The Morning After - Logan's POV

*Sorry I took so long, ahhhhh! I was very busy but now I'm back in the swing of things and I am excited to introduce chapter 2, the morning after Marie's fun night ;) There is very little smut in this one but still adult content. Enjoy :)*

I don't remember much of that morning, seeing as the events that happened after kinda ruined it, but I do remember waking up to Marie beside me, resting her head on my shoulder, hearing her breathing even and steady, and a slight relaxed smile on her lips. I don't remember much of that morning, but it was the best morning I've ever had.

The light in the room was unbearable for me to sleep in, I like to sleep in the dark, which is why I was wondering how Marie could sleep through it. I would have loved her to lay there longer, letting me just watch her in peace, but my bladder doesn't understand love. I had to pee so bad. Worse than I ever had in my life. I just stared at the bathroom, remembering what occurred in there last night, and wishing I could go there right now to do something less romantic. I tried to move as stealthy as possible, but Adamantium isn't exactly the easiest to move around, so when I moved, she woke up.

Her eyes fluttered open, blinking to adjust to the light, and then focusing on me as I smiled, "Mornin', darlin'."

Marie just smiled and stretched as I smiled back, then turned to use the washroom as quickly as possible. After washing my hands, and glancing into the garbage bin to see Marie's purchase, as I chuckled to myself, I turned and headed back to Marie, the only thing I cared about now since I had relived myself.

"You slept here," Marie stated. At first the look on her face was that of a happy puppy, like I never left her side, but the expression changed, and I didn't like it one bit. She looked worried, scared even.

"Oh god, you slept here!" Marie blurted out, jumping off the bed and onto her feet, then quickly realizing she was naked and covering herself with the sheet.

"Ya, so?" I smiled, climbing back into bed and admiring her. Ladies look good in the morning naked, like that's the way they're meant to be, natural and amazing, but men, not so much, so I put my boxers on.

"So? It's 9am, Logan, when we step into the hall, we are gonna have a lot of explaining to do!" she shouted.

I didn't really think about that. Classes start at 9:30, the hallway was already abuzz with laughter and kids talking if I listened close enough. "Shit, I didn't even think."

"If any one of those kids catch you leaving, they're gonna tell the professor," Marie whined. I walked over to her and grabbed the sheet in one swift tug. She blushed and her hands immediately went to cover her breasts. I found it funny how she wanted to keep them a secret from me, even after last night.

"Don't worry," I whispered as I kissed her neck lightly, "I'll take care of it."

She seemed uneasy, wondering how exactly I planned to solve this little puzzle. All I needed was a reason to be in there, a reason to be there either all night, or in the early morning. We teachers were usually never permitted to go into students rooms, especially at such complicated hours. It needed to be something easily explained visually, because I wouldn't have much time to talk my way out of this one before kids start rushing to conclusions, and the professor.

"Sick." I stated.

"Pardon me?" Marie quirked a brow as she was scrambling to pick out an outfit.

"You pretend to be sick, look pale, look awful, and I'll carry you into the hall and down to the nurse's office."

"But what happens when Hank finds out that I'm fine?" Marie asked.

"By then we will have passed all the kids, and you can tell Hank it was just stomach pangs."

Marie nodded and mumbled, "Fine," and continued to get dressed.

"No makeup," I pointed at her and gave a stern look.

"What? Why?" she exclaimed.

"We need this to be convincing. I'm carrying you because you're ill, not because you're a goddess," I smirked.

Marie rolled her eyes and tied her hair up into a messy bun. Damn she looked hot, no makeup, messy after sex hair and a casual T-shirt and shorts. I didn't have time to admrie her futher as she went into the bathroom to brush her teeth. When she was finished I pushed her back in.

"What the hell? Let's go, pick me up and carry me away, Prince Charming," she giggled.

"One more thing."

I turned on the hot water and splashed it on her face. It dribbled onto her shirt and made her hair a little damp.

"What the hell!?" Marie shouted, shocked that I had suddenly gotten her so soaked.

"You're sick. You're sweating. You're warm and you need medical attention," I said calmly, swiping her into my arms as we snuck through her door and out into the hall. As soon as the door opened, hundreds of eyes darted towards us and the talking silenced. Every young kid in the entire school wanted Marie, and a chance to see her fresh out of the shower in the morning was never missed. Kids immediately took note of the situation and ran to get the professor, hoping any one of them could be the hero who saves their beloved Rogue. I turned down the hall and headed to Hank's office.

"What seems to be the problem?" Hank asked languidly as he stared at the papers on his desk, only picking up on the scent that we were here.

I plopped Marie down onto the examination table with a loud thud and Hank immediately turned around.

"My, my, someone doesn't look so good," he walked steadily over to the table where Marie was doing a pretty good impression of a wounded cat's cough.

Hank felt her forehead with his hand, "Up all night?"

"I was there holding her hair while she puked," I lied, making sure I noted why I was the one looking after her. Just covering my tracks.

"Good man," Hank smiled. "Now, Marie, I'm going to take your temperature now."

Hank put the thermometer in her mouth and waited a few seconds. He let out a sigh and took it swiftly from her lips. "No fever, probably something you ate."

Hank turned and shook his head, "Not that I want you to be ill, Marie, but I miss the fast paced rescuing world of medicine."

"Listen, Doc, if Marie is fine, I'm gonna take her back to her room for some rest, alright?" I asked, eager to get Marie away before Charles came and read both our minds.

"Sounds good, Logan," Hank gestured that I could lift her up, and so I did. As I walked into the hallway Marie let out a little giggle which she muffled by burying her head into my chest. It really felt good to hold her, even though she was dripping wet and slightly shivering from the cold metal table touching her exposed skin earlier.

I heard the professor's voice emanating from down the hall so I quickly turned and hid in a storage closet.

"Why don't you use your powers to find them?" I heard a small child ask Charles.

"I'm trying to cut back, Phillip, they take a toll on my mind, you know," the professor said softly as he rolled past the closet and made his way around the corner. Marie was giggling like an idiot by the time we got out of the closet.

"Marie, shut up, would ya?" I laughed back, starting up the stairs towards her room.

"What are you gonna do about it?" Marie smiled maliciously.

Once I got to the top of the stairs, where no kids could be found, she wiggled to get down and stand once again, but I wouldn't let her.

"What's the big idea?" she whined.

"Kiss me," I stated, flat and heavy.

Marie turned her head and stretched her neck as I lowered my lips to hers and passionately and tenderly kissed her pink lips. We made out on the stairs for about 5 whole minutes as I inhaled her soft scent. I was still wrapped up in all the kissing while I blindly paced over to her room and then quickly shifted her weight so that I could hold her with one hand as I opened the door and pushed through it. I walked slowly back to her over to the bed and dropped her down. She bounced a few times before settling on the soft sheets.

"Well we made it through that," I chuckled, planting myself down on the bed as she crawled over to me and hugged me from behind, wrapping her smooth arms around my shoulders.

"I have to pee," Marie said out of the blue, getting up from the bed and stumbling to the bathroom after being carried for so long. She shut the door and I laid back on the covers, admiring her beautiful image in my mind. All of a sudden I heard a gasp, a quiet yet audible gasp, coming from the bathroom, followed by the door flinging open and Marie standing shocked inside the frame.

"What's wrong?" I asked, sitting up so quickly it felt like I got whiplash.

"It's gone," she whispered, staring at the floor.

"What's gone? The urge to pee?" I chuckled, but she glared at me.

"The toy."

"The toy?" I suddenly couldn't remember what she was even talking about.

"The toy, Logan! The toy I bought yesterday and you threw in the garbage bin! It's gone!" she shouted.

My face went blank. I remember when I splashed her this morning it was there, sitting still in the bin like the night before.

"Someone stole it," Marie cried out, tears starting to stream from her eyes.

I stood up and walked to her, wrapping her up in my strong arms as she sobbed into my chest.

"Somebody found it, knows it's mine and is now going to ruin my life!" she yelled against me.

"It's okay, darlin', we are gonna find the son of a bitch who did this, don't you worry," I said soothingly.

"How do you know that, Logan? How do you expect us to track down someone like that? We don't even know where to begin! It could be anyone!" She stammered on.

My mind was racing. I was aware of the evil kind of shit kids do to other kids these days, black mail, using cell phones, the internet, to completely destroy somebody's reputation, and truth be told I was genuinely scared for her, but I was determined to help. "I'm gonna find this little shit, okay? That's a promise."

Marie sniffed and wiped her tears away from her eyes. Even when she cried she looked beautiful. "How about breakfast first?" I asked, hoping some food would take her mind off the situation.

"That would be nice," Marie sniffled.

We hopped into one of Scott's vintage cars, Marie loved the smell of some of the interiors, especially the ones that had oak inside.

"Where do you wanna go?" I asked, making sure I buckled up my seatbelt to avoid another safety lecture from Marie.

She shrugged her shoulders and fixed her hair in the little flip down mirror attached to the roof.

"Just suggest something," I coaxed.

"I don't care, Logan, I'm worried about this, just drive somewhere, order me pancakes and take my mind off of my impending doom!" Marie's voice boomed.

I zipped my lips and stepped on it, driving straight to my favourite diner, which I knew had some of the best damn pancakes in all of New York.

Once we stepped inside, I could see Marie's demeanor change when she smelled the sweet syrup and the buttery waffles. We sat in a booth and I stared at her face as she silently read the menu.

"Mmm, pancakes," she mewed.

The waitress came over and swiped the pen from behind her ear, blew one last bubble and popped it back into her mouth, and tested the ink of the pen on her pad of paper. "What can I do for ya?"

"We'll have one Breakfast Supreme, extra sausage please, and one large order of pancakes, extra syrup," I told her.

Marie smiled sweetly at me, acknowledging the fact that I knew she always liked more syrup.

"Comin' right up!" the waitress cooed as she collected the menus and puttered back to the kitchen.

"Now, which one of those snot nosed brats could have taken it?" Marie asked, her smile fading.

"Oh, right, well, are we sure it's a kid?" I responded, scratching my facial hair.

"Well, it would have to be a kid! What adult in their right mind would go into a girl's bedroom and take her dildo?" Marie whispered harshly.

"Well whoever it is, they're gonna get a swift punch to the jaw," I chuckled.

"Logan, we don't even have a suspect or any evidence!" she sobbed.

I rubbed her head as she lay it in her hands and shushed her softly.

"Let's just eat and then think about this alter, okay?" I leaned over and kissed her hand.

Marie nodded and wiped away her tears.

We ate our food and laughed about some of the new policy changes the school was making and this comedy special we watched last week together, it was nice, seeing her laugh and smile like never before. When we got back into the car the atmosphere changed to one of scare and worry.

Pulling into the driveway was hard, Marie was shaking, obviously still thinking about the issue at hand, and when we finally got out of the car she felt ice cold.

"Will you come back to my room with me, Logan?" she asked, holding my hand tight. "I want to snuggle with you."

"Of course," I replied, excited that I would get to feel her body against mine again.

When we entered the room, I quickly noticed the note sitting in the middle of her bed. Marie was too busy removing her clothes to see it.

"Marie," I spoke carefully, then walked over to the edge of the bed, picking up the yellow sticky note from the white duvet.

"What is it?" she asked, stepping beside me.

The note was written in black ink and was far from the professor's neat cursive, we figured it had to be a kid. I read it aloud, "I found your little buddy before room inspection, had to confiscate it, you may want to come retrieve it before it's too late. - B."

"B?" Marie gasped. "Do you think that means Bobby?"

"That little fucker," I snarled, turning to leave while cracking my knuckles.

"Logan, wait!" Marie shouted. "Let's just go talk to him first, there's a few more B's around this school, we can't be sure yet."

Her reasoning was just, so I calmed down slightly and took her hand in mine. Marie's stupid purchase was going to get both of us in trouble if it was in the wrong hands.

*To be continued, and I promise the chapter will be up in less than a week :) Hope you enjoyed*