Hey y'all! I am so sorry. I just moved back to the USA! Ah, home sweet home. I am so happy long trip from Paris. Finally unpacked helped some old friends move too. So, I was very busy. Anyway, back to the story.

Disclaimer: I don't own Kickin it. Though I had a dream last night that I did.

Kim's POV

"WHAT?" said everyone except Jerry. He was confused as usual.

"Wait, I'm confused." said Jerry. Me and Jack at the same time slapped Jerry's head a nd our hands touched. I blushed and Jack smirked. He came over to me and whispered in my ear.

"After this, do you want to go to my dorm and you know." He winked at me after he said that. My eyes widened and I rapidly shook my head no. He started laughing and I finally realized it was a joke.

"What is the prize at the end?" asked a very excited Mika. I started wondering the same thing. Everyone else agreed.

"Well, the prize is a gift card for $100 for each person on the team. What do you guys think? Will you do it?" He sounded excited and like he really wanted us to do it. The first one to step up was Julie. Then Milton, then Mika, then Jack, then me, and Jerry was still confused. So, I went up to him and pulled in by the ear to the line.

"Great, thank you guys so much. This is going to be so fun , I promise." said Bethany. "By the way, Rudy. Yeah, I'm pregnant. Please don't faint." Everyone's eyes widen and Rudy almost passes out but he gains coniousness back very easily. He keep opening and closing his mouth so hee kind of looked like a fish. Jerry started laughing. So, I guess he was thinking the same thing I was thinking. Which is a big surprise because he never thinks.

"Yo, Rudy, you look like a fish it's hilarious." He started laughing harder. Then Jack started laughing but to shut him up I started kissing him. Him being Jack made it into a make out session. Everyone ewed and said to 'get a room' we keep kissing.

Jack stopped for a second and said, "Oh, we will." I started laughing at their faces. Then, I realized what he said. My eyes widened and I ran away screaming I am not going to do that. Unfortunately , Jack caught up to me and picked me up and spun me around.

He whispered in my ear," You do know I was just kidding. Right?" I nodded and sighed with relief. Rudy came into the room and yelled in our ears.

"EVERYBODY, MAIL IS HERE!" We were all holding our ears and probably thinking the same thing. Rudy dropped the mail on the table and said that us girls should go first. I went through that stack and screamed. Why you may ask? Well, apparently my cousin Iva is having her wedding a place very close to here and asked us to attend. Everyone looked at me weird after I screamed .

I said,"We MY friends are going to a wedding." The girls screamed, while the boys groaned. The girls were saying the same thing over and over again. "When is the wedding?" The answer was today at 7:00 and it was 12:30. They screamed again and started freaking out. Knowing Julie, she loves doing makeup, and Mika likes doing hair, personally I like doing the outfit so we were a perfect little group.

LO"Hey, Rudy. Can we borrow some money?" Asked Mika. We knew he would probably say no, so we did our best piggy dog eyes. Rudy finally gave in and gave us $200 each. We hugged him and thanked him. We all asked one of the boys to drive us. Jack and Jerry said that they'd rather be caught dead, and Milton said yes immediately.

At a nearby David's Bridal

The dresses here are so pretty. I wish I could take every single one but I can't. Boo! I am sad now but oh well, I'll just have to suck it up. The girls alreadY found their dresses, but I haven't found mine. I feel like every single one looks bad on me. Milton and the girls told me I looked very pretty. I hope I find one I like soon. I really want to look good for my cousins wedding.

I looked a little more and found almost the perfect dress, I just hope it looks good on me. I commentator to try it on. I ran straight to the fitting room and put it on. Once I was done, I came out and all they could say was "WOW!" I looked down and knew it was perfect.

Back at the Cabin

Once we were done paying, we went back to the cabin. Jack and Jerry asked how the shopping went and we said great. They wanted to see our dresses but we said "Nope, you will just have to wait." I think that made them sad. Rudy came out really excites about something.

"Hey Rudy, what has got your panties all tied up?" Said Mika. Apparently Rudy didn't hear because he kept screaming and dancing around the living room. I walked up to him and slapped him across the face. At least I got him out of him trance. " Ok, I'm gonna ask you one last time. What has got your panties all tied up?" Asked Mika for the second time.

"Ok today is your first competition. And it involves the lake. Go and get into your bathing suits on." Said Rudy.


We finished getting ready and went down to the lake to see Rudy and the boys in a circle talking. I cleared my throat and the boys and Rudy turned around and their jaws dropped and so did ours. Jack looked hot shirtless. I bet the girls are thinking the same thing. I couldn't wait to get my hands on those abs and just him. Can't wait for this competition.

Ok guys, that took me three weeks to write. Again, sorry for the longest wait ever hear is the links for the dress and girls swim suits.

Kim's dress: best_prom_dress_ever/set?id=92580379

Kim's swim suit: blue/set?id=93204242

Mika's dress: luv_purple/set?id=92583854

Mika's swim suit: purple_beach/set?id=93205611

Julie's dress: pink_prom_dress/set?id=92581622

Julie's swim suit: pink/set?id=91309782

Hope you guys check them out and if you have a polyvore account then please follow me and tell me if you read my story and I will follow you. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter will try to update either tomorrow or Sunday.


~ Live For Music