I do not own Yugioh or Doctor Who.
There was a man in the TARDIS…well okay that wasn't that odd itself, a man he didn't know and he hadn't invited in? Now that was odd. On that thought process how had he gotten in? He most certainly hadn't been in the TARDIS when he flew her to drop off Donna and there had only been about five minutes there where he himself hadn't been around, even then though he had only been a few feet away. How had he not noticed him?
The Doctor took a moment to look the man over, fairly young; quick breath of air there through the nostrils. Ah sixteen years old; very interesting smells about him too. Smells like power, darkness and…metal? He sticks out his tongue slightly to taste the air and frowns; gold actually but he doesn't see any on the boy and from the strength of the taste it should be fairly large and visible.
"Who are you?" He asks as he goes through what the man had said. He knows who the doctor is but he sure doesn't remember him; actually that's not weird considering time travel.
"You can call me Bakura." Which apparently Bakura wants to do and interesting that; you 'can' call me Bakura…that implies it is not his actually name, just one he is using. He strides forward quickly to get a better look at him and pauses. Bakura's eyes…they are old; far older then a sixteen year old boy. They appear almost as old as his, and it makes him even more curious about the boy. He looks human but still, best to check. He pulls out his sonic screwdriver and then drops his jaw as Bakura snatches it from him smoothly.
"Now, none of that," The man says amused as he twirls the screwdriver between his fingers.
"I hate having things pointed at me." The doctor blinks and then frowns and reaches for his screwdriver which Bakura just moves out of his reach teasingly.
"Give that back," The Doctor tries to sound stern but he is failing, considering the grin he can feel creeping up around his lips and the amused hum coming from the TARDIS. No one has ever been so casual with him on their first meeting. When the next couple lunges also end in him failing to get it back he settles for scowling at the young, old man and crosses his arms childishly. "Fine, going past how you got in here why, where, and when do you want to travel to?"
Bakura raises his eyebrow at him and oh how marvelous. That was a beautiful arch he has going on there and huh…his screwdriver is back in his pocket. The Doctor's eyes furrow in confusion as he tries to figure out how he did that, and then just gives up by moving around him to touch to console of the TARDIS. Again he gets a sense of amusement and contentment and he frowns.
"You like him huh?" he murmurs quietly and notices Bakura giving him a look but the boy-man just turns to him with a smirk and there is something in his eyes that the Doctor recognises as hate and the desire to change history. Oh that's not good.
"Egypt, 1000 B.C. and you don't need to know why; you just need to take me there." The Doctor does a quick scan of what he knows from that time period hmm; Pharaoh Akhenamkhanen, the invaders, Akhenamkhanen's death, the nameless pharaoh, Pharaoh Set….wait what? Nameless Pharaoh? There is a pharaoh whose name is unknown throughout all of history and he hasn't checked that out. How had he missed that? He loves mysteries; shame though. He can't bring Bakura back there not without knowing what he wants to do which means his curiosity will have to wait. Can't risk upsetting history just because he wants to know someone's name, seriously though how do you hide your name from history…well actually, considering he himself has done it it's probably not that hard; the Doctor and the Nameless Pharaoh; two peas in a pod.
"I'm sorry but I cannot take you back. I can tell from your eyes that whatever it is you want to change could mess with the history of Earth and I cannot allow that." The Doctor runs his fingers lovingly over the dashboard of his TARDIS while keeping one eye on Bakura; any chance he will give up easily? From the glint in his eyes he will have to say no. Then there is the nonchalant shrug the young, old man gives as he moves to touch the controls of the TARDIS.
"Well then I guess I will just have to go back myself." The Doctor merely smiles at him amused.
"Only I can fly the TARDIS." He announces only to feel a little worried when Bakura merely smirks.
"Only you can fly her properly." He corrects and then chuckles. "However I am sure I can figure it out. After all how hard can it be to fly your darling little ship?" The Doctor receives the message loud and clear and scowls.
'If you don't take me back in time I will destroy your ship trying to,' and he will too. The Doctor can see in his eyes that he means what he says and his scowl grows. He hates it when people threaten the TARDIS. He throws his hands up in the air in frustration and glares at his sexy in annoyance.
"You like this guy?" there is no change in the humming and he scowls again, especially since Bakura looks so smug. The boy-man is sure he has won; the Doctor smiles inwardly in glee. Well this is going to be interesting. Outwardly he looks between the controls and Bakura looking torn, and then widens his eyes as Bakura steps forward.
"Alright I guess I will just have to do this myself."
"Don't touch that!" The Doctor sounds alarmed as he smacks Bakura's hand away from a dial. "Fine you win. I'll take you back." He starts moving around hitting buttons and pulling levers and the TARDIS takes off. Bakura even manages to keep his feet underneath him during the landing and the Doctor has to admit he is mildly, okay supremely impressed despite himself. It takes all his self-control not to bounce in excitement as Bakura walks to the door and opens it. He allows himself a grin then as he hears the shock in the man-boys voice.
"This isn't Egypt."
AN: So I had a lot of fun writing this chapter. Basically I decided that the magic that erased Atem's name from history also effected the Doctor to keep him from investigating. It just kind of kept him from thinking about it but once he actively thought about it, thanks to Bakura, he got curious.
Let me know what you think. I love receiving reviews.