One final, hefty push toppled the latest evil creature to terrorise the peace of Pleasentville and it seemed to disintegrate into a thousand pieces before disappearing.  Merton was jumping up and down in excitement while Tommy and Lori just stood there with satisfied smiles on their faces.  The town and their lives were safe again.

Suddenly, with no warning a huge bolt of energy shot out of the ground where the creature had fallen.  His wolf senses taking over, Tommy dived forward and pushed his friends out of harm's way.  As he did, the energy made contact with the back of his head, leaving him collapsed in a heap on the floor, on top of Merton and Lori.

Merton spoke first, rolling out from under the collapsed werewolf.  "Thanks Tommy, that was close.  I forgot to warn you about that little side effect of killing Gorath monster."  There was no response.  Merton looked at his friend lying on the floor and a now familiar feeling of panic gripped his stomach, "Tommy?"  He knelt down and touched his neck, breathing a huge sigh of relief when he discovered his best friend was breathing.

"Is he alright?" asked Lori.

Merton nodded, "I think so, we should get him back to the lair though."

They took an arm each and began to carry Tommy slowly through the empty streets; freezing each time they heard a sound.  The last thing either of them needed was to be caught dragging an unconscious werewolf through the streets of Pleasentville.  It probably wouldn't be the best news for Tommy either, the town had gone even more werewolf crazy than usual recently after T'n'T had another run in with Tommy.  It was lucky their final showdown with the Gorath had been so late at night.

When they finally got back to the lair, Merton and Lori placed the still unconscious Tommy on Merton's bed.  "I don't like this, Merton, what was it that hit him?"  Lori asked.

Merton frowned, "It's some kind on energy discharge caused by the death of a Gorath.  It used to be called its 'last revenge', but I didn't even know it was real.  According to the stories, normally it just hurts like hell, I've never heard of anyone being knocked unconscious by it.  Definitely not for this amount of time."  He was already surrounded by books and expertly flicking though the pages looking for more information.

"Well we can't just leave him there, if he doesn't wake up soon he needs to go to the hospital."

Merton stared at her with the best look of contempt he could muster, "He's still wolfed out, do you really think a building full of medical professionals would be the best place for him right now?"

"We can't just leave him lying on your bed forever!"

Merton tuned out her protests for the time being and tried to concentrate on reading everything he could about the Gorath.  He had read it all earlier that day when he tried to find out how to kill it and he could practically quote everything by heart, but re-reading it to see whether he missed anything made him feel like he was doing something.  Unlike Lori, who was by now pacing up and down the lair glancing in Tommy's direction every few seconds.  "Want to help me read these?" Merton asked.

Lori shook her head then hesitated, "Why not?" she said eventually and headed over to Merton's desk.  As she did, a groaning emerged from the other side of the room and they both turned to see a de-wolfed Tommy rubbing his head and starting to sit up.

"Tommy!"  Merton was at his side in less than a second, "How do you feel?  I'm sorry I didn't warn you about that energy bolt, it's really rare and it's not supposed to knock you out."

Tommy blinked in confusion and looked around as the room and its two other occupants came into focus, "What energy?" he asked, "And who are you two?"