Angelina woke up extra early that day, since she wanted to be the first one to greet her eldest sons on their 17th birthday. She kissed Fred on the cheeks and their three daughters; eight years old, Margarita Louise, five years old, Juliana Celine and two years old, Cerelia Elizabeth, who all have red hair. She heard swooshing sounds outside and it made her smile. She got off the bed and then walked to their balcony. She saw Phillip, now Gryffindor's Seeker, practicing with his broomstick.

'Happy birthday, ba--' said Angelina but gasped when Phillip did a very sharp dive. Her tone changed. 'Phillip Frederick Weasley! Don't you dare do that dive again!' It startled Phillip but grinned and then flew towards his mother.

'Thanks mama,' he said, chuckling a little. 'You speak as if you didn't play Quidditch in your Hogwarts days…' Angelina snorted and then smiled, while Phillip climbed onto their balcony and then sat on a chair. Angelina began pinching his cheeks.

'So what does my baby boy---'

'Baby boy?' said Fred, yawning. 'You call that a baby? He's way taller than you—Happy birthday kiddo!'

'Good morning papa,' said Phillip, chuckling. 'Thanks for remembering too.'

'By the way, I heard that your mother was scolding you awhile ago,' said Fred, sitting across his son. 'It's just what all mothers do. Grandma used to do it to all of us all the time. Ignore her---Only joking, darling.' Angelina rolled her eyes. 'So, what does my son want to do on his birthday? What do you want to do, my pet?' Phillip beamed.

'You see, um, I visited Quality Quidditch Supplies and---' said Phillip, shyly.

'I see,' said Fred, 'You want a new broomstick.'

'It's not just a broomstick dad,' said Phillip, leaning closer to his parents. 'This broomstick, The Lightning, is way better than the one I have now.'

'Didn't they just release that last December?' asked Fred. 'The one that you have right now?'

'Well, they did,' said Phillip, 'But there's a new one now. So, can we, um, buy it?'

'Of course,' said Fred, nodding. 'Anything for my son.'

'Oh,' said Angelina, standing up. 'I almost forgot about the other one!' ============================

'Happy birthday, ba--' said Angelina, storming into her son's bedroom, only to find him sleeping with a girl. She contained herself. She walked slowly towards his son and then gave him a rather hard tug on his arm. That sure woke him up. Lynden immediately jumped off the bed which caused the blonde haired girl to wake up as well.

'Mum,' he said quickly. 'I can explain!' Angelina just glared at him and then looked at the girl.

'I don't believe we've met,' she said. 'I am his mother and I suggest that you just come back some other time. Your parents are worried about you right now, I suppose.'

'Mum,' squeaked Lynden once again. 'Mama…' Fred appeared on the door.

'You arr Eengleesh?' said the pretty girl, looking very confused. 'He sed he ees French—He speeks vairy good French…'

'Happy birth--' he said and then looked at Angelina and then to Lynden and then to the girl and then back to Lynden again. He grinned but Angelina glared at him. He bit his lip to keep himself from grinning, thinking, 'That's my boy.'

'Dad,' he said, faintly. 'It's just that--'

'Donz you worry, Madame,' said the girl in her French accent which made Angelina confused and Fred laugh. 'I um leeveeng. I'm zo zorree.'

'You are French?' said Angelina, looking very confused. Lynden just winced. 'I'm dead,' he thought.

'Bye Chris,' said the girl and then disappeared in the fireplace. Fred couldn't help but laugh now.

'Chris?!' said Angelina, fuming with anger. 'Chris?! You told me that you are just going to a party! You never told me you were going to France! That's it, CHRIS! You are grounded and I am blocking your fireplace---for life! Don't you dare make an appeal to your father---it's not going to work! I assure you!'

'Mum,' said Phillip, looking around. 'What's going on?'

'Your brother, CHRIS, here,' said Angelina. Fred led her to a chair while Lynden just sat there with his head bowed. 'Went to France last night and brought home some French girl.' Phillip looked at his brother, rather amazed, while his brother just buried his face in his hands.

'Oh,' said Phillip, trying to get Lynden off the hook. 'Maybe Lyn didn't go to France, Mum, and who's Chris?'

'Oh really, Phil?' said Angelina, forcing a smile. 'Don't start with me, young man. You want to know who Chris is? That's your brother!' She looked at Fred who stepped back.

'What did I do?' said Fred.

'You connected their fireplace to The Floo Network! None of this would have happened if you didn't! I told you! They are too young!' Fred just sighed and then glared at Lynden. Lynden felt that he is going to be sick, all of a sudden. Fred grabbed Lynden and Phillip's arms and then slightly dragged them to the door.

'Your mother needs to cool down,' he whispered.

'Dad,' said Phillip. 'We are still going to buy The Lightning, right?' Fred and Lynden just looked at him, annoyingly. 'Fine. Never Mind.' ======================


'Mama,' said Isabella, who is almost 12 years old. 'I want to buy those glittery and metallic quills.'

'What's that?' said Angelina. 'Anyway, show it to me and then I'll see if we can buy it, alright?' Her daughter nodded.

'Sugar Quill! Sugar Quill! Sugar Quill!' yelled Juliana and Cerelia while sitting on Lynden and Phillip's shoulder.

'Every Flavour Beans! Every Flavour Beans! Every Flavour Beans!' yelled Margarita who is on Fred's back.

'Dad,' said Phillip, 'Let's go to Honeydukes, please.'

'I can't stand all the shouting anymore,' said Lynden. 'I beg you.' Angelina and Fred just snorted and then smiled.

'Alright,' said Angelina, 'Here's the money. Lynden and Phillip go with your sisters and then just meet us at The Three Broomsticks.'

'Mama,' said Phillip, 'Are we going to Quality Qui---'

'We are going to buy it, Phillip,' said Angelina, sighing. They watched as their children walked towards Honeydukes. They heard someone call their name.

'Weasley!' said someone from behind them. Fred carefully scanned the place to check who it was. Hogsmeade was filled with people since it was a Sunday.

'Weasley!' said the voice, once again. 'Weasley!'

'LeGrand!' said Fred, excitedly. 'It's been ages!'

'Hello Angelina Weasley,' said Nick, chuckling.

'Hello, Nicholas LeGrand!' said Angelina, brightly.

'Lanie, over here,' said Nick. 'You do remember my wife, Melanie, right?'

'Lanie, it's so good to see you,' said Angelina. 'I really hope that Nick's not giving you a hard time…'

'Fortuntely he hasn't,' said Melanie, a part veela just like Nick. 'He better not be.'

'Anyway, do you have any plans?' asked Fred.

'No,' said Nick, checking with his wife. 'Why?'

'Would you like to have lunch with us? It's our sons' birthdays.'

'Is it little Lynden and Phillip's birthday?' said Nick, wondering. 'They are your only sons, right?'

'Yes,' said Angelina, proudly. 'They are 17, you know!'

'Are they?' said Melanie. 'Last time I saw them was during your wedding. They were so little. Time flies so fast…'

'I know,' said Fred, 'I have never felt so old… Phillip was talking about broomsticks awhile ago and I had no idea what he was talking about.'

'I know,' said Melanie. 'My daughter was asking me for money for those glitter or metallic quills. I have no idea what those are…'

'My daughter is asking for that too!' said Angelina. They chatted until they reached The Three Broomsticks. They went in and then sat. A few minutes later, they were joined by Lee and Katie Jordan, Oliver and Nicole Wood, Percy and Penelope Weasley, and Ron and Hermione Weasley. ====================


'I'm so sorry,' said Lynden, sitting beside Oliver Wood's 16 year old daughter, Emillia Beatrice. It was the only vacant seat. 'My sisters wanted to buy every single thing that Honeydukes sell---' He smirked. 'Oh, hey Em.'

'Hey,' said Emillia, lazily. 'Do me a favour and sit somewhere else.' Angelina giggled a little.

'I used to do that to you,' whispered Angelina to Fred. 'Now I know how bad Mrs. Weasley would feel if she knew how bad I treated you, before…' Fred chuckled.

'Calm down Em. All I wanted was a Hello reply,' said Lynden, coolly, and then looked at her. 'Believe it or not, I actually missed your verbal insults, eye rolling, and pouting.' Oliver Wood just looked with an indescribable expression on his face, while his wife chuckled a little.

'Don't give me that rubbish, Lynden,' snapped Emillia, glaring at the very relaxed Lynden. 'If other girls fall for that crap, I won't.' Lynden smirked again.

'Has anybody told you that you look absolutely lovely when you are angry?' said Lynden, looking in her eyes and holding her chin. Emillia smiled back and then began snapping her mouth towards Lynden's finger. Lynden immediately took his hands off her chin. 'I was joking! Now, that's a new trick.'

'Joking, alright,' snapped Emillia, standing up and sitting on his father's lap. Oliver Wood looked extremely proud, while the others chuckled. Lynden, however, looked at her grinning. He also looked amazed.

'Anyway,' said Lynden, 'I left Phillip there. It's so funny; he looks so tensed keeping up with Cerele, Julie and Marga. I wouldn't really wonder if he shows up with a bald head later on!'

'Lynden,' said Angelina, shaking her head. 'You left--'

'Mama,' said Lynden, shoving a handful of Every Flavour Beans into his mouth. 'He'll be fine. Besides, he should get used to it. He's Head boy… that makes me assistant Head Boy.'

'There's assistant Head Boy now?' asked Oliver Wood.

'He is?' gasped everybody. Angelina felt like crying.

'Great Merlin! Fred's son is Head Boy!' said Percy, chuckling. Fred just smiled proudly.

'Nah, it's just that he's my twin brother and he asks my opinion all the time, Mr. Wood,' said Lynden. 'That makes me assistant and adviser to the Head Boy.'

'I always considered Percy and Bill an embarrassment to the family,' said Fred. 'Now I know why mum's so proud of you, Perce.' Percy just smiled.

'I really think that Mcgonagall will make him Quidditch Captain, too. That's my brother!' said Lynden, proudly.

'Mcgonagall told me that you were also in the running for Captain,' said Fred. 'Your GPA is just well… I don't know. If you'd only exert a little more effort in school…'

'Fred encouraging someone to exert effort in school?!' said Lee. 'Bloody hell.'

'Dad,' said Lynden. 'I'm happy to just play Quidditch. I don't like all those responsibilities--'

'Of course,' said Fred. 'You are just like Uncle George…' Lynden grinned.

'Anyway,' said Fred, 'I would like you to meet my friend, Nick LeGrand and his wife Melanie.'

'Hello, sir,' said Lynden, shaking his hand.

'Last time I saw you,' said Nick, chuckling. 'You were this small and were too clingy to your mother. So, you are Chris, eh?'

'Shhhh,' said Lynden, immediately and then awkwardly smiled at his mother.

'Fred, do you still remember before?' said Nick. 'I was Paul and you were Lawrence. George was Brad, etc… Those were the days. He's a Weasley alright!'

'So, Mr. LeGrand, you say?' he asked, playfully. 'Are you related to Michaella LeGrand?'

'You know my daughter?' said Nick, intrigued.

'Yes, sir,' he said, nervously. 'She's in 6th year, right?'

'How?' interrogated Nick with narrowed eyes. Suddenly….

'Hello,' said Phillip. 'They didn't want to leave Honeydukes and you—left me.' Lynden was looking at Nick LeGrand. Cerelia was struggling from Phillip's grip and then began to run away from him, towards the entrance door.

'Cerele,' said Phillip, 'come back here! Mama, she wouldn't listen to me!' Cerelia kept on running while Phillip tried grabbing her skirt. A girl stepped in front of Cerelia which made her stop.

'You should listen to your brother, you know,' said the familiar voice. Cerelia immediately ran towards her parents. The others just watched.

'Phil,' said Isabella, 'it's Mikee!' Rebecca, Ron and Hermione's second daughter, and Bernadette, Bill and Fleur's eldest daughter, made teasing sounds.

'Mikee,' said Phillip. 'What are you doing here?'

'Phillip,' said Michaella, walking towards Phillip and then immediately hugged him. 'I missed you.' Nick's jaw dropped.

'I missed you,' said Phillip, excitedly and then quickly kissed her on the lips. Nick fell from his chair.

'Oh, by the way,' said Michaella. 'Happy birthday. My gift is at home, though… I didn't know I was going to see you…' Phillip just kissed her again and then pulled her towards his parents. Nick was horrified.

'Mum and Dad,' said Phillip but he was interrupted when his girlfriend spoke.

'Mama, papa,' said Michaella, wincing. 'I can explain, papa. Please don't be angry with me papa…Please…'

'Looks like someone's going to be a Weasley someday,' said Fred but Nick just glared at him.

'Michaella—Lucille—B.—LeGrand,' said Nick with forced calmness. 'I want to hear that explanation now---Why-are-you-kissing-this-young-man?'

'Papa,' said Michaella. 'I wanted to tell you, but I just got scared. Phillip---'

'Tell me what?' he asked, frowning and narrowing his eyes at Phillip.

'That I have a boyfriend, already,' said Michaella, swallowing hard. 'Phillip and I have been together for almost two months.' Fred and Angelina looked at each other. Nick just sank lower in his chair, breathing deeply. His wife, however, looked happy about the news.

'I'm so happy for you, sweetheart,' said Melanie, which made Nick roll his eyes. 'Your father will be fine. He's just going through a phase…'

'I don't like your son one bit Weasley,' said Nick, softly, crossing his arms over his chest stubbornly.

'Sir,' said Lynden, 'you should feel happy that it's Phillip Mikee's with and not me. My brother's a good man. He is Head Boy, future Quiddditch Captain, nice, and most of all handsome. He's one of the best looking men that I've ever seen.'

'Right now,' said Nick, 'I like you more than him…'

'You are just saying that,' said Lynden, 'you don't know me, sir…' This made Nick chuckle.

'You are one of a kind, Lynden.' Lynden just laughed.

'Sir,' said Lynden, 'my brother is a good man. There's nothing to worry about. I assure you.' Nick just snorted, looked at Phillip who was behind his daughter and then rolled his eyes. A few minutes later, Luke Christopher, Lee and Katie's 14 years old son, arrived with Rachelle.

'Daddy,' said Rachelle, sitting on his father's lap. 'I'm---'

'Rachelle,' said Lynden.

'I'm not talking to you,' snapped Rachelle. Ron looked at the both of them, confused.

'I just---'

'What's wrong?' asked Angelina.

'Uncle Ron,' said Lynden, 'I was just protecting her! I did it because I care about her. It's my responsibility to look after her.'

'Yeah,' said Rachelle, 'It's your responsibility to scare all the boys that dared to ask me out---'

'I wouldn't let you go out with a bunch of dick heads!'

'I was all alone during the ball. Lynden kept on scaring them away. When I'm talking with someone, he'd either sit in the middle of us or literally shoo him away. It was so embarrassing. Of course, I would have to do what he said in front of them since he is my cousin. All my friends had a date and I didn't…'

'What?!' said Lynden. 'I was just---'

'Lynden,' said Rebecca, 'leave my sister alone. Not all boys are like you, OK?' Lynden rolled his eyes.

'And I am going to do the same to you, Ella and Berna.'

'No, you won't!' snapped Bernadette. 'You'll be gone soon, you know.'

'Mum,' said Luke, sitting in the middle of his parents. 'Can I have money?'

'How much?' asked Lee, taking his wallet out but Katie stopped him.

'Why?' interrogated Katie.

'I want to buy a Quidditch robe,' replied Luke. 'Oh Ella? Could you hand me the salt, please?' Isabella swallowed hard and then blushed. This made Fred snort and cross his arm stubbornly.

'Now, you know how I feel,' said Nick, smirking.

'Here,' said Isabella, handing him the salt.

'Thanks,' said Luke, giving her his one million galleon smile which nearly made Isabella melt. Luke was this tall, quiet, shy, smart and good looking boy and Isabella has a huge crush on him. Others call him Pretty Boy Jordan.

'You are welcome,' replied Isabella, shyly. Rachelle rolled her eyes.

'Mum and Dad, I am going shopping and I'm taking Isabella and Emillia with me.' She pulled them both off their seats. 'I'm going to play with my new Barbie Dolls…' ============================


'Get over it, Rachelle,' said Emillia. 'Lynden will never ever take a second glance at me. I'm just not… not… not like you. I'm not gorgeous.'

'We-we-we-wait!' said Isabella. 'You fancy my brother? Whoah! I don't know what you girls see in them…'

'Well, I know what you saw in Luke,' teased Emillia. Rachelle just grinned while Isabella blushed.

'Neither do I,' said Rachelle. 'I remember, my first year. Everybody wanted to be friends with me to get close to Lyn and Phil.'

'I know, me too.'

'Anyway,' said Rachelle, looking at Emillia's figure up and down. She wasn't slim like Rachelle because she was voluptuous. She wasn't chubby, either. She was just right. She just didn't know which clothes to wear. She always gets stuck with loose and sporty clothes, because of Quidditch. 'Why would you think that? I happen to think that my best friend is gorgeous.'

'You are just saying that because I'm your best friend.'

'Not really. I love your body. You have boobs, I don't.'

'Rachelle!' said Emillia, blushing, while Isabella giggled.

'You are funny,' said Isabella.

'And you certainly have a pretty face and flawless skin. I'm all skin, bones and height. How dare you tell me that you are nothing like me. I'm jealous of your body. It's perfect.' Emillia smiled. 'And you have a dazzling smile. Now, come on. Let's get started!' ======================

'So,' said Nick, looking at Phillip with great dislike, once all the ladies left. 'Sit down. I want to have a word with you.' Phillip swallowed hard and then sat down beside his father.

'Alright, sir,' said Phillip, looking nervous. 'You want to talk here, sir? With everybody else?'

'Yeah. Do you have a problem with that?'

'No, sir.'

'Good. So how many girlfriends have you had?'

'You see, sir. I don't really count them, you know.'

'Oh so, you don't know?'

'But Mikee's my first serious girlfriend.' Nick nodded.

'I'll go direct to the point.' Phillip swallowed. 'What exactly have you two been doing?' Everybody chuckled a little.

'Sir,' gasped Phillip. 'Na—nothing, sir.'

'Nothing? Nothing? Oh, don't lie to me, young man.'

'Alright. Alright, sir. We kissed.'

'Where?' asked Nick.

'Where?' said Phillip, looking terrible and slightly loosing his voice. 'Where?'

'Are you sure that you want to know, sir?' asked Lynden, chuckling but Fred made him stop.

'Answer me, young man.'

'On the lips sir,' he said faintly. All the other guys just shook their head, not believing what they are hearing.

'And your hands where?' continued Nick. Fred, Percy, Lee, Ron, Lynden, Luke and Oliver were laughing their heads off now. 

'This is hilarious,' said Percy.

'This is the reason why I hate parents,' said Lynden.

'Under her shirt,' whispered Lynden to Phillip who looked like a ripe tomato. He looked horrified, as well.

'Under--- I mean, on her waist, sir, or on her back.'


'Sir, believe me. We haven't done anything… yet. And I don't plan on doing anything more than that with her until we get married. I respect your daughter, sir. She happens to have a great deal of self respect and that is how she gained my respect as well. She's a very smart girl and I really like her. She is so special to me. So, if you could just give me a chance to prove that I can be trusted with one of your precious daughters, sir…that would be greatly appreciated.' This shut Nick LeGrand up. Fred looked at Nick LeGrand with a very proud expression on his face.

'That is my son,' said Fred. Nick just forced a smile and then reached out to shake that Phillip's hand.

'I treated that girl like a diamond and I am giving you one chance.'

'Thanks sir,' said Phillip, looking a little relieved, just in time when the girls arrived.

'So,' said Melanie, 'How was the chat, Nicky?'

'It went well,' said Nick, 'Right?'

'Yes, it definitely went well,' said Phillip, drinking a whole glass of water in one gulp and then breathing deeply. She smiled awkwardly at Michaella while his girlfriend gave him a pitiful smile. A few minutes later, Angelina arrived with Alicia.

'Where's George?' asked Lee.

'I don't even want to hear his name,' snapped Alicia, who is now 6 months pregnant with their 3rd child. 'Happy birthday Lynden and Phillip!'

'Thanks Aunt Ali,' replied Lynden and Phillip, offering her a chair.

'What's wrong?' asked Fred, just in time when George appeared on the door with a very beautiful brunette.

'Oh! That git!' said Alicia. 'He even brought her here!'

'Alicia,' hissed George, once he was at the back of her chair. 'Ali--- Sorry about this, people. Listen to me, Alicia---'

'You cheater!' hissed Alicia. All of them just looked back and forth. 'Working over time my face when you are having dinner with her!'

'Alicia,' said the lady, softly. 'You don't---'

'You know what,' said Alicia, calmly. 'You can have him, really, for all I care. He doesn't want me anymore. I don't want him, too.'

'What?' said George, raising his eyebrows. 'What? What are you saying?'

'You see, George and I were just talking,' said the lady. 'It's supposed to be a surprise but I must tell you to clear things. I'm the organizer of your birthday party.'

'I don't believe you,' said Alicia.

'Maam, please do,' said the lady. 'Your husband made me miss an appointment to come here because you aren't talking to him.

'He did? Sorry about that,' said Alicia, forcefully.

'It's alright, maam,' said the lady. 'You don't have to worry about your husband. When the waitress was flirting with him, he flashed her, beautiful and tall blonde girl, his wedding ring.' Alicia looked at George, hiding her smile. =====================


'Well, hello!' greeted Draco, holding his 7 years old son, Dalton Timothy, while carrying 4 years old, Dominique Gabrielle, and 1 year old, Dawn Anabelle. They all have blonde hair. 'I'm so sorry we are late. Gabrielle had a doctor's appointment and everything. It's a boy.'

'I'm so glad you made it,' said Angelina, taking Dawn from Draco and giving Gabrielle [Delacour, now Malfoy] a kiss on the cheek. 'Hi Gabrielle. So it is a boy?'

'Yes,' said Gabrielle, softly, and she looked so happy. A few seconds later, Harry and Ginny Potter arrived.

'Hello,' greeted Harry, holding 9 year old daughter, Margaux Virginia, with 7 year old son, Thomas Paul. 'Sorry we are late. Congratulation Draco and Gabrielle.'

'Yeah,' said Ginny, holding 3 year old son, Howard Matthew. 'Howie, calm down.'

'Thanks,' said Draco, placing an arm around his beautiful wife. 'My parent's have been jumping up and down, up and down. It's hilarious.' They all chuckled.

'Where are Blaise and Charlotte? Charlie and Therese?' asked Harry, sitting down.

'Ver is Bill and Fleur?' asked Gabrielle, sitting down beside Ginny and Hermione.

'They're---' said Angelina.

'We are here, we are here!' yelled Bill, carrying their 9 year old son, Zachary William, on his back, while Fleur held their 4 year old son, Joshua Benjamin. Bernadette immediately ran to her parents to give them a kiss.

'Us too!' said Blaise carrying their 5 year old daughter, Natasha Karina, while his wife, Charlotte, carried their 2 year old son, Miguel Patrick.

'And us!' said Charlie and Therese, who was with their 10 year old son, Charlie James, and 7 year old daughter, Eleanor Therese.

'Happy Birthday Lyn and Phil!' sang Mr. Weasley, Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Zabini, and Mr. Johnson, holding a cake. 'Happy Birthday dear, grandchildren. Happy Birthday to you!' This made them all laugh while Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Weasley, Mrs. Malfoy, and Mrs. Zabini and everybody else showered Lynden and Phillip with kisses. Everybody laughed.

'Thank you. Thank you. Thank---' they replied, laughing.

'It's Lynden and Phillip's birthday,' said Fred, carrying Cerelia. 'Will you say happy birthday for me?'

'Api birday Lyn and Phil,' said Cerelia, kissing them both on the cheek.

'Thanks Cerele,' said Lynden. 'Marga and Julie, stay away from the cake and give us a kiss!'

'Happy birthday, Lyn and Phil,' said Rachelle, kissing them on the cheek. 'Lyn, got a surprise for you…'

'Oh yeah,' said Lynden, smirking, 'What's that?' Phillip just looked intrigued. Rachelle ran outside.

'Emillia! Get in here!' she shouted.

'No!' shouted Emillia. Rachelle practically dragged the struggling Emillia inside. Lynden turned his back to talk to Luke, but Luke and Phillip's face changed to an impressed one. Rebecca, Bernadette and Michaella made hooting sounds. Not knowing what's happening, Lynden turned around to a very stunning Emillia. That's the only word fitted to describe such a very beautiful girl. She was wearing stretch skirt and a baby blue tank top that showed her nice tummy, a head wrap and baby blue slip ons.

'So, what do you think of my new Barbie Doll,' said Rachelle, looking at the amazed face of his cousin. 'Can you see his face Em? I think he likes you!' Emillia wanted to slap Rachelle while everybody else laughed.

'Shut up,' she snapped and then immediately ran to her father, blushing. 'Dad, she said I needed a make over and everything.'

'You look nice,' said Oliver, and then glanced at the can't-get-his-eyes-of-my-daughter Lynden. Lynden realized that Oliver Wood is looking at him, which caused him to swallow hard, smile awkwardly and then look away, shyly. He looked at her again, though, after a few seconds. Phillip and Luke saw this which caused them to laugh their head off.

'Looks like we should join forces, Wood,' said Nick and Oliver just nodded.

'Good job, Rache!' shouted Phillip and Luke, clapping.

'Hold on a minute,' said Rachelle, 'I have a surprise for you, too, Luke.' Luke frowned.

'Where's Isabella?' asked Fred, looking at his niece, to his now shy son, and then back to Rachelle again. 'Is she one of your Barbie Dolls, as well?'

'Right you are, Uncle Fred,' said Rachelle, giggling. 'Ella, come out, come out, wherever you are!' Isabella came in a red stretch blouse and denim skirt with red slip ons. Her hair was now layered and just flowed freely to her shoulders. Luke just looked at her with his mouth open while Isabella smiled shyly. 'You know what, Luke; you can now close your mouth. Damn, I'm good!'

'Huh,' said Luke, 'You, um, er, look nice, Ella.' But Lynden crossed his arm over his chest.

'Stay away from my sister, Luke,' said Lynden. Fred's now frowning and breathing quickly. He didn't like the way Lee and Katie's son is looking at his daughter… his precious daughter.

'Yeah, yeah, of course,' said Luke and then smiled at Isabella, thinking, 'for now since she is only 12…'

'Looks like someone's going to be a Jordan someday,' said Nick which made Fred scowl at him. 'If someone's going to be a Weasley, someone's going to be a Jordan as well.' Katie and Lee chuckled a little.

'I don't mind,' said Angelina, 'I like Luke.'

'Angelina,' said Fred, scowling at her. 'Don't say that.'

'What? Luke's a good boy,' said Angelina, hiding her smile. 'He's smart and everything. We are friends with his parents and---' Lee and Katie laughed.

'Angelina, stop it,' said Fred, frowning and crossing his arm stubbornly like a child. 'I can't believe you are saying that. Stop it.'

'What if I don't?'

'Please?' said Fred with his puppy dog look.

'Say the magic word first,' said Angelina stubbornly.

'I love you,' said Fred sweetly.

'OK.' Fred frowned.

'Don't I get an I love you back?'

'No,' said Angelina and then giggled. 'I love you.'



LADY JAYDE UNE: Hehehe! I'm so glad you like it. I beg your pardon? It's been awhile since I last updated? It's been a long while since YOU last updated! LOL J

ASHLIEGH: Hehehe! You are a smart girl Ashliegh! Thanks so much for thinking that I am a good writer J

CHAREINAMI-CHAN: WHAT?! He tried to do that to you again? You honestly should tell someone about it. He's a teacher and he's not supposed to do that. Yeah I have been to Australia and I loved it there. My favourite place is Sydney but I have been to Canberra and Melbourne. I've been to New Zealand, too. I have only been there three times though. Are you Chinese? I've been to Hong Kong as well, but not lately. My parents took me there. Anyway, I live in the US in California. I'm still a bit tired… LOL J

SAM: Hehehe! Thanks so much! I'm so glad that you like it! J

SILVER DRAGON PRINCESS: Hey Ana! Thanks so much. I'm so glad that you thought it was funny! J

KATRIONA[WHYSTICAL]: Hey! You know what when you asked for Katie and Lee's child, that immediately gave me the idea of giving Isabella a partner. I calculated their age and realized that he is 2 years older than Isabella, so the age is great. I'm also glad that you liked it. Thanks so much. Anyway about the Beta-ing stuff, it is so hard to find one. I have one from but I don't have one from this. Yeah I do want a beta reader. I want someone who can correct my grammar. I need it, you know. LOL J I'm not really good in English, but you know what? Writing fanfics actually helped me. I'm a little better in essays now… LOL