yells playfully,

I remove one of my hands and punch him on the shoulder. HARD. He screams out in pain a bit and I smirk,

"I probably deserved that..." He says. I roll my eyes and get up to leave, but he holds me down.

"Where do you think your going?" He whispers in my ear. I shiver, then turn to him with my face uncovered,

"To change?" I lie.

"Don't a get a thank you?"

"Why should you?"

He starts to lean in slowly. Very slow.

"Because I'm the one you brought up you up." He whispers grazing at my lips.

Eh, let's have some fun with this,

"Really?!" I fake exclaim, "I thought BRETT or BRODY, brought me."

Jack's eyes fill with rage, he leans back into his chair and then he growls, "Why do you think one of them brought you?"

I smile playfully, "I just felt like I was in their arms."

"How would you know if you were in their arms? The only guy that hasn't rejected you for being an ugly selfish bitchy nerdy was me. I'm the only person who would actually date you. If it wasn't for me, Truman wouldn't have even noticed you." Jack snaps at me with cold eyes.

That really offends and hurts me.

I clamp my hands over my mouth as tears threaten to come down my face and I whimper through my hands. Jack realizes what he said and opens his mouth to protest about it, but I quickly stand up and run to Grace's room as Jack is on my tail calling me. I lock the door of Grace's room and slide down it letting the tears flow. I shut my eyes and remove my hands, then pinch my lips together,

"Kim?" A girl asks. I open my eyes and see Ally. She must of slept in here,

"What happened?" She asks me, but, I couldn't tell her and she gets it.

Ally brings me to the bed and passes me a pillow. I hug it tight and stare at the wall,

"Kim, can you please tell me?" Ally asks in a caring tone. Just like Jack...

My tears flow faster and I let out a quiet cry. Ally's eyes widen,

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you cry more!" She exclaims worried. "Um.. I-I-I'll be r-right back!"

She runs out and runs over Jack. I practically jump off of the bed and lock the door once again.

"Kim! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to say that!" He pleads from the other side. Then I hear feet coming toward the door,

"Jack! What did you do!?" Grace screams.

"That's why Kim is crying?! Because of you!" Ally yells.

"She's crying!?" Jack exclaims.

"YES!" Ally and Grace yell at the same time.

"Ugh," I hear Jack breath out frustrated. "What am I going to do?!"

"We aren't going to help you." Grace says finally calm. She tries opening the door, "Kim! Open up!"

"No!" I muffle into the pillow.

"Please Kim!" Ally pleads.

"No! Not until he's gone!" I scream with venom.

"I'm not just going to leave Kim! Please hear me out!" I pleads again.

I scoff hearing the 'Please hear me out' part. I've heard that in movies. Try again Jack! Now I hear a lot of whispering,

"Jack, just leave. We'll sort this out." Ally says calmly.


"LEAVE JACK!" Grace screams.

I hear foot steps go down the stairs and eventually I hear the door slam. I get up from the bed then open the door to reveal Ally and Grace with kits, movies, and ice cream tubs. They give me a small smile, but I don't return it. They lead me to the bed and Grace closes the door.

"Oh Kimmy..." Grace sighs sadly. I sniffle and Ally hands me a tissue.

"Where's Julie?" I ask,

"She went home last night." Ally replies.

"Oh." I say flatly.

She hands me a tub of cookie dough ice cream and Grace gives me the spoon. I grab the items immediately and start eating. We stay in silence for 10 minutes, but All breaks it

"Kim, can you now tell us what Jack did?" Ally asks. I stop stuff my mouth, then sniffle,

"H-He said t-th-hat he was the o-only guy that di-didn't reject me a-and I'm a sel-selfish, ugly, bi-bitchy nerd." I explain with tears running down my face.

Ally and Grace stare at me with their mouths covered,

"He said that?" Ally asks me softly in shock. I simply nod then bury my face into the pillow.

"Why?" Grace asks, "Wait, scratch that, tell us what happened in the beginning."

I tell them the whole story. Starting from when I woke up to when I came into this room. I also told them about our relationship.

-TIME LAPSE- (After Kim is done the story.)

"Kim," Grace says softly. She comes over to me and embraces me into a hug. We stay like that for a bit then we let go.

"Guys, I'm not trying to be mean or rude. I appreciate that you care, but I just want to be alone." I tell them. They look me with sadness in their eyes, but nod then leave.

I sigh, "It hasn't even been 24 hours and were fighting."

I lay down on the bed and drift off to sleep.

Grace's POV

I feel bad for Kim. I mean it has been probably less than a day since they became a couple.

I'v caught Jack staring at her before. Not like he wants to make-out with her kind of look, but I catch him staring at her

"Jack just got jealous and he couldn't control what he was saying." Ally states, breaking my short train of thoughts.

"I know." I agree, "I want to help Kim, but it's either get Kim a new boyfriend-"

"Woah, Grace. I don't think you should get Kim a new boyfriend to get her mind off Jack. That will make him jealous. I think that we should help Jack get Kim back, making her happy again."

"Uh, yeah. I was going to say that before you cut me off..."

"Oh, sorry. When should we start?"

"Immediately. I'm going to call Julie and tell her about this."

I get up to call Julie, but Ally stops me and whispers,

"Text her just in case Kim hears."

I nod then sit back down. Ally looks at my screen,


hey jule

Hi Grace. What's up?

can u cum to my other house now

Okay, but why? What happened?


"What's Ki-ck?" Ally asks me over my shoulder,

"It's code for Kick breaking up. Kim and Jack's couple name." I reply,



btw when u come n i let you in, dont scream or yell. we dont want kim to know

Okay, I won't. See you in a few

I shut my phone off,

"Julie's coming."

"I know, I was reading the texts." Ally says jokingly.

Ask her why she was crying last night! Be a good friend and help her! I think it's about Austin too!

"Uh, Ally?" I ask, "I was walking around the hallways last night and...I heard was your cries. So I just want to know why you were. You don't have to tell me immediately, but I want to know..."

Ally looks down and she plays with her fingers,

It's about Austin! You know it because I know it! Be careful with this and try not to make her cry!

I sometimes hate my conscience, but know I'm loving it.

I sit beside her,

"Ally, what did Austin say?" I ask quietly putting my hand on her shoulder.

She hands me her phone that has a screen shot of something with Austin in it. It's a text that Austin sent last night! I read the text,

Ally, don't worry about me. I'll be back in Seaford soon. I don't know where I am, but I got cell service. I only have 1% of battery left so I decided to text u. Alls I love you. Im in love with you. If I don't come back, move on and be happy. For my sake. Tell my family I love them. If you r still mad at me, dez and trish, forgive us. please. I miss you Ally. and I hope to see you beautiful face soon.

It was cheesy in places, but I can tell that Austin means it all.

"Ally," I sigh, "Why didn't you tell me or Kim before?"

Ally looks up and a couple tears are staining her face,

"I didn't want to bother you." she replies

"You wouldn't bother us. I mean, looking at Kim. She didn't bother us so you wouldn't either."

"Yeah. I guess I should of told you guys. Kim is strong and isn't sobbing. I can tell that Jack and Kim love each other."

"I know. Now, let's clean you up before Julie gets here."

Ally and I head to the washroom. I clean her up and then the door bell rings,

"Does it look like I've been trying?" Ally asks me. I smile and say no.

Kick and Auslly are adorable together, but aren't couples...yet...

Okay! That was like 2000 words! That's not a lot, but okay. I hope you guys liked the chapter!


I'm not tryin' to be a hater, but they left out and CUT out so many parts! Also where were Susan, Robert, Marlene, Uriah, Shauna, Zeke, Edward and Myra? Hm? I was -call me grusome- looking forward to seeing Edward get stabbed by Peter.

Molly was nicer.

Peter looked nice.

Tori was cold and mean.

I have a lot of complaints, but i can't help it.

*Sighs* here's a tip: Don't have high expectations in things, you'll be disappointed in the end sometimes...


Oh and also my b-day is on April Fools day! Wish me luck so i dont get pranked!

When a kid found out my birthday is on April Fools day the kid said, "Oh so you're a joke?" and my entire class laughed. That actually hurt cuz i usually take things as a joke. Like not too serious, but what ever.


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