OMG! Its been over an year since I updated this story.

Sorry guys! I was so caught up with things and with the other stories.

And here you guys go! I hope you guys stay curious enough to know what happens next!

But for now, enjoy this chapter.

And I promise I'll update frequently.

"This is law: Blood split upon the ground cries out for more"

It had been around two months since Sasuke saw that message on Sakura's phone. He was really getting nowhere with her. She was hell bent on not saying a thing about that night. He didn't want to pressure her. He was here, sitting in his chamber. Thinking of ways to make her speak.

"Teme" Naruto's loud voice rang through his chamber.

"What dobe?" Sasuke sighed and asked. He looked up to see Naruto.

"I found out where Kabuto and Orochimaru are meeting again. We can't lose them like last time." Naruto says in a determined voice. He was already pissed that their previous plan failed.

"Hn. I don't know what you are going to do. But I want them both caught this time. That gay pedophile thinks he can escape us. " Sasuke says in a grim voice. Orochimaru was mocking the entire department. He was so damn sneaky. He did not meet Kabuto last time. Instead sent one of his lackeys. He had known that Sasuke was aware of what he was doing. And on top of it, Kabuto had escaped.

"This time, we are going all out. We first capture Kabuto. And leave out Orochimaru." Naruto says as he sits down on the chair opposite to Sasuke's.

The door opens again to reveal the rest of the team.

"We have devised the perfect plan to capture Kabuto this time." Shikamaru states as he throws the files of this case on Sasuke' table.

"What would that be?" Sasuke raises an eyebrow.

"We listen to what that gay dude and this good for nothing have to talk. After they are done, we corner Kabuto. Making sure that Orochimaru has left and has no idea about Kabuto's capture." Neji explains.

"And its better we keep Kabuto's arrest a secret." Kiba suggests.

"Hn. Are you guys sure this will work out? Or do we need to ask Kakashi's help?" Sasuke asks in an unsure voice.

"Dude! This time no screw ups! So no need." Shino spits.

"What about Sakura? We got evidences saying she was the one to take away that Wagarashi son's life." Lee states.

"Do you think she did it for money?" Chouji asks.

"Chouji, we have no confirmation that she did inject the poison. Its a claim made by Wagarashi. And we have some evidences is all. Very little at that." Naruto says dryly.

"Leave Sakura to me. I already know her side of the story." Sasuke says in monotone.

Everyone glares at him. He snorts.

"Dude! Only because she is a hot chick and she is your fiance doesn't mean you have to blindly believe her. SHE is a fucking suspect! If she is proved guilty what the fuck are you gonna do? You are engaged to her! It will cost you your name!" Shikamaru spats in anger.

"He's right! You have to think again, about her." Neji agrees with Shikamaru .

"Why don't you all shut up? I am not an idiot. For one the girl herself doesn't know what happened. And two, I was the only witness to Wagarashi's son's death . Apart from Sakura ." Sasuke says calmly. He looks levelly at everyone.

The rest of them exchange looks with one another. What was he talking about? Is there something he wasn't telling the rest of them?

"What the hell are you hiding Sasuke?" Kiba demands

"There's something we don't know and you know." Naruto glares at Sasuke. As if accusing him.

"Hn. I do. And when the time is right, you'll know. Just capture Kabuto. For now." Sasuke speaks in authority.

"Fucking jerk! Always has to keep secrets!" Neji chi's Sasuke. In turn Sasuke only smirks.

"Whatever. Are you going to wait till the case is solved to marry her?" Lee asks in interest.

"I think you should wait" Shino states his opinion.

"GET OUT.." Sasuke says in an irritated tone. Damn those jerks. He doesn't want to talk about Sakura with them.

"Whatever teme! If I find out that you are marrying her behind our back and not telling us..."

"You'll have hell to pay." Chouji finishes the sentence.

With that, everyone get back to their work.

Sasuke now leans back on his chair and rewinds what happened the past two months. Naruto had gotten married. Sasuke had taken Sakura. Sakura was way too drunk that night. Sasuke had tried getting some answers from her. He wanted to know what exactly she thought had happened that night. He knew there was some connection between Kabuto and Sakura. But what was that? THAT was the only missing puzzle to his case. All she had said that night was about some guy selling her medicines to the hospital and she finding out something strange. She had kept saying "I didn't mean to do it" He had to know what that was all about.

Leaving the case aside, Sakura had now frequently started crashing at Sasuke's place. She had even joked to him about falling in love with him. And that had made Sasuke skip a heartbeat. Lately he had started seeing Sakura in a different light. She was not like those other girls, giving hints about the things they wanted to say. She wasn't obsessed with makeup or her nails. She usually blurted out what was on her mind. She was never afraid to stand up to him. She was always a challenge. It was not lust anymore. He felt warm around her. He sometimes smiled too. When he was with her. He knew he had started developing feelings for her. He wasn't sure if it were strong or not. He decided to wait and find out. One thing he knew for sure was he would never let her get out of his life. But lust was a prominent part too. Which he chose to ignore. For now.

With that thought, he left his chamber. He was suppose to meet Sakura at a sushi bar. She had called him earlier to tell him she wanted to have Sushi. He reached the place in ten minutes. As soon as he entered the bar, to the corner, he saw a fluff of pink. He smirked to himself. She was already there. She was fiddling with her fork. She had ordered wine.

"Hn. Looks like you are early." He greets her.

Sakura looks up to see him. Her breathe gets caught in her lungs. He looked so handsome. He didn't have to put an effort at all. Over the past two months she had become close to Sasuke. She often crashes at his place. She sleeps in the same bed as him. She takes over his kitchen. Now she even has some of her clothes in his closet. She knew she was falling HARD for him. She wasn't sure if Sasuke would ever fall for her. She was an ordinary girl. She didn't have a rich background nor a family. She knew it was too much to hope. She knew she would have a huge heartbreak. But she decided to ignore it and savor it all till it lasts. After all it was all a pretense relationship. But the only thing that was true was they were friends. And she was sure of the feeling of lust. Lust was an evident feeling too. One that she couldn't shake off when she was with him. So far she was successful in not making it obvious.

"Don't you look right down sexy!" She grins at him as he sits down.

"Hn. Looks like someone can't stop ogling me! " Sasuke teases her. With her, everything was different. He would talk non-related work stuff. He would tease her, chase her around, cuddle with her, listen to everything she says. It was like he was discovering a part of him that he knew never existed. Most importantly, she would make him smile. She was one hell of an honest woman.

"Well how can I stop when there is an incredibly handsome guy few centimeters away from me?" Sakura smirks. Oh yea. She loved flirting with him. With him, she was herself. She could let lose and not worry about anything. She loved his company. He was just amazing the way he was.

"Hn. Think we should order." He states.

"Already done."

"Looks like you are way too hungry." He smirks.

"I am. Hospital was too hectic." She says in a tired voice. She takes a sip of wine.

Sasuke watches her as she sips her wine. Then an idea flashes through his mind. Why not get her drunk. And get the information that he needs? He would have to get her drunk at her place so that he can snoop through her stuff. He was sure to find something that will fit his missing puzzle.

"How about we make you feel better?" Sasuke asks her while he smirks. And she is sure she died and went to heaven.

"How would you make me feel better?" Sakura asks curiously.

"Here's your order sir" the waitress interrupts them.


"So?" Sakura prompts.

"I will get a bottle of wine. We crash at your place. Watch a movie. take out. And relax." He says looking into her eyes.

"That would do, i suppose" She smiles at him. And he is sure she is the only one who can brighten up his world. Score! She agreed. And tomorrow would be the day he would find the missing link.

"Alright then. Lets eat" He states.

After an hour at the bar, they head to Sasuke's place. Sakura soon crashes on Sasuke's bed. Sasuke sits down next to her.

"You know, Naruto was asking about the wedding date." Sasuke simply states. He wanted to know what she thought of it. He wanted to know if there was a chance for them. He also notices a small blush on her face. He smirks. So there might be a chance after all.

"Tell him its in spring." She says in a timid voice. She was having butterflies in her stomach. The idea of her getting to be his wife was too good to be true.

"Hn. And my mother still wants a grandchild." He reminds her. And he thinks that its a great idea . In his head, having a child with her seemed like a nice idea. But he wasn't sure how strong his feelings were.

Sakura blushes a shade of tomato. God! Why did he have to be so cruel, putting her in this situation. She slowly turns to meet Sasuke's eyes. They both stare at each other. And this time it was different. They couldn't break their gazes off. Both looked at each other in anticipation. There was something in the air that night. There was electricity. There was tension. There was something in their chest that was constricting. Their skin was burning. They were now taking deep breathes.

She could feel his hot breathe. They were still staring at each other. Slowly Sasuke decides to touch her hand. This touch felt different. This touch emitted sparks. Like fire works. This was no ordinary touch. She holds on to his hands. Slowly they bring their foreheads to touch.

"Sakura" He says. It wasn't his normal voice. This was heavy. Husky. This was different. They both could hear each other's heavy breathes. They both knew what it was. It was present since the very beginning. And they both had chosen to ignore it. But now they couldn't ignore it any longer. The air around them was getting thicker.

Slowly their lips meet. This kiss. It wasn't magical. It was full of firecrackers. It was electricity. It was full of sparks. Their body reacted on its own. The next thing they knew was that they were kissing each other with such need. It was like they would die without this new found taste. It was like mint.

They both knew they wanted this. It felt right.

Sakura couldn't handle the tension any longer. She knew it was the right thing to do. She was sure of it. She didn't want anyone else but him to do it. She slowly raises her head to look into his eyes.

Sasuke needed this. he knew he couldn't handle it any longer. This force of attraction towards her was stronger than ever. And in some corner of his brain he knew it would only get stronger. He meets her eyes.

And that's when they know that they are both ready for this. That they both need this. For one last time, they look at each other. And then they were lost to the world. The sensations of passion and lust took over ever sense in them. It turns out to be a night that they wouldn't forget. The air around them had screamed lust.

One thing they were sure about that night was that both had a certain attraction to each other. And they both needed each other.

"The world is little, people are little, human life is little. There is only one big thing- DESIRE"

Tada! I am done with this chapter! :D

Now be good and REVIEW. Reviews make me happy and I'll update faster too.

So how about TEN reviews for this chapter?

Now don't disappoint me!

How many of you are reading the Manga?

The much awaited Sasu Naru fight begins! Yaaay!

And I was so hurt when Sasuke says he ain't interested in Sakura. But hey! His entire body composure is different! His legs shake at her confession. He still does care about her if you look underneath the underneath! :D

So don't lose hope for SasuSaku.


Till then spread the SasuSaku love!

Ja ne! :D