Dick sighed as he walked out of Wayne tower. With a slender hand he gracefully loosened the blue tie enough so that it wasn't choking him. At the moment he was in Buldhaven taking care of business for Bruce. He didn't mind the meetings or things like that, what got him were the suites. He skillfully managed to slide past the paparazzi that were demanding all the information they could on Bruce's newest sweet heart. A light laugh escaped his lips as he thought about what they would say if they actually knew how Talia was.

'Or the fact that they are already married' Dick thought as he walked down an alley were a car was waiting for him. Just as he was about to round a corner he was yanked back by an arm on his waist and one on his mouth. His back hit a chest. Wide blue eyes scanned the area as he though of a way to get out.

"Mm you look good." Purred the voice, lips brushing against his ear. Dick stood in shock while the hand slipped into his dress pants slightly before moving up, pulling the shirt out, to lightly run across his stomach. Feeling his breathing speed up Dick had to lean fully against the other.

"Heh, damn if I weren't so worried about someone walking back here…" he didn't finish instead teasingly rolling his hips forward and licking the ear. Dick groaned while tugging the hand at his mouth down.

"Jason," was the breathy moan that slipped out. Jason moved his mouth lower to start attacking the elder's neck. Dick tilted his head to allow better access while Jason licked and nipped. Jason's hands traveled lower causing Dick to bite his finger to prevent any louder noises to be heard. He was losing it, it had been way to long since he had seen Jason and all this teasing wasn't helping anything. It took one more roll of the hips for Dick to whip around and crash their lips together. Moans passed both lips as Dick shoved his tongue into the other's mouth. Not wanting to be out done Jason slipped his in as his hands moved from Dick's back to a lower area. Groaning Dick pressed himself flush against Jason.

"Need you." Moaned Dick breathlessly as he pulled back from their kiss. Wrapping his arms around Jason's neck he started kissing along the jaw.

"Don't think this is the best place." Jason managed to get out, annoying Dick with the fact that he could still talk in complete sentences.

"Car waiting…around corner." Dick pulled fully away but not before grabbing Jason's arm. Desperately Dick pulled him to where the car was. Once there they scrambled in the back.

"T-The hotel." Dick panted out to the driver. The young brunette woman glanced back to the two young men then nodded with a smile that showed she was trying not to laugh.

"Right away Mr. Grayson." She pulled out then with another thought she added.

"You may want to adjust yourselves to look more presentable to minimize suspicion." Dick glanced over his attire: shirt partially unbuttoned and un-tucked, hair a mess and tie almost all the way off. With a cough and a bright blush he started to fix his appearance.

"Thanks Lizzy." He muttered not meeting the others gaze. She laughed lightly.

"Anything for my favorite gremlin." She pulled into the hotel parking lot.

"Shit, damn and fuck." She uttered. The boys looked out to see the paparazzi completely surrounding the area. Jason growled with anger lighting his eyes. Lizzy had a scowl that soon turned into a smirk.

"Don't worry, I'll get you in." A glint in her eyes had Dick clinging to Jason tightly. Suddenly they were speeding through, the reporters and others all jumping out of the way as she whipped around a corner to the back entrance. The two jolted forward as she stopped. With a flash of a grin she nodded to the door.

"There ya go! Better hurry before they get here to." Dick smiled brightly.

"Thanks I owe you." He shouted as Jason jumped out and dragged him as well. Laughing Lizzy yelled back,

"Just invite me to the wedding and we're good!" Dick's face turned red again but they were already through the door.

"Cool girl." Jason spoke as they waited for the elevator.

"One of my best friends." Dick confided as they entered but as soon as the door shut all thoughts of the girl were gone. Dick pressed the button before rounding on Jason. Pressing him into a corner he attacked his lips. Once again Jason's hands ended up below the waist. One leg wrapped around Jason waist. Hips rolled against one another as they continued to ascend. Panting Dick reached between them. Jason gasped before moaning and rolled his hips forward.

"Dick…" When the door finally opened on their floor they stumbled out panting and still attached at the mouth. Dick forced himself away so they make it to the room easier.

After fumbling with the key they rushed in. Jason slammed Dick against the wall and slipped his leg between his.

"Bed now." Growled Dick as he broke the kiss. With a predatory like grin Jason pressed fully against Dick.


A.N: So I do know I spelled 'Haven wrong but it's late and I don't feel like fixing it. The team will come in later along with Damian because I love the little Demon spawn.

Hmm Please Review. I don't care one way or another if it's flames or not.