Not fully understanding what had just happened, Haruhi had a hard time focusing on her surroundings. She kept on replaying the moment that had just occurred in her head over and over again.
After a long day of hosting, all of the hosts sat around on a few of the plush couches that lay around the club room doing their own miscellaneous things waiting for the reveal of the next day's theme. Honey and Mori-senpai were chatting happily to one another, probably something about cakes. Hikaru and Kaoru had their heads bent, oo-ing and ah-ing at a hand held video game, eyes concentrated closely on the game in front of them. Kyoya was tapping away on his laptop, most likely looking at the week's expenses. Haruhi sat alone in a large and very comfy arm chair with a good book in her lap that she was enthralled in.
Tamaki was on the other side of the host club room pacing back and forth with a serious look on his face while he stared at his phone. Everyone ignored him while he paced, for it was a pretty normal occurrence that the prince of the club to be in constant motion.
Out of the quiet of the club room, laughter started to fill the air. It sounded nothing like the normal light hearted laugh that one would usually hear coming from the room but a cold and harsh one.
The boys all jolted and looked over to where the punitive laugh came from and spotted their beloved Tamaki smiling a unpleasant smile down at his phone. Nothing any of the hosts would have expected to see on this kind boy's face.
"Boss? Are you okay?" Kaoru and Hikaru asked together with worry washing over their face as they looked at their dear friend. Another barked out laugh escaped their bosses mouth as he looked up from his phone and up at the other teens in the room.
"I have just found out the most wonderful of news." Tamaki said, scanning over the room "I no longer have to suck up to you idiots anymore!"
The words that had come out of Tamaki's mouth shocked everyone in the room. Haruhi finally looked up from the book that she was reading and stared in shock at the blonde boy in front of her.
"Tamaki, quit playing around, I know your jokes are usually bad but this one isn't even close to funny." Kyoya stated still looking at his laptop as is nothing was happening
"My dear Kyoya, how you wish it were a joke." The black haired boy's head flew up at this statement and stared Tamaki in the eyes. "Now that my father finally agreed to giving me the company as soon as I turn 18, I no longer have to pretend to be your friends to secure the future of the Souh name. We've finished signing the last contract with your father. Kyoya. Which in return means that with everything finalized I no longer need to be surrounded by you idiots" Tamaki explained further his tone of voice being dark and chilling.
Everyone in the room started at the violet eyed boy in shock. This wasn't the Tamaki they knew and loved. Why was he acting as if they were enemies? As if everything they've been though was a lie.
"Oh come on." He said looking at each individual host in the eyes until he landed on a very confused and hurt Haruhi "Don't tell me you guys actually thought we were friends!"
The room filled with the same cruel laughter from before and this time it sent shivers down everyone's spine. The hosts exchanged looks back and forth from one another until Haruhi deiced to speak.
"Tamaki, I don't understand. Why are you acting this way, this isn't like you at all?" The brunette girl said while staring at her best friend
"Don't you get it, you insignificant commoner?" Tamaki growled "I at least thought Kyoya might have found me out but I must have overestimated you, or maybe I underestimated myself." He took a pause and took in the scene in front of him "I've been using all of you," he said with a cruel laugh "And easily If I may say so myself." Everyone was facing him now, their mouth slightly open in shock at what he was saying.
"You didn't actually think I would want to be friends with any of you, did you?" He took a moment to look at everyone again and laughed "Oh come on now, aren't we supposed to be the top school when it comes to intelligence? Why would I want to be friends with such freaks? I mean, look at all of you! Haninozuka, you're a man-child who carries around a stuffed animal and doesn't know how to acutally be able to take care of himself so you have a mute sidekick,"
At that comment Honey started to cry and Mori patted him on the back for comfort shooting Tamaki a murderous look "The famous Hitachiin twins act of shutting out anyone and everyone they ever meet out of their life's, so they only had each other, because no one could tell the difference? I mean really, if you two didn't act exactly the same or wore the same ugly outfits maybe people could tell the difference? And we get it, we get it, you're disgusting freaks" The twins were still in shock, staring at the person they thought was their friend "Kyoya, you are too self-absorbed and you care way too much about catching up to your older brothers, which could never happen seeing as you are way too ignorant and too caught up in your own world." Tamaki's eyes brightened with joy as he insulted each of the members of the host club, as he seemed to be showing his true colors. The true Tamaki that his grandmother would be proud of.
The room seemed to be vibrating with all the emotions that were floating around the room, no one person being able to grasp onto one solid one.
"You don't mean any of that!" Haruhi said out loud, standing up and staring at her senpai, the boy she had admired for such a long time.
"And you." He said turning to stare the small girl in the eyes, his smile growing wider and crueler. He took a few steps closer to her as he spoke. "You are just a lowly commoner who was lucky enough to get into this school. They should have never let something as filthy as you into such a pristine school. The fact that someone like you is roaming the hall of my school… sickens me more than anything. Just the thought of you having ever laid your grimy hands on me makes me want to puke." He stepped closer to her, forcing her to step back and bump against the white wall eyes still focused on his as he continued to spew insults at her. He put his arm above her head and leaned close so their faces were inches apart. "Do you think these fools actually want to hang around filth like you?" He asked brushing my hair out of my face, "If anything, you passed the time for them. A game really. Another thing to keep them occupied while they tried to climb the social ladder. They were only using you… just the same as I did them."
He took a short pause taking in pain on her face and chuckled as she looked away from him at the floor as tears formed in her brown eyes "They never wanted you and they never will." Tamaki whispered in her ear and grabbed Haruhi's chin in a tight grip, forcing her to look at him "you foolish girl." Right then everyone snapped out of their shock and ran to Haruhi's rescue. "Don't get the girls hopes up! She might think you care." He laughed and looked over his shoulder his hand still on Haruhi's chin.
"Tamaki I believe it is time for you to leave, before we have to force you." Kyoya said in an unforgiving tone. Tamaki sighed and looked at all the people in the room who were looking at him with such pain in their eyes and all he could do was smile.
"Whatever. See ya, you freaks." He said as he waved and left the clubroom, smiling to himself.
As soon as the club room doors closed behind the man that they all thought was their friend there was a sigh that filled the room or relief and shock. The rest of the hosts started to whisper to one another trying to figure out what had just happened and why their beloved friend turned out to be such a terrible person when all of a sudden Honey spoke up.
"Haru-chan?" Hani asked, with unusual concern in his voice, noticing the tears in the girls eyes. The tears streamed down her face as she held back sobs. Her best friend had basically just told her that everything about their friendship was a lie and that she was pointless and an outcast… and that the rest of her friends thought the same.
Looking back up the girl noticed that everyone was trying to get her attention and she looked up at her friends.
"Yes?" She asked in a small wavering voice. Everyone stared at her in shock, having never seen her actually cry.
"Haruhi, you're crying." Hikaru said stepping closer to his friend. She lifted a hand up to her damp cheek and brought it back down to stare at the glistening clear liquid that came back with it. "So it seems." she said quietly, voice trembling. The whole situation hadn't really fully sunk in yet. When it finally did process she couldn't take it. Before her friends could see her having a full break down into tears, she ran out of the clubroom and down the halls until she finally made it out side and ran down the streets with hot tears streaming down her cheeks and sobs escaping from her throat.
She had finally stopped crying with the dried teared staining her cheeks when Haruhi accidentally ran into someone on the sidewalk, leaving the person and herself on the floor each rubbing their heads. When she looked at the person she had accidentally bumped into her heart fluttered awake. She was shocked to see it was her childhood friend, Kyo Sohma.
Re-writing this for the meme and hopefully it is better than the original was. At least grammatically.