Here I go again. I hope that everyone isn't too disappointed that I have hiatused "The Orton Way"(and deleted "Anything But" with the intention to rewrite). If anyone would like to bounce some ideas around with me for those, please let me know. I have a vague idea where I am going with both of those stories, but I got stuck getting there.

Disclaimer: I only own Rylee and the concept of the story. The WWE and it's employees are property of Vince McMahon.

For those who have been salivating for more to my John Cena/Kaitlyn one-shot, "Picking Up The Pieces", this is it! Also, for those who haven't read that, but have enjoyed my other stories, this will be the one story where there are no "Ring Names". In other words, everyone will be going by their ring names at all times. The obvious exception being when the ring name is more of a nickname, rather than just another name entirely. I hope that makes sense!

The year of 2012 hadn't gone well for Kaitlyn at all. It started out promising. She had moved up from NXT to the main roster, and she began dominating. Half of the current Divas were skinny little models, who really had no place in the ring. She started out teaming with her best friend, AJ Lee. That is, until AJ began dating their co-workers. Kaitlyn spent most of the year working her butt off while AJ bounced around from man to man. Kaitlyn tried to be a good friend, but AJ just simply no longer saw things that way that Kaitlyn, as well as the rest of the world, did. The former Chickbusters spent months at a time not even speaking to one another, and whether she wanted to admit to it or not, this really took it's toll on Kaitlyn.

Over the months, all Kaitlyn could really do was watch on as AJ made her way through the males on the main roster. When things started to go south for AJ and Daniel Bryan, Kaitlyn was already beginning to miss the days when her former friend was with Hornswoggle. By the time that AJ was going for Kane, Kaitlyn wanted to help, but she just simply didn't know how. What really didn't help matters was that AJ didn't want help. The change for this young woman was inevitable. So those around her had no choice but to sit back and let it happen. No one knew where AJ would end up, least of all Kaitlyn. This scared the self-proclaimed "Hybrid Diva".

When Kaitlyn began her quest for the Divas title all ties with AJ had been completely severed. Kaitlyn was focused and determined. Many of the male Superstars saw what was going on, and just simply didn't know how to approach Kaitlyn and help her. It wasn't until the night of Super SmackDown when Kaitlyn had a confrontation with AJ before going into another title match that someone finally came to comfort her. John Cena approached Kaitlyn in the hallway as she was making her way to the parking garage and had a little breakdown. They hadn't met yet, but they had something rather important in common. They were both victims of what was being referred in the locker room to as "Hurricane AJ". John held Kaitlyn as she cried out her frustrations. Which was a little uncommon for her, but everything had really effected native Texan. Over a couple of beers John had confessed that he actually had feelings for AJ, and was hoping to slowly work on a relationship. He had hoped that it would be different with her, but the older, divorced gentleman just couldn't handle the "everything now or not at all" attitude of the object of his affection. So he let AJ go. Unfortunately, he let her go straight into the arms of the cockiest Superstar on the roster, Dolph Ziggler. Both John and Kaitlyn knew that this relationship was doomed from the start, but they both also knew that there was nothing that they could do about it.

Over the next couple of weeks John and Kaitlyn got to know one another. After spending time with their families for the holidays, they met up and hung out a bit before needing to go back to work. They even began traveling together. Sheamus seemed to be the only one who knew that they were hanging out. They weren't advertising their new found friendship, but they weren't exactly trying to hide it, either. They always arrived and left arenas together, still most of their colleagues seemed completely oblivious. Kaitlyn was now riding on John's bus. They were doing everything together except sharing a room. Though sometimes, they would get a two bedroom suite on days when they didn't have to work. They watched backstage as AJ and Dolph's relationship grew into something rather serious very quickly. All Kaitlyn could do was comfort her new friend as his heart broke more and more each time the new couple interacted. On the New Year's Eve edition of Monday Night RAW John was the guest on Miz TV. Kaitlyn had offered to go out with John, but he declined, saying that she should watch from close by and go out if she felt he needed backup. She stood behind the curtain, rolling her eyes as Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes walked up to go out and interrupt the segment.

"Really, you guys? This is what you've reduced yourselves to?" Kaitlyn let out an exasperated sigh.

"I don't see how it is any business of yours, young lady," Damien spoke down to her.

"What are you doing here anyway, Kaitlyn?" Cody tilted his head. "Shouldn't you be in the back with the other Divas, waiting for your once a month... match?"

Kaitlyn growled and punched Cody in the arm as hard as she could, hurting her hand in the process, but not caring. "I'm just here in support of my friend. But by all means, go do whatever it is you think will further your career this time."

Cody frowned, rubbing his arm as he made his way to the stage with Damien to confront John and Miz. Kaitlyn smirked to herself as she listened to the confrontation and laughed, shaking her head as it changed into a match. She smiled to herself as she made her way back to film the New Year's Eve party segments until it was time for the Diva's title match. Eve had chosen to put the title up against Mae Young, who was obviously much too old and frail to compete, and this infuriated Kaitlyn. After Mae had "given birth" to the New Year's baby, who happened to be Hornswoggle, Eve went out to the ring, demanding that the match be called a forfeit in her favor. Before Eve could get a chance to celebrate, Kaitlyn stormed to the ring and attacked the current champion. After changing back into her street clothes, she watched from backstage as John went back and forth with Dolph and AJ, laughing the entire time.

After the show, Kaitlyn joined John, Sheamus, Randy Orton, Zack Ryder, and The Miz for a New Year's Eve Party. She had a lot of fun. Definitely more fun than what she had the two previous years while she was friends with AJ. At midnight, she kissed John. It was a chaste kiss, though. Just so that they had kissed someone at midnight, as per the lame tradition. Neither of them thought anything of it though, despite feeling a spark when their lips met. They both were admittedly drunk by that time, and didn't remember most of the night after leaving work.

The following week, which was the first RAW of 2013, John opened the show. After talking about what was going on in the show that night, and the fact that the Royal Rumble and WrestleMania were both around the corner, he was interrupted by Dolph, AJ, and Big E Langston. The trio got into the ring and John went back and forth with Dolph a bit before AJ grabbed her new boyfriend's microphone.

"Hey John, how about we make this a mixed tag match," AJ tilted her head with her infamous crazy look in her eyes. "That is, if there are any Divas back there who would be willing to team up with you."

"Funny you should mention that, AJ," John grinned as "Spin the Bottle" began to play and Kaitlyn made her entrance. He knew that she had another Divas title shot in the next match, but he also knew that Kaitlyn could handle back to back matches without any problems. John held the ropes open for Kaitlyn, she made her way in and kissed John's cheek before glaring at AJ.

"Are you serious?" AJ screamed as she shoved the microphone into Dolph's chest and threw a mini-tantrum in the ring.

John laughed as Kaitlyn shrugged. They watched on, amused, as Dolph calmed AJ down and asked her if she still wanted to go through with the match. Kaitlyn grinned as AJ took a deep breath and nodded. The girls started out the match with AJ running at Kaitlyn, screaming as the men left the ring and the bell was rung. Kaitlyn stepped aside just in time, motioning for John to do the same, sending AJ shoulder first into the ring post. Kaitlyn grabbed AJ by the back of her shorts and tossed the smaller Diva into the center of the ring. AJ looked up, pouting as she sat up. The fiery Latina got up and ran toward Kaitlyn once more, only to be met by a clothesline from the obviously more focused competitor. AJ got up, pouting again as she backed up. Kaitlyn shrugged, allowing AJ to tag Dolph in. She blew Dolph a kiss before going back to her corner and tagging John in.

John and Dolph went at it for a few minutes before Big E attempted to interfere, only to be ejected from ringside by the referee. Just as John went for his first attempt at an Attitude Adjustment, AJ ran in, attempting to distract John. Kaitlyn caught onto her former friend's intentions and ran at AJ, spearing her right out of the ring, leaving the tiny girl incapacitated for the rest of the match. Kaitlyn grinned as she made her way back to her corner, earning a grin from John. With a momentary distraction, Dolph attempted to go for a superkick, which is what won the ladder match between the two men at the TLC pay-per-view. Just before he was able to connect, Kaitlyn yelled out for John to duck, and he was able to do so just in time. With Dolph surprised that it didn't connect, John got him up for a successful AA and won the match. Kaitlyn got back into the ring, hugging John in celebration as Dolph rolled out to check on AJ. Being that she was in the next match, Kaitlyn requested a water and stayed in the ring, waiting for Eve.

John and Kaitlyn spent the rest of the night in his locker room, watching the rest of the show after they both showered. Kaitlyn was obviously upset, and rightfully so. John sat down next to her, bringing his arm around her shoulders. "You know that she's just afraid of losing the title because she knows that you're better than her, right?"

Kaitlyn sighed with a shrug. "It's getting beyond pathetic. First she gets herself disqualified, now she gets herself counted out? How much longer is she going to get away with this?"

John nodded, "I know that those stipulations are considered champion's advantage, but there is a limit to that. I would hope that someone steps in and takes those stipulations away from her the next time you get a shot. That was ridiculous tonight."

"It does help to know that you think so," Kaitlyn smiled, getting comfortable in John's embrace.

"He's not the only one, lass," Sheamus smiled as he walked into the room. "You did great out there tonight, Kaity. In both matches."

"That's right," John laughed. "You had back to back matches. You must be exhausted."

Kaitlyn started to laugh, letting out a snort. She looked down for a moment, blushing. "Both of those so called matches combined really can't be considered one full match. I barely broke a sweat."

"Good point. I know that you're capable of so much more," John nodded, earning a look from Sheamus. "We've worked out together. I think that she is one of the only Divas on the current roster who can bench press. Isn't strength a requirement for wrestling?"

Kaitlyn shrugged, "look at most of the Divas since you've been here, John. How many of them even looked to have an ounce of muscle on them?"

John thought for a moment, "good point. That's sad, really."

The trio shared a laugh as Sheamus sat down on the other side of Kaitlyn. They continued watching the rest of the show together until Sheamus had to go out for his match. As The Rock and CM Punk were finishing up their promo for their title match at Royal Rumble, they all left together looking to relax for the rest of the night.