Authors Note: IMPORTANT!
Hey everyone! I have decided to take the time to explain a few things to all my avid readers. I was going to explain this through Natalia's POV in the next chapter a little bit, but after reading reviews I just wanted to put some minds to ease that I am not in fact off my rocker for posting that last chapter (At least I think I'm not 0_0 ) So I hope it's ok to take a little time out of your day to help you understand why that last chapter seemed 'rushed'.
Ok so here's what was going on... no I am not bored with my story, and I didn't just rush through to get something out to you guys. I purposely wrote it to be super anti-climatic. In the past chapters I think they were decent (Idk it's hard to judge my own writing) but this one in particular I wanted it to be terrible. And I will explain why. I promise I have a good reason (Or at least I think it was good). Ok first off a lot happened that was hardly explained at all. Like how Natalia just gave in to Izaya and agreed to marry him without putting up much of a fight or seemingly even giving it too much thought. But remember Izaya has been trying to get her to marry him for years! And there were times when we didn't get that insight into what Natalia was thinking. So who's to say she hasn't thought about it a lot? So really it wasn't a sudden decision. She had been mulling this over for a long time, and Izaya had drilled it into her mind that she was going to be with him no matter what she did. It was inevitable. And since this event was inevitable, would her accepting her already predestined fate really be the climax of this story? Well I don't think it is, so I wrote that chapter to try to be as vague and boring as I thought I could. I wanted there to be the bare minimum of details, because honestly it really doesn't matter that they're married. It was going to happen eventually, it was predetermined by Izaya a looooooong time ago.
So something else to mull over. If it seemed a little chaotic and unreasonable, well i think those are things that Izaya brings to...everything really. Izaya's (And now Natalia's) life is hectic and not really normal in the slightest. I took that into consideration and made what would be in most normal romantic tales into something not that great...And in respect for Izaya I decided to mix it up a bit and through a curve ball.
Those two getting married is not the climax or highlight of this story, now I won't give away what is, but I downplayed (big time) that wedding and other things because everything Izaya does is unexpected and unusual so I made that part of the story anti-climatic and vague. (Because when does Izaya make anything easy?)
SO I hope I didn't scare anyone off with my strange attempt at creative writing approach but I did want to explain the reasoning behind my out of character chapter. And if you all really think it was a horrible idea I could probably rearrange my plans and try to work something out so if you want me too :) But don't worry I have something up my sleeve to make up for it ;) So please keep reading and thank you for the support and for putting up with my antics!
p.s.- the five things were (1) Natalia still hasn't done anything about Celty's head (2) Natalia agreed to marry Izaya...officially (3) They got married (4) Natalia hasn't told Shizuo anything (5) Natalia is now being targeted.
p.p.s- A couple of those may not seem as major as some other things buuuuut they are more important to the story so I want to make sure that yall keep note of it :)
p.p.p.s.- If anyone has anymore questions or needs anything else clarified please just ask yall can pm or whatever. I don't know when the next time I update will be but it will also clear more things up. So pleeeeeeeeease be patient with me!