Disclaimer: I don't own Smosh, nor anyone associated with them

Ok, so...I don't know why I just randomly thought of this...but I did, lol anyway, if this gives you nightmares, I'm sorry but hey tell me what paranormal experiences you've had, go on XD

"Hey guys, welcome to another episode of Ian is bored, now tonight being Halloween, we decided to do something fun, and tell you our own personal, paranormal experiences. We're each going to tell five different stories, going around in a circle, that means theres going to be 30 stories in total, one for each night in October before Halloween."

Excplained Ian, before pointing the camera at the table, where Anthony, Mari, Joven, Laserorn and Sohinki were sitting.

"W're also going to get severe nightmares but hey," Said Lasercorn shrugging his shoulders.

"I don't know, I don't get scared easily." Said Sohinki, the others chuckled and rolled their eyes. Anthony lit the candles in the middle of the table, before turning on the lights setting the mood. Ian set the camera down, and pointed it at himself.

"Ok, I'll go first...this happened when I was around, ten, my sister got this talking, barbie doll...and it was extremely creepy. At the time, we lived in another house, and the way it was set up, was that there was the living room.." Ian paused, trying to remember the layout of the house...

" you went through a door, right across was the bathroom, and when you turned right there were the bedrooms, but when you turned left, there was the kitchen and the dining room, so you literally had to pass the living room to get anywhere. my sister kept her dolls and other toys in the living room, because we shared a room, and she wanted her stuff away from mine...anyway, the doll was...it looked like a normal barbie doll, I mean my sister took really good care of that thing..."

"But?" Said Mari, expecting there to be a but.

"Whenever I was around...like ok, you pressed the button and it would talk, obviously, one time I was in the house alone, my sister was next door, and my parent were at the store. So I went over to the doll, and when I pressed the button...it actually said "Hi Ian"..."

The room became silent...the others all looked up at Ian, a small shiver crawled up Ian's spine.

"Are you sure your sister didn't record anything?" Asked Joven, Ian shook his head.

"Nope, it couldn't record...I thought I was just hearing things...so I pressed it again and it said, "I like you Ian..." I pressed it again, and again to see if I was hearing it right...but it kept going, ' I wanna marry you Ian...you're mine Ian...' over and over, oh god I have goosebumps just thinking about it." Said Ian, rubbing his arms, he had blocked the doll from his mind...

He was just greatful the thing was long gone...the others were very uneasy, still...it was Halloween right? and these were just stories...right?

" I dropped the doll, and ran to my room, locked the door, and hid under my bed. When everybody got home, I told them what happened, and I tried to show them with the doll...but when I pressed it, it was just the normal things barbies usually said..." Ian sighed and shook his head.

"when we moved, my sister misplaced it...I don't even know where it is...well, thats mine." Said Ian, he looked up as Anthony placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, and offered him a small smile...he and Ian were best friends, but Ian had never told him about that before...then again, he hadn't told anyone about what had happened to him either...

Ian smiled back, he felt a small weight lifted off of his chest, the thing was gone...probably buried or something, and he was never going to see it again.

"My turn." Said Anthony, taking the camera and pointing it at himself.

Ok, next chapter will be Anthony's story, whats your story? go ahead and tell me XD