heh, blame Julia for this.


Warnings uh cursing and extremely cheesy dumb boyfriends that's it also cheesy goodbyes I suck

Ryouga's not sure how he feels. Yuma's sitting in his lap, his lower lip hanging so low that Ryouga was sure he would somehow manage to trip over it. He does his best to ignore the male whining in his lap, and as much as he wants to shut him up by paying attention to him, he has to finish his readings because the last thing he really wants is to get behind on his readings in his first week. He's almost finished and he mentally promises himself that he'll do something to make Yuma's time here not so boring.

Yuma whines again, leaning over Ryouga's shoulder and grabbing at the small plush toy just within his reach. He grins; bringing the small plush toy in front of his eyes and pushes it from side to side in a swimming motion, giggling softly to himself. Ryouga looks up at the source of the noise, smiling softly as Yuma continued to giggle in his lap.

Yuma looks up, eyeing Ryouga and the shark plush. He grins, bringing the toy to Ryouga's nose and bops him gently, continuing to laugh quietly to himself as Ryouga scrunches his face up in surprise. Ryouga sighs, giving up on his readings and letting the book fall to the bed in his silent form of giving up.

Yuma notices immediately, giving an excited grin and throwing his arms around Ryouga's neck, pecking him on the cheek with the plush shark still clutched tightly in his hands. "Yuma." Ryouga murmurs, raising an eyebrow at his sudden playfulness.

"Can I take this with me?" Yuma questions excitedly, bringing back his signature pout in a last ditch attempt to woo Ryouga over to his side. It's pointless, and Ryouga's scowl and raised eyebrow is more of an answer than if Ryouga had yelled no himself. "Why not?" Yuma persists. "It's not as if it's doing anything here, and you know I'll take good care of it!"

"I've seen your 'taking good care of things', you can't fool me."

"Oh come on." Yuma whines needily. "Kotori's boyfriend lets her take one of his shirts when she's going away for long periods of time."

"Cool, take one of my shirts then!" Ryouga insists, holding his arms out in confusion. "I have no problem with that! Why do you need the stupid plush shark that Rio won for me when we were kids?"

"Aha!" Yuma calls, pointing at him. "But you just called it stupid!"

Ryouga opens his mouth to respond, only to stop and sigh, holding the bridge of his nose with his hand. "Yuma, that's not the point." He holds his hand out, and Yuma places the shark in his hand begrudgingly. "Rio won it for me when I was a really young kid, it means a lot to me, as stupid as it is."

Yuma frowns for only a second before throwing himself into Ryouga, tackling him into the mattress. "It's so cute when you show your emotions." Ryouga rolls his eyes as Yuma taps his nose happily.

"I won't budge on this, I hope you know that." Ryouga mutters as Yuma kisses his check softly, taking the plush back and waving it above the two of them.

"Well I'll just have to convince you then."

"Are you going to give me a proper goodbye?" Yuma pouts, pouting and crossing his arms angrily. "I think you might be misinterpreting just how long a year is."

Ryouga rolls his eyes, dropping Yuma's duffel bag to the floor, gripping Yuma's forearms in his hands and kissing him softly. "there, happy?" he grumbles to himself, frowning as Yuma throws himself into Ryouga's arms, kissing his cheeks as he does his best to imprint the memory of his best friend while he still can. He takes Ryouga's arms, still limp at his sides, and wraps them around his waist, closing his eyes and propping his forehead against his partner's.

Yuma waits a few seconds before stepping away, grabbing his bag from the ground and slinging it over his shoulders. "Are you going to call me often?" Ryouga shrugs, forcing Yuma to frown. "At least once a week?"

"I guess."

Yuma rolls his eyes. "I guess its goodbye for now, then. I'm going to miss you, Shark." His eyes dart to the ground sadly, peeking through his lashes for a second before turning away. He takes a step towards the check in area, only to have a warm hand snake around his wrist and spin him back the way he came. Two hands snake to his hips to keep him in check as Ryouga's lips caress his own, quick hurried pecks that cause Yuma's eyes to slide half shut and a goofy grin cross his face.

"I won't miss you." Ryouga hisses, tilting Yuma's chin under his fingertips to look him in the eye. "Don't die, asshole."

"Heh, love you too Shaaku." Yuma laughs, kissing him a final time before making his way to the baggage area, blowing the male a kiss before making his way to the register. Ryouga crosses his arms and leans against the wall, waiting patiently with watchful eyes until he's sure Yuma's passed through security and is completely out of earshot before letting the words fall from his lips.

"Love you too, Yuma."

A small noise resonates through his pocket, and he slips the phone from its encasings immediately, raising an eyebrow at the message flashing on the screen. "We will miss you?" Ryouga repeats in confusion, opening up the attachment that accompanied the message. His eyes scan along the selfie, his eye twitching as his eyes spot the small plush shark pressed happily against his cheek.

"Motherfucker." Ryouga scowls. "How the hell did he get his hands on that?"

It was going to be a long year.