This is a one-shot Sydrian fic. It's kinda set around the end of Indigo Spell and they've been dating for a little while now. Hannah is a character I came up with a while ago just to see an even softer side to Adrian. And yes, I have him so he dabbles in music as well as painting. I hope you guys enjoy. It's a little fluffy, so bare with me.

Adrian and Sydney were laying in bed together, taking the day to relax and be a couple. The group back at Amberwood were stuck in their rooms studying for exams – except Sydney, of course. She'd known all the information before they even started school so she'd breeze through the exams.

Adrian shifted to sit up when he heard his phone buzzing. Sydney looked over, merely out of curiosity.

"Hello?" He answered, propping himself up on his elbow.

"Adrian? It's Aunt Monica," stated the female on the phone. Adrian wasn't entirely sure what his relation to Aunt Monica was, but knew she was an Ivashkov. He always got a headache whenever someone tried to explain the bloodline relation to him, the royals were too large to tell who was related to who.

"Hey, Aunt Monica. What's up?" He asked. They weren't exactly close, but it she was one of his relatives he didn't mind talking to and spending time with.

"Do you have class today?" She asked.

He rose a brow even though she couldn't see it. "No. Why?"

"I'm in LA and Nathan told me you were staying in the area – A couple of friends want to have drinks but I have Hannah with me.. I know it's kinda short notice, but can you baby sit?" Like most royals, Monica lived at the royal court. Hannah was her 7 year old daughter and Adrian's little cousin. He wasn't big on kids, but he adored Hannah.

"Yeah, sure, absolutely. When and where do you want me to pick her up?" He asked. Sydney looked over at him with a furrowed brow, clearly confused.

"We're staying at the Hilton Checkers, on South Grand Avenue. How soon can you be here?" She asked. Adrian looked at the time and thought about it.

"I'm a little ways away, about an hour or so?" He asked.

"Sounds great. Thanks, Adrian! I'll see you soon." She hung up. He set his phone aside and fully sat up.

"Who was that?" Sydney asked.

"My aunt Monica, she's in LA and wants me to babysit my cousin," Adrian answered as he got up, starting to get dressed from his sweats and tank top.

"Do you need me to go back to Amberwood?" She asked, sitting up.

"I was actually kinda hoping you'd come with me," He replied, looking over at her.

She gave him a wary look. "This is your Moroi aunt and cousin.. And you want to take me with you?"

"I'm picking Hannah up and bringing her back here. If you want to wait in the car while I get her, you can. Hannah doesn't know what alchemists are yet, so if anything she'll just say I was with a girl. I can easily tell my aunt your a friend," Adrian shrugged.

"And if she tells her mom that your friend has a lily tattoo on her cheek?" She pointed to her tattoo for emphasis.

"You have stuff to cover it, don't you?" She nodded, and got it out of her purse. "I'd really like you to be with me while I baby sit," He told her, giving her pleading eyes.

"Alright.. For you," She replied, getting up and kissed him on the cheek before going into the bathroom to apply the foundation.

Adrian had found short cuts and easier ways to LA so it cut their time and they were at the hotel in a little over an hour. Sydney waited in the Mustang outside the hotel while Adrian went in. They'd agreed to meet in the hotel lobby. He smiled when he saw his aunt and Hannah come over. He hugged his aunt before picking Hannah up and gave her a squeeze. "What time do you want the little angel back?" He asked.

"Around 4:00?" She asked. She was still on Moroi time and he knew she meant 4:30AM. He doubted Sydney would be with him til then unless she called in a favor with Jackie, but she'd still be asleep by then.

He nodded. "Alright. I'll see you then."

"Have fun, be good," Monica said as Adrian carried Hannah out to his car. He put her in the back seat and buckled her in before getting in the drivers side.

"Hannah, this is my friend Sydney. Sydney, this is my little cousin, Hannah," He introduced.

"Hi!" She said with a bright smile and a wave. Hannah was a small six year old girl. She was tall for her age from her Moroi genetics, had pale skin, the Ivashkov famous green eyes and dark brown hair. She could pass off as Adrian's sister or daughter. She sort of reminded him of Jill.

"Hello. It's nice to meet you," Sydney replied with a smile.

"How have you been, kiddo?" Adrian asked, glancing back at her as he drove.

"I've been good, how 'bout you?" She replied with a cute grin.

"Been good," He answered. They talked a little on their way home, mostly catching up.. Or as much as one can catch up with a six year old. Adrian learned about her going to school, making friends and what she'd seen in LA so far. He told her some things about his school, and they even talked about Sydney some. Hannah had already figured out that they were dating but obviously didn't know much about what that meant.

Adrian pulled up outside the house and opened Sydney's door before helping Hannah out and brought her inside.

"Are you hungry, Hannah?" He asked. Sydney gave him a dangerous look, clearly thinking he meant blood. He glanced at her and shook his head.

"A little," She replied, skipping over and sat on the couch.

"Want some fruit?" She nodded with a smile, swinging her legs. He got a few different types of fruit out and mixed them together in a bowl, handing it to her. He sat down between her and Sydney, putting on some kids show with talking animals. He hadn't babysat her since he was living on court, before he met Rose, and there was usually more to do, but from what he remembered she was easily entertained. Adrian decided to work on a painting and got his easel out, working in the living room.

After Hannah got done eating, she followed Adrian's suit and got her coloring book and crayons out of the bag she brought with her. She looked over at Sydney who was glancing between Adrian and Hannah, unsure what to say. Hannah smiled up at her and pulled out another coloring book, holding it out to Sydney. "Do you want to color too?" She asked.

Adrian glanced over at Sydney, curious to her reaction. She hesitated before taking the coloring book and Adrian was sure Sydney had never colored anything in her life – Unless coloring in the bubbles of exams counted. Hannah spread out some crayons so they could both use them. Adrian was amused, glancing over every now and then. He liked Hannah since she was easy to take care of and wasn't corrupt by the royal behavior. She was innocent.

He took a break in his painting, rinsing off his brushes and put them away before coming back. He came up behind the couch, glancing over the girls shoulders. For being six, Hannah stayed in the lines and did a pretty good job. Sydney, of course, was totally in the lines and everything was an accurate color. Leave it to Syd to make art into some sort of science.

"Look at my two budding artists," He teased lighting, kissing them both on the side of the head.

Hannah looked up at him with a grin. "Adrian, will you braid my hair like you used to?" She asked. That perked Sydney's curiosity and she looked up from her drawing to see Adrian's response.

He nodded and sat down in the arm chair, pointing to the spot in front of him. "Sit, squirt," He teased lightly. She grinned more and moved to sit in front of him. He looked in her bag and found her hair brush, brushing out her tidy long straight locks. "Classic, crown, fishtail or french?" He asked.

She tapped her chin, thinking about it. "Crown!" She replied.

He smiled lightly. "Alright, I'll make you a little princess," He replied and started to braid her hair, forming it into a little crown around her head. Sydney moved from coloring to reading, looking up at them every now and then, smilingly fondly.

"There you go. You're a pretty little princess," He stated once he finished.

She got up and looked in a nearby mirror, her features lighting up and she came back to Adrian, giving him a hug. "Thank you, Adrian!" She said.

Adrian grinned back. "You're welcome, princess."
They had Sydney's attention. "You did a good job, Adrian," she complimented.

Adrian looked up at her. "Do you want me to make you a princess too, Sage?" He teased.

"You should give Sydney a french braid!" Hannah chimed in excitedly.

He laughed and looked back to his girlfriend. "What do you say, Sage? Want styled?" He asked.

She glanced between the two who were giving her puppy dog looks before sighing and nodded, "Alright."
"Yay!" Hannah replied, moving to sit on the couch and returned to her coloring while Sydney sat in front of Adrian. It was a little more complex since Sydney had layered hair, but her hair had grown since she'd come to Palm Springs so there was enough to work with. When he was leaning down to grab a hair tie, he smirked at Sydney and whispered in her ear "I'd like to give you a French something, but it's not a braid," He commented, tying the braid back.

She flushed a little and gave him a look, mouthing 'bad' to him. He grinned in response. He got up once he was done and made his way into the kitchen, getting a drink. Sydney followed behind him. "You're different with her than I thought you'd be," She commented.

"Surprised that an irreverent party boy can be responsible enough to babysit?" He teased back, handing her a diet coke as he got out juice and poured a glass for Hannah and himself.

"I didn't mean-" She started, not sure what to say.

"I'm teasing you, Sage. Relax," He said, kissing the side of her head. "Can you stay tonight? Call in a favor with Jackie and have her tell your dorms that you're with her? It's a Friday night," He asked, hopeful.

She took a few moments while considering it but couldn't say no to his pleading eyes. "I'll try.." She replied, grabbing her phone and went into Adrian's room. Adrian handed Hannah the drink and sat down.

Sydney got confirmation that Ms. Terwilliger would cover. He knew Sydney would probably end up sleeping before he had to take Hannah home but was glad to have her there. He liked laying in bed with her and sleeping next to her. They played a couple of board games and Adrian had rotten luck – Sydney won the games that required intelligence and Hannah won the games that were chance and luck. It was clear that Syd was starting to get tired around 2:30. He was surprised she held out that long, but once she fell asleep it would be around the time he'd have to drive back to LA. The three of them were in his room and Sydney was laying in his bed, Hannah was drawing something and Adrian was fiddling with his guitar sitting next to Syd. He smiled up at Sydney and started playing their song – Guardian Angel by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. She smiled sleepily back at him. He sang along with the music, watching his love slowly drift to sleep. He checked the time and decided it would be a good time to head back toward LA. He put his guitar down and brought Hannah out of the room, making sure she had everything before he went out into the car and drove her back.

He met his aunt in the lobby once again, leaning down and hugged Hannah. "Be good, kiddo. I'll see you soon, okay?" He said.

She smiled and squeezed him, nodding. "Tell Sydney I said goodbye."

"I will," He promised, standing up.

"Thanks a bunch again, Adrian," Aunt Monica said, giving him a hug. He smiled and said his goodbyes, heading back to Palm Springs. It was late, or early, once he got back so he was ready to crawl in bed with his girlfriend. He locked the door and changed for bed, crawling into his bed with her and wrapped his arms around her.

She shifted to face him and laid her head on his chest. "Hannah get back to her mom okay?" She murmured.

"Yep. She said to tell you goodbye," He replied, kissing her head.

She smiled and leaned up, kissing him. "Goodnight, Adrian," She said.

He kissed her back. "Night, Sage." He pulled her close and they fell asleep.