Naruto's First Steps

"I'm the tickle monster!" yelled Minato as he picked up baby Naruto and blew a raspberry in his tummy, making him giggle uncontrollably. Minato loved it when his son laughed. To him, there was no other sound that could possibly be more wonderful.

Naruto was going to be a year old soon and was very much loved by his parents, who were planning his first birthday party. Kushina smiled at her husband while sitting in the dining table, deciding on a theme. She looked down at her catalogue and found the cutest thing.

"Awww," she squealed "Minato, come look at this," she said. Minato walked to the table with Naruto still in his arms and sat down, sitting the baby on his lap, as she slid the book toward him. He saw a cute set of orange shirt, bib, hat, and baby bottle. The shirt said "It's my first birthday!" and the rest had a number one in them too.

"Aw. What do you think Naruto? Wouldn't you look adorable in that?" he asked the little blonde baby who turned around at the sound of his daddy's voice and cooed and giggled for no reason. "We should buy those," he told Kushina and they went on talking and planning. Naruto looked back and forth between his parents with curious blue eyes and was then suddenly fascinated by his favorite frog toy that he'd left on the living room floor.

He used the edge of the table as support to stand on his daddy's thighs and started bouncing. Bouncing had been Naruto's favorite activity since he was six months old, well, besides crawling and chewing on everything he could get his hands on. He started to slide his tiny hands along the edge of the table towards the toy, wanting to get off. He bounced again and whimpered.

"You want to get off?" his daddy asked.

"Fwogy!" Naruto demanded. Kushina was a bit surprised, all the parenting books she'd managed to get through said that most babies don't start relating words to things until thirteen months or older.

"Okay, go get your frogy," Minato said as he sat him down on the carpeted floor carefully.

"It's okay, I'll get it," said Kushina. She stood up and went to pick up the frog. Naruto turned from a sitting position to his usual crawling stance on all fours, but instead of crawling, he held on to Minato's leg and tried standing up. "Kushina, look! Naruto wants so walk," Minato said. Minato crouched down and gently held Naruto to make sure he wouldn't fall.

"Mama," Naruto cooed.

"Aw, come to mama, Naruto," she said, also crouching down and extending her arms out to him.

Minato slowly let go of his baby and Naruto put a tiny foot in front of the other and took his first wobbly, unsteady steps towards his mommy.

Hi everyone! I'm still new at writing fanfiction but I've really wanted to write a cute one-shot about little Naruto with his parents for a long time, I hope you like it! Please review! Thank you :)