"Jaeger," Levi pokes his head out from the bathroom, a towel around his neck and water dripping from his hair. "You're going to be late if you don't get a fucking move on." He is met with the sight of Eren fiddling with a tie, fingers fumbling with the patterned fabric.

Green eyes glare at Levi, Eren's fingers still working around the knot. "I know." The younger man lets out a grunt as he tries to pry his fingers out of the failed knot he created. Eren flops back onto the bed the couple shared, fingers still entwined with the fabric. "Help me, Levi." he whines, kicking his legs over the side of the bed.

"Tsk. You're pathetic, Jaeger. You're going to ruin that suit. " Levi snorts. The damp towel is abandoned on the tile floor of the bathroom as he treads over to Eren. The other sits up with effort, seeing as Eren's hands were rather caught up, meeting him with an expression of relief.

Eren looks down on Levi as the other helps untangle fingers from the tie, watching as nimble fingers slip fabric over, under, through, until a perfect knot is present. Levi brings the knot up to a snug position a centimeter or two away from choking Eren. The shorter man leans back, briefly admiring his handiwork before shoving Eren away.

"You're going to be late for that job interview," And after a second of silence he adds, "You're going to do great, Jaeger."

"Y-Yes sir," Eren stammers, unconsciously reverting to old habits of calling Levi 'sir'. He pauses mid-turn, pivoting around to face Levi again, smiling. "Thank you." He lands a quick peck to Levi's forehead before dashing off to catch the bus.