Title: In A Sea Of Sharks
Pairing: Gibbs/DiNozzo
Warnings: AU / BDSM / Slash-TIBBS / Mpreg / probably OOC
Rating: MA
Spoilers: Not sure yet but just in case all of NCIS, especially Season 1 and 2
Disclaimer: I don't own anything to do with NCIS. No copy right infrigment intended. No money made. I just play with them a little bit.
Remarks: No beta. All mistakes are mine. Inspired by the BDSM Universe of the amazing Xanthe in 'Hiding in plain sight'.
Summary: After leaving Baltimore and finishing FLECT, an interview for a job on the MCRT of NCIS will change his life in ways he never imagined. / My drift on how Tony and Gibbs meet in a Universe where bi-/homosexuality, BDSM and male pregnancy is the norm.
Chapter 1
Gibbs sat at the desk in the conference room and sighed before taking once again a swallow of his coffee. The letters of the file in front of him seemed to blur and he squeezed the bridge of his nose to chase away the fatigue he felt. He was in this room now since hours by order of Tom Morrow, the director of NCIS. He growled.
Stupid pencil pushers and politicians! Who the hell ever thought this would be a good idea, should probably be shot.
Why change something that has worked since decades just fine and cause with that so much turmoil? Their job was to protect the members of the Marines and Navy, to bring justice to victims and their families, to fight terrorism and … and not to get used to the new regulations and the resulting consequences which came along with splitting up and regrouping teams which has functioned so far just fine and did their job. The new system will cause more trouble than anything else besides having great effects financially as well on all law enforcement agencies, as new agents needed to be employed, seminars about dynamics in a team, sexual harassment and what not ever to be held.
Dominants and Submissives working together in teams? Pfft! How the hell should this not cause problems?
The stupid decision of the high court of some months ago was making things nearly unbearable at the moment. A lawsuit has been filed by a sub at the FBI who obviously felt that he had a right to work with the best BAU team consisting of only Dominants based on his admittedly exceptional skills. Something which has had been denied because of his dynamics, him being a sub, causing the guy to shout discrimination as loud and as fast as possible after he learned about the decision. Not that it has been not allowed to do so and mix Doms and subs in a team, but it has never been done so in the past, keeping traditionally the split between subs and Doms in law enforcement. And that because of good reason...
By then they still all joked about it. Gibbs remembered how Fornell has been treated when he has shown up at NCIS, 2 weeks after the high court decision and could not hold back the grin as he thought about how Balboa has handed over a book with a big show to Tobias as he has had stepped out of the elevator. The title clearly presented to everybody:
Domination 101 – How to keep your wayward submissive happy and out of trouble
Gibbs chuckled. Balboa -a sub himself- has had leaned closer to Fornell and sent him his best subby smile, before he spoke loud enough for all to hear. 'I can show up at yours tonight Fornell and we can have a small training session.' Gibbs has had observed in glee how his friend was torn between arousal, shame and anger, ripped the book from Balboa and rushed through the bullpen up to the director's office as if he was chased by a pack of wolves. All under the great laughter and amusement of the whole personnel of NCIS present.
Nobody has had expected by then that they will all feel soon the consequences of the verdict of the high court and the resulting quota regulation. Gibbs sighed. It is not as if the wayward FBI sub has had not the chance to work on the second best BAU team in the US consisting of subs only. He has had been even offered the team leader position of said team. The guy could have lead the second team, bring in his knowledge, a great deal of expertise, could have formed them to be all a greater asset to the Bureau, making them the best… But now? Now he worked in NY, bowing to every whim of the Doms on his team… What a waste!
Gibbs shook his head. Discrimination! Pah, fuck them all. No dom worth his whip would ever discriminate a sub… This had nothing to do with discrimination but with human intellect. Letting Doms and Subs work together while enforcing the new quota, that each team has to contain at least one sub to avoid further lawsuits, was just causing issues. Issues having to do with the line of command, the dynamics of teams, the trust needed in the field and of course the problem that they will probably lose soon a lot of great agents who retired because they have bonded within their team and were now ordered to stay home by their new Dominants to protect them from harm. Issues, that agents would be distracted in the field by their dynamics, resulting in injury or -worst case- death of team members or innocent bystanders. Gibbs shook his head. He just wanted to take another swallow of his coffee when he was pulled out of his musings by a knock at the door. He sighed and cracked his neck before he turned to the door. "Enter!" He snapped loudly and groaned as he saw Cynthia, the assistant of Director Morrow, open the door and peek carefully into to the room.
"Director Morrow wanted me to check in with you. You still have enough beverages and food. Maybe some more coffee?"
Gibbs could not hold back to smile at the beautiful sub in front of him, who was one of those rare ones who did not really fear him as much and was intelligent enough to know that the best way to stay on his good side was to bribe him with coffee.
"Na, thanks Cynthia! The thermo is still half full." Gibbs said.
Cynthia smiled back and felt encouraged to step into the room. "How is it going?"
Gibbs sighed. "It is a waste of time."
Cynthia nodded. "You know that the director did not have a choice. Nobody really likes it but those are the new regulations and since Agent Burley left… " Her voice trailed off. She knew no matter if sub or dom, nobody within NCIS was happy about the changes. It has already caused a lot of problems within the teams which have gone through it. NCIS was not working as effectively anymore. And while Gibbs has had been spared the experience so far, now after Agent Stan Burley has left to become an Agent Afloat and no open cases were pending the MCRT was one of the last teams to have to adjust. Gibbs has worked through files from FLECT graduates since hours to find as a good match of a sub as possible. Obviously not successfully though.
"You have at least found some candidates to interview?" She asked carefully and looked at the files which covered nearly the whole desk.
Gibbs sighed and nodded. He knew he could sit here for days and not find a match, not because the candidates weren't good, but he still felt the whole thing was nothing else than bullshit. He was a stubborn bastard after all. But he could kick and scream like a small child as much as he wanted, it would end up with Morrow having no other choice at the end than to assign someone to Gibbs' team. He has said as much. Something which probably would be worse than anything else, taking into consideration Vivian Blackadder -the remaining agent on his team- having been assigned by Morrow, too.
He nodded, took a sip of his coffee and pointed to a small stack of files to his left. Admittedly a very small stack since it contained only 3 files. He looked up and observed as Cynthia took the files, checking them shortly.
A brilliant grin met him as she was done just after some seconds. "Great! I will invite them for Friday for the interviews. Should be over with fast!" Cynthia said and couldn't hold back the chuckle.
Gibbs nodded and grinned. At least no one could say he did not even try. "Yup! Schedule it short will ya. 30 minutes per applicant should be enough."
She nodded and turned, speaking over her shoulder before she left the room. "Thanks and have still a nice day Agent Gibbs! And keep the rest of the food and coffee."
Gibbs snapped the file he had read -just before Cynthia has turned up- shut and grumbled. "You bet I will!"
Please review and let me know if you want to read more.