Author Note:
Yeah, I tend to get defensive with my stories because they are like my babies- Err I mean, I have fun writing them and it's more than just a story to me because of my anxieties- I have severe anxiety and tend to have lots of anxiety attacks anyway, because of that, writing and drawing are the two things that help me calm down. Therefore, when someone insults it I can do two things: let my anxiety of the insult get the best of me, or get pissed. I usually go with the second option. XD
Anyway, for those of you who do like it- thanks :)
(P.S. Yeah, it's the end and yes it's a short epilogue and I just couldn't really continue the story. Sorry- I just have a lot of stuff going on.)
Danny was glad that for once, he had a good life since the 'accident.' He was happy and content. He had friends to help now- friends that knew his secret and couldn't really be hypocritical by thinking it was weird when they are dinosaurs.
Danny smiled and picked up his adoptive daughter, Raven. Raven had grown a bit- since she was now three years old. She was a bit taller, not as chubby, and had longer hair. He blamed Sam for Raven's taste in black and dark clothes. Sam….his gorgeous beautiful fiancé…she was everything to him. The only one he loved as much as Sam was Raven. Soon, Raven would have an official mommy- official because she already called Sam Momma.
His friends were doing well too. Buzz had become a painter. Fiona had her own car shop. Rodger was a computer programmer and inventor. Max was an actor- and so was Caruso.
Yeah, Life is good.