Hey guys! I'm just skimming through the pilot and first episode before we can get into the good stuff, so just be patient with me! I'd really appreciate some reviews with ideas or criticism. I want to make this an interactive story and make improvements along the way! Thank you for reading and enjoy! :)

I was up in my room trying to decide if I really wanted to get dressed up for this stupid party. Normally, I wouldn't really care, but because I was going with Danny, I did kind of want to make an impression. I wanted him to really see me as Leilani and not Lacey's awkward sister like everyone else did. Skimming through the clothes in my closet, my eyes finally landed on something that I never wore. It was Lacey's "good deed" for me when she went out and bought me this outfit.

It was a white long sleeved crop top shirt and a red two-slit skirt. It was one of my "sexier" outfits seeing as I didn't like showing off my body. I took a quick shower and braided my hair in six sections. Drying off, I put of my underwear and slipped into the outfit. After putting on my white wedges, I walked over to the vanity and looked at myself. Biting my lip, I put on lip-gloss, eyeliner, a bit of blush and my glasses. Cocking my head to the side, I took them off and put my contacts back in. My glasses practically screamed 'LOSER', so I dropped them in the drawer. Glancing at my cell phone, it was 7:50; Danny should be calling soon. I dialed Jo and she said that she was ready, so she'd meet me at the checkpoint tree between our houses.

I grabbed my purse and walked downstairs. "Where are you going" I turned around to see my mom drying a plate and leaning against the doorframe.

"Uhh, I was invited to a party. Lacey didn't tell you? She left before I did."

"Well, she told me that she was going to a party that Regina's throwing, but she didn't mention anything about you. These parties aren't something you usually go to, Lani. What's up?" She asked smiling gently.

"It's nothing, mom. Lacey invited Jo and I, so we've decided to see what the buzz is about. That's all."

"If you say so. Don't be out too late, honey. It's still a school night."

"I know." Nodding, I walked outside and to the big tree that sat exactly half way to Jo's house. On my way, I undid the braids and it left my hair in soft waves. Jo was there, but didn't look all that different. I guess I half expected her to dress up.

"Wow, Lani. You look awesome!" I laughed and did a little twirl for her. "You look the same." She just shrugged and leaned against the tree. My phone vibrated in my bad and I took it out seeing Danny's name flash on the screen.


"Hey, Lani. You wouldn't happen to be wearing red and white would you?"

"Why yes, I certainly would. May I ask why you're asking?"

"You look amazing in it that's why." I looked around and spotted Danny behind me, phone still to his ear. I hung up and smiled at him.

"Thank you Daniel," I said with a smirk.

"Whoa, you totally looked like Lacey just then," Jo piped in.

"Whatever, let's get going." We walked to Regina's house in silence, but it was a comfortable silence. I was just enjoying the fact that I had my two best friends walking beside me.

We walked into the house and were immediately hit with awkward stares and glances. Sighing, I looked around the room and saw Lacey standing with Sarita. Sarita mumbled something and Lacey turned to look at us.

"You guys can ditch me now, if you want," Danny said. "Go, drink and mingle."

"I don't-I don't drink…or mingle. Especially with all these people," Jo stammered out.

"Yeah, neither do I. It never appealed to me. Guess that's why I never really wanted to come to these stupid parties. I'm already an outcast."

"Okay, then why are you here?" I stared at him straight in the eyes and said, "Because you asked me to come."

"And I have to tell my grandkids I did something stupid in high school, right?" Jo said. We all chuckled at her statement. The moment was soon cut short.

"Socio, you came!" The loud screech of Regina Crane met our ears as she fast walked her way towards us. "…and look who you brought," she finished awkwardly as she looked between Jo and I.

"Lacey invited us actually," I said, looking down.

"Oh, okay. Well, I'm glad you decided to join us. Hey! Come on, I'll introduce you to people." She grabbed Jo, who grabbed me, leading us both away from Danny.

"So, what's up with you two and Danny?" She asked, swaying her hips to the beat as she drug us through her home.

"Uh, up? Nothing's up," Jo muttered. She rounded on me next. "Don't play dumb with me, freaks. One of you wants him, I can tell."

"Um, no. D-do you want him, Regina?" Jo asked snidely.

"Uh, yeah. I'll pass him to you after. Sharing is caring!" She said without a care in the world.

"That's okay, he's all yours," I said with a bit of an attitude. Luckily, she couldn't pick up on it.

"Aw, Leilani. I got you all wrong. You're so cool," she pulled me in for a hug. She had to have been tipsy or something.

"So, you're really not worried about getting too close to him are you?" Jo asked.

"No problem, we'll use protection." My eyes widened and Jo stuttered a little.

"N-no, that's not what I-um, you know because of his past and the whole, murdered his aunt thing?"

"Well, no. He's here and he's obviously not going anywhere." Some random dude came by with drinks and she pulled two out of his hands. She turned back to us smiling and thrust the drinks in our hands.

"Knock 'em down, girls." I looked at Jo and she looked at me for a second before drinking from the cup. I face palmed and set mine down on the fireplace. There was no way I was getting into that. My grandkids would just have to call me lame.

Time ran on and Jo had already gulped down two and a half cups of God knows what, so she was a little disoriented. I wasn't going to leave her side, though. I followed her through the house and she accidentally bumped into Sarita of all people. I groaned; this wasn't going to end well.

"Excuse me, can you please watch where you're swinging those long, creepy ape arms? Kay, thanks," she said in her usual bitchy tone.

"Yes, they are a little disproportionate to my body at the moment, but the internet says that's normal."


"Wow, someone's having some fun."

"I am having fun and I wanna have even more fun, sooo…deal with it."

No, Jo! What are you saying? Have you forgotten who you're speaking to?

Sarita smirked and turned to her side. "Hey, Scott, this is Jo. She wants to have more fun. Take your shirt off. "Sweet."

Scott took his shirt off with no hesitation and there were cat calls and whistles suddenly heard. I'll admit, I couldn't help but clear my throat a little. Scott was in shape, there was no doubt about it.

"No, I'm going to pour this on him and you're going to lick it off," Sarita announced to Jo with a devious look on her face.

I was immediately uncomfortable, so I knew Jo was feeling it too.

"Lick it off of him? I don't-"

"DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!" The chant was now echoing throughout the room and I sighed. Of course, Jo gave into peer pressure and licked the shot off of his stomach. Then, Scott grabbed Jo and brought her closer to him. "Leave me alone! Don't touch me! Get the hell off of me!" Jo yelled. Okay, this was getting ridiculous. I moved closer to them to pull Jo away, but strong arms wrapped around my own waist from behind and I couldn't move any closer.

"Hey, let me go!" I beat against the person's hands and when that had no effect, I reached up and scratched them in the face. "Ow, you bitch!" They shoved me away and I fell into Danny. He pushed Jo and I behind him protectively and grabbed my hand. It was almost as if mine fit perfectly in his. I grabbed Jo's and wrapped my arm around her shoulders."

"Mind your own business, freak," Scott muttered.

Danny looked around with a smile on his face. "Freak?" The music cut right after he said it. "Really? It's so generic."

I noticed Lacey and Regina from the corner of my eye and I glared at them.

"How about Rope Boy?" Scott asked, bravely I might add. My heart stopped at the name and I glanced up at Danny.

"Now that, that's a little more pointed, but why don't we just-" Danny didn't get to finish his sentence because the dumb jock had to push him. Jo and I stumbled back a bit to make room. It was tense for a second and Danny dashed forward, grabbing Scott by the back of his head and whispered something in his ear. He let him go and Scott had to shake himself a little bit. Danny looked around briefly before leading us out of the house.

Good, I'd had my fair share of excitement for the night.

We were walking outside, hoping the cool air would clear up Jo's head a bit before we dropped her off at home.

We swayed together, small smiles on our faces. "That was amazing! What did you say to him anyway?"

"I don't know something about suing him for assault." There was a car honking behind us and we looked back to see Lacey pulling up next to us.

"I thought so. They didn't teach you how to drive in prison? Get in." We piled into the car and she drove us to Jo's house first. Danny insisted on taking her himself, so I just sat in the car.

"I'm sorry your first party turned out to be a disaster," Lacey said quietly.

"It's okay. I didn't drink anything, so at least I'll always remember the disaster." She chuckled and I turned to look out the window. Danny came back a few moments later and we drove off towards our house.

"Hey, uh, I should be back soon. If mom asks, just tell her I was helping with clean up."

"Yeah, sure." I turned to look at Danny and he had a cute expression on his face. It was a mix between a smile and a smirk as he sweetly told me good night. I got out of the car and walked inside. Sure enough, my mom was sitting in the living room waiting for her daughters.

"Mom, Lacey decided to stay behind and help with cleaning up. She said she'll probably end up staying at Sarita's."

"Alright then. It's time for you to get some sleep. You have to be up soon, missy." She stood up and stretched, making her way upstairs and I followed right behind her.

After a night of babysitting a drunk Jo, I was pooped.