Alec's and Magnus's vacations had been going for a month now. They had already visited France and Spain and were now traveling around Italy. They had just moved from Toscana, where Magnus had insisted on tasting all the wines that were made there, and to Verona, where Magnus had begged Alec to visit Juliet's house, and were now in Venice.

Venice was not a place Magnus had planned to visit. It just wasn't somewhere he wanted to be. A city floating over water, with streets so narrow and confusing you would get lost just by walking down the corning. Not to mention the pigeons and the pocket-thieves. No, Venice was definitely a place Magnus wanted to visit. But apparently Alec had always dreamed of going there, so he had asked Magnus if they could go…and who was Magnus to tell him no?

So in Venice they were. They were currently on Piazza San Marcos, where Alec had insisted on feeding the pigeons, much to Magnus's annoyance.

"Tell me again why we're here?" Magnus whined "This pigeons will be the death of me! Why are there so many of them?"

"They're not so bad" Alec told him "they're rather friendly. Come and try to feed them!"

"No way" Magnus shook his head "This is a Marc Jacobs" he said pointing to his jacket "I'm not getting near them"

"Well, I am" Alec said rolling his eyes at his boyfriend.

Magnus sighed as he watched his boyfriend walk a few steps away from him and started feeding the pigeons with the seeds he had bought. Alec had given him his camera while he fed the pigeons. The photographer really didn't want anything to happen to his camera, and so he had trusted Magnus with it. Much to Magnus's delight, actually. He was able to take countless of photos of his boyfriend. Of course, Alec had complained, but didn't take the camera away from him.

Magnus smiled looking at his boyfriend. He looked to happy and relaxed. It seemed as if a big weight had been lifted from his shoulders. He seemed lighter, more content, and Magnus was glad for that. Certainly getting away from the stress of their daily lives had done wonders to Alec. He had let himself be. He dared to do stuff he would never dare do back home, like kissing Magnus in public, or going on shopping trips with him, or wearing skinny jeans, or wearing more colors than black and grey. It made Magnus happy to know that part of Alec's happiness was because of him.

At the beginning of their trip, Alec had been a wreck of nerves. He had never traveled that far away from home, and the idea of spending two whole months and two weeks alone with Magnus had made him nervous. Also the promise of taking their relationship a step further had taken Alec into a ride of nerves. Magnus had assured him he didn't expect them to do anything. These vacations were for them to enjoy and just be together and away from all the stress. If anything were to happen, it was because they were both ready and had agreed for this.

So for the first weeks nothing happened. They enjoyed their trip through Spain, visiting famous cities like Madrid and Barcelona. It turned out Alec is a huge soccer fan, and so they had visited the stadiums – which names Magnus had already forgotten – and even seen a game in Madrid. But then they moved to France, and things had turned a little more…serious? The whole country was a huge romantic set up. Magnus loved every bit of it, and Alec had to admit he enjoyed the whole trip through France…but it wasn't until they reached Verona, Italy, that things happened.

They had just gotten back from their trip to Juliet's house. Magnus had always wanted to go there, but his dream was to go with someone worth going with…so he took Alec, because who else would be more worth it than the man he loved? Alec hadn't been too thrilled of the idea of going, but he had agreed nonetheless because of Magnus. The night before going, Magnus had convinced Alec into watching the movie 'Letters to Juliet' and so when they reached Juliet's house, Magnus wrote a letter to Juliet. Alec refused to write anything, but he still sat next to Magnus as he wrote and read the letter. Magnus talked to Juliet as if they were the best of friends, which amused Alec to no end. In his letter, Magnus talked about Alec. He wrote how they had met, and how their relationship had grown from that day. He wrote what he had thought of Alec when he first saw him in the coffee shop taking some photos of the books.

"I was looking for a photographer at that time" Magnus wrote "So when I saw him with a camera I thought about asking him, but dismissed the idea because it would be too weird…and of course, I noticed how hot he looked"

That comment had made Alec blush scarlet red. Magnus had just chuckled, pecked his cheek, and continued writing. He wrote about the photo-shoot Alec had been asked to go to see if he would accept the job at the magazine or not. How Alec had disliked the work of the other photographer and insisted on doing it himself…

"That's not true!" Alec exclaimed when he read that "You forced me to take the pictures!"

…and how his photos had been much better than the other photographer's. He also wrote about the time they had been drinking coffee together when the emergency photo-shoot had arisen. How Alec had managed to calm Magnus from his freak out and taken the whole situation into his hands. How perfect the photo-shoot had been and how hot Alec had looked being all professional while working with the models.

Magnus also wrote about how after the emergency photo-shoot, Alec had taken Magnus up to Max's room and told him about how he had been kicked out of his house. And how Magnus had told him about his own past and how his mother had died and his step-father had tried to kill him. He also mentioned how they had almost kissed that day, but were interrupted by Alec's parents coming into the house.

Magnus wrote how that same day, after working on all the photos at the coffee shop Alec had invited Magnus into his flat. How happy Magnus had been to be invited and how immediately he had accepted. He mentioned how impressed he had been with Alec's studio and how he had loved seeing all the photos Alec had taken and put on the wall. He also mentioned the cute photos they had taken together.

"I still have them somewhere back home" Alec had mentioned

"Really?!" Magnus had exclaimed "You have to give me a copy!"

He also mentioned about the movie night they had that same day, and how awkward it had been at first until they started getting closer and closer on the sofa until they were leaning against each other. He wrote how nervous he had been through the whole movie and how he hadn't paid attention to it. He explained how he had looked into Alec's eyes and got lost into the depths of blue he loved so much. How Alec had blushed a deep shade of red, and how much Magnus had wanted to kiss him at that moment…and he did. He wrote how special their first kiss had been. How sparks had flew and how fireworks had exploded in his head. He wrote how after spending the whole night together, they had fallen asleep on the sofa in Alec's flat.

(Alec had blushed furiously after he read that, remembering the night perfectly.)

Magnus also wrote how their relationship had gone from then. How Alec's father had found out about them and how he had tried to break them up just to hurt his children. He mentioned how Alec had freaked out about the whole deal of everyone knowing he was dating Magnus, and about the huge fight they had about it. He wrote about how Alec had told the whole world he loved Magnus by posting a photo of him on his blog under the title of 'Love At first Sight'. He also mentioned how Alec had made the most romantic gesture ever by coming into the magazine's building, sent him a bouquet of flowers: White tulips, purple hyacinth, and daffodils.

"Those are my favorite flowers" Magnus said when Alec read over his words.

"You're such a liar" Alec shook his head

"It's the truth!" Magnus exclaimed "They've been my favorite since that day"

Alec had blushed at that comment and Magnus had kissed his cheek fondly.

Magnus wrote about the beautiful speech he had given him and how he had gained his forgiveness.

Magnus had then skipped to their triple date at the amusement park. He wrote about how it had been a plan to get people to believe they were together, but how much he had enjoyed it. He wrote how he and Alec had walked around holding hands, and kissing every once in a while. He also wrote about the ride on the Ferris wheel and how they had said 'I love you' for the first time.

"I took a photo of you in there!"Alec said "You were looking out and into the city light's"

"One of the many photos you take without telling me" Magnus had complained

"I like it" Alec murmured "I actually printed that one"

Magnus wrote about the huge fight with Robert Lightwood that had ended with Alec on the hospital. He wrote how he never wanted to see Alec fall the way he had fallen and knocked his head. He wrote how the days at the hospital had been the worst days of his life and how he had been a wreck when Alec woke up and joked about not remembering Magnus.

"I still feel guilty about that" Alec had confessed "I'm so sorry for putting you through that"

"It's alright darling" Magnus kissed his cheek "Just don't do it again"

The designer then skipped through their trip to Los Angeles for Jace's movie premier, and he wrote real fast about the fashion show he had where he showed the clothing line that had been inspired in Alec. Magnus wrote about how Alec had started to distance himself since that day, and how on the anniversary of Max's death Alec had reached his breaking point.

(A few tears escaped Magnus as he wrote what came next on their story.)

Magnus wrote about how worried he had been when Alec disappeared for the whole day. He explained how he had a sick feeling at the bottom of his stomach, and how he knew there was something wrong with Alec. He explained how he had rushed to Alec's apartment only to find him lying on the floor looking as good as dead. He wrote how he had never been more afraid in his life than seeing Alec lying on a pool of his own blood.

"I'm sorry for that too" Alec murmured "You shouldn't have found me like that"

"I'm glad I found you" Magnus snapped "I don't want to think what would have happened if I hadn't found you"

He then quickly explained how on Christmas Alec had given him a promise ring and how it had been the most romantic thing ever.

Unfortunately, he ran out of paper then, and he closed the letter with a quick explanation that they were still together and going strong.

After reading the letter, Alec had tears in his eyes, even though he refused to let them fall. Magnus smiled at him, taking his hand and walking towards the wall. He hid the letter between two rocks. If anyone were to find the letter, so be it…they would come across the most perfect love story.

"Would you like to go to dinner?" Magnus asked after stepping away from the wall "I saw a little restaurant down the street…"

"No" Alec shook his head

"Alright….what do you wanna do?" Magnus asked confused

"I wanna go back to the hotel" Alec said softly taking a step closer to Magnus "Just you and I"

And Magnus realized what Alec was saying. That was the moment. It was their night. Alec was ready, and so was he. They rushed towards the hotel where they were staying, and together they spent the most perfect night, filled with loads of love and promises of a future together.

And days later, while Magnus watched Alec feed the pigeons in Venice, he realized he would not change a thing about their story. Yeah, it had its bumps. It went from good to bad to worse and then back to good…some people would wish they could go back and take out all of the bad parts…but not Magnus. He loved and treasured every single moment, because without them they wouldn't be there. Their past is what made them what they were now. Their scars were nothing but memories of a war, and promises of a brighter future. And he couldn't be happier, knowing his future included Alec in it.

And it has arrived...the end D:

I want to thank every single one of you guys who stayed with me from the begining, and everyone who started reading while I was in the middle of it, and all those who just started reading it. You guys kept me going with your amazing reviews and I could never be more grateful. I could not ask for better readers. This is my very first Malec fanfiction, the longest fanfiction I've ever made, and the first one I complete...I never imagined it could reach the place it is now. Having so many reviews and so many follows and favorites, you guys make me know that my dream of becoming a writer won't go to waste! I'm so lucky to have you all as readers, and I love you all so much!

So thank you! :D You guys rock!
