Hi minna :D I finally finished this fic YAY\(^∀^)人(^∀^)ノNow I feel more free and much better with myself xD seriously, you have no idea haha

But now seriously, thinking that this was my first RenMasa fic and that people liked it so much, despite the horrible and poor way it was written xD, and asked me to continue it makes me very happy! Sorry if it took me so long to write finish this. I needed inspiration and I didn't have any for this fic x_x but now it's done and I'm very happy (although I don't like too much what I've written ~_~ but it isn't the 1st time that this happens so whatever)

Anyways, I had thought about turning this into something full of smut but then I thought "nah it'd be pure porn without plot and that is no good" xD so I wrote something fluffy instead x3 (but the M rated has a reason ;D)

Mistakes ahead, you're warned ~~ even so, go enjoy 8D haha

Part 2

"Hijirikawa wait, we need to-" Ren's hand tried to reach Masato's arm, yet the blue haired teen prevented him from doing so by turning around and facing him furious.

"Refrain yourself from touching me Jinguji!" The blond swallowed hard observing Masato carefully. "How did you dare to… to…" Masato's face was suddenly heating up as he remembered what had happened at the library. He was still shocked, unable to understand the purpose of Ren's intentions in doing such a horrible thing to him. That kiss… That kiss had been Masato's first! How could the stupid blond have stolen it away so easily? Masato had passed all these years waiting for the right person to come into his life to receive the most important kiss that could be shared in people's lives, but now that was just a mere dream to the blue haired teen. And it was Jinguji Ren's fault.

However, even though that Ren, another male just like himself, had done such a thing to him that Masato couldn't understand why he had reacted so much to that kiss. He had gotten so confused, so embarrassed, and so weak when Ren's lips ghosted his; when his tongue forced its way inside Masato's mouth caressing his slowly but eagerly; when Ren's hands had wrapped his waist so gently… Yet, the most incomprehensible for Masato was all the unexpected butterflies flying all over his stomach, making him shiver and yearn for more.

"Tsk, just nonsense!" The blue haired boy thought clenching his fists tightly.

"Hijirikawa…" Ren's mouth whispered softly as his baby blue eyes stared at the other teen. He knew that Masato was right by reacting in this way; and he also knew that he was the one who was wrong. He hadn't meant to do, ever, such a thing to his rival but due to the circumstances, in which Ren had found himself in, just made that unexpected kiss seem the right and acceptable thing to do at that moment.

Nevertheless, even though that he could find justifications for the kiss he had shared with Masato, he couldn't yet find justifications to the way he had reacted to it. He had enjoyed Masato's clumsy mouth so much that he could barely recognize himself. Jinguji Ren, modesty aside, was a very experienced man; he had already shared countless kisses and he had liked them all too much. All those kisses had been all too good, almost as experienced as his, however none of those kisses made him feel what Masato's made.

"Hijirikawa I-"

"Ah Nanami…!" Masato ignored Ren's voice and stepped towards the redheaded girl.

"Hijirikawa-san; Jinguji-san, welcome back."

"Hum, we're back. Here are the books you requested." Masato stretched out both his hands with some of the books for the girl. He then looked at the blond with a harsh expression on his face and said roughly, "Jinguji, the rest of the books." He turned his back to Ren once more, ignoring him the best way he could.

"This idiot…" Ren clenched his teeth tightly together and handed the four books he had in hands to Haruka saying, "Here are the books lady, I hope they can be useful enough. Now if you excuse us…" The blond grabbed Masato's wrist hard and finished, "We are heading back to our room. We need to have a serious talk. I'll see you later." Without even waiting for a reply, Ren pulled Masato away with him. Why the fuck was he being so harsh anyways? Ren had wanted to talk with him and Masato just seemed to want to ignore him, so if it was needed Ren would force him to listen to his words until the end.

"J-Jinguji let me go!"


"Are you deaf? Let me go now!"

"Hijirikawa, you're making a scene. I advise you to lower the tone of your voice if you don't want people to leave their own rooms to see you in such a state." Ren said nonchalantly, ignoring Masato's orders. He wouldn't listen to a single word anymore.

They passed by a few more corridors and finally arrived at their room. Ren opened the door forcing Masato to enter first so he wouldn't escape.

"You bastard! Didn't I tell you to refrain yourself from-mmm" Masato's lips were suddenly silenced by Ren's who had quickly grabbed his face between his two palms; he couldn't take it anymore. He would make Masato admit that he hadn't felt indifferent to his kiss.

Masato was shocked. For seconds he couldn't react, yet he felt Ren's tongue invading his mouth and tried to push him away but the blond didn't let him run away so easily; Ren moved one of his hands to the blue haired teen's waist pressing their bodies tightly together. Masato mewled suddenly confused and afraid; he couldn't understand what was happening, he was already starting to react to Ren's sudden kiss. He had to escape or the blond would find out.

The blue haired male walked back, trying to break free from Jinguji's tight hold on his waist, however he couldn't because as soon as Ren felt him walking away he just closed even more the gap between their bodies and followed him. Once the blue haired boy noticed, he was already trapped between Ren's body and the wall of the room. Masato's hands were still trying to push the blond away, but at some point of the kiss he stopped struggling and accepted Jinguji's lips; his tongue dancing clumsily with Ren's and his body trembling against his. The countless shivers that ran through his being, just turned into something even more intense whenever Ren's thumb caressed his cheek ever so softly. The butterflies were coming back, fluttering their wings over Masato's stomach, making him forget everything else and lean in that cozy feeling.

The blond pulled finally away and joined their foreheads together warmly; his blue eyes softly closed. Their breaths were fast and uncontrolled, just like their hearts were pounding against their chests.

Ren's eyes opened slowly, observing the blue haired teen's face. The adorable flush on his cheeks and the way his long fingers were tightly clutched on his shirt made Ren smile warmly without even realizing it.

The blond's hands cupped Masato's face gently, and distancing his head a bit from the other teen's Ren said, "So now we can talk about that kiss Hijirikawa." Masato's dark blue orbs opened wide suddenly. "I know that just like me you felt something."

"I… I d-didn't…" Masato said unsure. He knew that Ren was right but he would never admit it. He didn't want to admit it.

"Why are you lying to yourself?"

"I- I don't know what do you mean. I didn't feel anything." Masato looked away for moments unable to face the blond.

"Heh, so you didn't feel anything?"


"Well then what's this?" Ren asked pressing his knee against Masato's crotch. The blue haired teen mewled with the sudden action. "It seems that your body is contradicting your own words Hijirikawa."

"S-Shut up Jinguji! L-Let me go! What do you think you are doing? You're the worst-Aah!"

Ren's leg began to move slowly over Hijirikawa's awakened erection making him lose the strength over his own body. He forced himself to stand up by grasping Jinguji's clothes for support.

"Why are you so stubborn? Why can't you admit that you liked the kiss so much that you got yourself a boner?"

"Aah-mmm… I… d-didn't…" Masato moaned as Jinguji slid his leg against his crotch, creating an incredible and pleasurable friction. "Aah… Nnh- J-Jin…guji- Mmm… S-Stop… Jinguji… Jinguji stop-Ah-" Yet Ren continued, ignoring Masato's request and thrusting his leg between said teen's faster now making him shut his eyes tightly and cover his mouth with his hands to muffle all the undesirable moans from coming out of it.

"It feels good right? Né Hijirikawa, tell me the truth…" Ren whispered in the blue haired male's ear, playing with his earlobe between his lips.

"P-Please Jinguji… S-Ah-S-Stop… Please… Nnnh- stop R-Ren…" Masato pleaded muttering Ren's given name between pants and gasps. The blond stopped all his movements automatically; suddenly surprised by the blue haired teen's tears. Had he been so mean to him? He was just trying to make Masato see how much he desired him. He wanted him to realize that the kisses they had shared had meant more to him than he thought. But it seemed that Ren had gone too far with his 'torture'.

The blond sighed deeply and leaned his forehead to Masato's shoulder, supporting it there and uttering softly, "I'm sorry Hijirikawa. I just… By kissing you at the library I've noticed that I might like you. And I know that you felt something with that kiss! That's why I had to make sure you'd realize it, so I kissed you again. But even so, you keep telling me that I'm wrong and I… It kinda hurts."

Masato's tears stopped falling. His eyes were now slightly widened with surprise at Ren's words. He had, in fact, felt something with both kisses but what exactly he did not know. But one thing he knew; and that was: seeing Jinguji like this, hurt because of his stubborn behavior, hurt him as well.

Letting out a sigh, Hijirikawa wrapped his arms around Ren's neck, a soft pink color spreading over his cheeks, and closing his dark blue eyes softly he said, "I will admit it Jinguji, I did felt something but what exactly I don't really know. But that aside, you stole my first kiss without my consent, and that I can't forgive you…"

"I'm sorry." Ren apologized. He knew how important those kind of things were to Masato, yet he wouldn't pretend and deny his own feelings; so he added hugging the blue haired boy, "But now that I know this, I don't regret it."

Masato's blush deepened suddenly. His eyebrow twitched in annoyance and embarrassment. How selfish and embarrassing could Ren get to be? Such an unbelievable boy!

"Y-You're an idiot Jinguji."

"I know but I can't help it when it comes to you." Ren stated without hesitation.

"Tsk, do you think that by saying those things will make me forgive you?"

Silence was everything that Masato received.

A deep breath and Masato said, "I guess I can try to forgive you, and also I will try to find out what kind of feelings these are." He unconsciously grasped Ren's clothes around his neck with nervousness and embarrassment. Thank God that the blond couldn't see his face right now; he bet that he was extremely flushed. However, Ren just had to be the idiot he always was and pull away from Masato and look at him intensely, finally noticing the deep blush on his face.

"Ah- Y-You…" Masato tried to hide his face between his hands, but Ren was faster and cupped his cheeks between his palms gently.

"I-Is that really true? What you said, is that true?" Ren asked hopeful; his heart pounding inside his chest.

"T-Tsk, d-don't make me say it all over again! W-What a cocky bastard you are! I'm… I'm leaving!" Masato shouted breaking free from Ren's gentle touch. Yet, before he could even walk one step away from the blond, said teen wrapped his waist from behind kindly.

"Wait. Just a little bit more… Stay with me a bit more Hijirikawa. I want to pass as much time with you as I can."

Ren's voiced sounded softly; gently in Masato's ear, and suddenly Masato thought that he didn't need to understand what kind of feelings he had for Jinguji Ren anymore. The answer had appeared inexplicably with those words.

"Tsk… J-Just a little bit more is fine I guess." Masato retorted too softly for anyone to hear him, but Ren had been able to do so. And so, he tightened warmly his hold on Masato's waist, planting a gentle kiss over his neck. Masato shivered, but this time he accepted the sweet gesture.

The End

Even though I don't like this, I hope you do :)

Thanks for waiting this long year O_O my readers are awesome u/_/u x)

Bye~Bye, ⌒(*'^*)chuu*