1. Conflicting

"So Leaf," the spiky haired male said, leaning next to her locker. "Wanna help me study some math?"

Said girl slammed her locker door shut, giving him a blank face. "Nope. The girls and I are having a sleepover, tonight and I need to fix up the place." She gripped her bag on her shoulder, grunting a bit when she placed her textbook in it.

He frowned a bit. "But I really need help with math," he whined, poking her.

"Well go ask the teachers or go to tutoring, Green," she deadpanned. Giggling, she started to walk away from Green.

Green growled, gripping her wrist, preventing her from escaping. "I'll be at your house whether you like it or not."

Leaf giggled even more. "That is, if Red lets you stay."

The boy sweatdropped at the mentioning of her brother's name. He had heard rumors about the sibling. Very interesting, psychotic rumors. If they were true, he sure as hell didn't want to provoke Red— "Er... I remembered I was gonna go with Ethan to the arcade okay Leaf I'll smell ya later text me—" Green flashed her a smirk to hide his fear from her brother, walking away.

The brunette could only smile at him, shaking her head. "Idiot."

2. SoulSilver

Ethan walked down the hallway, sighing a bit in boredom. He passed the bathroom, made a right, and went downstairs, trying to head for the exit.

That is, until he passed the computer lab.

Ethan stopped in his tracks, standing in front of the door. A loud groan was heard behind it.

Now, in situations like these, Ethan would shudder in disgust and walk away. However, he actually leaned closer to the door. He knew that voice anywhere.

It was good ol' Lyra's voice.

The curious boy leaned against the door, hovering his ear on it to hear better. "What is she doing?" he mumbled to himself quietly, shaking his head.

"Silver!" the girl said from the other side of the door. "I don't think I can do this!"

"Woman, just finish already," he replied softly.

Ethan almost dropped his backpack, gawking at the door. Lyra and Silver. In the computer lab. Alone. Making noises. They're 'finishing' something.


The golden-eyed boy's face slowly split into a perverted smirk. He chuckled as he leaned against the door again. "Lucky bastard..."

Silver sighed, patting Lyra as a form of comfort. "Hey... You can do this. Besides, we're not leaving until we finish."

"But I can't!" Lyra yelped. "It's too long and hard!" She groaned again, trying to focus.

Somehow, Ethan's mind decided to do the stupidest thing he had done all day. The raven-haired boy suddenly bursted into the room, pointing at the two. "THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!"

Both Silver and Lyra turned their heads to Ethan, blinking in confusion. "Eh?" Both teens asked in unison.

Ethan's perverted smirk dropped into a confused face. "..." He was expecting to see them huddling up together with their 'devious' activities. Instead, he got a view of Lyra sitting on a desk with a math textbook opened to a difficult, long problem. She had a pencil in her hand, drumming it continuously onto her scratch paper. Silver was standing next to her, with a graphing calculator in his hand.

None of the three said anything. Everything was quiet for a bit. Lyra finally broke the silence, slamming her pencil on the desk. "This problem is too long and hard, okay?" She whined, and looked at Ethan. "Hey Ethan, wanna help us solve it?"

The redhead stayed there with a blank face, realizing what Ethan meant by his statement when he bursted into the door. "You idiot."

The boy slowly walked backwards and fled from the room—

3. FerrisWheel

N walked towards the lunch table where everyone hung out together. With a cherry-flavored lollipop in his hand, he flashed an innocent smile as he arrived. "Hello, friends!"

A bunch of "hi"s were heard, as they turned over into the conversation they were all having. The greenet plopped himself next to Hilda, sighing happily.

The girl noticed his mood, and giggled. "Hey N! What's up?" Hilda took a sip of her coke.

N quickly took her hand, placing the lollipop in her hand. "Hilda, I want you to lick my lollipop!" he chirped innocently.

Hilda's eyes went wide, and did a spit take, spitting all her soda out. Everyone heard what he had said, and stopped to look at the two.

She panted, wiping the liquid from her mouth. "N, what?!"

"Take my lollipop, and lick it!" N repeated happily. "It will make you happy!"

Ethan let out a loud 'pfft', slamming his head on the table to prevent himself from laughing out loud. Kris glared at Ethan. Lyra's cheeks flushed a bit, hiding her face into Silver's shoulder. Silver kept a poker face. Dawn merely smiled weakly while Barry merely looked away. Leaf gave Hilda a sympathetic stare, and Green could only smirk.

"I uhh..." Hilda said, sweatdropping. She blushed in embarrassment, knowing N was really innocent. "W-Where in the hell did you hear that?" She blurted out, eying the greenet in curiosity.

"Oh! This new friend I made when I was walking over here! He told a girl the same thing, and she was happy! I thought it would make you happy as well!" N smiled innocently at her.

"I'll do it later okay?" she managed out, pocketing the lollipop with a shaky hand. 'I'm such an idiot...'

Everyone laughed together after that, enjoying the rest of the lunch period.

4. NewBark

"Kris. Kris. Kris. Kris. Krissy. Krissy. Kris. Kris," Ethan repeated over and over, poking Kris playfully on her shoulder.

Kris groaned in annoyance, swatting his hand away. "What, dammit?!"

He sighed, dropping his playful act. "Oh, nevermind then. I was gonna tell you something, but it'll be ruined with that attitude of yours."

Kris shrugged, turning back to her book. "Whatever."


Ethan stayed quiet, sighing again. Kris peeked at him, noticing how he wasn't being... well Ethan. She set her book down, looking at him completely. "...Ethan, just tell me already."

He crossed his arms, scoffing. "Are you done with your attitude?"

She sighed, and nodded. "Yeah. Now what is it? You're not being Ethan and quite frankly, it scares me."

Ethan stood up, and stood in front of the girl with a serious gaze. "Kris. You must not share this information with anyone."

Kris blinked, leaning in. "S-Sure... What is it?"

Ethan took a deep breath, gripping her shoulders. "Kris..."


"...Hi." His serious gaze dropped into a stupid grin. Laughing, he quickly fled from the girl.

Kris let out a very bitter chuckle, before standing up. "ETHAN GOLD! YOU IDIOT!"

5. TwinLeaf


"No dammit! Get your ass outside or we'll get in trouble!" the blunette yelped, pulling harshly on his leg.

"NOOOO!" Barry yelled back, holding onto the door. "I want to liveeeee!"

"It's just push-ups you idiot!" Dawn screamed out angrily, pulling his leg harder. "For the love of Arceus, let go!"

"Push-ups are evil, I tell you! Evil!" The blond had no intentions of letting go soon.

The door slammed open, making Barry topple over and making Dawn fall backwards. The P.E. Teacher was standing there, taking of his shades. "Pearl! Berlitz! Why aren't you dropping down and giving me twenty-five?!"

Dawn hopped up to her feet, and opened her mouth to say something, but was shushed by the teacher.

"YOU BOTH ARE TO BE GIVING ME ONE HUNDRED PUSH-UPS RIGHT NOW," the teacher scolded bitterly in an army-like fashion.

"WHY ME?!" Barry whined, sulking.

"B-But it—" she tried to protest, whining. She really hated the living hell out of push-ups.


Both teens groaned in protest, dropping into push-up position. "You idiot!" she whispered to Barry as they frantically started to complete their push-ups.




Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon. It belongs to Satoshi Tajiri.