A/N: Hello veiwers! Sorry I haven't been active on this story. I kinda have stories to get back to. Thank you guys for all the support.

Disclaimer: I do not own vampire Knight in any way, shape Nor form.

Chapter 2

"Akira, I'm home!" I close the main door and turn on the lights. "Ahhh!" I Screetch

"Where have you been young lady?" Oh geez. Welcome to my life.

Akira folded her arms, crossed her legs, gave me a look and sat on the couch. Knowing that she was expecting an answer, i gave her one. "I was...Out." I took off my hoodie and hanged it on the coat wrack.

"It takes that long to hunt down E's?" My beloved sister asks me. Note, the sarcasm.

"What are you, my wife?" I gave her an agrivated look.

"No. I've been waiting all around the clock for you to return home. I was getting worried. You knoww its only me and you left." She says with a knowing look. No wanting to get intact with that subject, "All around the clock?! Akira, It's eight o clock." I point to the digital clock on the wall.

"Go to your room." She says with narrowed eyes.


"So, jewel. Did you get the informtion on Kirei Kanate?" I look at the raven haired male sitting lazely on his couch with a book in his hands.

"Well um, duh. I never leave empty handed. You should know that. Anyway, she is a very skilled hunter sir, " i paused to grin. "But not better than me though. Oh and she is verry arrogant and cocky too."

Kaname looked at me with narrowed eyes. "I'll tell Headmaster. You head on to your duties." I nodded and left his office. I sniffed a familiar presence. "Oh ruka, dont look at me like that. Nothing happened. See ya Later." She huffed at me before stomping off somewhere.

I walked around the school campus doing my job of a prefect. I'll admit, the job is tiring, but i dont want to be in a dorm. Hmm. I wonder what it would be like if Kirei started attending this school. It will be so much fun. We could talk all day, pull pranks on the night class, cause havic, paint nail-no thats just ridiculous. Hmm. Maybe me yuki could, no she's too nice. And annoying sometimes.

"Wait up jewel!" I'd recognize that voice anywhere... "Jewel!"

Keep walking...

"Hey jewel...!"

A little bit further... ...

"Phew. I finally cought up with you. XpantX"

"Hey Yuki." I say defeatedly.

"Hello jewel. Whats wrong?" She asks me.

"Nothing." Geez i wish zero were here...

"Oh um ok. Have you seen Zero around?" Why does she want to know...?

"I havent seen him since Maths. He'll turn up soon" i look at the petite brunette.

"Its always like Zero. Always wandering away from duties." Yuki huffs.

Ok now im mad. Did she forget zero's needs and problems? "Yuki, zero has his own problms you know..."

Beginning to get closer to Yuki and Zero during my duty as a prefect, especially Zero, he told me about what happned to his family when he was younger and what he would soon turn into. I felt really sempathetic torwards him. No wonder he hates vampires with such a passion. More importantly, i feel his inner pain. I wish there was something that i could do.

~Its been a year since the run in between jewel and Kirei.

~Nobody special

"But i dont want to go!" A familiar brunette shreeks as she loks up to her ebony haired sister. "But, you will. YOUR GRADES ARE SLIPPING KIREI. YOU MAY NOT CARE, BUT I DO. Your behavior is also unappreciated." Akira packs up the last bit of necessities needed for the boarding school.

Then, a bit of memory flashed through Kirei's head.


"If im correct, they go to my school. Cross Academy Is the name." Really?

(End of flashback)

"Fine ok. I'll go." Kirei says.

Akira narrows her eyes at the little devil. Hmmm she thinks.

"But do I have to wear this?" She asks. Kirei looks down at her school uniform. It makes me look like a mary sue" Kirei says in a pout.

"Don't care." Akira says adjusting the red ribbon on kirei's chest. "Come on, I'll drop you off."

~half an hour later, Kirei POV

I look out the clear window in the moving vehicle. " Jumping elephants,Woah this place is huge!" I stare in aww at the greyish looking building. I felt the car holt.i snicker. Surely Akira misses me way too much to just leave me at this schoo-

" Be good!" I heard her say bedore throwing my suitcase out and driving away so fast there were tire markings and a screeching sound. Q-Q


I clutch my suitcase and stare at the massive School. A big school means alot of people, and alot of peopke means alot of people i wont like. GOD i hate people. Well this place doesnt look so festive. I look at the tumble weed being breezed away by the wind. SOOOOOO where do i go now?

I senced a presence. "Hi there! You must be the new student. I'm Yuki Cross and this is Zero. We're here to guide y you to Headma- i mean my Father's office." Cross as in Cross Academy? And gosh she shouldn't sneak up on people like that! The girl gives me a wide smile. Whats she so happy about? isn't it a monday? And gosh i hate preppy people.

As for her friend, Zero was a different chapter. He is kinda cute hehe. Anyway, on the way there to the Headmasters office, he was quiet and kept a scowel on his face.. i also noticed that the three of us had the same ourfit. Well, same colors actually, i wonder what kind of outfit the night class has .

The office doors open as we are greeted by a blonde straw haired man. He looked preppy too. Next to his desk, was a raven haired man with wine coloured eyes and he was very tall too. He had a white version of our uniform.

He looked quite familiar, ah yes. Kaname kuran. Last surviving of the Kuran's. I think i have seen him in one of the association meetings."Greetings Zero, Yuki, and ah you must be the new Day class student. Welcome Kirei kanate. Its really nice to meet you. I hope you like it here in cross Academy!" The straw haired man says. He said some other stuff too but i zoned out.

Kaname was looking at me with an all too knowing smile slapped on his face. I couldnt tell if he was faking it or meant it. He was looking at me like he new whats up. Hmm i better keep my gun close by me.

My left eye twitched. He's really annoying the hell out of me.

"Ah and yes. You are a vampire hunter are you not?" Headmaster says. "Uh yeah." I say still keeping my gaze on Kaname. "Excellent! How would you like to be a Prefect?"

"Headmas- i mean daddy, lets not get too hastey about this, isn't it a little too early to-" the petite girl says. Ugh shut up already . And why doesn't she want me to take the job? That just makes it even more intresting.

"I'd love too." I say to the headmaster. "Oh great! We could use more prefects. The day class girls can get pretyy hard to control sometimes." He says sighing. Hm. "Yeah we could use another one, she would probably make a better prefect than you Yuki." The silver haired boy says to now known as Yuki as he smirks.

"Then its settled. Headmaster, may we continue our conversation?" The raven boy says for the first time i dont like him. "Ah yes! Shoo now! Yuki, be a dear and lead Kirei to her dorm?"

A/N: and thats a wrap! Sorry i didnt make this chapter longer. I was planning to though .ust feeling lazy XD anyway,ya like?

Jewel: no. It was horrible. I barely had any screen time!

A/N: Eh dont worry about it. Next chapter is gonna be about you.

Jewel: omg really? Holy mashpotatoes and pickle juce! You are amazing!

Kirei: alright people, you know what you need to do for another chapter!