Chapter One: Meet Kagome

"We'll, if it isn't Kagome the cat demon who disguises herself as a mere mortal." A girl with long black hair with a white ribbon and two strands of hair by the side of her face said smirking. "Look at that loser she'll never fit in." another said laughing at her she had a side ponytail. "How pathetic." another girl called out she had red eyes and her hair was in a bun with a feather attached to it. "Keh! What a worthless neko, she's worser than me!" A boy with two dog ears on top of his head said. Everyone agreed with a laugh. A full demon boy with silver hair, two purple stripes in both side of his cheeks stood in the sidelines with his friends looking at Kagome with sympathy but said nothing for her sake.

Kagome Higruashi was her name she wasn't just an average girl she was half neko. Her mother was a human and her father was a demon making her half, she had a hat on to cover up her ears so you wouldn't think she was one whenever she forgot to put her necklace on her mother gave her. She had long raven hair and beautiful sapphire eyes. It wasn't the first time Kikyo, Rin, Kagura and Inuyasha called her names every since they found out she was different she was treated like a nobody, she hated every person that pitied her,and teased her, sure it hurt her but she wasn't going to give them the satisfaction. "Why not kill yourself you aren't needed in this world!" Kikyo said glaring at her. The neko hanyou stayed silent before speaking. "Why can't you just leave me alone! Yes I am a neko so what of it? I don't care if I am one. I don't care if weather you like me or not! When are you going to stop?!" Kagome blinked back the burning tears.

Kikyo and the rest of her 'friends' had a surprise look on there faces. "You have guts. I'll give you that." Kikyo said taking a threatening step closer to her glaring into her eyes. but with each word she grew more furious and more irritated. "How dare you raise your voice at me!" Kagome stepped back slightly. Kikyo raised her left hand as it began to glow blue. She was going to show this neko to never mess with her by shooting her with an energy beam. Kagome didn't have the time to block it when Kikyou shot the beam sending her against the lockers. "You can't even defend yourself how worthless you really are!" Rin pointed out. "Kagome!" the boy watching in the sidelines ran to her side holding her shoulders. "Sesshomaru! What are you doing helping that neko?" Inuyasha demanded angrily seeing his half-brother while the two humans by the name Miroku and Sango stood in front of her her. Sesshomaru wanted to rip his brothers head off, he glared with pure hatred. "She has a name use it. You really are pathetic aren't you half-breed? Don't you see you and Kagome are the same kind, half demons. She has feeling like you do and yet you treat her bad like she is a monster. Kagome dosen't deserve this." Kagome was surprise was he defending her?

Inuyasha had his mouth lightly open and his eyes widen he knew he was right but his pride wouldn't admit it and the only thing that came out of his lips where 'Feh' he cross his arms and turned his head the other way. "Since you fools what to be with the half-breed go ahead but be warned she will die by my hands." The priestess said wearing a blouse with a pair of jeans she glance at Kagome. "You will not live for another day I will make sure of that." With that they left to the front of the gates. Inuyasha looked behind his shoulder glancing at Kagome, Sesshomaru was helping her up he knew it was wrong and also knew the feeling she was feeling but this was the only way to protect her.

Kagome tried to stand up but winced from the pain. "You alright?" Sesshomaru asked holding her shoulder gently his voice full with concern on his voice she saw the worried faces Sango and Miroku had she made eye contact with the full demon and saw pity in his eyes. Kagome glared at him and yanked herself from his touch. "I don't need your pity." Miroku spoke to her and said. "It's not pity, we are just trying to help you." Kagome growled softy. Help her? If they care about her then they would have save her from Kikyo. "Help me?..." She scoffed bitterly "...Why didn't you help me when Kikyo was teasing with me? Why didn't you help me against her?" Sesshomaru looked at her sadly "Kagome I..." The little human neko turned her back toward him. "Whatever I don't need an explanation from the likes of you, just leave me be." she then left her way home. Sesshomaru wanted to pull her in his arms and confront her but she just need time to herself right now. "We have to do something to make her trust us. I really want to be her friend." Sango said, ever since she saw Kagome she wanted to be her friend but every time she talk to her or even approach her she would just leave and not say anything, she also wanted to touch those ears of hers. "Yes..." Miroku said with a nod agreeing with her "...I know we will think of something but first we must get out of here school is over and there almost closing the gates." Sesshomaru stared where Kagome had left he heard what the humans said, he will make make trust him if that's the last thing he do.

A lonely Kagome walked the way home where her family love her no matter what kind she was she was glad today was Friday now she didn't had to worry about Kikyo always running her day. Ever since she was little everyone would tease her making her feel bad except one boy who decided to be her friend but then ended up betraying her like the rest of them that's why she was afraid to be close to someone else. Kagome knew things will get better somehow.